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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57111610 No.57111610 [Reply] [Original]

Surely everyone can see that our current economy and financial system is complete bullshit?

How does it keep going on?

>> No.57111612

kek, eat shit midwit doomtard

>> No.57111621

It is on its death bed, Anon. By 2030 the new system will have taken over.

>> No.57111624

Cattle literally don't know how to solve their own problems. Have you ever asked yourself this "Why don't the workers, if they know what to do, just all leave the company and start their own?" well the answer to that is they literally don't know what to do. Yes their literally needs to be a boss there to tell them what to do or they flop about like fish on the dock.

>> No.57111626

Probably like %1 of people know that our economy is just one big Ponzi scheme that only works as long as new nigger cattle are brought in. For proof see all western countries. Why do you think they let the cattle at the southern border in

>> No.57111627

>Chad Optimists: 100
>Doomers: 0
Natural selection wins again

>> No.57111632

If its so bullshit, then why arent you taking advantage of it supposedly being so?

>> No.57111641

Yeah right after they delete the internet meme money and chip your stupid goy ass

>> No.57111647

What exactly is bullshit?
You are very vague

>> No.57111651

hahaha ok

>> No.57111665

Making it into management made me realize this: most people have no fucking idea what to do at their job if they're not told.

>> No.57111671
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I hope you have a garden

>> No.57111679

Everyone is chipped already. Life without your smart phone is unimaginable to most young people.

>> No.57111694

old fag here it's always been complete bullshit.
you're probably so logical you've forgotten to see the magic involved anon.
from numbers written in pencil on a piece paper you can make buildings go from ground to sky high up in the air. move those numbers around one way, or another, and this gets to happen in that place while that then doesn't get to happen in that place.
now appreciate that some people have the power to write, rub out, change those numbers whichever way they see fit. you know this anon, but do you really appreciate the implications.

and while scrubbing out or writing in they use all types of words to describe the process they're doing so that logical types can get tricked some more, kind of like a game with a cheat code. it comes out of nowhere and doesn't make sense, until it does make sense because muh it's a cheat code so of course.

the most powerful person in the village is the storyteller anon.
and you don't understand the symbols and imagery they use in their stories. they just go past you.
you, like many doomers, just listen to the story too logically and confuse your logic, it being not much more than obedience to one God, as being superior to emotion, which is everybody else's obedience to another.

until of course one day you're right. and then the way you see the world will be vindicated because you will conveniently forget that you were so wrong for so long. and very quickly after being right and forgetting that you were wrong for so long you will then be wrong again because there will be new magic concocted and the economy will rejig and won't doom again.

of course it's bullshit. but it's a well constructed story that gets people to do things. those who are rational and appeal just to logos to analyse it a little see it doesn't make sense. without being gay, try throwing in some pathos and ethos there with your logos and you'll see it's all exactly how it should be.

>> No.57111706

Because it hasn't always been this way, so I have no reason to believe it will be this way forever, other than it seemingly never ending at the moment.

>> No.57111708
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Most people aren't doomer loser chuds who spend their time on forums and not looking at the real world.

>> No.57111728
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the ZIRP period with following rapehikes probably broke things and we'll be seeing the fallout soon, I'm guessing many years of stagnation like the period 00-08

>> No.57111733

That's a good summary of how all this works. Unfortunately the doomer incel chuds won't understand this message and will continue to lose money in perpetuity.

>> No.57111745

Let the dead bury their dead

>> No.57111754

Shut up you fucking tit, I'm talking about the cunt on CNBC running his mouth about how he thinks apple should be 4 trillion because he's bored of it being worth 3 trillion.

>> No.57111771

furthermore ,what do you really want? do you want it all to crash and burn?

like most doomers you probably don't. perhaps i'm wrong but you most likely want everything to stay intact while there is a correction from which you will gain but the overarching structure of the system will by and large, in essence, still be in place so that you will then be able to benefit from this gains you earlier reaped. if everything comes down what do you stand to gain?

and if you want just a correction, within certain parameters and boundaries (i.e you want markets to recorrect 80% but you want markets to stay in tact, you want houses to go down 60% in value but you want people to respect property deeds etc) i mean, what type of correction do you really want?

it's numbers on a screen anon.
numbers on a piece of paper anon.
move those numbers around and you can make people do things. actual action.

the hand that signs the paper felled a king, five sovereign fingers taxed the breath, doubled the globe of dead and halved a country, these 5 kings did a king to death.

the hand that signed the paper.
it's not just a signature anon. it's about the storyteller. the one that moves words and letters and turns a 'deed' into a 'deed' becoming an 'indeed'.
the storytellers anon. storytellers. and you ain't been listening.

>> No.57111786

The global economy is mostly just numbers on a screen from a database somewhere; it's made-up.

>> No.57111797

“Whoooooah dude like the shamans are the most powerful in the tribe” There I’ve condensed all the midwit drivel you’ve said

>> No.57111823
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shill now call people doomtards
yep, its ogre

>> No.57111869

You are a midwit, sir.
If you werent you wouldnt have read it

>> No.57111887

You’re another midwit that thinks crypto can be stopped stfu

>> No.57111938

Crypto is a government project, like your basedcial media and every service and object you use.
Youre just another goycattle retard that thinks he is smart, there has never been a person in the history of the world who thought he was smart and actually was, you wont be the first one trust me.
The 2008 of crypto will be even better and will have more suicides

>> No.57111978

You are simply wrong. Accept it. It will make it easier for you later.

>> No.57111992
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>u just wrong oka?
Damn it feels good to be a genius

>> No.57111995
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Because whites are naturally greedy, subservient, cowards

>> No.57112013

On the one hand you realised it is likely a government installed invention. On the other hand you think it will fail. That's just the beginning of why you're simply wrong. I could go on and on and on. But it's not worth it, because you are stuck in your doomer beliefs, no matter what information may pass your way.
So best advice is - accept it.

>> No.57112039
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>you are just wrong
>no need to explain
>just accept it

>> No.57112130

What exactly is fake, your statement is too vague to have substance
Describe an example or a mechanism which you wouldcall fake, and why

>> No.57112140

Nocoiner seethe, you are wrong since crypto is weakening their control over money

>> No.57112168

>How does it keep going on?
eurodollar stays on because there isn't enough infra on crypto to absorb the volume for global trade
DA layers on roll ups are a significant step towards killing the eurodollar
once it's done, the rug gets pulled from under the "reserve status"
in its place, nothing is placed to substitute it, other than liquidity pools that route through trades without ever needing to touch a specific currency

>> No.57113111

Show me a better alternative that exists.