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5713130 No.5713130 [Reply] [Original]

>The Bilderberg Group funded Blockstream. On February 3rd, 2016, AXA invested $55 million in Blockstream. At the time of that investment, Henri de Castries was the head of both AXA and Bilderberg Group.

>MasterCard funded Digital Currency Group, which funded Blockstream. Note: Glenn Hutchins serves as a board director for both the Digital Currency Group and the Federal Reserve Bank.
http://dcg.co/who-we-are/ (Archive: http://archive.is/6BLgo )
http://dcg.co/portfolio/#b (Archive: http://archive.is/u9e3n )
>Blockstream crippled Bitcoin BTC, to push people towards the Lightning Network:
>The Truth About Lightning Network:
>Larry Summers, the man who started the "war on cash" also serves as "special adviser" to the DCG board.

Blockstream crippled Bitcoin BTC with high fees, so that people will have to use the Lightning Network (a Blockstream project) for everyday transactions.
Result: The Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve central bank, MasterCard, and traditional banking sector have taken over Bitcoin BTC, crippled it, to turn it into a currency system that they control & profit from.
Analysis: Bitcoin BTC has been compromised. Time to switch to another cryptocurrency.

>> No.5713274
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Delete this

>> No.5713299

Woah. Have a bump op

>> No.5713376

Bump how is the lightning netwoork connected to the bilderburg group?

>> No.5713394

A comment from the YouTube video:
"I agree with the facts of your video in that LN is going to be for the banks and a disaster for BTC. However it is not all just the block size that is what really happened even though it is what everyone has been in an uproar about but was merely the icing on the cake. The real subversion happened in March of 2015 wherein they added RBF or replace by fee which broke zero-conf and first seen. https://theflippening.github.io/open-letter-to-bitcoin-miners-from-another-miner/ "Due to the constant high fees and network congestion, they introduced an anti-feature called Replace By Fee (RBF) https://medium.com/@octskyward/replace-by-fee-43edd9a1dd6d (Mar 28, 2015). The aim of this was to allow users to pay a higher fee for transactions that were stuck and unconfirmed. This broke a critical feature called Zero-Conf which meant merchants could reliably accept a low value transaction with no confirmations as long as it was the first transaction seen on the network. Merchants could monitor key nodes around the network and reliably detect double spends with very good accuracy which allowed them to accept transactions with high confidence within 10 seconds and not have to wait minutes or hours for confirmations. Zero-Conf worked great for Brick and Mortar stores like buying your morning coffee. With the RBF feature, now users could pay for their goods, leave the store, then send the same transaction again but this time with a higher fee and send the amount back to their own wallet and rob the merchant in broad daylight.


>> No.5713417

This feature robs Bitcoin of being a useful Point of Sale transaction mechanism." So, to counter the double spend problem, which they created with their greed and desire for higher fees and corporate centralization, they added segwit which would later lead the way and allow the Lightning Network. This entire uproar and fiasco with segwit vs segwit 2x forks etc was supposedly because of a slowing BTC and increasingly high fees and it was, however they created the problem to begin with in order to bring in their solution. This is critically called the Hegelian Dialectic or Problem, Reaction, Solution. Create the problem (slow and high fees), get a reaction (please help us btc users) then offer up the solution, that being the one that they desired in the first place. Segwit vs 2x was merely a circus show to distract from what was being created in the first place. Blockstream and the other corp types like Mastercard and related Bilderburg connections are behind all of this since 2015 and were behind both Segwit and 2x. They offered up both solutions to their problem and then let the people choose which cup of poison they wanted. It has all been a masterful deception wherein they will be the ultimate winners unless we the people see through this deception and choose wisely."

>> No.5713450

Bilderburg group funded Blockstream, the foundation/company that finances the developers of Bitcoin. The developers have put forth the lightning network as their "solution" to all the bullshit they put out in the first place.

>> No.5713553

I could post about it for hours, but to sum it up, the LN requires asolution to one of the hardest problems in computer science - the shortest path in a graph. And there are dozens of more unsolvable problems for now. The LN in itself IS NOT EVIL, but it's used as an EXCUSE TO TAKE OVER BTC. They intentionally chose a scaling path knowing will end in a big failure first. The LN examples you see posted aren't fake, they are channels between two peers but they don't solve much in the real world (paying to someone you didn't know ahead you'll want to pay, and getting a high success rate without locking a substantial amount of BTC to fund many nodes). What people think will be a peer to peer mesh network, is currently IMPOSSIBLE, what they really want to end up with is a 3rd party SERVICE which will do the transactions for them efficiently but in a CENTRALIZED essentially back to the old banking system. That is one of the cleverest tricks bankers pulled in history - cost and efficiency pressures will drive users out of holding their own coins.

>> No.5713671

How close is this to the post about banks using ripple to exchange for btc. then when they hold most of the btc, they can control any other crypto?

>> No.5713679

>one of the hardest problems in computer science - the shortest path in a graph

The shortest path in a network was solved in like the 80's. How do you think the internet functions?

>> No.5713693

and drive up the price obviously, since finite bitcoin

>> No.5713769


>> No.5713842

Bilderberg is not even Jewish. It was founded by protestant central European kings and therefore it is made by goyim. They only ally with the jews when it is in their interest and if they want to crush Catholic countries. The only non-chinese mining operation by Jihan Wu is literally in Tel Aviv, and that is where most of the ((unidentified)) mining power for bitcoin cash comes from.
One single guy from Bilderboge is only one of the many people financing Blockstream. The people who founded Blockstream have been Cypherpunks for decades and were btc contributors before creating Blockstream and not after. The Blockstream commits to the Bitcoin Core are like 10% of the total. For comparison the 34% of commits come from independent 600 individuals. To claim that Blockstream controls Core is therefore retarded.
This Jewish false-flagging and astroturfing using pajeets as slave labour is fucking disgusting and you should kill yourself

>> No.5713846
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That's a gem, never saw it explained like that before. Have boobies.

>> No.5713847

Damn dude

>> No.5713864

Nice, bought BTC for 100k

>> No.5713877

*central European royalty

>> No.5713897

There are many approximations to it, but the problem is so severe in a LN because it costs a lot more to open and close channels, so unless you only have to do it once in a long time you end up worse.

>> No.5714112


>> No.5714143


>> No.5714298

Do you have a copypasta?

>> No.5714370
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>> No.5714431

Yeah that's what I'm referencing.
Is this the same scheme or competing scheme?

>> No.5714438


>> No.5714573

And if you/we know this is happening, what would you suggest we do about it other than 'my gainz'

>> No.5714603

How is it competing? XRP isn't a cryptocurrency. The schemes could be connected, unrelated, perpetrated by the same agents, unplanned , coincidences, so many options, but what's 100% certain is BANKERS WON'T LET SOMETHING ELSE REPLACE THEM and will do anything in their power to stop them.

>> No.5714643

There's nothing that can be done since everything is so extremely heavily manipulated by now, just play it safe and take gains while you still can.

>> No.5714704

It's all a huge fucking game. It sucks when you realize you just gotta get your piece of pie and get the fuck out. Oh well. Thanks for the work and reserach, saved the pasta this time, and your OP

>> No.5714739

bamp 5 justis

>> No.5714803

>We Wuz Cypherpunks

Cool, so why not just increase block size and whats up with the Jewish RBF?

>> No.5715236

'hard' as in the graph shortest path problem is NP-hard; meaning the algorithm takes exponential time in graphs which are somewhat regular and dense. not that the problem hasn't been solved; it was in the 50s

the reason it's not a problem for the Internet is because it's a highly clustered scale-free network, so near-optimal paths can be easily determined.

>> No.5715345
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Get Satoshi on the phone now. We got a problem.

>> No.5715489

Because you are too much of a brainlet to understand the difference between linear and exponential increases and you ignore the fact that 0 fees are not the way it is supposed to work by design since the beginning and that measure only helps stability against attacks on the network which Ver and his friends have been carrying out for many years ever since they realized they could not become the government of bitcoin just because they have lots of it and control it

>> No.5715505

*exponential expansion

>> No.5715745

BTC is hijacked. Sell into BCH if you want to own real Bitcoin. LN is going to be such a scam it's hilarious. Most that are developing got super rich and now only incentive is more power.

Honestly probably Dogecoin is our only saviour.

>> No.5716602

What do i buy? I read this but wtf do i buy??

>> No.5716887
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So what's the solution to save bitcoin and stop the cups of poison? Is it link?

>> No.5716983

Ok so everyone wants to control bitcoin but can't and as a result it will likely die.

>> No.5717032

But bch is owned by the Chinese and Jack ma. They manipulate it.

>> No.5717077
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>> No.5717286

I agree with everything you've highlighted. The only thing is how do we profit from this knowledge?

>> No.5717808
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There is just one problem with this, chainlink will be bigger than etherium.

>> No.5717933

Bitcoin would die if someone controlled it, you have it the other way around

>> No.5718770

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.5718814

>bitcoin is so shit you need to go "off chain", aka subvert it almost completely, to make it usable

What's the point in going off chain, why can't the off chain bit just be the main bit and skip the bullshit?

>> No.5718936

You cannot possibly be this dense. Are you going to ask why it needs to be decentralized next?

>> No.5718961

buy Bitcoin Cash

>> No.5719006

fuck off kike

>> No.5719240

Great compilation anon, stealing this one for future ref

>> No.5719337


>> No.5719540

Honestly if these cats are literally in the btc wallet business since the whole thing started, 55mn divided between 10 people may actually look like peanuts to them.

This is more like some rich cunt tried to buy his way into telling blockstream what they should do with bitcoin, he got told to fuck off and then he went and got Ver's number from the CIA and created bcash because they realized even if they controlled BS, they couldn't control signaling nodes.

>> No.5719620
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>> No.5719895

>battle of Waterloo

You can go back even further if you want.
See: the silver shekel

>> No.5720107
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>> No.5720784
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the goym knows

shut it down

>> No.5720997

True. People here are disgustingly stupid man.

>> No.5721228

bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin

>> No.5721361

No way that ass and those tits are real


>> No.5722270

so my bitcoin will hit 1 million is what you saying?

>> No.5723098

>the goyim know! Shut it down!

We all knew it was a matter of time before (((they))) got involved