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57118693 No.57118693 [Reply] [Original]

Attractiveness is literally how you get out of being a wagie

>> No.57118705

>tfw born attractive
>but also short

So close bros… so close….

>> No.57118755

It does, but "socioeconomic success" also makes men more attractive. I assume the study controlled for that.

>> No.57118768

can confirm thats why im waiting tables for 60 hours a week at age 34

>> No.57118783

Sexy man here. People unironically just throw money at me

>> No.57118804
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>Be me
>Work as a Retail Sales Rep
>Meet a cute girl at one of the stores
>Been dating for two years now & we live together
>Finally asks me when she'll meet my family
>Decide to visit them for Christmas this year
>Weeks before going, find out my brothers are dating a doctor, Engineer, and CPA
>Not that weird since they work in those fields
>Big day arrives
>They talk about scientific shit that I barely know about and my GF doesn't know anything about
>I try to pivot the conversation to sports
>They don't watch so they continue talking
>I just talk to my parents while she remain quiet
>After dinner we had some time alone
>She was upset and wanted to fly back ASAP
>We end up flying back on the 26th
>Now she's been quiet the past day and today

>> No.57118805


>> No.57118816

>Attractiveness is literally how you get out of being a wagie
I would say it's one way you get out of being a wagie, but you sound like it's the only way. I don't believe that's true.
There's ugly guys who made it.

>> No.57118819

>he went to the table
classic mistake

>> No.57118821

Male waiters are generally attractive. Why would you work a tipped job if you were ugly?

>> No.57118869

cause im a humanities dropout and have bad back so cant go for most trades

>> No.57118896

It's so true.
>Hired to job I'm under qualified for
>already about to get promoted faster than anyone else

>> No.57118910

Looks are a waste if you're an idiot though. I've seen lots of hot people make a ton of easy money then spend it all on coke, etc.

>> No.57118918

>classic mistake
He should have ate at the kids table

>> No.57118924

>tfw people keep asking me if I want to work there
>tfw its always fucking brassiere shops/lady's shoes shops/handbag shops
Its all so tiresome.

>> No.57118949

Nah, its because wealth usually selects attractive women (good genes). Yeah, extremes wealth doesn't give a fuck but most upper middle to low rich guys LOVE to fuck hot women.

Poor handsome dudes are the most demoralizing demographic, because they can't get women on their level and have to settle for garb.

>> No.57119090
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Grow a beard
I’ve been rocking a beard for a month and it’s incredible how I get treated. I always have looked young for my age and I’m a small white boy but now people are afraid of me a little. I had a young Mexican guy ask me not to be mad with him at work. The thing is I wasn’t mad at all. It’s just the way I look with a beard

>> No.57119126

the "study" was performed by women, so of course it didn't.

>> No.57119134


>> No.57119185

Reddit tier story but still kek'd

You don't bring your dumb GF to family gatherings. You should've just visited your parents with her. Family gatherings are absolute cancer unless you have someone of substantially lower status you can all rag on. Unless you have a GF you can flex on your siblings with.

>> No.57119373

congrats bro you're a midwit

>> No.57119447

>I want to do that!
You probably shouldn't do that.
>*she does "that" and it goes horribly wrong*
>Wahhhhhh why'd you let me do that!

>> No.57119459

Yeah I have always got any job I applied too because of how handsome I am but it didn't come easy tons of gym hours and grooming took part

>> No.57119486

> Ugly
> Short
> Poor
> Brown

No point in trying

>> No.57119563

Yes but I also had to be qualified for a Job.

>> No.57119566

That's bullshit, my mom says I'm attractive yet I still work a shit dead end job.

>> No.57119568

I know a literal 10/10 6'4 hulking gigachad with perfect hair who works at this shitty fast food place near my old work. I'd go there for lunch all the time and this dude was always working. Literally the most handsome male I've ever seen, utterly mogged Henry Cavill. If this guy's picture got posted on 4chan anons would repost it daily as the perfect example of peak masculinity. Dude's completely ripped and probably like 25, and doesn't seem drugged out or anything. And for some reason he works at a fast food place for like $15/hr. Maybe it's just to score a bunch of high school pussy, I don't know. I could never figure out what he was doing there.

>> No.57119577

Looks do not matter.
It's all about social skills, I am more handsome than anyone I work with but my lack of social skills keeps me down and also swats away girls.
I just don't know how to talk.
Start guiding her into retail sales then, both of you can be supervisors within 2 years.

>> No.57119588

bullshit. you just have to be able to get an interview and you're in

>> No.57119589

Some people are just dumb anon did that cross your dumb little brain?

>> No.57119599

>anon, people who don't fit in my made up incel reality are dumb

>> No.57119622

He didn't seem dumb, probably nowhere near as a dumb as you. Like I said, he must have some ulterior motive like scoring massive amounts of prime pussy, because it's definitely a place young girls go for lunch. Seriously, this dude is a modern day Alcibiades.

>> No.57119641

Yes anon I’m sure he’s subjecting himself to grueling wage slavery to get pussy when Tinder exists wow anon you are really smart!

>> No.57119745
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> how to be successful in our controlled environments


>> No.57119833

Very true, I recently got a high paying job and I’m extremely unqualified. Also extremely handsome

>> No.57119873

Scared of you? If I can see the top of your head, lower your tone when speaking to me.

>> No.57119907

>go to gas station
>old lady clerk gives me free pizza
>stand in line for movie theatre snacks
>cute wagie gives free upgrade from medium popcorn and slushee to large popcorn and slushee
>stand in line at fun center
>cute wagie cashier gives me free $20 credit in free play
>do bare minimum at work
>”wow anon thanks for the help! I’ll give you a shoutout at the next stand up meeting ^_^”
>go up to pinball machine
>unused credit, free play

Bros…do I have a high luck stat or I’m I attractive?

>> No.57119911

I’ll stab you in your neck
In all seriousness it’s very easy to knock out talk guys. Most are goofy and an uppercut to their chin folds them like a wet noodle.

>> No.57119989

You’re a larping faggit. You target weaklings. Try that shit on an actual man sized man and you’re getting bodied. Keep to intimidating Mexicans you little bitch

>> No.57121323

Maybe other men didn't give him a chance

>> No.57121829

You also see women of similar caliber working fast food. I think you're on to something with your theory. If I was younger and not married I'd try to maintain part time jobs at every fast food joint (1-2 days a week 4-6 hour shifts) to have a pussy monopoly. Bartenders slay more though so I'm wondering if he was formerly an alcoholic/partier type.

>> No.57122219

My boss is bald and ugly. His boss is balding and a lanklet with big eyes and nose. His boss is a manlet and balding. His boss is an ugly dyke. Her boss looks like a poor man's Epstein. His boss is a fat manlet. When I think about it, all the somewhat attractive people in my workplace are further down in the corporate ladder. Maybe they need less money since they don't need to compensate for their ugliness.
I wish attractiveness ever helped me financially. I think it belps getting past the HR roasties during interviews, but good fucking luck climbing that ladder without physically/literally sucking dick.

>> No.57122236

Work with what you got anon.

>> No.57122282

That's because everyone in the west has seen LOTR at least once and knows how fucking dangerous Gimli was. You are essentially dwarfmaxxing and you don't even realize it.

>> No.57122464

>cute girl
If she's hotter, then you win. The others have to compensate with scientific shit to protect ego, always a lame move.

>> No.57123389

doctors and engineers are lame and only know lame shit. The really cool people become retail associates!

>> No.57123423

lol for the supposed tall dude you got napoleonic rage

>> No.57123478

top kek

>> No.57123577

>>tfw born attractive
you made it
>>but also short
stop falling for /fit/ propaganda, idek what to tell you about this. I get eye fucked all the time, everywhere I go.

>> No.57123626

you would lose do to your high center of gravity and the fact that I'm super athletic and fucking crazy. no one is afraid of you slow lanky awkward retards.

>> No.57123681

ugly people / genetic dead ends are the perfect wage slaves, they have no reason to value themselves so they value money instead. it's everything to them. without money, they know they are nothing. I think that's one of the biggest problems in american work culture desu. uggos trying to compete by overworking themselves as compensation for being uggos.

>> No.57123696

There's a teenager I work with who has Chad genes but is a total sperg, it does happen occasionally.

>> No.57123741

She wanted to meet the family not the parents. Also you're gonna have to see them eventually better get it done now.

>> No.57123830

The problem wasn’t that they were smarter than you or more successful than you, it was that you didn’t participate in the conversation.

>Doctor talking about outdated and Jewish medical advice given out by big corporations and big pharma
>you: wow super cool tell us more and how do you feel about xyz?
>Engineer egghead talks about his pointless project
>you: dang that’s cool - did you hear about xyz? Hey babe you were always wonder how they built bridges, anon - what does project management look like for this xyz job

Also fuck your siblings as well for not including you in the conversation.

>> No.57123860

for feminine men*
normal men make their own wealth, feminine males rely on others for theirs, where feminine traits like attractiveness or agreeableness can help them.

>> No.57123905

height is attractiveness. being short means you lost regardless of everything else. nothing more cringe than a tiny man who thinks he deserves respect.

>> No.57124076

>height is attractiveness.
incorrect. nothing more cringe than a tallfag who thinks he's handsome athletic intelligent and charismatic by default. keep peddling /fit/ memes posted by gay dudes online tho as cope

>> No.57124083

>where feminine traits like attractiveness or agreeableness can help them.
and here you are peddling jordan peterson memes. kek

>> No.57124087

>Doctor: talking about outdated and Jewish medical advice given out by big corporations and big pharma
>me: total kike death, gas the jews, gas fraudulent doctors, gas niggers, fuck your vaccines, fuck fraudulent jewish "medicine," i denounce israel and the talmud, i denounce the tanakh and the abrahamic people

i participated in the convo, what next?

>> No.57124093

This is a meme.
It's not the attractiveness that's making them successful, it's that attractive people are more likely to be successful. There's a difference.

>> No.57124120

You didn’t bash their skulls in, flip their skullcap over, and make sweet libations to the gods with their brain matter, blood, and spinal fluids.

>> No.57124133

Now look at the ceos and executive board members. They’re all fat, bald, and, and retarded. The only common thread I’ve noticed is they’re sociable and talk.

>> No.57124136

rich men are attractive

>> No.57124160

they're all jews and like to shmooz with other jews*
many of them are gay and a lot of those are pederasts

>> No.57124184

>I’ve been rocking a beard for a month and it’s incredible how I get treated. I always have looked young for my age and I’m a small white boy but now people are afraid of me a little. I had a young Mexican guy ask me not to be mad with him at work. The thing is I wasn’t mad at all. It’s just the way I look with a beard
This is sad cope. You probably have resting bitch face. People are genuinely frightened of me and it's not a good thing. I'm 6'2, 210lbs (muscle, not fat) and people have told me before that I look unapproachable. I've had situations where people who are usually dickheads are way nicer to me than others but in a disingenuous way. I can never tell when people are nice because they like me or because they're afraid. People freeze and stare at me when I'm walking alone at night and I'm not even black. The only upsides are that people listen when you talk and some women are into it.

>> No.57124215

Why didn’t u call them out for talking about boring shit. You should’ve steered the convo to drugs and how it’s scientifically proven to help people while big pharma forces gene therapy and opioids on the population.

>> No.57124217

If you had a sense of humor you could have managed that situation

>> No.57124247

this is true but attractiveness can be taken away. make sure you take care of yourselves anons.

>> No.57124266

How big is your dick though? Is your jaw forward swung? Are you white? Do you have an eye color besides brown? Do you have a 6 pack? Do you make 6 figures?

>> No.57124277

Nah, I just hate larpers. Especially mcmidgets anonymously posting how they’d kick everyone’s ass. I’m sure it’s bait so w/e

>> No.57124313

See, you think all tall people are some twig lanky fucks. And if this isn’t a larp, that’s who you target because you think you can win. You’d NEVER approach someone 6’-6’5” that has good proportions, (most people this tall have decent proportions). It’s the same reason welter weights have absolutely 0 chance to beat heavy weights. You’re coping hard

>> No.57124414

Next time ask questions. They'd be delighted to answer and entertain your curiosity. I have a buddy's whose wife doesn't entertain any of our conversations but her sister who never went to college does and he enjoys those conversations, despite generating jealousy from his wife.

>> No.57124507

Looks absolutely do matter. Looks is how you attract people which gives you more opportunities to practice your social skills. Less than attractive people like me have to actively and deliberately put ourselves in social situations to hone our social skills.

Blame your parents for letting you stay in your room all day and not making you do more extracurricular activities so you could just "exist' and people naturally come to you.

>> No.57125109

Kek this. I'm 6ft4 and fit. People always end up telling me I'm more pleasant and nicer than I look which is a bitch because I'm naturally a bit introverted and aloof so I have to do the effort of initiating interaction 95% of the time.

Literally startled my neighbor so hard she screamed when I crossed her path in the stairs at 11 pm last time.

>> No.57125414

Just socialize with Asians. I'm average height and they only come up to my chest most of the time.

>> No.57125529

this guy knows

>> No.57125619

>Poor handsome dudes are the most demoralizing demographic, because they can't get women on their level and have to settle for garb.
Specifically they cant get a woman to stay with them long term.

>> No.57125677

While I've worked hard, I believe that being attractive and having a memorable name has earned me a lot of jobs and, thus, money.

When I'm competing with 9 others for a position, my name sticks in their ears more. My unique look sticks in their mind more. It's that extra 10% that puts me over the edge.

>> No.57125688

I've got a buddy like this. He's a 6'4" dutch dude with a natural mean mug expression. Super nice guy, but people literally won't talk to him because he's so big and mean looking. The best in-between is to be 6'0"-6'2" and have a normal attractive face.

>> No.57125713

there are precisely zero white men posting in this thread
likely not even anybody except for literal street-shitting indians

>> No.57127200

I literally fucked +300 girls in my life and it's often that people ask me why I'm not modeling and yet i work in a fucking call center (100% wfh tho)

thanks to Bitcoin retirement won't be a problem as I already own two houses at 31 but fuck... a call center

99% of my coworkers are shitskins who don't even manage to speak properly the language we work with (not english) and i'm not an operation managers yet


>> No.57127309

being attractive is literally the most important thing.

you can always geo max.

but you made it anon.

t fellow 5'5'' hot guy with a 5'8'' gf.

get status.

>> No.57127368

Your status doesnt change the fact I look down talking to you little man

>> No.57127432

your gf is hideous

>> No.57127593
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>> No.57127607

i'm laughing only because the only senior title we gave out in the past decade is to a guy i'd literally fuck.

>> No.57127621

strange truth. would you test it in an interview?

>> No.57127629

i'm laughing because you are a faggot and you think you can brag about it when everyone just want to see you dead from HIV

>> No.57127644

nah, that's not real attractiveness. people might do shit for your money but they'll NEVER respect you. attractive people don't need money for people to bend over backwards for them. if you're an incel there's no amount of money for you to be truly valued, if you manage to get money you'll always just be a means to an end