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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57125512 No.57125512 [Reply] [Original]

Happy New Year Anonies


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>Avalanche's ecosystem (DEXes, NFTs, etc)

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>Why Avalanche? (Resources, Official Website, Summaries)

>> No.57125562
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>> No.57125599

I guess Avalabs thinks supporting scam tokens is a good business decision, to me it's a major turn-off

>> No.57125617
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I'm an avaxchad, I have 180 of them(swapped 1 of them for Hard Frog Nick)

>> No.57125729

hope you make it
pick up some shitcoins on the next correction and siphon profits to avax

>> No.57125909

They already ahead on the institution side and can afford to use some leftovers of past incentive programs (In this case it's the shit NFT program, The remaining funds from there will be used on memecoins)

Investing in memes at the beginning of the bull might be the best financial decision, As stupid as it sounds.

>> No.57126221

The wallets trace back to avalabs. Great times being a husky bro.

>> No.57126278

What are some good airdrops on avax to farm? Surely we have some too right?

>> No.57126426

pos ava labs should have launched avalanche rush 2.0 instead meme trash funding sirs

>> No.57126934

They'll. This memes allocation is from already existent NFT program. They figure it's better to burn the rest of the money on memes at the cusp of the bull market instead of wasting money on boring NFTs

>> No.57127618
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>> No.57128823
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>> No.57130019

Bawls bros I’m feeling good.

>> No.57130190

Anybody hold any SHRAP?
Wondering if I should get a bag

>> No.57130440
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I hold 27B COQ. What can I expect in 1 month?

>> No.57130480
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I own 27B COQ. What can I expect in 1 month?

>> No.57131271

Bump for justice

>> No.57131467

This will be the most hated rally in crypto history and i suspect it'll be the strongest one too, Rarely you get a recipe this perfect, Great tech and great BD against relentless fading or hatred. People pretend that Solana is hated rally but it really isn't, I never got the same feedback from CT/Reddit on Solana as i get on Avalanche, Even when Solana faked TPS and TVL numbers and all the controversies over the years (While Avalanche always stick with professional honest numbers and "build, then hype" mantra), With Avalanche it feels like pure contempt, Personal, No matter what Avalanche does they're trying to poke the negative. It's getting fudded on anything, When they onboard institutions, when fees are low, when they burn a lot of AVAX, When they approach scaling from various directions instead of single one.. Now it's getting fudded for using the leftovers of old incentive program to buy memes at the bottom of the market, The same coins that account for 50% of all activities on most chains. It feels like they can't do everything right in the eyes of CT (Especially Ethereum community, It's been non-stop negativity and vile antics since 2021, I remember them even shilling the ICP funded campaign against Avalanche. I said it a year ago and i'll say it again, Solana never was and never will be a threat to Ethereum, It's not philosophically compatible it, Doesn't share the same ideals that built this space to what it's today, Avalanche is, Avalanche can do everything Ethereum does and much more without deviating from the same ideals and without forcing current/future narrative through limitation, And that's a threat.

We're at the tail end of 2023 and all the 2024 predictions i see on socials exclude Avalanche, Even when they shill narratives Avalanche excel at if not dominate, They exclude it and instead shill either aligned projects or projects that don't even have testnet live. We're going to have an interesting year..

>> No.57131540

>This will be the most hated rally in crypto history and i suspect it'll be the strongest one too
unfortunately, we can't beat solana. it will always pump harder

>> No.57131612

Idk about that, for that to happen we would actually need to pump more than 5% without it fully retracing in 6 hours

>> No.57131707
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its extremely bullish for Avalanche tho.
cant wait to see all the seethe once Avalanche flips Ethereum, the Butthurt will be insane.
>"but but ETH was supposed to go to 10k and now it only dumps because everyone is building on this damn avax instead"

>> No.57131916

Why is this token so hated? My god. CT has a hard on for Emin, I swear. I wonder how many of these new L1s would have been better off as a subnet. Monad, Aptos, Sui, SEI. They have nice VMs with high throughput, but here’s something no one talks about. THEY ALL FUCKING HAVE LESS THAN 100 NODES. Like WTF, am I in some dream world where this doesn’t matter anymore? Talk all your shit about low finality and high throughput. You have less than 100 nodes on your network. Someone please tell me I’m not crazy, PLEASE!

>> No.57132063

avax subnets have very few nodes, they're much more centralized

>> No.57132114

That’s true for now, but they have the capability of being elastic. Will be great to see the first one live other than the primary network. Think it will be TSM

>> No.57133009
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IDC about making it or any other thing, just here to see if Gün will keep his promise.

>> No.57133990
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>> No.57134289

if thats true im fine with it. memcoins are a dumb and shitty bet and frankly a fucking can of worms in terms of legislation you probably dont want to touch, but a better one than nfts at this point

>> No.57134388

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.57134398
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I am losing my money with AVAX

Guess i cant complain tho, since its what made me money before

Will it pump again? Or is it ogre?

>> No.57134516
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it's over. it's always been over.

>> No.57135194

I see

Someone post the avax guy living in a tent under brigde with coomer face meme or something of that calibre.

I need something that reflects my emotions rn

>> No.57135214
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Its over brown bros

>> No.57135289

Kel thanks, as a white person i feel sad i memed into buying cryptos that are dominated by non whites.

What is like the whitest crypto? Surely not efferiumz or smth

>> No.57135308
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>> No.57136286
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the whitest person in crypto according to a recent Turkish referendum.

>> No.57136848

Thanks to whoever posted the bawls thread yesterday. I’m 5x.

>> No.57137015

Literally they either get mad at anything Avalanche does
or they try to pretend like it doesnt exist

>> No.57137051

whats the suicide stack? I currently have 75 AVAX

I'm assuming its 720 AVAX?

>> No.57137081

I remember a influencer (zhu su?) was hyping up avax over eth on ct near the end of the 2021 and got crucified for it. Not sure what happened after, but ct's bags are packed with eth eco, ofc they will hate a real eth killer

>> No.57137143

Kevin's 2024 Roadmap: https://twitter.com/kevinsekniqi/status/1741234199250731484
IMO the first 6 points are probably scheduled for this coming year, the others are the wishlist.

>> No.57137301

500, 2000 make it.

>> No.57137703

COQ bros check your wallets
We got a NFT currently sitting at a 7 AVAX floor price
If you held COQ on Dec 12th pretty neat

>> No.57137727

6x! Anon whoever shilled this thank you. Bawls onu should do at least another 10x. Then I will market dump like a mother fucker.

>> No.57137941

holy shit no kidding, I don't trade nfts but is there any value in holding this?

>> No.57138025

The price could potentially go up more.
The only way to get this was as an airdrop for holding COQ
Since we are all essentially early investors I have a feeling that if COQ explodes during the bull market
newly rich COQ investors will run up the floor price on these.

but if you want an easy 5 AVAX you can just sell it now.

>> No.57138034
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no one's buying your noname dogshitinu token faggot scammer
>every coq hodler was given $280
I don't think you understand how NFT's work. Try selling it.
If they make a reflections bullshit eggs like chiken did then maybe, also if coq ever gets to $500M - $1B like söylana shitcoins then definitely
Ava Labs envious of all the sőylana shitcoin success and activity they are personally endorsing them lmao its pretty funny considering how much they boasted for years about being "in it for the tech"
The Emin of 2021 would literally fist-fight the Emin of 2024

>> No.57138442

>no one's buying your noname dogshitinu token faggot scammer
Faggot no scam. Some cunt literally posted yesterday, I aped 50 Avax at 600k mc and have killed it.

>> No.57138485
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Mad dev burned half of our Hard Frog Nick supply, please do not buy and avoid at all cost.