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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57128243 No.57128243 [Reply] [Original]


You all deserve to be poor honest to God. Learn to read etherscan or stay in the fucking wagie cage.

>> No.57128293

Bump for exposure

as it shows when he started to selling the bottoms without it making any sense
but to leaving the sinking ship

>> No.57128313

Time to shill the only shib related project that isn't associated with that kike. Based defense team STILL FUCKING GIVING THAT BRILLOWPAD HEAD FUCK THE SHAFT.

>> No.57128320

People never learn. They love to fucked by shy and they keep going back begging for more.

Old SHIB team warned y’all of this.

>> No.57128350

Been waiting for Trophias to tell me what he's working on now.

>> No.57128391

I’ll buy whatever he’s working with now

>> No.57128413

>Old SHIB team warned y’all of this.
I'm never buying any Shib related project after what he did to my fellow /biz/raelis
with Turd
jeets wanted a war with a community of incels, autists and schizos and don't know what they got into

>> No.57128429

someone dox that jew fuck scamtoshi already. september too for being such a faggot.

>> No.57128434

Sami Hawala Ribas

>> No.57128461

>Sami Hawala Ribas
Hello ser and dear Turd community
Due to doxxing and our wallets exposure we feel no longer safe thus we're rugging the project and it's all to blame on you
thank you
we wanted you, the community to buy the deepest and don't drop your tokens and to build =working for your bags and figuring out things for yourselves but you failed

Thanks for the 210 efferiums sers
Village redeemed

>> No.57128485

Toad is dogpad 2.0 frfr

>> No.57128497

The response to this is interesting to me. The guy that did the post said himself he is bullish. We have been hearing for sometime that this was designed as a stealth launch, he obviously hasn't completed killed the coin. I don't think this story is finished yet. In fact, I think we are just getting started!

>> No.57128506

Trophias is a shithead

>> No.57128508

Yes sirs, all will be revealed on January 6th in the real spaces hosted by Hikigaerukira, instead of the jew fed September who was only told about the launch so he could dump but nothing about the actual project itself. Trust. The. Plan.
Buy. The. Dip.
The entire village will make it.

>> No.57128523

No one cares how you buy your nigger tokens. Some of us make millions investing in real projects not nigger scams.

>> No.57128533

I used the btc faucet retard. I'm only on this board to watch the altcoins carnage

>> No.57128559

what's sad is all you did is work out possibly Shytoshi is the one farming you and you see that as bullish. How fucking cucked are SHIBfags these days?

>> No.57128575

Lmao dude dumped on Toad and BadAI and you still want to suck his dick.


>> No.57128637
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Kys faggot shill

>> No.57128656
File: 175 KB, 1524x806, Ascar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Ascar's scam token. Not SHIB. They just bought in. It is not SHIB. It is a scam. That is correct. Which is why SHIB distanced themselves from it.

>> No.57128675

good try retard, ascar has been in prison since July of 2022. ama

>> No.57128679
File: 9 KB, 220x183, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek nobody got farmed by this except losers who bought the top in august and schizo baggies who kept buying while it tanked

If anything the autistic schizo jeet baggies spamming /biz/ with this every day have made everybody aware everything shiba inu is a full on dev farming scam

>MFW a few schizo autist /biz/ zoomers who can't let go bring down shytoshi's entire farming operation

>> No.57128686

Shytoshi is a scammer you dumb twat
Y’all love to lose money if you believe Shitoshi is a good person

>> No.57128706
File: 205 KB, 813x1374, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ascar has been in prison since July of 2022
He was in toad tg all summer and he's in toad tg right now liar, his buddy september always lets him back in, kek these jeets or should I say you, hi ascar

>> No.57128711

Spill the beans anon..
ASScar might be what is needed to pump this shitcoin. he's a scammer but knows how to pump shit and seems like everybody wants an exit pump at this point

is he also an Indian btw?

>> No.57128715

>A token based on killing frogs is cursed on mongolian frog appreciation board
Imagine that

>> No.57128729

ASS CAR can't pump shit he always rugs like this...Shib can't pump shit for that matter either, look at Ralph their last pump and dump..

>> No.57128736
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It's sharting

Told you to buy AVI

>> No.57128763

So far been the best investment I made in 2023

>> No.57128773

he was french

>> No.57128776

^^ AVI is what I was mentioning

>> No.57128782

lmao, there is a ryoshi larper on tg right now and you're going to tell me who ascar is? fuck off poorfag, the ogs are talking.

>> No.57128829
File: 91 KB, 640x600, 2023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek look at this faggot talking out his ass, then ascar sure launched a lot of rugs from prison may-july 2023, remember that rug bratkidz? which was shilled extensively to toadies


go ahead shit skin nigger make me pull up more of your rugs

>> No.57128860

and all of you think shytoshi is one person. just like all of you think ascar is one person.

you don't have to tell me you went through the american public school system some more you dumb cunt.

jfc you're proving my point. all of you sheep for the fucking farming.

>> No.57128883
File: 1.59 MB, 4080x3072, 2023-12-30 002850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57128963

I don't listen to retards that groom children on twitter

>> No.57129344

>Posts dirty fat as fuck hand flexing till its red as fuck to try and make it look white
>Just looks red and brown
Wash your hands dirty street shitter, also lose some weight fatty
Is Ascar one person in prison or is he multiple people? You brainlet street shitter scammers can't even keep your story straight for

>> No.57129399

We tried to tell Toadniggers Toad was a scam, smug Toadniggers missed the bottom of Avi (twice) and would not stop fudding us, ngmi Toadnigger bag holders

>> No.57130217

I'm a TOAD and AVI ass nigga simple as nobody's gonna FUD me out of my bags a real nigga stand by his choices

>> No.57130874

Your finger is crooked. You should get that looked at. You’re obviously somewhat obese too. Try ozempic maybe

>> No.57131166

So kusama was selling toad himself instead of doing a presale? Pretty smart move if he does right by the community. Did he burn his supply or do any buybacks yet?

>> No.57131229

I lost 3k on this scam. Scamtoshi needs to be exposed already

>> No.57131339
File: 140 KB, 765x1280, photo_2023-10-12 19.51.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin has been FUDded for 6 months without anyone telling me that Shytoshi is a jew.
You stupid ass faggots could have been successful in your FUD if you had mentioned it.

Totally my fault for not doing proper jew diligence, but imagine spending 6 months fudding and never mentioning the most important argument.

>> No.57131517

This has nothing to do with TOAD you fucking moron.

>> No.57131556

Did you even read the article you fucktard? It’s all about Shytoshi selling on the community and to pump his bags
Stay poor cunt

>> No.57131622

There diabetes right there look how poor the circulation is Jesus fuck.

>> No.57131992
File: 796 KB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mr crabs?

>> No.57132040

J6 is the new meme date. THE STORM IS COMING

>> No.57132056

Its beyond cringe that you guys have a whole shitcoin meme community while the rest of us are investing in the next ethereum level projects. Stop buying scam bullshit.

>> No.57132313
File: 21 KB, 400x400, IMG_5744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rest of us are investing in the next ethereum level projects

>> No.57132616

who gave that date?

>> No.57132647

Why are you saying that Scamyoshy is a jew?
Did anyone doxx him?
If not... somebody should

somebody gives us a name and spill the beans

>> No.57132709

>somebody gives us a name and spill the beans

>> No.57132846

Dbi currently has a higher mc than toad, /biz/ was wrong... again lol

>> No.57132909

fuck Ragnar, fuck JM, fuck jewtoshi, fuck September, can't ban me here fucking retarded scammers.

>> No.57133125

>can't ban me here fucking retarded scammers.

>> No.57133173



>> No.57133556

what are they saying in the spaces

>> No.57133619

If you bought a memecoin called "toad" then you're a stupid degen faggot who's addicted to gambing, and yes, you deserve to lose your money for it
>inb4 "b-b-b-but all crypto is like that"
Nope, my coins actually recover and hit new ATHs in bull runs while your shitcoin fizzles out and goes to zero forever
you look at least 100 pounds overweight lmao holy shit