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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57127040 No.57127040 [Reply] [Original]

I’m fully staked and the 4% apy is nice (I guess) but some of you make staking sound like it’s the difference between becoming a financial elite and being stuck in a cuck cage. Is there information or breadcrumbs I’m missing? Go on, you can spill the beans; pools closed anyway, right?

>> No.57127092

If the price does a 10x there are people here who can live passively off of the rewards.

>> No.57127100

once again there is a lot of hopium placed on build rewards. more tangibly, there is also an impression that staking in these early days will make it easier to stake in future iterations of staking

>> No.57127162

yep. save and restake in the early years for max rewards compounding for max apy during adoption waves

>> No.57127244

What do you mean restake?

>> No.57127255

>he doesn't know
All your rewards earned are restaked automatically

>> No.57127259

no they aren't lmao

>> No.57127268

This isn't true, unless you mean staking the rewards when migrating over to a new version?

>> No.57127283
File: 288 KB, 1078x1740, wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can live passively off the rewards if the price stays the same. If it does a 3x i'm laughing.
Link will do a lot more than 3x or 10x. Pic very rel.

>> No.57127295

How much did you stake?

>> No.57127305

I am heavily exposed but this shit is just cringe my man
>2030 or beyond

>> No.57127307

and when the price goes down?

>> No.57127325

i mean, its not wrong though. You don't buy things like LINK if you're in it for the tech with a short term time horizon.

>> No.57127337

I just wish it pulled an eth and mooned to 4 digits, then stabilize at mid triple digits, link is the only token in the space that's doing anything. Without link, crypto is nothing more than a shitcoin casino.

>> No.57127353

It might, but I kinda doubt it. You don't "use" LINK like you do ETH. its not as visible, and its harder to understand the value it adds. Just keep holding, staking and buying more when you can. I'm sure it'll pay off.

>> No.57127443

>and when the price goes down?
You can argue that about all investments, life is full of risk. Holding fiat isn't without risks. You should stick to wageslaving because this isn't for you.

>> No.57127679

I basically put in an amount that I am willing to watch go to 0 which could also potentially give me a full time salary as passive income in best case scenario (10k). Would be cool if it was the latter. I have 40k I will sell, probably ladder sells from around $75-$150/LINK. The 10k never goes anywhere, my kids inherit that for better or for worse. Imagine LINK at $300 though in like 10 years and I'm getting $120k/year just as additional pocket cash. That would be fucking insane.

>> No.57127758
File: 2.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1663362913962561.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The approximately 325 stinkers accumulated this past year.. have those actually been received? Let Uncle Scam know now as declared income? Enabling capital gains later when the singularity happens?

>> No.57127808

Anything above 5% is not sustainable imo, but if chainlink had a lower inflation rate with current staking rewards it would have been better, theres too much going to the team causes dumping, why do they need millions weekly anyways for what??

>> No.57127873

This is one of the many red flag phrases of an altcoin grift.

>> No.57127884

No one “uses” Link other than the team to transfer generational wealth for themselves in exchange for thousands of tweets that start with the word “imagine”

>> No.57127906

Lmao the whole larp about passing down an altcoin via a will is prob top 3 cringe cultmember rhetoric. Insane delusion

>> No.57127925

Imagine spinning out so hard you just keep posting multiple times in a row lmao

>> No.57127990

Sergey used super linear staking
It was super effective.
4 digit Link fainted.

>> No.57128067

4% doesnt even come close to matching inflation. youre literally choosing to have someone lose your money's value and brag about it.

>> No.57128079

You let a limp wristed obese russian shit down your throat while cheering him on tho :/

>> No.57128082

>>he doesn't know
>he doesn't know

>> No.57128087

take your rewards and stake them instead of selling them

>> No.57128089

Thanks for the coins, bitch.

>> No.57128173

What if I already staked the max 15k?

>> No.57128564

stake another wallet

>> No.57128642

Top 2 is fudding an investment you apparently have no interest in on a Tajikistani waterbird enthusiast forum

>> No.57128845

You’re retarded. Just saying.

>> No.57129048

Shut the fuck up pussy, $1000 or bust

>> No.57129100

Early stakers were the only ones guaranteed access to v0.2, no reason it won't be the case going forward

>> No.57129133
File: 2 KB, 32x32, e9d526e8_frodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i stake
And is staking 3k link worth it?

>> No.57129158


Honestly, link is doing pretty medicore these days, so being in staking is just something people can cling to.

I honestly don't get the hate against link, i love sergey and chainlink and rode that shit from 14 cents. I've sold some of it now bc there's a good chance link will underperform in the bull again and I can't have that. But I still think link will succeed, and will always hold a bag. Sad the state of civil war between linkies and fuddies, and sad how twisted and bitter both sides are.

>> No.57129243

It’s not sad, fud is the sincerest form of flattery

>> No.57129256

3x would be very nice already

>> No.57129419

Okay so in the mean time what should I do as a pleb? If we know link will not moon until 2030 what is the short term play to have max gains that I can rotate into link later?

I have 2100 Link staked. I’m still DCAing into link every 2 weeks, should I continue building my stack or ride the shitcoin casino and use whatever profits from that for more link?

>> No.57129605

If I didn't stake (I just found out about it really) is it over for my linkies?

>> No.57129807

Is there a staking pool and/or service that isn't full and we can stake?
Tranny redit mod didn't approve my post.

>> No.57129876

You don’t get it retard. Yes, you are right… 4-5% in a vaccum is lol who cares? But what you don’t understand is Link is the backbone to the new financial system, and all the other bullshit financial assets making people whatever % are going to be flushed down the toilet when this new system rises. Link is the reset and we are getting in at the bottom floor of it.

If you gave me the option to go back in time to when link was at its ATH and you gift me 200k Link and I could press the sell bottom at 52$ and then I could take that 10 million dollars and never be able to invest in or stake link again…but I’d have 10 million dollars… OR I could stand pat now with 10k link going forward and be able to hold my link tokens and stake. I would not go back in time and take the 10 million… EVEN if Link tops out at exactly $1,000 giving me the exact same 10 million dollars had I sold years earlier. Because I think every investment people are currently in now (outside of PM’s (which is really money) will get demolished and everyone is going to lose their assholes.

I’m never selling not because I care about staking rewards. I’m never selling because everything else is going to be nuked.

>> No.57129892

Well said. Waiting is easy unless you haven't the stomach for it. I have no problem at all. Funny how some of us seem to just be made stronger, isn't it?

>> No.57129937

That’s sorta tough… on one hand… you have just enough link right now. You are a bottom feeder amongst anons who’ve been here forever. But you aren’t in the pleb group of people on YouTube comments saying they are at 400 adding little by little to hopefully get to 500 tokens.

It really I think depends how much you are DCA’ing every couple weeks. The one benefit to having a smaller stack is you can increase it faster. Even getting to 2,500 is a big difference to 2,100. But it doesn’t sound like you can really get to even 2,500 easily. Especially since the price could spring up fast effectively neutering your DCA’ing. I mean it could jump to 40$ and sit there for a while before another leg up.

How much can you add a month at these prices. And do you have any other coins?

I think you should save up a couple months…and don’t add to link. Then take 200 link from your code stack which is 3,000. Have 5k and start shitcoining. Try and 3x it or something.

>> No.57129959

I can't even tell anymore if this is bait or if people actually believe this bullshit

>> No.57129962

truth is quantum now. either is true, depending on how you look at it.

>> No.57129963

I just don’t care cuz since Covid everything is irrevocably fucked. Old world is gone. If we were in the old world and link did what it did and I didn’t sell I would have blown my head off by now.

>> No.57129967

Answer me, i showed you my link.

>> No.57130014

no LPL poolers reduced to posting novel length incel manifestos seething




>> No.57130060
File: 378 KB, 1079x824, Screenshot_20231230-050052_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to sell I'm 2025 for a 10x and dump on you while you beg to have your cubes unlocked.

>> No.57130098

I have 6k link and 25k sdl, how am i doing? Yes it's all staked.

Also what happens when slashing gets introduced into the community pool.

>> No.57130119

Where did you stake it? Every pool i tried is full.

>> No.57130152

LPL ... we told you...



>> No.57130177

In the official pool.

>> No.57130182

I was offline, and am lucky just to find the wallet where i had my links and am completely out of the loop. I only started coming back to biz about a week ago.

>> No.57130230


you are genuinely mentally ill

>> No.57130347

please seethe quietly no LPL pooler kek!

>> No.57130786

>I’m fully staked and the 4% apy is nice (I guess) but some of you make staking sound like it’s the difference between becoming a financial elite and being stuck in a cuck cage. Is there information or breadcrumbs I’m missing? Go on, you can spill the beans; pools closed anyway, right?

depending on your stack and depending on if you do the math on it or not you get pretty bullish on 4.32% APY on an asset you have a lot of. a lot of people on /biz/ staked a fuckload of link. some people have multiple wallets staking the maximum, so yeah. the more you have staked the more bullish you probably are on staking.

people who are balls deep on staking are pretty bullish because if youre able to claim a lot of links per month/per 90 days as a reward then even at these price levels we're at now it's a decent amount of money, i'm personally at the level where link can pay all of my bills with just my staking gains right now. so stakings already quite nice at around a $15 dollar link.

if the price recovers to like $30-40 and is stable long term at those levels there a lot of /biz/ anons would be able to live almost purely off staking gains alone. if the price gets into the triple digits during this iteration of staking a lot of people on /biz/ would make more per month than most people do at mid to high level white collar jobs just from staking gains.

>> No.57130820

If i put 1000 links + wETH equivalent into unisawp liquidity pool what are the rewards?

>> No.57130850

>link can pay all of my bills with just my staking gains right now
in which third world shithole do you live in?

>> No.57130923

my bills are only about $600 a month right now. so yeah even at a $15 link i can cover those with just the rewards. (ain't selling yet, just nice that it can be done). also there are plenty of anons with WAY more staked than me as well.

>> No.57131016

Couldn't tell you bro. There are other 3rd party platforms to stake link but their rates will either be junk (there's no demand to borrow link) or if it's a yield farming platform, unstable with high risk of impermanent loss.

When we move to the next staking version at the end of 2024, make sure your stash is in a wallet where you own the private key of (aka don't leave your shit on an exchange) and plan your days accordingly to be ready for when the pool opens up. Or you'll have to setup a bot to snipe the pool when someone unstakes again.


>> No.57131057

there are also people who will sell the top and drive it back to 10$, you'll have your linkies staked and won't be able to sell.

>> No.57131079

Look at what’s happening in the space. If you don’t see the writing on the wall already then you are literally blind/stupid/willfully ignorant. It’s either

>blockchain on the whole is just going to die


>blockchain shifts to an abstraction layer that connects the hundreds/thousands of both decentralized and centralized L1s

Chainlink is best positioned to capture the next logical step of blockchain and frankly probably the highest value capture layer. Most of the decentralized L1s do not scale, so they are probably mostly going to disappear. When Sergey talks about bank chains he’s talking about centralized L1’s. Centralized L1’s will scale properly as settlement layers. CCIP will connect these.

At some point there will be some proven subset of decentralized L1’s and DeFi will flourish on them by being able to connect with one another and also these centralized chains, and digital assets will additionally flourish - game items, dumb monkey jpgs, etc., and all of this will be abstracted away to the user who simply
pays with their credit card, a bank account, or even a smart contract loan that locks up some digital assets for collateral.

And the ONLY way to power this ecosystem is via CCIP. No one else even comes close. On top of that, it doesn’t really make sense to have more than one abstraction layer like this. Only one entity can survive it. Why would you use something less developed and less proven like Layer Zero, which gives you no access to other critical components you need to actually build useful products and get connected to the rest of the space such as data feeds and automation, when you can get more security, more value connection, and instant access to all of the other building blocks you need with CCIP?

They will swallow the entire space. It’s not a question of if, but when.

People with lukewarm IQs think this is delusional but then they also think ETH is just going to be the experience whole world adapts kek.

>> No.57131094

>Lmao the whole larp about passing down an altcoin via a will is prob top 3 cringe cultmember rhetoric.
you'd be surprised at what people distribute in their wills. leaving a digital asset that can be instantly sold for cash if someone wanted to is not the craziest thing that has been left in a will that's for sure.

>> No.57131100

dumbass you dont see the writing on the wall. Sergey has produced nothing of lasting value and constantly bottlenecks any amount of forward movment. hes actively working against token holders

>> No.57131121

>Swift is overseen by the G-10 central banks (Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States, Switzerland, and Sweden), as well as the European Central Bank, with its lead overseer being the National Bank of Belgium.

all of those banks disagree with you

>> No.57131176

>checks dune analytics ccip page
the stats dont lie. im sorry anon but you're wrong

>> No.57131355

Sex with a black woman tonight

>> No.57131385

You lose all your link and become priced out forever. LPs is not staking.

>> No.57131393

>There are other 3rd party platforms to stake link bu
No there isn't. There isn't only stake.link but the pool is full. You cannot stake atm.

Why is /biz/ so low iq now?

>> No.57131666




>> No.57131739

I wouldn't touch sdl with a 20 foot pole. Leopards don't change their spots

>> No.57131984

sdl = stake dot link?

>> No.57132020

imagine comparing a global reserve currency to a digital nothing shitcoin functioning solely on hyped up platitudes and hot air from a russian scammer kek

>> No.57133374

>If the price does a 10x there are people here who can live passively off of the rewards.
Until it drops again. Its not bonds where you have a fixed income. staking off a volatile asset is brutal on your actual financial planning. That said it can be volatile at a price where both the high and low can be profitable fixed income. but link isnt there yet. Its got to do more than a 10x and keep most of it by next bear market.

>> No.57133476

It's sad that this is how Linkies are. In 2017/2018 Linkies were ahead of the curve in understanding limitations in the space and capitalized off Link. Now the bagholders are here unwilling to see the reality that things didn't play out as advertised. It was fine to hope and dream off of breadcrumbs, but now there is plenty of reality to see that it's all BS. There is no "new financial system" being built up that runs on CL. It was all over-exaggerated and people believed that the Link token would somehow represent collateral in tokenized RWAs. This was before CCIP and 1000 chains was even a thing. Now the narrative has changed like three times and no one really uses Chainlink's products for anything and trying to even imagine a convoluted world of 100000 public/private blockchains as if that is viable is just exhausting.

Sergey even realizes the writing is on the wall when he says things like "Thes banks have Digital Asset departments and they have two years to show something or funding is going away." Essentially that means: "There is one more bull run in this BS space and then everyone is going to stop pretending". Good luck, but I wouldn't want to be stuck with my liquidity locked up.

>> No.57133502

Even if the price 10x's...that's ~$3k per month for someone who has staked 7k. So essentially we've gone from hoping for $1k EOY and yacht parties to hoping for a teacher's pension.

I think I'll stick with the S&P

>> No.57133534

>$3k per month
Kek that's literally nothing. Even third worlders wouldn't be able to live on that. Wtf happened to this board?

>> No.57133593

>back when all we had was "the oracle problem" and shitty larps by anons the optimism was reasonable
>now that we have oligarchs and dozens of the world's largest banks actively working with us the optimism is unreasonable

>> No.57133608

> working with us
how? They're not even using the damn chainlink, nor do they have any intention to

>> No.57133971

The smart people already sold in 2020 anon, only bagholders are left in 2023. And I am one of them unfortunately. Dumping this shit for BTC and fiat this bullrun

>> No.57134115

>No there isn't.


You can stake link here. Now read the rest of my original post before you make a response.

>> No.57134238

this posters mind is fractured and buck broken,

>> No.57134279

The bear market in the last two years broke the buck on the stinkies. They are slowly realizing no one gives a shit about chainlink and oracles.
>b-but muh institutions!
Literally every other shitcoins have some “institutional” interest. Doesn’t mean shit

>> No.57134299

What do you mean by “broke the buck”?

>> No.57135069




>> No.57135232

>Working with us

Anon, I know you're not going to believe me, but the truth is: these "world's largest banks" have what is essentially an R&D department for blockchain shit. They pay some devs to throw a bunch of shit at the wall hoping some of it will stick and be useful. This has been going on since 2017 in many cases and no shit is sticking. No matter how excited you get about ANZ carbon credits or the promise of "SWIFT RUNNING ON CHAINLINK," the truth seems much more likely that none of this tech is terribly useful and these banks/shitcoins are just trying to capitalize off of one more bull run.

Everything has gotten entirely too convoluted. We're expected to believe there will be a future of 1000+ blockchains/public and private. This means that each of those chains will have to be vetted to ensure they are a good actor in such a way that they can participate in this system. At a certain point people are going to come to their senses and say "This is all retarded. Let's just continue using servers".

>> No.57135241

I really hope you're a bot. I come here once every few days and you're in every thread spamming in caps about LPL. If you're not a bot, holy shit Anon, get a fucking life.

>> No.57135285

>4 posts by this ID coping about missing out on LPL