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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57128177 No.57128177 [Reply] [Original]

Are Redditors more affluent in finance than /biz/?

>> No.57128255

reddit should have the /b/ disclaimer, you are a fool.

>> No.57128257

LMAO, what a fucking retard

>> No.57128260

Stories like these are fake and gay written by soïs looking for upvotes.
Personally I've been shoplifting since March this year, everything from candybars to dishwashing detergent.
I don't feel even remotely guilty, fuck capitalism and fuck corpos for making it impossible to make a decent, honest living anymore.

>> No.57128281

what an absolute fucking idiot

>> No.57128287

that's fake

>> No.57128333

How is that considered a fuck up? He admitted he shoplifted and he got in trouble for it, which is exactly what he wanted?

>> No.57128355

It may be fake but I wouldn’t doubt some Redditor would go back (lol) and confess to his petty crimes just so he get irl updoots.

>> No.57128383
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Please don't post Reddit or X shit on here unless it's extremely important (never). Thank you.

>> No.57128400 [DELETED] 

t dot me/xmr_machine_bot

>> No.57128417

Seeing that biz is full of jeets and bots, yes, Einstein. You have your answer.

>> No.57128426


>> No.57128457

I was in the produce section today and some woman put what I can only imagine is something from the pharmacy area up her hoodie. I just kind of watched her do it... Awkward! Weird knowing I'm shopping next to such broke ass people in my relatively wealthy zip code.

>> No.57128487

What is her ethnicity?

>> No.57128518



>> No.57128548

nah yuroshits are this stupid

>> No.57128558

I'll admit I was hesitant at first precisely because I thought shoplifting was merely for the unwashed masses.
I started shoplifting after finding out people from all socioeconomic strata do it. In fact, rich people do it all the time.

>> No.57128569

No matter how you want to spin it, at the end of the day OP was considerate, honest, and tried to make things right. In return, he got punished for it. His life will change dramatically for the worse over something that nobody knew was occurring until he offered to repay them — asking for nothing in return except forgiveness.

The manager’s decision to behave like some robot following procedure to charge OP, thereby ignoring his humanity and not having empathy, is what’s wrong with the world today. For all we know, OP may have kids at home, a family he’s taking care of, or elders that are dependent on him. I hate that OP is considered naive for doing this, but the world is sadly growing more corporate, robotic, and cold. Ironically, this energy also makes the entire system far less productive and creates much unnecessary misery for everyone. It’s also becoming universal in every industry and walk of life. Treating people like a number, rather than the unique individuals they are, seems like the default response now.

But… It’s the path we’ve chosen: most would rather blindly follow a rulebook someone else wrote instead of judging each situation on a case-by-case basis with empathy and careful consideration to ensure the best resolution is achieved for every party involved

>> No.57128583

The thing is Germans are autistic enough that I can almost believe this. A German redditor is a creature that has zero critical thinking skills.

>> No.57128588

wtf is this bot post. LMAO
biz is dead.

>> No.57128612

White. The black people here are mostly elderly and docile, the area next to me is kind of just where black grandmas live when they leave the the shitty city

>> No.57128639

Autistic enough? They're one of the most autistic people in the world, and this is coming from an almost equally autistic breed. So yes, the story is believable.

>> No.57128640

Worse, an actual redditor wrote that

>> No.57128660

The layers of autism from the OP and manager are the real treat. They're fascinating creatures.

>> No.57128680

He could have just bought shares of the company

>> No.57128754

german autism at its finest
it's probably true

>> No.57128878


>> No.57128903

>everything from candybars to dishwashing detergent
Nah man, you gotta minmax for size, price, & detectability. Things like batteries, high quality tinned sardines, Pokemon card booster packs, whatever brings in the best ROI per trip.

>> No.57128937

Now, put yourself in the managers shoes. Would you risk your job for not following procedure? You're going to have to explain it to someone since now you have $950 to put back in the coffers. These aren't small businesses that can just pocket it and shrug.

>> No.57128951
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if this is true, i would unironically become the joker after this if i was him

>> No.57128977

That's why it would be a foolish thing to do. Just donate the money to charity or them in some way. It's not like they could just retroactively sell you the stuff you sold, so the manager is going to have to explain the situation to corporate who will just follow the rulebook for dealing with shoplifters.

>> No.57130002

Yeah fuck corpos, shut them all down. I will not stop until we are all hunter gatherers again because literally everything else is capitalism.

>> No.57130076

I know y'all don't want to hear it but yes, I have gotten a couple decent tidbits from r*ddit

>> No.57130220

The world would be a better place if you were physically removed from it.

>> No.57130286
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Its not capitalisms fault, its the jews.
Capitalism runs on supply and demand
But if...
>property managers hoard property to keep demand high
>automive manufacturers crush excess cars to keep demand artificially high
Theres other examples I dont feel like listing right now.. But if the supply or demand is being artificially altered, theyre stealing from you and blaming it on capitalism.
>theyre stealing from you and blaming it on capitalism
>theyre stealing from you and blaming it on capitalism
>theyre stealing from you and blaming it on capitalism
If jeff bezos isnt paying his workers enough, they should be able to walk into his office with torches and pitchforks.
If the cops protect thieves, then the cops gotta go. Real peace comes from god, and treating others the way you want to be treated. Not from threatening someone to do what you want them to do. Thats artificial peace and it never works forever.

>> No.57130290

can only be fake right, its not even possible to do this in germany when every item is IDed, and you walking out without being scanned would result in gettinged ringed on and security called

>> No.57130495


>> No.57130529

nice so you guys are all basically the san francisco shoplifting niggers from all the clips, might as well move there and be with your people

>> No.57130572

The story is fake but in the 1% chance it's not, what you describe is the kind of thing that would be a charming fairytale about the thief who made amends or some shit if we lived in the 19th century. Weird how a time when you could be executed for being too much of a skank or an asshole was also more forgiving of people who tried to make amends for their crimes.

>> No.57130586

im pretty sure >>57130002 was using reductio ad absurdum to clown on all the subhuman starbucks commies in here trying to morally justify their animalistic behavior. the rest are niggers though

>> No.57130822

He was hoping they'd overlook his transgression and treat it like he was on a buy now pay later program.

>> No.57130843

As a german i can tell you this story is probably not a larp, yes some people are this gullible and stupid here

>> No.57131022

definitely. but this was also written by a woman. so it's even more believable.

>> No.57131033

i believe it, this story is peak german
>autistic thief reports his thievery
>autistic manager calls the cops on him

>> No.57131044
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>gets caught shoplifting
"Yep, yep, alright. You got me, guys. No need to call the police, this was all a test and you all did fantastically. I'll inform corporate once I'm back up north and get all of you guys firm raises. Good initiative, team."

>> No.57132106

>inb4 proof

>> No.57132202



Those same people, that manager and that person stocking shelves will at the same time say they feel sorry for poors and homeless. In all honesty, they don't give a fuck.

I personally would've taken the money from him and pocketed it and told him he's forgiven.

>> No.57132361

Agree 100% with the sentiment.

Though, a note:
>His life will change dramatically for the worse
Not really. Germany isn't the US, getting caught for petty theft once isn't going to change anything. He's not going to be sent to jail for less than $1000 worth of goods, and your criminal record isn't public, and most people never get in a situation where it will be checked by anyone. All that will happen is that he'll get a fine. So OP was exaggerating (assuming it's even a real story).

>> No.57132389

No. Reddit is full of LARPers and people who have as much trouble distinguishing between reality and fiction as the average twitter user. Their entire system for managing what content users see creates a never ending feedback loop that results in redditors living in a weird dream state.

Imagine spending a vast amount of time online immersed in a world of surface level information. You feel clever and witty because you say things that get you fake internet points from other people who also want to feel clever and witty. What passes for wit of course is wholly unoriginal, to the point where you kick yourself for not being faster to post in a highly upvoted thread when you open it up and see twenty slight variations of the same joke and references that you were planning to make when you saw it.

You read advice or information and you soak it all in under the assumption that it's very good. Until one day you come across a topic that you actually know about. Then you are hit with the sudden realization that reddit creates an enforced consensus of reality that seems clever and insightful to people who are neither particularly clever nor insightful. The same surface level information is regurgitated from mouth to mouth, mixing in with factoids, opinions, and misunderstandings until it becomes accepted gospel by the sort of people who skim a wikipedia article on physics and suddenly think that they're Steven Hawking.

Reddit is peak normie culture. Views and hobbies all carefully designed to fit in. There is always an attempt to be special without significantly deviating from the accepted narrative. Everyone pretends to be a slight social misfit in order to fit in. The LARPs are badly written according to what reddit thinks is true and normal and how people behave in real life. The twists always predictable. The same stock characters recycled.

Redditors are impoverished in a way that's fundamentally difficult to grasp, but once you do it's horrifying.

>> No.57132398


Still uncalled for. But that's Germany.

>> No.57132434
File: 70 KB, 735x636, 1702828605385204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You read advice or information and you soak it all in under the assumption that it's very good. Until one day you come across a topic that you actually know about. Then you are hit with the sudden realization that reddit creates an enforced consensus of reality that seems clever and insightful to people who are neither particularly clever nor insightful. The same surface level information is regurgitated from mouth to mouth, mixing in with factoids, opinions, and misunderstandings until it becomes accepted gospel by the sort of people who skim a wikipedia article on physics and suddenly think that they're Steven Hawking.
I always noticed this but couldn't put my tongue on it.

>> No.57132458

the only reason this story is believable is because it's about a german

>> No.57132819 [DELETED] 

Robots can't even think for themselves ehen offered free money, you need to clearly communicate to them and create raport as if you're their friend.

>> No.57132832

>affluent in

>> No.57132851

>fuck capitalism and fuck corpos for making it impossible to make a decent, honest living anymore.
this isn't reality but i'm glad you believe it, so that everyone can see only fuckups and losers think this way.
everything you think you know about how society could be better was taught to you by a rich, ruthless capitalist.
some of them do it for power and influence and some of them do it out of guilt and self-loathing.

>> No.57132858

he wanted penance on his own terms. that isn't how it works.

>> No.57132956

This except the entire internet. Turns out living your life through a scrying glass isn’t healthy

>> No.57132989

don't ask for forgiveness from corporations
corpos aren't people

>> No.57133066
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that post cant be real.
no person can be that retarded, i refuse to believe it.

>> No.57134476
File: 128 KB, 600x600, 1703089539940344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Gear Solid 2 predicted this when the story was written in 1999. In the end conversation with the AIs, Rose starts talking about how we all "withdraw into out little desperate 'ponds', scared of a larger community online". This is a direct reference to a popular Japanese image board, aside from 4chan. You can tell that each online community has their own culture and their own ideas of what is actually considered "truth". In a dopamine fed world, "truth" is whatever the community, the government, or Google tells you it is. Look at the definition for a recession, which is 2 separate quarters of negative GDP growth. This occurred in 2022, but the government changed the definition of this truth and everyone bought it. Same thing with the definition of a vaccine, which is supposed to mean when you receive it, you can never get the sickness again.

The perception of truth can be change at a whim, and it has never been more prevalent today.

>> No.57134669

>Our beloved monsters.....enjoy yourselves.

>> No.57134729

If I was the manager I would be like
>haha, if it was true I'd have to call the police because of procedure but surely it's an elaborate joke you're making, right?
This way the kid has a way to understand what he's getting himself into

This, if there's a country where it would happen its germany

>> No.57135023

Lol what a cuck

>> No.57135185

the manager did the right thing. stealing needs to have stiffer consequences than repaying what you stole.

>> No.57135273

so get to culture jamming

>> No.57135307

everything on reddit is fake

>> No.57135330

Fake and gay story

>> No.57135383
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I don't believe this story because so many people in the story (store manager, police, court, and employer) all have to be equally unbelievably heartless and inhumane. To an average normal person, this would be a heartwarming story on the local news.

The probability is really low. Too low. Or maybe the culture is different there, IDK.

>> No.57135408

Alot of rich white women are kleptomaniacs

>> No.57135917


>> No.57136034

It happening in Germany makes it 100% believable.

>> No.57136794

that's what I fear. Germans are weird people

>> No.57136911

>t. Shelfie

>> No.57137408

What's up with Germans? I know nothing of the culture there.

>> No.57137472

They find the plight of unfortunate/poor/weird people and scammers hilarious. There are people at the major train stations in Berlin who pretend to be from a charity for refugee mothers, domestic violence victims, etc., but are actually just scammers. The Germans know this but instead of doing anything about them they just laugh at them trying to scam people and let them continue doing it because it's entertaining to see lowlifes try to scam foreigners.

This story is believable just because it's a classic example of 'schadenfreude'

>> No.57137615

They autisticly follow the rules. Everywhere else in the world people speed on highways as a norm even though its illegal. The Germans are the only ones to build a highway specifically for legal speeding.

>> No.57138289

that every body says maybe i believe it because germany says a lot about the perspective there
if anybody came forward i am pretty sure the store manager would welcome the 1k tip and put it in his own pocket reporting shit while giving the thief the absolution he so desires and everyone walks away happy

but i guess living in a high trust society in germany makes people do things that are alien to us living in the rest of the world

>> No.57138388

Yeah, stiffer consequences such as no one ever repaying anything ever because they'll get jail time instead of a slap on the wrist. From now on, every single person who saw that post is just a bit more pessimistic and just a bit less likely to do anything but be scum. Enjoy!

>> No.57138408

kek what a fucking retard
also its recorded without his permission which means they cant use it

>> No.57138410

This is exactly the Stiefellecker, Autoritätshörigkeit mentality of the Germans I talked about in the other thread. GERMANS ARE FUCKING STUPID