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57113448 No.57113448 [Reply] [Original]

Should I give up?

>> No.57113476

you should give up on being a loser and start being a real man. you can do it anon,I believe in you

>> No.57113490


>> No.57113533


>> No.57113551

No, just intentionally trade like a retard and see what happens
At worst you'll lose the money you put in and at best you'll get a giggle out of it

>> No.57113572

Listen to this fag, OP. You are body abled, imagine the amount of disabled fags on wheelchairs who are not giving up. Don't lose hope

>> No.57113582


>> No.57113588

This. Everyday work to over come your fear. Strike up conversations with people. Practice your speaking skills in front of a camera. Submit yourself to God and study His word. Travel and read a book a week to increase your mental acuity. Pick up a hobby that requires you to be active like skiing or fishing or exercise that gets you moving. Constantly learn new skills. You get the idea. Keep climbing the mountain or slide into the abyss. You have a set number of days, grow a pair and live your life

>> No.57113598

>Submit yourself to God and study His word
stopped reading there, get out of here with your middle eastern religious bullshit you christ cuck

>> No.57113626

"The fool has said in his heart that there is no God"...the truth is the truth and always will be. Your opinion is meaningless. Gods grace is free. You must receive it.

>> No.57113747

>quote some random bible bullshit
>s-see? you just g-got owned! (where's god anyway? No, I must not doubt! god exists because the culture I was born in told me so!)
Not gonna fly, bub. I'm sorry but there is no daddy in the sky. Religion is just a tool of control and false hope for the retard masses. Imagine believing some jewish carpenter with magical powers was the son of God and somehow died for our sins some 2000 years ago (which is a religious concept anyways, there is actually no "sins" at all)
>here's another bible quote! somehow this will prove anything!
Be my guest, I guess

>> No.57113920
File: 154 KB, 391x348, fffffuuuckkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to give up for the simple reason that I am going to be worse than I already am, I'm maintaining a state of suffering so as not to suffer even more, even though I have a SPX bag, I still want to stay that way instead of getting actually better

>> No.57113933

If you don’t have 100k in crypto just fucking rope nigger

>> No.57113959

go to therapy or touch grass nigga damn

>> No.57113966

based life hater
cringe life enjoyer

>> No.57114047

fpbp. Literally made my day a little bit better. Based, and I say "based" maybe once every half a year.

>> No.57114096
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why? escaping this prison only adds to your sentence.

>> No.57114243
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Dude it's all pointless, trading, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
The younger generations are realizing early how fucked they are compared to the older gens.
Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.

>> No.57114273

That's the spirit! Time to drink.

>> No.57114282
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>> No.57114287

If you really want to make it drain your bank accounts and put all of your cash in BNB. It will keep pumping up till at least 600 by the next two-three months. And the Launch-pool staking rewards will be the cherry on top.

>> No.57114291
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>> No.57114325

Post a screencap or your 100% BNB portfolio bought at these prices

>> No.57115619


>> No.57115649


Keep in mind that I am Europoor so this is a fair bit of money for me.

>> No.57115680

The next cycle is starting, at least give it one more try.

>> No.57115686

Somebody posts about being broke and depressed, IT'S A DEMORALIZATION THREAD. Somebody posts their $1 million crypto portfolio, IT'S A DEMORALIZATION THREAD. Hypersensitive fags like you are the worst.

>> No.57115777
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No. Do it just to do it. Once you done it just say whatever.