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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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571287 No.571287 [Reply] [Original]

18 year old with no job and no money. Dad is willing to lend $5000 to invest. Wat do

>> No.571290

Buy a suit and get a job.

>> No.571292

suk dik

>> No.571304

Vicks vaporrub

>> No.571305

get a job faggot and work

be thankful you're only 18 and not 24 or something with no money and no experience

>> No.571307

Buy 400 Lending Club stocks on their IPO (10th Dec) on cash account (no risk). Sell on spike. PROFIT

>> No.571309


Get a local cashiering job part time to pay for part of college expenses. Ask your dad to cosign on loans.


>> No.571314

Vicks vaporub dude.

>> No.571499

I'm doing this but I'm gonna hold it

>> No.571541


Buy a suit, shoes and some good shirts for $1500. Go and find the job. Leave the rest in savings. Eventually you will invest in index fund once your savings grow. That's about it.

>> No.571579


>open sweet shop in china
>have them mass produce feminist t-shirts for peanuts
>sell feminist t-shirts to dumb, vapid cunts

>> No.571587

Buy 10 cats/rats/dogs/... feed them, breed them, sell them for profit (or eat them).

>> No.571604

smartest advice I have read on /biz/
>Index tracker with low fees, understand compound interest.
>Get a haircut, wear smart clothes to interviews and be prepared to work very hard
>retire comfortably and enjoy life

>> No.571609

>cash account (no risk)
dude, really ?

>> No.571627

No risk! Because you do not invest on margin, you are in 100% of your cash invested, if the stock goes down, you can only end up on 0, you can't get into debt. That is why it is without risk compared to margin account.

>> No.571632

Where would I apply that would require me to wear a suit? All of my friends are working in shit tier retail or mc dicks

>> No.571792

Go to college

>> No.571793


Kneepads, lipstick, and mouthwash.

You know why.

>> No.571860
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Dont get a job.

First, focus on your dreams and come up with a plan to pursue them.

Then get a job because you aren't getting anywhere without money.

>> No.571919

I went to college. My yearly salary is 56k and my total student loan debt is 56k. I'm not sure it was worth the time.

>> No.571939

thats not bad at all starting, it should only go up in theory and it most likely will. Undegrad opens up the path for a masters which can be where the big money is.

Yea getting 70k starting out as NYS trooper with no debt is damn nice, but do you want to not have much room to move up? Same goes for any trade