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57114600 No.57114600 [Reply] [Original]

How to turn 200k into 8 million? Thank you

>> No.57114618

learn to trade

>> No.57114625

delete my picture. now.

>> No.57114658

first of all
learn to shave
learn to

>> No.57114877
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you only have to follow the following steps in this specific order:

get up at 5am
take a bath with cold water and the light off
read 5 pages of an economics book
have breakfast
find a way to register at beoble
find a way to have all that money in cash
go to the casino
bet it all on black

>> No.57114883

a solid plan

>> No.57114921

i have a solid plan but i need 1k from you first

>> No.57115054

you can rent a strip club

>> No.57115063


>> No.57115082

Follow up question. How do I get to 200k from 2k and being a NEET. Work is not an option

>> No.57115159

trade shitcoins obviously
hint: https://dexscreener.com/new-pairs/1h?rankBy=pairAge&order=asc&chainIds=solana&dexIds=raydium&minLiq=1000&maxAge=1&min1HBuys=5&min5MBuys=5&min1HSells=5&min5MSells=5

>> No.57115307
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put money in any shit, we are still in the bullmarket, maybe not enough for a long term plan but something extra in 2 days you can have, at least that's what I did with XOR in 2021 and I can still waste money thanks to it

>> No.57115351

I would have liked to stay here longer, I only made money for college and then I left, it was a waste of money

>> No.57115383


>> No.57115399
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>> No.57115402

Access to bear market pre-seed rounds led by bluechip funds.

>> No.57115423

Ya. If i had put my 5 digit shitcoin gains from last cycle into decent projects instead of buying more shitcoins, I'd probably be starting this cycle with 6 figures instead of the lower 5 figure amount I have now. Fuck, I might have to get a job soon if I don't some quicker come ups. I'm not cashing shit out rn. Life gets in the way and you don't have the option to watch charts all day sometimes.

>> No.57115439

Hit up your bank with your 200k in cash and tell then that they identify as 8 million. Sue if they protest

>> No.57115727

When bitcoin dips to $30k in the first half of 2024, put 50% in btc and 50% in AVAX. Sell the top. Go all in on bitcoin at next cycle bottom, sell top again. You might need to put some into altcoins next cycle to reach $8M but this is the safest way.

>> No.57115746

buy shit oil and wait for venezula to get ultramad and start a war.

>> No.57115759

to contiune and rationalize, war sucks but it makes money for the energy sector...or is this coke not columbian

>> No.57115792
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>put money in s&p500
>wait 35 years

>> No.57116202


>> No.57116224

do i read with the ligths on or off? also 5am but which timezone? answer quickly thx

>> No.57116558

Hold and sell when you hit $5m.

>> No.57116604

always read with light off but use natural sunlight. Timezone is mostly GMT though if it conflicts the sunlight method kindly adjust to your own liking. Be aware that the further you are from GMT the less likely this method will work, so proceed at your leisure and feel free to adjust or check out other methods

>> No.57117549


>> No.57118147

Buy btc and hold for 3 cycles (10-15 years)

>> No.57119221
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Slurping MAGA $TRUMP while it's still cheap, don't be a fucking shrimp and join the train before it reaches $1

>> No.57120055
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Don't get doxed OP enjoy your view.

>> No.57120078

Six million buy ICP and sell the 30x, wait till bitcoin starts bleeding off the cliff then short no leverage till you get the extra two million, there you go.

>> No.57120197

I'd rather slurp RAIL, INJ and CTSI. Shitcoins are fucking dangerous.