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57116226 No.57116226 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.57116234

>Verification not required.

>> No.57116245

Men only want the right so they can get the left.

>> No.57116255

thats what women want too though they're just to stupid to get it

>> No.57116263

I'd give up sex forever to have enough money that I never have to wage again. I want freedom not women.

>> No.57116276

It's true for all of humanity.

>> No.57116319

absolutely based beyond reproach.

>> No.57116341


>> No.57116353

Roastie detected

>> No.57116376

i've done the first part, where's the rest?

>> No.57116499

riding a pump into 10x+ is a feeling exponentially more pleasurable than having sex
>t. sex haver

>> No.57116508

what if you watch your portfolio on your phone 10x right as you're pumping her

>> No.57116528

I have enough buttcoin to travel and enjoy myself for atleast 40 years but I took a GF that is poor so now I'm not free anymore.

She's poor and I'll have to support us both probably.

Am I retarded

>> No.57116534

it would only serve to distract you from the overwhelming urge to "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" in peace

>> No.57116541

It feels good until you cum and then you are disgusted and empty for a few hours to a few days. If I cum extremely hard I can be a zombie for a week

>> No.57116546

>I'm not free anymore
>Am I retarded
only if you keep thinking you "aren't free anymore". Sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.57116571

>She's poor and I'll have to support us both probably.
support sometimes but don't spend your money on her. if i was you i'd get a decent halftime-parttime job so i have time + the money you get goes to shit like uspport her and rent. but your fortune is mostly untouched, and dont let that female know ur shit

>> No.57116644
File: 98 KB, 1024x1024, 1702996392364184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same so badly you have no idea. Money is power not to wage anymore.

>> No.57116656

she's a gf not a wife dummy. You don't owe her anything. You sound desperate, she'll likely smell that while she cheats on you with deadbeat Chad

>> No.57116752

you start your journey thinking that
then right as you reach 6 figures you find that you already have a 9/10 gf who pays for her stuff and only wants your attention
you keep grinding anyway. you tell yourself this will be to secure your future, you, her, your children
the more money you make, the more disconnected you are from wagecucks
she still loves you
you fuck up, not with money but with her. several times
she leaves
you're now at 7 figures
you tell yourself seeing as you're getting older, you need more to attract a much younger mate and have your lifelong financial future secured
in the end you're memeing yourself
you could go out right now and make a qt happy
you could have skipped the whole money chase and kept your gf
or you could have met any number of other high quality girls
you tell yourself she was special and you were so lucky just so you can sit on your ass and read research papers all day while your money makes money passively anyway, pretend to be busy so you don't have to try the one thing that matters

>> No.57116772

I'm at 5 figures
how do i prevent all this pain
should I just sell everything and get a job at McDonalds

>> No.57116923

I would sell all my 500 LINK for a loving gf.

>> No.57116946

>you start your journey thinking that
>then right as you reach 6 figures you find that you already have a 9/10 gf who pays for her stuff and only wants your attention
I have 6 figure income and 6 figure net worth and 0 gf.

>> No.57117164
File: 375 KB, 1542x2024, MV5BYzIwYTU4OWEtMmRlYi00MWFhLWI0MDUtNzVlZDgxM2JmYTE5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder Miranda Kerr had a "romantic relationship" with Jho Low in 2014, and had to return diamond jewellery with a market value of $8 million USD gifted by him to the US government after he became an international fugitive. She was just a high-end escort, and now of course she's married to a multi-billionaire.

>> No.57117278

AMWF bros... we can't stop winning

>> No.57117321

lol this, dude sounds like he signed a contract in blood. Women come and go in life, you don't need to absolutely commit to the 1st one you get. Women can sense when you know what you're doing around them, it only gets easier after the first gf.

>> No.57117327

seek help, this is not normal

>> No.57118517
File: 116 KB, 564x737, IMG_3758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch. Ok so I already fucked the 9/10 gf to my own hubris. I’m stuck finishing this meme out my nigga. Cuz 7 figs is necessary and then when my meme is complete I’ll have a 28 y.o. Smoke show and 3 kids

>> No.57118889
File: 395 KB, 672x703, lul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white woman supply/demand is SO fucking broken in >current year.
>Miranda Kerr
>have no tits, average body
>not even tall or actual amazing features like a "supermodel" should have
>face of male incel equivalent
And they still manage to trick rich brown/asian men into dumping MILLIONS into them, and eventually find their white sucker daddy to shit out more white whores.

>> No.57118968

Yes. and keep in mind she has either 1-2 parents that will expect support too. If you're rich, ignore poor people.

>> No.57118970
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>> No.57119047

>and then you are disgusted and empty for a few hours to a few days.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Orgasms are supposed to wash your brain with endorphins making you feel good and satisfied for a while.