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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 452 KB, 808x793, 1690306132090366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57120456 No.57120456 [Reply] [Original]

there are people on this board who work jobs or have worked jobs before in their life

>> No.57120485

so how do you get moneys

>> No.57120492

reporting back from the wage cage atm seer

>> No.57120500
File: 314 KB, 584x584, 644663347881337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha imagine
>there are also people on this board that put a plastic bag on their dicks

>> No.57120509
File: 725 KB, 1024x962, FCB46BA3-E096-4E15-B332-9CBDD13B5D1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need money. I don't want to become homeless.

>> No.57120510
File: 65 KB, 1280x716, IMG_20231209_123924_294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck epic ID, I am now the king of india my sirs

>> No.57120513


hello saar

>> No.57120515

my gf doesn't want snusnu otherwise :(

>> No.57120518

good morning saar

>> No.57120520

I'm literally at work right now, getting paid to shitpost of 4chan. feels good nigger :)

>> No.57120528

>not just average poo but poo+++
My bastard why did you become King why did you redeemed crown you fuck mother

>> No.57120540

Yeah some of us have sex instead of jacking off to other people having sex.

>> No.57121881

not all of us can be born rich. or in a country that pays you to do nothing. some of us have to work or starve.

>> No.57122251

Just buy a house, problem solved

>> No.57122525

patched, property taxes exist for a reason

>> No.57122839

It's insane how bad the jobs offers are where I live. Can barely find anything paying above 20$ an hour and most of those are soul crushing call center jobs which I'm not interested in doing again.

>> No.57122869

Your mommas going to die today, faggot.

>> No.57122888

Yeah me. I've always worked. Married with kids. I just love to come here to read what all you le epic NEETlords think so I can laugh at you.

>> No.57122894

does your wife work?

>> No.57122901

>Caring and respecting want your GF wants/feels
She's cheating on you

>> No.57122905

No she is home with the babies.

>> No.57122922

There are people here who would actually be sad if they got laid off

>> No.57122931

Yeah I would. I make a lot of my money with OT.

>> No.57122933
File: 189 KB, 1125x1232, 1701629600165252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people so useless on this board right now that they can't survive without government handouts or their parent's money

>> No.57122950

> I like OT

>> No.57122967

Why? It's 2x pay $80hr.

>> No.57123031

Based and NEETpilled

>> No.57123036

it's more of your time. you spend more time on the job than you do with your wife and kids. for what exactly? what is it that you do?

>> No.57123140

jews? trustafarians? niggers? spics? immigrants? women? the elderly? children?
be more specific, fellow bigot

>> No.57123240
File: 32 KB, 719x872, 1000000361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes...and neets.

>> No.57123263

To afford a nice life for my family.....are you retarded? I run filler and packaging machines.

>> No.57123305

I knew a guy like you, worked hard, made tons of money for a stay at home wife. He got divorce raped, lost everything and lives in a container in the woods. Good luck

>> No.57123899

Nice LARP faggot. Go back to jerking off to cartoon porn.

>> No.57123932

I'm dead serious. you think shit like that doesn't happen? happens all the time.

>> No.57123940


>> No.57123949

this board is only good for reading OPs now. Every time I make a post lately, I get a reply from obvious AI that sees some keywords and constructs a sentence out of it. It wouldn't make any sense and it wastes my time having to see the notification on 4chan x and come check out what they said.

>> No.57123952

also another common thing that happens in these cases is the woman tells the man "I NEVER LOVED YOU" before taking half of his shit, I hope it doesn't happen to you though, but it's real. Does that make you scared? lol imagine your entire existence and happiness being based on the whims of a woman.

>> No.57123986

>nooooo don't work hard for your family because your wife will leave you!
I can't even imagine being such a soft feeble little faggot. It's honestly mindblowing. Enjoy your lonely life.

>> No.57124061

>nooooooooo you can't be alone because that means you're lonely
sounds like you're the soft feeble little faggot. It's honestly mindblowing.

>> No.57124082

Lol, fat loser.

>> No.57124162

masochist soft feeble little faggot spotted

>> No.57124213
File: 7 KB, 194x193, FBBA9C99-A268-4780-AD23-4E10C6470DEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therr are people on this board who larp in front of strangers on the internet

>> No.57124256
File: 65 KB, 1135x267, 219859825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laugh now, cry later. Just keep praying your idol doesn't divorce rape you, kek, it's literally all you live for.

>> No.57124286

Disgusting cuck faggot.

>> No.57124342

Beta fags that lick the bulls cum and kiss their fat fuck wives after. KYS.

>> No.57124371
File: 184 KB, 1303x2048, Fy3ARoTX0AE-nw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second, wagies actually exist in real life? There are actually people on this planet that thought to themselves "yup I am going to give this stranger who doesn't really care whether I live or die 8 hours of my day for several decades until I am old and withered"???? And in return they can't even buy a house or get a wife that hasn't had 10 miles of dickage?

>> No.57124417

Well, Einstein, how are people supposed to earn a living, considering over 90% of the world population are two digits IQ retards with no skills other than their labor? vpjy2

>> No.57124489

Lmao just pick up food from the floor and put it in your mouth retard, the entire planet is covered in it.

>> No.57124658

What floor? It's all concrete, you idiot. There is no food lying around there to be picked. You wouldn't survive a day in the streets, let alone your first winter

>> No.57124901

>And in return they can't even buy a house or get a wife that hasn't had 10 miles of dickage?
this really is the worst part. Society really thinks we're supposed to want a 29+ year old women with a high body count instead of an 18 year old virgin? There is so much psyop and shaming for age gaps now people have to see that it's forced and not something natural

>> No.57124910

be a rich mommy's good boy like OP

>> No.57124964

so how do you earn money?

>> No.57125031

This guy wouldn't survive without bennies from his pedo overlords in the government.