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File: 290 KB, 1078x802, Screenshot_2022-11-06-21-16-45-486_com.instagram.android-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57117192 No.57117192 [Reply] [Original]

Snow Day Edition


>Risk management:

>Educational sites:

>Options (do not trade these just because you read all these links)

>Free charts:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>Links for Christmas Grinches



Previous: >>57114569

>> No.57117207
File: 454 KB, 882x698, muh_j00s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will defense stocks shoot up again if shit starts going down in Lebanon and/or Yemen? Or should one get on the chip manufacturer bandwagon and buy e.g. AMD and Intel, since they're still relatively cheap?

>> No.57117211
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Are there any other more advanced modeled indexes?

>> No.57117214

first for racism

>> No.57117215

had my cat put down this morning. she was a good cat. i'm going to miss her a lot

>> No.57117220

My final paycheck went from 13.5K to barely 8K because of taxes. What the FUCK!?

>> No.57117223

that's hilarious

>> No.57117237
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>> No.57117248
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The brackets are raising 5.4% to compensate for """official""" inflation, but meanwhile the REAL inflation is closer to 20% per year. So, enjoy your new tax bracket and higher cost of living.

>> No.57117253
File: 144 KB, 1977x853, Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 00-08-04 Assets Total Assets Total Assets (Less Eliminations from Consolidation) Wednesday Level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this weeks edition of
>can't say they aren't doing it

>> No.57117256

Imagine a year where the market remains rangebound in a 2% channel the entire 12 months.

The investment youtuber and twitter eceleb trannnies would lose 99% of their viewership because all the normies would just get bored. It would be glorious.

>> No.57117271
File: 128 KB, 1977x887, Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 00-09-54 Assets Liquidity and Credit Facilities Loans Bank Term Funding Program Net Wednesday Level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "balance sheet unwinding" gets compensated by banks offloading shit to the BTFP over the past few weeks.

Fed will eventually create of modify a "facility" so that the BTFP basically gets extended until maturity of the bonds.

>> No.57117273
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I'm firmly in the middle of middle class at my new pay grade. Why do I have to be taxed so much?

>> No.57117282

You will pay for your own replacement and you will be happy.

>> No.57117308
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This one might be easier to read.

>> No.57117318

Does anyone here truly do intensive due diligence?
I keep flirting with idea of doing some DCF models and creating my own database for my analyzed stocks but I am just not sure whether it is worth it.
Part of me wants to practice in the hopes that my degree actually pays off one day and I can work in the finance field.

So tell me, what is your current DD regime? What do you look for in companies?

>> No.57117322

Well there are a lot of illegals here who need schools for their kids, healthcare, checks from the government, plane tickets to the sanctuary city of their choice, and cash to buy food or anything else. And many blacks need the same. Maybe, just maybe, stop being such a CHUD and open your borders, your wallet, and your wife's pussy for those a bit less fortunate than you?

>> No.57117330
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They got me good with the SVB spike.

>> No.57117343

I would short INTC and PFC if that happens. Joe wont commit a single soldier and IDF would be caught fighting in 2 fronts.

>> No.57117349
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>Understanding a Crack-Up Boom
>The crack-up boom develops out the same process of credit expansion and the resulting distortion of the economy that occurs during the normal boom phase of Austrian business cycle theory. In the crack-up boom, the central bank attempts to sustain the boom indefinitely without regard to consequences, such as inflation and asset price bubbles. The problem comes when the government continuously pours more and more money, injecting it into the economy to give it a short-term boost, which eventually triggers a fundamental breakdown in the economy. In their efforts to prevent any downturn in the economy, monetary authorities continue to expand the supply of money and credit at an accelerating pace and avoid turning off the taps of money supply until it is too late.
>In Austrian business cycle theory, in the normal course of an economic boom driven by the expansion of money and credit the structure of the economy becomes distorted in ways that eventually result in shortages of various commodities and types of labor, which then lead to increasing consumer price inflation. The rising prices and limited availability of necessary inputs and labor put pressure on businesses and causes a rash of failures of various investment projects and business bankruptcies. In ABCT this is known as the real resource crunch, which triggers the turning point in the economy from boom to bust.

>> No.57117359
File: 48 KB, 750x270, Screenshot 2023-12-28 150957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 5 bill

>> No.57117363
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>As this crisis point approaches, the central bank has a choice: either to accelerate the expansion of the money supply in order to try to help businesses pay for the increasing prices and wages they are faced with and delay the recession, or to refrain from doing so at the risk of allowing some businesses to fail, asset prices to fall, and disinflation (and possibly a recession or depression) to occur. The crack-up boom occurs when the central bank chooses and sticks with the first option.
>Economist Friedrich Hayek famously described this situation as like grabbing a "tiger by the tail."3 Once the central bank decides to accelerate the process of credit expansion and inflation in order to head off any recession risk, then it continually faces the same choice of either accelerating the process further or facing an even greater risk of recession as distortions build in the real economy.
>As part of this process, consumer prices rise at an accelerating rate. Based on current price increases and market participants' understanding of central bank policy, consumer expectations of future inflation also rise. These create positive feedback that leads to accelerating price inflation that can far outstrip the rate of central bank money expansion and become what is then known as hyperinflation.

>> No.57117368
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2024 collapse right?

>> No.57117378

I did that for a bit so I could run some analytics over swing trade strats. Every time I failed to beat buy and hold indexes so I stopped. For us mortals finding diamonds in the rough is pure luck. The big dogs have too much of an edge to compete with.

>> No.57117383

Man I kind of want to live to see it. Not sure if I'll make it that long though

>> No.57117384
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we will kick the can until 2030

>> No.57117386


>> No.57117388
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>Austrian economics

>> No.57117398

I'd happily spend my tax allotment on public work projects that would have a positive impact on those "down and out" people, but they do not want that. They'd rather lower the ceiling than raise the floor. Truly dispicable.

>> No.57117404

wtf lol, also
>millions of users
how about billions.

>> No.57117410
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>> No.57117415

Sounds like it was a cool experiment to run. How did you conduct it?
If you aren't beating other avenues though I suppose it makes no sense to continue it.
I think with AI we are getting closer to being able to analyze as much information as these massive firms but they will just develop something even more intricate.

>> No.57117417

>how about billions.
...well it is just chrome lol

>> No.57117424

Drinking an IPA. What are you guys drinking?

>> No.57117439

4chuds still won’t let me post images in incognito mode… what is moot up to?

>> No.57117441
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This probably won't end well for me but I have 63,563 shares of TMC that I'm up 46k on from swing trading for a couple years.

>> No.57117444
File: 92 KB, 500x500, 1703322767002660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>History of the Crack-Up Boom
>In the early 1920s, von Mises witnessed and decried hyperinflation in his native Austria and neighboring Germany.5 Von Mises played an instrumental role in helping Austria to avoid a crack-up boom but could do nothing but sit back and watch as the German Reichsmark collapsed one year later. He was adamant that not keeping credit expansion in check could pave the way for a deadlier dose of hyperinflation that would eventually bring the economy to its knees.
>Examples of a Crack-Up Boom
>Several economies, other than Germany, have caved in after a period of credit expansion and hyperinflation, including Argentina, Russia, Yugoslavia, and Zimbabwe.2 A more recent example is Venezuela. Years of corruption and misfiring government policies have led the South American country's economy to collapse in a drastic fashion. As a result, millions of Venezuelans face poverty, food shortages, and blackouts.6 According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Venezuela's economy contracted by over 35% between 2013 and 2017. Rampant inflation hasn't helped.
>By mid-2019, inflation in the country was reported to be as high as 10 million percent, meaning that a product that once cost the equivalent of one bolivar went on to cost the equivalent of 10 million bolivars.7 Things have gotten so bad that a monthly salary in Venezuela was reportedly not enough to even cover the cost of a single gallon of milk.

>> No.57117453

Back when TDA had a free historical prices API I pulled data for a bunch of tickers and stored it locally. I then wrote some C# code to grab the data and make the analytics. For backtesting I'd just grab data farther in the past and test out promising scenarios manually. My backtests would have great results, but when trying to actively apply the strategies they'd perform badly. I spent easily a month or 2 making everything so once it didn't perform I scrapped everything and joined team Bogle. It is worth working on if you want to learn more programming, just don't put all your hope that it will ascend you to a higher status.

>> No.57117455

I'll just take the beta.

>> No.57117457

"Down and out" people don't want that either. They often just want gibs. It's like the retards that say we need to build housing for homeless people. Many of them are so fucked up on drugs they either wouldn't want it or would just do drugs and try to cook drugs in it and destroy the property. Lefties are fucking retarded. The government is a monopoly so has no competition to try and improve our lives. It's like a labor union that bankrupts the company it's negotiating with while claiming to save the worker's jobs and salary. "Yeah the union rep was retarded, but he said good things before the company went bankrupt."

>> No.57117468

If you're using Firefox, just click the lock icon in the URL bar and delete site data between posts. It's even better than incognito. Fuck the actual feds that run this site btw.

>> No.57117472

Any time you do anything with your money the government needs some to give to illegals and drug addicts.

based car battery disposal

>> No.57117479

That is quite impressive anon, sounds like it was a lot of fun.
I've always wanted to try something like that in Python but have never stuck with it long enough to develop the skills necessary.
Any suggestions for starting on something similar?

>> No.57117480

This happens to me on mobile but not on my laptop, though I use chrome on both. Maybe one ublock stops it or different implementations of private browsing, but is annoying.

>> No.57117493
File: 53 KB, 720x720, e20b3fd64d4dfab372fee44765d1b78a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70% of my income is just taxes (if you add every single tax like VAT etc.) yet my govt introduced new taxes for next year
what the fuck are they doing with all that money? everything here is falling apart

>> No.57117504


>> No.57117509
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, 1698079725887988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking glow nigger made this post. Gtfo /smg/ cia glow nigger

>> No.57117510
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Shut the fuck up socialist.

>> No.57117514


>> No.57117517
File: 19 KB, 552x480, goth lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to do tax-selling before nye


>> No.57117523
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>> No.57117530
File: 92 KB, 491x1024, 1703298911548770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. We're witnessing a crack up boom in the stock market and no amount of shitty reversed psychology shilling can stop it.

>> No.57117554

Do each small piece at a time and don't be afraid to write bad code if it does the needful. You can always go back and re-write it if you feel like it has to work better. Other than that sticking with it and experimenting are the only main advices I can offer. The hardest part these days is getting the market data FOR FREE, but if you can find a source python is a good choice.

>> No.57117561

You missed your opportunity. You had to sell yesterday so the trade settles tomorrow in order to be included for writeoffs.

>> No.57117566

stocks take 2 days to settle retard

>> No.57117567
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It's how we seed the ocean for new nodules to form then we havest later in the year.

>> No.57117571

>The government is a monopoly so has no competition to try and improve our lives. It's like a labor union that bankrupts the company it's negotiating with while claiming to save the worker's jobs and salary.
Some would say in a cynical universe that this is their intention, is to bring us to our knees. They want us to be as weak and dependent as possible until the day they can finally step in and say, "We'll take care of this. We'll take care of you. You need us"

And metaphorically into the pods, indentured servitude we go.

>> No.57117572
File: 1016 KB, 500x357, animesher.com_gif-serial-experiments-lain-lain-iwakura-143552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not where i trade

>> No.57117595

that looks fucking foul. Id rather go to China

>> No.57117599

you're posting like you belong in /GME/

>> No.57117604
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x1024, perfect future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans if everyone through car batteries into the oceans.

>> No.57117605

>70% of my income is just taxes (if you add every single tax like VAT etc.)
Governments are a cancer. They've convinced the average person to happily give up 70% of the fruits from their labor for "services" that could be provided by the free market at a fraction of the cost.

>> No.57117609
File: 33 KB, 735x542, e48ce0d2bb9dd20648e3393427add5e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to go by the looks go to japan, or even bangkok

pattaya is for other reasons totally obviously, that' why tourists all over the world flock there


>> No.57117616

I hate taxes I'm glad I get my VAT refunded, and don't have to pay other retarded euro taxes.

US is ok with taxes 12,900, but my net is about 11,050. Thank God I get 100% of my faggot CA taxes back as well.

>> No.57117624


>> No.57117628

How the fuck are people making 100k so broke? My wife and I make 40k together in DC and still have managed to save
Is it just buying shit you don’t need?!

>> No.57117644

>Is it just buying shit you don’t need?!
Basically. Or just eating out everyday multiple times small shit like that.

>> No.57117651
File: 921 KB, 200x203, 1703642291957773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep refreshing that VPN, faggot.

>> No.57117658
File: 773 KB, 764x761, bee2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in roughly this order
i check their income statement, balance sheet and cash flows myself and with fundamentals analysis tools like finviz and valueinvesting.io
i dig up everything written about them in news archives, on youtube, on twitter -- also looking for recordings of "investor day" presentations
i read through their whole IR website to collect more searchable info
i google their execs and board members by name, including words like "lawsuit" and "alleged" in multiple searches each
i listen to 1 or 2 years worth of earnings calls and read the presentations slides for earnings plus any events
i look at a 10-year graph of the stock price and the dividend history while reading analyst opinions on VIC and SA (analyst opinions are mostly worthless apart from whether the company executes on what they learn from that company's PR department)
i look up the products if i don't know enough about them (like with uranium, i studied the entire supply cycle before ever considering a single miner)
i re-read charlie munger's checklist to see if i missed anything.

>> No.57117668

Yes I have a friend in Leesville who wastes money on ridiculous stuff like 2 outside custom doors for about $5000 with storm doors though. When I just go to lows and buy a relatively nice one for $500.

>> No.57117671

It’s gotta be eating out and luxury shit like fancy clothes. I’ve been buying all my dress clothes on eBay. A Brookes Brothers jacket is like $700 on the rack and I got a few for ~30 a piece online

>> No.57117682

I spend $200 a month just on alcohol but that's going to change. To $150
>Or just eating out everyday
Also this. I eat like two people apparently. You work in DC, I live in a city same size approximately and we make the same, the two of you and me.

But at least you have a lady.

>> No.57117702

A friend of mine complains about have to load up his credit card yet he still takes several trips a year. People are used to a certain lifestyle and will do ANYTHING to maintain it, even if they cannot really afford it.

>> No.57117715

And a kid on the way.
You can find a lady, anon. Just clean up your act and put yourself out there

>> No.57117719

Thanks. Didn’t know that

>> No.57117721

in some special cases, like with REITs, i check in a bit on their top customers. usually just a cursory look at income, cash flows, and analyst projections. especially important if they have a concentration. for example, when researching monmouth (defunct, sold to ILPT) i was looking for any reason why UPS or AMZN might try to break one of the leases.

this works vice-versa in a lot of cases. so another example, VSH is a supplier of semiconductors/parts for some manufacturers i had been looking at. now i'm looking at vishay for anything irreplaceable or disruptive, should they fail. and, they themselves might have better economics than who they supply, so for the same end-user products, they might have the bigger slice of profit margin. you never know until you look.

this "proximate check" i feel is useless in software. but important in RE, manufacturing, insurance, automotive/aerospace services.

you are looking for fast ways to say "no." you want to get to the good stuff, fast.

>> No.57117725

I WILL live like a peasant in order to afford a small rural home in WV or SC. We have about 80k saved. Most of it is in MM account and 22k is set up to slowly DCA into VOO and other shit

>> No.57117729

>So tell me, what is your current DD regime? What do you look for in companies?
First I look at the Balance Sheet, then I look at the income statement, then I proceed to go through the investor presentation to look at the business (if they have a shit balance sheet, are losing money and I can't come up with a scenario where they clean up the balance sheet and start turning profitable. and the probability of said scenario happening I stop and go on to the next company). If the balance sheet is good the earnings are good I like the company I proceed to look at historical performance, dilution, how management returns value to shareholders (by that i mean buybacks fuck divvies although if the company is cheap enough I buy regardless of boomer divvies) and valuation, If i think it's overvalued I add the ticker to a watchlist set a price alert to the downside and the DD process stops here. If it's undervalued I look to see if there's some reason I'm unaware off that would lead me into a value trap. If it is the DD stops here if it's not i buy.

>> No.57117742

I feel like the way you break it down into small pieces helps prevent the information overload of learning.
Is there any videos that helped you in understanding the code you need to write? I have watched some of Sentdex's finance series and it seems to be pretty good although dated.
The market data will be a pain in the ass to compile but I am sure I can find some free sources to start with in the beginning.
This was a really good breakdown. It is thorough and reminds a lot of what Martin Shkreli preached. I am going to try and implement some of these ideas.
Thanks a lot anon.

>> No.57117753

Ok CIA glow nigger

>> No.57117774

Give me ONE reason why AMD shouldn't be at $200 in the next two weeks. I'll wait.

>> No.57117787

also i'll respond to that response to/from that other anon:
i don't write any code. i barely use a spreadsheet. if the numbers aren't so huge that you can't just see a 2x then don't waste your time. in my head i figure GAAP net income in 100's of millions and market cap in billions, comparing them to answer "do i get twice my money in five years or so"
this is a critically important talk, it explains how much more important the narrative is than doing any accounting. don't be intimidated by accountants who can reverse engineer income/balance to validate cash flows. if you have zero positions that you truly believe in, then it isn't worth the hours of effort for something that's only growing at 5% because the bigger story sucks.
after you've collected a couple big winners you can chill out a bit and start to get down into the weeds with a company. i won't lie and say it isn't fun. but, all the precision and exactness, it's just an "illusion of control" as aswarth explains.

>> No.57117809
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I got a few

>> No.57117810

I program for my job so I haven't watched any video subject matter. I primarily just read articles on how to calculate the things I wanted then cross referenced chart data to make sure I did it correctly. I've always believed it is better to just try stuff and not to worry about doing things too "by the books". The best work products I've seen have been the most hairbrained ones produced in spitballing sessions.

>> No.57117813

sorry, anon.
Delicious Tacos wrote a really heartwrenching piece about his cat, I think called Buddy, who died a while back.

>> No.57117817
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>> No.57117830

>pic related
she was my favorite a while back.
they really hit the wall so fast.

>> No.57117834
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>> No.57117854
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>> No.57117869

Taiwan gets occupied by the CCP.

>> No.57117886
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Is it really going to crash next year?
Should I sell all of my winners tomorrow?
I was hoping to hold out till march for long term capital gains on one of them, but...

>> No.57117923

no one knows the future for sure, anon, but there are economic indicators flashing right now that only flash when a recession is imminent. but that could mean it starts in january or it could mean it starts in june.

>> No.57117928

Never bet against niggers

>> No.57117954
File: 33 KB, 203x192, 1668815095846271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am quitting my job at the end of the month and I have all my money in the market.
It better not. I am retirin n shit.

>> No.57117965
File: 267 KB, 1920x900, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife (she's white and very hot) took this pic of me at the moment I made my 7th million. Do any of you have pics of the moment you made your 7th or more million? I would like to see them because I love to see others easily achieving wealth. BTW, I made all of this money trading NATGAS, especially BOIL and KOLD. I am sure there are plenty in this smart bunch that trade NATGAS too. I hope I'm at the right place and not wrong.

>> No.57117976

That sucks. I made $70k and will owe approximately zero taxes.

>> No.57117991

does your fire alarm happen to occasionally make conspicuous beeping noises?

>> No.57117997
File: 315 KB, 621x690, 1655936823782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon the month ends effectively tomorrow. It's the last business day

>> No.57118008

We're already indentured servants you fucking retard

>> No.57118027

Servant implies performing labor. We're all capitalists here.
I hope none of you are wagecucks.

>> No.57118028

Did I get scammed by the LLAP pumper like 5-6 breads ago? They said payment was imminent

>> No.57118031

these people need to fucking suffer, so many people i know are living beyond their means and somehow it just keeps working out for these 'consumers'. they deserve to be homeless for their bad financial decisions and yet ive been living closer to homelessness than all of these people since 2016. to be clear these people are white, middle class, normies and not on any form of government support. I pray for their suffering every day.

>> No.57118065

No I put freshly charged batteries in it weekly. Does your mom have muff or shave?

>> No.57118074

Sorry, I meant the end of January. I thought December was over already somewhere in my brain. I need 2 more social security credits to be eligible for my subsidized old people insurance.

>> No.57118091

I will give this presentation a listen, I appreciate all the help again anon!
>not to worry about doing things too "by the books"
I seem to think this is my worse problem, I want things to be perfect and when I get adverse results I lose my mind and generally quit.
I will take this to heart, thanks again.

>> No.57118101
File: 179 KB, 747x719, VOTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic faux glow negro bait I love you and yes, this was/is me at the time of my eighth, habibi. My wife took this image

>> No.57118113

Why do you have to say fucking retard. It adds nothing to your point. It only fortifies mine you glow nig retard.

>> No.57118114

BABA moon imminent, I just heard that Xi personally picked up Jack Ma from the communal farm they've been keeping him at and they're going out for Laoganma covered ice cubes from the wet market.

>> No.57118143

It's coming don't worry

>> No.57118176

Ur wife did a great job and is probably a professional photographer. She is very fortunate to have submitted to your headship. What did you trade to make that 8 million starter fund? I hope to make my 900th million soon so I will finally start having some money after the first 893 million I have already made. INSALLAH!

>> No.57118195 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, 1697612018699972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I denounce the talmud

>> No.57118210

ok, sta poor thn

>> No.57118230


>> No.57118251

Habibi I only take half. Half price, NO EXCEPTIONS. I pay half price always habibi, always, al-ways you understand ser. That is how I jack up the price to 75% ah you see.

7-ELEVENS. General convenience, even better, you can charge Eleven dollars for the cow's udders.

>> No.57118279
File: 235 KB, 800x687, 1432431608096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on the upcoming federal reserve meeting?

>> No.57118289

Who exactly is at these meetings? I know obviously not any """elected""" officials

>> No.57118296

Not to mention the premium one can scalp from the buying and selling of the hen's lain egg.

>> No.57118299
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>> No.57118309


>> No.57118345

by upcoming do you mean the FOMC at the end of January?

>> No.57118363

MARA Chads, you didn't wimp out in a single profit selling session did you?
Macros are incredibly bullish for BTC and miners one and maybe two weeks into Jan.

>> No.57118435

Lost $500 in Mara today. What happens at the bell?

>> No.57118440

There is a fuck load of alpha in learning how to cook and shop for groceries wisely (cheaply). I literally went from spending $600/month on food and eating out like a yuppie zoomer (tbf i live in the most expensive part of the country) but i moved it down to about $150-200/month while eating WAY better meals because i went full autistic /ck/ mode and just have been watching foodtuber videos on youtube at night all night

Ticker symbol GO (Grocery Outlet) has helped me save a lot although their actual fresh produce is kinda gross compared to trader joes or whatever.

>> No.57118502

I've found that the only downside is how long it takes to cook. What do you like to make that is easy? I've found big batches of rice are the easiest and economical. Can add rice to any meat or make fried rice in two seconds. Also corn tortillas. And Popcorn kernels. I can make snacks in 2 minutes. Stops me from spending money and getting fat on useless snacks

>> No.57118508

Takes just as long to order/eat at restaurants.

>> No.57118511

There are a ton of meals you can make quickly and meal prep for throughout the week, just use youtube.
As you said, rice + some meat with sauce + steamed veggies is easy.
>Stops me from spending money and getting fat on useless snacks
This is the reason why spending more time to make good, fresh, homemade food is awesome, because it not only saves money, but it prevents you from getting fatter.

You're right, the downside to cooking at home is time spent. But i think people act like they dont have time to cook out of sheer laziness.

>> No.57118535

That's a sweet picture.

>> No.57118568

/biz/ cooking thread?
I'd like to suggest quesadillas. All of the ingredients can be prepped ahead of time and used in other dishes such as omelettes and home made pizzas.
I use chopped bell peppers (red and yellow) shredded marble cheese (grate it yourself to save $) diced red onion, olives, jalapenos and chicken.
If all the ingredients are prepped they only take a minute to fry up. A dab of sour cream on each slice and you're good to go.

>> No.57118572

Yeah but I like to find the hacks
Seasoned popcorn was crazy. But I wouldn't for instance make my own sugar free candy if it took 2 hours

>> No.57118574

>we should let 65IQ blacks and browns elect the people who control monetary policy aka Federal Reserve Chair George Floyd

>> No.57118589
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>> No.57118597
File: 6 KB, 460x77, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd everyone's week been? picrel

>> No.57118615

Who said anything about blacks? Mutt's law never fails

>> No.57118620
File: 438 KB, 1358x1686, wagiemaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me ONE reason why AMD shouldn't be at $200 in the next two weeks.
Because $200 is still undervalued and it should be at $300. Stop spreading fud

S&P 9000 in 2024

>> No.57118647
File: 201 KB, 815x477, miners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you remain bullish with these YTD numbers?
What if ETF is priced in and we sell the news?
WHAT if ETF gets actually rejected?
This shit is too pumped in any case. Things dont go up on a straight line.

I want to get an huge MSTR position, since I have no idea how miners work and I believe people are just buying MARA because they have a bigger BTC stack and not because of anything that has to do with how they even run the company. It's just a more leveraged gamble on BTC price. Not sure how much leverage compared to MSTR, but seems riskier.

In any case, MSTR is so fucking pumped too. How is that premium sustainable? Even if MSTR remains at a premium post ETF, this premium is just too much now, and will get dropped when people have alternatives to MSTR (for many its their only BTC proxy)

So basically we have

1) Overbought miners, being used as leveraged play by money that doesnt even care or know about the companies, they just see MARA is the biggest play and go with it
2) Overbought MSTR as the main fiat to BTC proxy
3) Potentially priced in ETF approval
4) Potentially rejected ETF
5) Just prime for a dump TA wise

>> No.57118648
File: 111 KB, 1008x710, pennyscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this good or bad for a company that's $43m marketcap

>> No.57118679

Because blacks and browns vote and they are becoming a larger proportion of the US electorate and would support candidates for Federal Reserve who do more gibs you stupid fucking nigger faggot. Please kill yourself. Please drink bleach or take a knife and slit your wrists with it. The world and /biz/ and your family will all be better off with you as a corpse instead of a babbling retard.

>> No.57118707

kys kike

>> No.57118748

>get upset when I bring up black gibs
>call me a kike
Yeah it's the jews who get very upset when white people stand up for themselves. Again, kill yourself.

>> No.57118762


>> No.57118784

>Federal Reserve is run by Whites
Go curl your Payot somemore you heeb rat

>> No.57118785 [DELETED] 
File: 1.97 MB, 2076x2543, 799fce785e55a89fb8d310e368844dc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jews are completely justified in removing Muslims from the holy land. May I have gains again?

>> No.57118799

Any reason to not invest 50% of my life’s savings into VOO if I’m holding for 20 yrs?

>> No.57118809
File: 15 KB, 554x772, bbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I'm filtering this faggot's ID. And I can only hope he filters himself out of the gene pool. Bonus points if he takes out his retarded faggot family members as well.

>> No.57118824

Put 5% in UPRO if you are holding for 20 years.

>> No.57118838

I am experiencing greed. I'm up almost 200% on Bitfarms but didn't sell... The fuck do I do?

>> No.57118865

Fkn thing aint exactly Grainger. Youre going to hate the exit no matter what.

>> No.57118892

Nobody ever got poor taking 200% profits. Just exit.

>> No.57118931

when i go +100% and im not confident, i usually sell half to secure my cost basis at least
in your case you could sell a third and even if it goes to zero you won't "lose" money

that said unrealized gains are money you have right now, if you hold it's equivalent as having that cash right now and buying bitfarms at its current price
i doubt you have liquidity issues after all

>> No.57118933

What the fuck are you doing trying to leave? Buy more faggot!!!

>> No.57118943


>> No.57118972

I want cheap desalination and geothermal stocks.

>> No.57118982


Fuck sake sell and take some profits. You'll only regret it otherwise.

>> No.57118994


>> No.57118999
File: 134 KB, 301x464, hangsengtraders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hang Seng Traders

>> No.57119022
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enjoy your red candle in 2024

>> No.57119060

Actually I quit my job and rolled my 401k over instead.
I'm thinking about heading down to Texas and getting some gibs myself.
Rule #1 of trading: when you see arbitrage, quit bitching and get on the winning side.

>> No.57119069 [DELETED] 

I'd support the jews if they let us remove the muslims from our countries. I used to support them because I thought we were in agreement over that actually.

>> No.57119072

Jesus was a Palestinian, my personal favorite Christmas song is the one about the 3 Wiseman who built their houses out of straw, wood and stone from the river to the sea to stop the coin clipping money changers from committing a genocide.

>> No.57119074

This is why I took profit earlier this month lol.

>> No.57119082

Was this written by a low parameter count language model?

>> No.57119092

Top kek

>> No.57119094

the fuck does this even mean

>> No.57119099

Speculation of when we get the correction?

>> No.57119101

Nah I just made some shit up. I hate all the christmas carols except that Maria Carrey one, and I only need to hear it like 2 maybe 3 times a year.

>> No.57119102
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Baggie is drunk and b& on his main trip.

>> No.57119103
File: 100 KB, 852x557, 1692790577372367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you remain bullish with these YTD numbers?

>What if ETF is priced in and we sell the news?
The ETF is in the process of being priced in, with a long way to go to be fully priced (Bitcoin MC of $15 trillion is not priced in).

>WHAT if ETF gets actually rejected?
0% probability of that, hence the parabolic price appreciation of MARA.

Beyond that MARA is going to product over 1,800 BTC in December alone. Their 14,000 BTC hold is going to get re-priced with the new FASB mark-to-market accounting treatment of BTC on the balance sheet.

I know what I got.

>> No.57119109

no, thats the quasor, coming in at the end of the year dropping gold

>> No.57119125 [DELETED] 
File: 378 KB, 1260x1422, IMG_1914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick reminder that /smg/ is property of scoopsies
and that it is a KKK-certified nigger free zone

so if ya found to be posting and of the wrong fucking skeen cuhluh n sheettt… then ya gonna be executed to death… via whippings n sheeeitt…

>> No.57119128
File: 582 KB, 639x694, 197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the market is pricing in 7 fed rate cuts in 2024

>> No.57119140

It's going to be a good year for traders.

>> No.57119141 [DELETED] 


>> No.57119143

The bond auction didn't price in any of that shit.

>> No.57119150
File: 77 KB, 640x720, gotta wear shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 cuts
>12 months
Mama mia that's alotta cuts!

>> No.57119152
File: 6 KB, 299x169, 1677741419213760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to allow securities to become stronger than the dollar

>> No.57119158
File: 254 KB, 1268x951, 1701665545752534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you try and pay at KR with WMT and get b& for life

>> No.57119164

>7 fed rate cuts
Hahaha. Good one.
sounds like the market is in for some pain

>> No.57119175
File: 82 KB, 420x590, 6BF88DD1-FFEF-4490-BBA4-A668D7DC339B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Rice Shower you live in a nigger hell hole payed for by (you)

>> No.57119181
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>> No.57119198

Thats just Hong Kong. Real China is green

>> No.57119209

I've met too many Asian women to believe that. They're extremely racist and unrestrained by "White guilt" the way White women are.

>> No.57119210

It's early talk to me after the lunch hour.

>> No.57119214

I know but I'm trying to shame the chinks into buying

>> No.57119293

2 weeks

>> No.57119419

i'm so sad and lonely bros just give me a ticker to go all in on so either i can retire to a south american harem or kms

>> No.57119457

What the fuck are your ordering that you can't cook faster at home+travel there and back? Fast food? Stay poor.

>> No.57119549
File: 40 KB, 690x468, Screenshot 2023-12-28 234444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all returns to nothing..

this kinda earnings not gonna help me moon at all
RIP i got too cocky

>> No.57119551
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>> No.57119561

Give it to me straight. Is GOOGL going down the drain long term? I just feel like they're old news.

>> No.57119621

I have no idea whether you're agreeing or disagreeing with me.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Home cooking is plenty fast if you're efficient. Only thing that'll really save time is shitty fast food drive thru.

The real challenge is in tracking and organizing ingredients while still making a decent variety of meals. No one likes leftovers.

>> No.57119742

Their core business is very strong and their valuation is reasonable for big tech EXCEPT that they dilute shares with stock based compensation and all of their money printer flow goes straight to launching 3 products or services a year that go absolutely nowhere.

Management could change in which case it's a very different story. But for now it's not something I'd buy with intent to hold long term.

>> No.57119755
File: 532 KB, 1440x1244, 1677951426766316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when little bobo told me this would cause rates to go parabolic and destroy the stock market. Wonder what happened to that thesis .

>> No.57119819

you guys think i should maybe pay off some of my higher student debt? I have about $7000 of 4.8% interest student debt. I was thinking of paying it off but i don't wanna get fucked over by brandon.

>> No.57119887


>> No.57119906

Anybody strongly agree TSLA could bounce tomorrow from residual megacap upside?

>> No.57119922

What broker do you guys use? I loved TDA but got schwab'd. I gave them a chance, but even looking at my positions and balances sucks. Buying/ selling is cumbersome, I haven't traded options yet mostly because of how cumbersome it feels.

>> No.57119961

At 29 I'm late to the game and it's all so incredibly dizzying. Savings accounts are taxable, Roth IRAs aren't, so why would I bother with a savings? I'm torn between Robinhood and Stash because Stash seems more newbie friendly but I wouldn't be a newbie forever and I already have a Robinhood.

>> No.57119971

Interactive brokers, but it's got it's own problems.

>> No.57119990


If their ad gravy train ever gets disrupted they are fucked. They have no follow-through, or managerial vision on anything they do.

I think Apple has more of a moat than they do, and Apple just sells overpriced phones/laptops that print money solely as a way to signal social status for women and bugmen.

>> No.57120003


>> No.57120058

whats the make it stack?

>> No.57120216

Meh, they will shoot up again regardless. The Russo-Ukraine war is just a preliminary, bigger better things coming soon

>> No.57120233

Every war is going to be a slow burn like Ukraine.
I much prefer generic chip makers, especially under priced ones like STM.

>> No.57120276



>> No.57120380
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I'm not buying more goog cause I bought back prior to the GOOG/GOOGL split and added more prior to 2018 thus already overexposed with like ~2000shares making up a large part of my portfolio.

Alphabet will be fine. Search is strong. Chrome is strong. Android is strong. Playstore is fine. Youtube is not only winning at netflix's game but also getting into sports and shorts is the closest thing to tiktok. I already see Waymos on the streets here in Cali.

Megacap tech might be overvalued though. Greener pastures in TNA/TMF given they've lagged and rates are likely going down next year. Not sure how great they are now since I was buying them around Oct/Nov and TMF already up +50% since then.

>> No.57120469


Pull backs are normal and healthy. This things hasn’t even gotten close to the top

>> No.57120477
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>> No.57120565 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.57120570 [DELETED] 

I just got banned from one of my tech forums for posting this a couple hours ago.
Fucking chinks.

>> No.57120648
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>> No.57120701
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>> No.57120720

/pol/ just said that we are in for a big recession next year because we are expecting 7 interest rate cuts next year.
Aren't interest rate cuts good for stocks?

>> No.57120738

>Aren't interest rate cuts good for stocks?
Not historically no, companies eat shit during the recession proper and profits decline

>> No.57120755

Oh no BABA bros my internet is flickering

>> No.57120812
File: 30 KB, 708x439, 1691663425304263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saxo just did a study

There have been 9 initial Fed rate cuts starting a rate cut cycle (shorter or longer) since 1 January 1985 and if we look at the S&P 500 performance during these periods then the US equity market tends to rise in the subsequent 3 months after a rate cut cycle has begun. Remember that with only 9 rate cut cycles the statistics here come with small confidence and investors should take note of the current situation instead of blindly trust history. The average S&P 500 gain during the 90 trading days after an initial Fed rate cut is 5.1% which is significantly above the normal 3-month S&P 500 return which is in the 2-2.5% range.

>> No.57120886
File: 362 KB, 461x710, miko88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /smg/! I saw my sweet bb boi scoopsies was here last night. It's a shame I missed that qt twink.

>> No.57120889

fuck you, niggerbitch

>> No.57120894

gonna go nut in a hot stripper, cya faggots

>> No.57120910

brehs im starting to download a bunch of market books again. a never ending rabbit hole...

>> No.57120915

are you still in soxl?

>> No.57120932

yeah, I never sell a loss, nigguh

>> No.57120936
File: 734 KB, 595x564, 1640443564223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bb! Don't leave yet, we have to catch up.

>> No.57120947

doesnt chop fuck up gains a lot in longer term?

>> No.57120968

thoughts on credit unions?

>> No.57121049

Scoopsies has an average share price on SOXL at about $50 a share. He is just coping

>> No.57121102

yeah im just wondering cos when i played leveraged and price went up and down. my gains were less than i expected.

so when you do 6 month or more 3x chop wonder how much it eats the profits.

>> No.57121108

>Starbucks has reportedly lost over $11 billion in value after a decrease in sales

2024 is gonna be an interesting year for consoooming data

>> No.57121142
File: 85 KB, 660x574, 1703848117285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My investments are with good companies, they will surely come back

>> No.57121170

im deleting a bunch of shitty pdfs ive acquired.

>> No.57121187

but anon the market bottomed a year ago.

s-surely your investments are back in green ?

>> No.57121236

These companies cannot afford the DEI shit anymore. So look toward the new year to bring some of the stuff we heard The Hon. Jerome Powell spew out while he was balls deep in Jackson's Hole. Pain, minority unemployment rates, bears getting to cum, decisive Russian victory. It's going to be a bad year for most of you. #youwerewarned #Jacksonville #pain

>> No.57121237

Have you been to Starbucks lately? It's dirty and everyone's extremely gay. There used to be at least some sort of pretense that it was a place for upper class people writing or telecommuting but that's all gone now. It's all just faggots handing you your "food" in a poorly cleaned room covered in flags that stand for anal sex.

The idea that they serve food is a real stretch. They've started putting vegetable oil in their drinks because I guess they think poisoning their costumers is a good business model?

Last time I went in it was all immigrants, one of whom was propped up in a corner sobbing to himself. The whole thing is just shockingly miserable. The corporate propaganda celebrates destruction and their employees realize it.

You combine that with the expected downturn in fast food consumption *and* the looming macro issues and that's one of the last places I'd want my money.

>> No.57121238
File: 68 KB, 1433x744, 2023-12-29 12.35.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy to measure

>> No.57121267

i meant the chop when it goes sideways up and down. then it starts goin up the gains are less than it should be.

>> No.57121278

most retarded comment in the thread

>> No.57121300

what slow broker do you use? do you call your broker like a fucking 80s boomer or something? ey, pops, the future is smart phones and apps.

>> No.57121305

okay grandpa

>> No.57121308

That's what this graph shows. SOXX^3 is what SOXL would be if SOXL stayed flat when SOXX stays flat. SOXL/SOXX^3 shows you how much actual SOXL loses over time.

>> No.57121322

okay. i was confused by the chart goin down.

i played 3xlev awhile ago and once it went up after awhile and i noticed i got less gains then it should have been.

thats when i stopped leveraged mostly

>> No.57121360

yurop is mildly green

>> No.57121380

What's a good resource for portfolio schemes? I have three accounts and ended up making them almost the same. Three fund traditional IRA, five fund roth IRA, five fund plus a few stocks I trade occasionally in a taxable account.

>> No.57121383

>Magnificent 7: >70% return
>S&P 493: ~6% return
Clearly it is better to hold the top 10/20 stocks in SPY so why is there no ETF consisting of these stocks or do you have to buy the stocks yourself

>> No.57121388 [DELETED] 

Happening! Get in here!

>> No.57121404
File: 423 KB, 638x485, 072232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60% Stocks and 40% Bonds young man.

>> No.57121408

Hasn't there been rotation at the bottom of the mag7? FAGMAN is only 6 letters.

>> No.57121413

Is this a bullish sign? Are we really back?

>> No.57121414
File: 10 KB, 320x180, China will grow larger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


China will grow larger.

>> No.57121418

/ghettoanon/ here. What do I buy to escape nogs?

>> No.57121430

only retards buy options.

>> No.57121434

In every account? I follow this rule in my traditional ira for sure.

>> No.57121446

Holy shit...

>> No.57121452

A fast car

>> No.57121482

Are there any animes about the stock market or that feature female brokers?

>> No.57121489

good job and moving.

>> No.57121496
File: 112 KB, 760x831, Screenshot_20231229-064708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ended green again. Threadly reminder that the Tencent dump was the bottom.

>> No.57121500

Tesla and Nvidia are the new boys to join

>> No.57121509

So when would your algorithm rotate them in?

>> No.57121524

2 weeks

>> No.57121585

Didn't libtards flip their shit and boycott SBUX for siding with Israel?

>> No.57121593

Just T+1 settlement won't be until May 28th: https://www.sec.gov/investment/settlement-cycle-small-entity-compliance-guide-15c6-1-15c6-2-204-2

>> No.57121605

I would rotate yearly, but I have only looked at the past year and not the performance for say the past 20 years

>> No.57121677
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>> No.57121715
File: 40 KB, 1024x547, 1677243669724634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are our predictions for 2024?
what will spawn the next black swan?

>> No.57121723

too risky for my britches
i feel a bubble pop coming, considering the overall state of software.

>> No.57121727

Uhhhh Anons? My broker sent no data for the past hour.... Account value also flat lining for the past hour at the exact same value...

That's just temporary, r-right?

>> No.57121742

biden blast

>> No.57121758

I'm a europoor tho
God this shit better be working again before open

>> No.57121759

It's amazing how binary people are, their predictions are either a meltup or a meltdown.

>> No.57121769

I want to do a wash sell of my apple stock to take advantage of last year's losses but my broker takes 0.5% for each transaction (FX fee), so the price would have to drop by 1% for me to buy back in without losing money due to fees.

Am I correct in my line of thinking? Is it reasonable to assume I'll get back in for 1% cheaper?

>> No.57121776

so at what time do options expire? is it at open ? if so then why is opex even an event int he first place?

>> No.57121783

>but my broker takes 0.5% for each transaction
Now that's some advanced cuckolding

My broker only takes 1€ for each buy/sell under 250€, i.e. just don't be poor

>> No.57121793


I'm using XTB and I'm using PLN. I could get past the fee but opening an account in USD but right now it is what it is.

>> No.57121803

You need my brown hands to teach you how to write Python code and SQL queries

>> No.57121826

Is QYLD not paying a dividend this month?

>> No.57121828

All countries are American colonies. Europe, China, Africa, it doesn't matter.

>> No.57121837

jej the scam finally ran out of steam.

>> No.57121846

LLAP scam ladies.

>> No.57121853

ETFs have to be diversified to an extent. The S&P is already close to the limit. I think the limit is 10 or less companies can't make up 50% or more of the holdings.

>> No.57121856

>Uhhhh Anons? My broker sent no data for the past hour.... Account value also flat lining for the past hour at the exact same value..


>> No.57121875

Please note the following times:

DE and NL stocks: 1:00 PM CET
UK100, ES35, and HK50: 1:00 PM CET
BRENT_H4 and BRENT.cash: 8:30 PM CET

>> No.57121879
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>new year's eve
aint that shit like 2-3 days away or something? Germans are retarded.

>> No.57121886
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>> No.57121887

Yep, and I'm pretty sure normal jobs have normal working hours today kek.

I wanted to get rid of my MSFT calls today, well fuck.

>> No.57121914

I'm going to buy into VTI today lads. wish me luck.

>> No.57121928

Do I sell 150 JEPQ for VOO? My kid's account

>> No.57121932

>Anon uses his kids account for gambling
Not sure if based or incredibly pathetic and egotistical

>> No.57121939
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XXXX, you'll escape at 4x the speed

>> No.57121942


>> No.57121943
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>> No.57121947


>> No.57121948


>> No.57121953

you should sell it for qqq.
>here son, 20 years ago i invested in the s&p 500, a boomer index for idiots that's filled with rent-seeking garbage co's for downside protection. also i capped your upside and paid exorbitant fees to jp. morgan in exchange for a petty amount of cash that is now worthless.

>> No.57121955

>I wanted to get rid of my MSFT calls today, well fuck.
>Microsoft instantly moons at open
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.57121957
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>> No.57121967


>> No.57121982
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>> No.57121985

Buy SAVE calls they are CHEAP
15.5C today spiked to almost $3 at open and dropped to $0.5 a couple of minutes ago.

>> No.57121993
File: 52 KB, 640x673, 1677954989945962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait the market is open today?

>> No.57122002

Bobros I'm getting a gut feeling that it's not long until we're all going to wake up one day and the market is going to have crashed and I will do a double take after opening the trading view app.
We all know something is going to happen in Q1 2024.

>> No.57122006
File: 280 KB, 403x570, 5678976544567876543234567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JingDong bros we are so back!

>> No.57122021

I'm ruined.

>> No.57122024
File: 817 KB, 1200x800, 1703773714637294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then he said wait the market is open today?
>it can't be much longer until he transitions and then i can ask him to join our book club!

>> No.57122035

MARA chads..... are we back

>> No.57122036

hoping for a comfy new years rally

>> No.57122037

You can double your money anon, look at the spread

>> No.57122046
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women see trannies as pets, they would never ask one to join their book club

>> No.57122065

end of the day

>> No.57122070

“No man whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord."

>> No.57122082
File: 257 KB, 1793x761, SPX_2023-12-30_01-19-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2008 crash did not happen on a single day anon. In early Jan 2008 the market began to trade consistently BELOW the 200 SMA (a good marker for a bear market, opposite for bull market), but before that there was plenty of time to get out. The easy to see head and shoulders, the transition from trending to channelling, the initial dips below the 200 SMA. Ample time for investors to exit longs before losing all their money and left with bags

>> No.57122083
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>> No.57122090

>total holdings up $2 on market open
we're back

>> No.57122098

i did some forecasting so im watching a stock today as test. will be nice to see does it workout or no.

>> No.57122100

YOU SHALL NOT PASS... $30 today

>> No.57122104

does not matter, we are already set up to keep pumping until SPY crosses 500 probably before February

>> No.57122130

Wen stok market crash? Today?

>> No.57122133

so spy is just going to chop 0.15 all day?

>> No.57122134

the fed will lower rates and it will SKYROCKET

>> No.57122171

we going to stick to the vwap

>> No.57122173

LLAP CHADS... The stop order trigger activated. Im out of the game

>> No.57122176

What is with this massive buy wave?
>NQ rolling over to the downside
>bar 7 closes on 5 minute chart
>sudden flood of buy orders

>> No.57122202

>transition from trending to channelling
This is beginning to happen on a small scale

>> No.57122207


>> No.57122209

>Fed lowers rates Jan 2nd

>> No.57122212
File: 1.88 MB, 1796x996, Screen Shot 2023-12-29 at 8.01.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese EVs

>> No.57122215

it makes my dick to hard to know that bears are priced out and have probably ruined their life

>> No.57122223

You sound like the kind of person who thinks with their dick.

>> No.57122253

Actually I wouldn't even say the s&p is in a channel on a small scale, it's just in a channel, it's hovering around the previous high and looking like it wants to give up here.
Delusional mumoids thinking this is the start of a bullrun just as the yield curve is re-steepening makes me even more convinced it's nearing the end of this current rally.

>> No.57122264




>> No.57122267

spare a thought for the long suffering value investor

>> No.57122275

cope bitch

>> No.57122321
File: 292 KB, 1080x1532, Screenshot_20231229-152330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll remember rude little mumoids like you during the March 2024 crash.

>> No.57122329

kinda agree but it could poomp for few more months. if you been chirping this tune for longer then ur delusional since we been going up for months.

>> No.57122491
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LLAP chads, we lost

>> No.57123063

My bussy is being brutalized.