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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57107793 No.57107793 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57107804

>saged his own thread
LINK is hitting 17 as we speak, bros. Bullrun is back. Next stop is 20 usd dollars

>> No.57107808


>> No.57107852

Uhh guys? My bags? Buy my bags?

>> No.57107865

nice fud ser

- Solidly DEX introduced 50% gas savings to Uniswap V3
- Solidly APRs are highly competitive, e.g. 340% on $LINK/ETH.
- Solved long-standing problems like JIT attacks and toxic flow during volatile phases.
- Demonstrated in October (proven on-chain) that its solution can front-run even veteran MEV bots
- Working on an improved Solid V2 version with an killer feature for memecoins
- Token has actual utility, earns 20% of all swap fees and 100% of bribes. Can be staked to perfectly counteract its own inflation (i.e. 100% dilution protected), which in any case is low at ~6% per year, reaching ~0% in 18 years
- Tokenomics is top tier : 82m of 100m Solid have been emitted. 95% of these 82m is perpetually locked by voters. Liquid naked SOLIDs are only 7.5m, which will be the same tokens used on more than 10 chains. The token will have arbitrage opportunities.
- Additionally, token holders can exclusively decide where weekly emissions go by voting. Voters earn all of the swap fees for the pool they voted for, thus incentivising capital efficient capital allocation
- Recently partnered with $SYMM, LIDO & Chainlink, Layer 0 and Axelar and present on all majors aggregators (1inch, paraswap, cowswap, firebird..)
- Roosh (co-founder) is the main holder of SYMM which is launching in Q1 2024, bringing Solidly PERP the lowest fees possible in the industry.

And most important short-term catalyst:
Solidly will go across different L2 chains having completed their in-house 2/3 bridging solution, a complete novelty in crypto.

>> No.57107885

marketcap is only 11 million, these are the microcaps that can make you a millionaire

>> No.57107909

UNI market cap: $4.4b
SOLID market cap: $5m

Solid has better tech, cheaper swaps, and pre-release access to CCIP
Even if uni tried to copy solidly right now they can't until general access to CCIP is released, so they've got first mover advantage
Albeit more liquidity pairs are necessary, but they're already growing fast
There's a hell of a lot more to rise

>> No.57108154


>> No.57108335

Whats the sui and make it stack for this sers

>> No.57108338

I bought your new ponzi guys

>> No.57108352

you almost had me jeet

>> No.57108373

well done, you will make it

>> No.57108439

Anyways, I have $1k ETH sitting in my metamask doing nothing, do I buy? What are price predictions looking forward?

>> No.57108543

Wtf this was supposed to rug

>> No.57108595

read this
lets say it hits 1/10th of uniswap, thats a 100x from here. same mcap is 1000x from here.
interestingly enough its daily exchange volume is as high as its market cap (6m)
meanwhile, uniswap's volume is 200m which is 33x the amount of volume. so if you compare the two in terms of trade volume, it can still grow at least 33x given current trade volume, ignoring the fact that its actually a better exchange (cheaper trades)

>> No.57108598
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Solid feels like the new LINK bros. 1400 bag holder reporting in

>> No.57108646

I did, bitch.

>> No.57108861
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Welp, I'm convinced. I boughted :)

>> No.57108895

wish i knew how to get new money into market but everything is KYC. guess uncle sam is gonna get his. or do you guys m!x

>> No.57110024
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>> No.57110872


>> No.57111008


>> No.57111025


>> No.57111063

p2p onboard then swap via Monero/IllumineX once its on mainnet January 2024

heres some info on it anon

>> No.57111073


>> No.57111130

How is it cheaper swaps, lol. I just bought on their gay ass little dex and spent $3+ to wrap my eth to weth and then another $14 for the actual swap. Plus I'm pretty sure I'm missing about $10 or so from the grand total I started with in my wallet. Not sure where the fuck that went. Fully expecting to get rugged if I attempt to sell and swap back to eth. Fucking cheaper fees, lmfao!

>> No.57111141

I'm comfily, solidly SOLID, can't wait for the big breakthrough once this gets discovered.

>> No.57111466

Comfy in Solid as well. Undervalued as hell and best experience on Fantom

>> No.57111506

You think this shillling is organic? It’s a team of jeets retard of course they lie

>> No.57112235

lets say it hits 1/10th of uniswap, thats a 100x from here. same mcap is 1000x from here.
interestingly enough its daily exchange volume is as high as its market cap (6m)
meanwhile, uniswap's volume is 200m which is 33x the amount of volume. so if you compare the two in terms of trade volume, it can still grow at least 33x given current trade volume, ignoring the fact that its actually a better exchange (cheaper trades)

>> No.57112591

Surprisingly, you've got only one more chance to slurp BASEDGROK on pinksale as the presale is ending anytime soon.

>> No.57112802

Thanks for the bump, bot.

>> No.57112924

bullshit, I just swapped some more weth for solid, I don't know why you feel the need to lie to anonymous people anon
okay anon, I've never seen, heard or joined a discord in my life, but whatever, just don't buy

>> No.57113556

Jesus christ guys. We need more bagholders. We're running out of steam.
We need to start shilling to other communities. Think of all of those potential bagholders.

>> No.57113963

Reverse fudding schizo

>> No.57114513


>> No.57114563

what's your tg group faggets, i wanna help you shill

>> No.57114643
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This is a serious project. There is no Telegram. Only Discord. But Indians are not allowed, sorry.

>> No.57114751
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Am I understanding this correctly, does this mean I can earn free SOLID and LINK just by being a liquidity provider?

>> No.57114781

It exactly means that.

>> No.57114848

I have 2k of LINK that I never got to stake because the pool was closed early, how risky is it putting on this dex? It says people are locking in for 4 years, I assume I'll get a lower apr of I lock in for just a year, thinking I might as well earn on my link until the pool reopens but also don't want to lose my stack

>> No.57114868

Ah wait, it says SOLID is being staked? Does that mean I can pull my link out whenever I want but still earn the apr while it's in there?

>> No.57114880

Wtf my id keeps changing
I'm asking all the liquidity questions for my link

>> No.57115049

i would go to their discord to ask these questions. but you dont need to lock to LP.
LP is providing two tokens in equal amount to earn an apr. nothing to do with locking.

If you lock solid into vesolid, you earn 20% lp fees you vote for, without needing to lp anything

>> No.57115232

Thanks for the info anon, sounds like I can earn from my solid and link stacks, do you stake or provide liquidity? Worried it rugs and runs off with them, but then again chainlink has given them early access to ccip so they must be trustworthy on some level
Any other anons doing this?

>> No.57116103

Its literally spelled “albeit”
Anon you really didnt think it was “all be it” right.
Go read a book nigger

>> No.57116583

i am lping link/eth since the v3 relaunch, weeks ago. it is an uni v3 fork so it is as safe as it goes.

>> No.57116747


>> No.57117666
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