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57100541 No.57100541 [Reply] [Original]

SOL took off already, when the fuck is AVAX's turn to fly through $50?

How low will it correct to? Seems to be slowly bleeding and I opened a long at $44.7 after yesterday's crash, but it's going sideways...
Pissing me off

>> No.57100551

i bought two days ago so it's gonna crash, sorry anon

>> No.57100556

Well I guess we're both in this together now friend.
When I don't long, it skyrockets, when I short it skyrockets...when I long it dumps.

>> No.57100568

Looks like the people who bought before Christmas for a quick flip have sold off, I think there will be another high right before the ETF news in January

>> No.57100572
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the bogs are still alive, they just transcended their mortal shells. can't really complain tho, i swinged a shitcoin for a quick +30% to buy more avax before this correction, but yeah i just hope the party isn't over for BTC
>mfw it will pump again if i tether

>> No.57100575

>How low will it correct to
$36 because I have set buy orders at $35

>> No.57100592
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>> No.57100600

we got this brothers, lets stay strong

yeah hope so. SOL really surprised me though, i'm really hoping avax does something similar this week if BTC doesn't shit itself

>> No.57100611

>ETF news in January
everyone says everything will dump even if etf is approved but desu im too poor and stupid to properly trade this event so i think I will beghold and keep dcaing

>> No.57100623

dcaing is always the best play for bitcoin
everything else you can try to time the market if you're brave enough, but no point in doing that for bitcoin (imo)
it'll go up in the long term with or without etfs

>> No.57100639

im too poor for bitcoin so i'm only stacking avax and rose. The plan is to get to at least the delegate amount and then buy more to use for trying to time the market or shitcoining. Idk if that makes sense, i just woke up and i'm about to hit the gym so not in the best posting mindset

>> No.57100655
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i missed some good pumps because i was tethered up, but also missed many gains because i didn't take profit when i could. at some point you stop giving most of the fucks when shit happens, you miss countless opportunities every second and being in the green, even if slowly, is what matters in the end.

>> No.57100656

I recommend not leveraging, the gains aren't worth the health losses, and that doesnt take into account a large correction can wipe your shit clean, don't be a retarded
t. 2016 BTC buyer who got wiped out leveraging trading multiple times in my history

>> No.57100660

nah, that makes sense
i mostly consider bitcoin a savings/retirement account while risking small amounts on alts and shitcoins

>> No.57100669

you're right man
and my brain knows you're right too
but im addicted and yesterday i was lucky enough to not be in any positions
I only use 3-4x lev max on alts, but have been pretty consistent with making a couple hundred bucks a day
it pays better than my job so i am not gonna stop, but i will risk manage better and use a smaller bankroll

sorry about your losses. I've been there too and it stings and is impossible to forget.

>> No.57100687
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>good post
checks out
Playing devil's advocate but leverage trading bitcoin is safer now compared to 6-7 years ago since it moves less aggressively. Leverage trading anything outside btc and eth, you are 1000% correct
i can relate with the first part but I am staying away from leverage trading until i set my mind right so i can manage risk better. I'm itching to do it but knowing i will fuck it up keeps me away (for now)

>> No.57100727

Playing doubles advocate here, but with 4x lev, all it takes is a 25% drop, which can happen anytime over whatever time period for some bullshit reason, e.g., news that the ETF won't be approved, but then a month later, it is, and all those losses are returned. The 4 or even 3x lev trader still gets wiped out. Thank you for your sacrifice. The holders and slurpers are rewarded with your liquidations.
2x on BTC is about as risky as I would go these days. Setting stop losses is always an option, thats definitely something I could have worked on. But crypto is volatile as is, I might reconsider down the line with a small piece of my stack but for now just buying dips and planning to sell the 2025 tops

>> No.57100845
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Who's buying SOL?
No dude you got the wrong idea, we are buying SOL coins, like uh, fucking memecoins, those are the ones pumping, personally I'm buying $CORN, if you want to join then have that in mind

>> No.57101038

Avax gigawhales are scaring the stupid newfag money in order for them toleave. Once they have left we will hit 50+ in an instant.

>> No.57101066

we're pumping as we speak
i hope this is the ride to $50
btc is holding up

>> No.57101105

it's time

>> No.57101240
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ay tone
my long is pumping

>> No.57101401

good points but my argument that btc is less volatile than it was in 2016 is still true.
>I might reconsider down the line with a small piece of my stack
That may seem obvious and with hindsight being 20/20 i believe that leverage trading should be done only with part of your stack and in an amount that geting liquidated will not wipe out your whole stack. Margin trading with your whole stack is no different than uninformed gambling. Trading, in my opinion, spot or margin should be done once you are familiar with looking at charts and monitoring for news that could affect the price. Also it should be done with amounts that will not affect your stack. The boomer logic of 1% positions is sound and good enough so your health will not go to shit