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57099787 No.57099787 [Reply] [Original]

Is going to a hooker worth it ? Isn't it awkward ? Aren't you afraid of STD's ? Can anons with experience make a list of do's and don't's ?

>> No.57099823
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Control your urges, it's not worth it. Why would you go against God for a few minutes of pleasure that you have to pay for. Wake up anon and find something better to do.

>> No.57099845

Awkward and not worth it. Maybe it’s fun the first few times but soon you’ll realize the money you spent and time spent researching is just not worth it. Christ is the way

>> No.57099869

I haven't done this but I think you could get mad advice on how to find a wife from just paying for their time, if you're struggling with girls. Don't have sex with them and just ask them for low down info on the ins and outs of being confident with women. Probably the older the better, which is great because their rate will be low and they probably could use the cash.

>> No.57099872

Based guardian angel anons

>> No.57099876

the digits speak for themselves

>> No.57099885

Christcuck retards.

>> No.57099893

Not worth it, you're stronger than that anon. I'll pray for you.

>> No.57099923

>this thread again

>> No.57099947

some massage parlors offer happy endings, some the full experience. reddit has guides /r/happyendingmassage/ (inb4redditfag) on how to act and pricing and how to find venue.
Basically, find the right place, lay down nekkid, ooh and ahh as she approaches your nether regions; when offer is made you may counteroffer and negotiate; then service is performed and transaction settled.
This being said, i went twice and the second time very much was chasing the dragon and nothing like the first.
Yes, it was awkward, but she held my hand and led me through it. then once i entered ;) i seized control.
only stds to worry about are herpes and hiv (noncurable, all else can be treated); HIV is like 1 in 20000 chance for raw insertive vaginal with a whore, and the parlors that offer such services offer condoms too. Something like half of the population has herpes, so unless she has sores you're fine.
Apparently streetwalkers require condoms; massage ladies it's hit and miss (some let repeat clients or high rollers go bare, not all).
Do your research (find a place with shaded windows, ideally open late (10Pm or so) and run by asians. Search reddit for the rest; i forget, but they have whole guides on how to.
oh, and bring enough cash. 50 for house fee and 150 for half hour where i'm at for full service.
have fun, anon

>> No.57099957

wasn't awkward for me, banged a whore in Amsterdam, she had a nice body and we talked a lot too.

>> No.57099962

why would God care if you banged hookers? I mean they're people out there raping kids and murdering people by the thousands in wars for profit. Yet banging hookers is a big deal?

>> No.57099967

Go to Trad Mass instead.

>> No.57099999

It's all sin anon. It's not about what's worse than the other but what pushes us away from Jesus. Our focus should be on our salvation instead of sin.

>> No.57100340

>Is going to a hooker worth it ?
depends how much they charge
>Isn't it awkward ?
the first few times, but after that not really
>Aren't you afraid of STD's ?
No, I got the hpv shot and take antivirals to prevent herpes, everything else is curable
>Can anons with experience make a list of do's and don't's ?
Do it in a country other than the US if you can

>> No.57100350

>asking deer for hunting advice.

You need to ask a hunter how to catch deer. You need to ask a fisherman how to catch fish. You are a fucking simp and asking women how to be caught faggot.

>> No.57100363


>> No.57100397

100% worth it. Don't listen to the commie troons in here. Get your pp wet like a real man

just make sure it's high quality and not some crackhead

>> No.57100416

>No, I got the hpv shot and take antivirals to prevent herpes, everything else is curable
I got an autoimmune disease from some virus. penis glans is inflamed all the time, now I have chronic pelvic pain syndrome. my tongue has chronic inflammation and ulceration, my throat is sore all the time. it's an autoimmune disease and I have to take steroids, most likely because I was exposed to a virus I never had before, even though it doesn't cause any disease by itself, the immune system suddenly went haywire. I use steroids to try to treat it but they dont work
I've been healthy and never had any allergies or other disease before.
best to just not expose yourself to other peoples viruses.

>> No.57100426

Fucking is a skill. Go bang AMP girls and get gud. They fake shit but you'll start to know when they aren't. Then when you smash civies you'll have moves and she won't think you're lame.

Do it regularly and you'll stop flapping and be a lot more confident around wkmen.women. That's what happens when you can compare the girl in front of you to the $200 chink and realize the chink is likely more fun, more attractive, and better at it.

>> No.57100435

>Is going to a hooker worth it ?
I thought it was worth it, just to have done it once. Wouldn't make it a habit though.
>Isn't it awkward ?
Yes, the first times it is extremely awkward. But it depends a lot on the hooker, whether she has the social skills to carry the flow or whether she expects you to do it.
>Aren't you afraid of STD's ?
I only visited hookers who only use condoms, including with me, with reviews online to back that up. Not some random street-level worker.
If you want to do it without a condom, then yes, you should absolutely be scared of STDs.
>Can anons with experience make a list of do's and don't's ?
- Find one online with good reviews like I mentioned.
- Send her a message with basic info about yourself, like name, age, profession, anything else she should know about. You can skip your real name if you are paranoid about her abusing it, but then that trust is broken both ways and she is likely to reject your offer. Also in the message say when and where you are available for the meet. Don't mention sex or payment if prostitution illegal in your area, obviously.
- Wash yourself well immediately before the meet. Especially your penis. Some will demand that you wash while she's there even if you say you just washed, to be sure. Don't fight her on this. You could ask her to shower with you if you want.
- When you meet her, pay her up front.
- Take charge at least a little bit. For example you will likely start out small talking, and when you want to move to the bed, say so. Otherwise you might just be sitting there wasting the entire timeslot if she's not one to take the initiative instead.
- Be rude
- Be drunk or on drugs
- Incriminate her beforehand (if it's illegal)
- Haggle on price.
- Demand things that she says she is not comfortable with.
- Go bareback (sucks but like I said, it will put both you and her in harm's way)

>> No.57100439

Thank you

>> No.57100746

If you have to ask other people's opinion in this matter, you're not that guy.

>> No.57100765

Have you ever had sex before? It's honestly not that great unless you have a really strong emotional connection with someone. Sex with a stranger is worse than masturbating. Sex with someone you love is amazing. For this reason getting a hooker is absolutely not worth it. Exposing yourself to STDs and engaging in severe loser behavior for something that's worse than masturbating.

>> No.57100812
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>Heheheh. You wanna have sex really bad, don’t ya? Well, YOU CAN’T HAVE IT! Heheheh…should’ve been born with better genetics, retard!

>> No.57100873

There is no god to care. Religion cautions away from whoring because religion is a normalfag control system, and if everyone is just whoring then there will be few families. The writers of the bible and other religious texts were human farmers. As in, humans are the crop. The nice thing about humans is you can convince them to farm themselves. They'll do their own weeding, their own planting, and their own harvesting. It's a bit less cold than the analogy implies. I do think the writers of the bible were well meaning, but some of them must have also been very skilled sociopaths. The book is practically an anthology of emotional manipulation techniques. Obviously their memetic tech was and still is very effective, since it's working on a ton of people to this day without a strong central authority to give the rules real teeth. However, although the spread and control systems are still working great, the rules themselves are dated. The former strong central authorities were important for keeping the rules relevant over time, and with their fading through the industrial revolution and advent of globalization, the rules are rapidly turning into ineffective dogmas. We no longer rely on generational households and frequent breeding to keep going. Medicine and agriculture changed that dramatically, and in only a couple hundred years. People following the teachings only know "sin is sin", they're ideological zombies who don't know why they follow rules, so asking them why god would care and what his priorities are is a pointless endeavor.

Going to a hooker can still be degenerate just because of disease spread risk, but if you deal with that by using a rubber and not going to cheap crack whores, I'd say it's ethically an okay thing to do. Personally I know I'd feel emotionally empty after being with a whore, but you do you on that one.

>> No.57100912

As much as i dislike christcucks those are some nice quads.
Sin anon is anything that you could have done better, by fucking hookers you enable both your own self destruction, by becoming complacent, weak and turning your back to women;
But also enable whoredom financially: for every successful hooker, there are 3 more women envying the success and wanting to imitate it, creating a circle of degradation.

We live in a closed system, if you piss in the bowl, the same piss water comes back to you diluted.

Fuck christcucks making everything centered around muh jeezus due to low iq and being unable to explain their own messiah reasoning

>> No.57100961

Only if you need the experience before you find a girl if you're scared like that.

Otherwise you must live in elephant land because there's sluts everywhere aren't they? Or am I living in a delusion.

Don't over think things man, just go fuck a girl, gym is nice but you'll be waiting tears untill your jacked.

Just dress good and go to a club or something. But don't drink too much or you'll look like an idiot.

Nothing wrong with fuckig a drunk girl unless she's underage.

Just go danglce brooooo

>> No.57100975

I'd get a prostitute, only if I was a spaz around girls, make sure you rent a hot one and use a condom.

Ask her for advice instead of falling in love. If she's an asshole tell her to fuck off

>> No.57101017

If it's your first time you risk falling in love, don't.

Remember these words.
God bless.

>> No.57101304

>he will mature and cringe at this post one day
Hows college going?

>> No.57101386

It kinda sucks, better to just masturbate. One of the main appeals of having sex unless you're a rapist is that your partner wants you. A hooker doesn't want you, and even if she's a great actress and can do the whole girlfriend experience thing, it doesn't change the fact that she's doing it purely for your cash. It makes the whole experience very wooden, like you can't fully relax and enjoy it in the same way you can when you know for a fact your partner is craving you. You're just there to blow a load rather than have a sexual experience, which you do far cheaper and quicker at home with your hand. Here's what you do instead anon: find a slampiggy, or even a milf if you can (would recommend immensely). Slampiggies and milfs might not have the same appeal as an 18 year old woman unless you're inclined to prefer them, however the appreciation and enthusiasm they bring more than makes up for it. I've fucked 4 hookers, none of those experiences come remotely close to fucking slampiggies, and my milf experiences transcend everything in their glory.

>> No.57101418

Men need sex but more than that they need to feel needed and loved and hookers only provide the sex, not the love.

>> No.57101443

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.57101473

Condom sex isn't worth it, you may as well stay home and have a wank for free, and you don't want to bareback a prostitute so no, seeing a prostitute isn't worth it.

>> No.57101492

honestly i'd rather pay for those rent-a-girlfriend services like in japan
a hooker isn't that much better a wank, esp with a condom

>> No.57101494

for me I enjoy the subtleties of sex, so I wouldn't even pay for sex, it's too invasive and grotesque

I would prefer to merely be tantalised and teased by a beautiful woman, allow her to drape a silk handkerchief across my nipples whilst listening to Enya, let my most innate fantasies run wild as she merely hints at the lascivious pleasures that could be there

also there's this amazing blonde I know who I've been thinking about paying her a little to get her to piss on me and then I'll lick the piss off her legs

Such things are where the true gentlemanly pleasures truly reside

Save the true act of love only for those who are truly worthy of your semen

>> No.57101500

Dude is asking a hooker for relationship advice. Anon what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.57101501

ITT parasite infested degenerates. Take the horse dewormer. This IS medical advice.

>> No.57101526

>Fucking is a skill. Go bang AMP girls and get gud
mfers need to stop putting the cart before the horse. bitches can smell within milliseconds from miles away.

>> No.57101538
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Jesus died for us so we are able to do this kinda shit. He literally died for our sins bro. Now we can do whatever we want !. Just ask for forgiveness at the door and you are gucci

>> No.57101543

>It's honestly not that great unless you have a really strong emotional connection with someone. Sex with a stranger is worse than masturbating.
this anon is either a woman, a faggot, or a virgin. in mongering you very quickly realise that sexual compatibility is determined, in ALL cases, within a very short timeframe. whether its regular dating or mongering, you'll both know within 5-30 mins. if the chemistry is good, the experience can be about 80% as fulfilling as a long-term hookup. 80% without any of the attendant bullshit or uncertainty.

>> No.57101546

>smell *INEXPERIENCE within milliseconds

>> No.57101590

Judah in the bible actually takes the services of one, not knowing it was his daughter-in-law trying to get pregnant.
It was even a point in the bible where God was still actively acting and literally killing people who were "evil" (e.g. one of the ones who Tamar sleeps with spills his seed and is killed for it).
But Judah taking a prostitute wasn't punished at all.
Google Genesis 38

I've been going with escorts since 2007 and haven't caught anything. Just always use a condom for vaginal sex (I always go bareback for oral).

Here's a recent one I had
She let me come in her mouth, and sucked it dry and didn't spill a single drop

>> No.57101603


>> No.57101634


They pretend to like you and they are really good at it. There is nothing but pain there, even if she does happen to fall for you. It's completely unnatural and will leave you all messed up.
Don't do this to yourself.

They absolutely hate their customers btw.

t. Knows

>> No.57101662

I have herpes
I like to try and sneak the condom off
I win

>> No.57101668

>They absolutely hate their customers btw.
only those who hate what they do or feel forced to do it because of drug/debt/slavery. many are just neutral and can even like you if you're likeable

>> No.57101718

>Something like half of the population has herpes, so unless she has sores you're fine.
normalfag logic never disappoints
half of the population has no savings
half of the population wagecucks for a living
your wrong choices don't turn right just because a lot of other retards are also wrong
not to mention herpes isn't spread evenly
amongst low class people the rate is much closer to 100%, amongst high class people the rate is much closer to 0% (logical really)
bet you also signed up for the clot shot. and if you didn't, it was for some conspiracy theory reason rather than rational cost/benefit analysis

>> No.57101726

Is this your first cycle? Biz has always had a large amount of Christians.

>> No.57101731

Those that like what they are doing won't give a fuck about you in the first place other than the money in your pockets.

>> No.57101740

Oh no itchy pp for 3 days a year I better kms.

>> No.57102091

no not at all. yes you will get STDs. most of them have herpes and HPV. Get an 18 year old gf or fwb instead

>> No.57102351

Exactly. A good hooker (and they definitely exist) will make an awkward/self-conscious guy’s month and give him the will to live. Conversely, a bad hooker will make an awkward/shy/self-conscious guy want to kill himself and go through an existential crisis.

If you are a first timer and are the awkward incel type, it is extraordinarily important to get a well reviewed, outgoing, compassionate hooker.

>> No.57102415

>emotional connection

>> No.57102418

Just jerk off. It's free, no risk of STDs, and no having to deal with dumb bitches.

>> No.57102451

I had more than enough love in my life. I just want sex.

>> No.57102479

This may or may not be true. We know that Jesus died for our salvation. We also know that Jesus Himself said the entrance into heaven is a narrow one. Many are called, few are chosen, etc. We don’t know who goes to hell, and we know God’s mercy is incredibly strong, but we also know repentance is required. Go, and sin no more.

>> No.57102492

This post reeks of a low level male... the true incel manifesto package

>> No.57102518

jerk it off and let post nut clarity answer this for you

>> No.57102521
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Getting a hooker is like getting a college degree. You must get one so you can see it wasn't worth it at all. But you must get one, anon. Hardest part is maybe calling the girl, second hard if you're a newbie if seeing that the girl IRL is nowhere close to the photos she posted in whatever escorts website you got her number. Girls like to chat so awkward silences will not be a problem at all, but if it gets too silent, don't panic in half an hour you'll be back at home anyways.. You won't see that slut ever again. I've never got STD except once when the condom broke and got something called balanitis for a few days , but it wasn't the end of the world. I fucked over 100 prostitutes, none of them were close to 6/10, except one girl I got at the red light district in amsterdam once. Most of the time you'll be paying to fuck and old, fat chick who thinks she's a goddess

>> No.57102598


>> No.57102682

>Send her a message with basic info about yourself, like name, age, profession, anything else she should know about
Profession, holy kek, just say "Hi I'm Mike, how much?" and that's it. If she insists in personal data, do a 360 and find another less uppity prostitute
>Don't be drunk or on drugs
Dude, any red light district is all about going drunk, on weed, and a cocktail of energy drinks and viagra. What's next? light some aroma candles? You're not about to fuck your girlfriend

>> No.57102823

Lmao what is this, a white knights guide to fucking a literal whore?

>> No.57102990

I hate how sex obsessed modern society is. Most women don't even want to fuck a bunch of different men but they are peer pressured into thinking its normal by feminism. Most men don't even want to fuck a bunch of sluts and just want a good woman to start a family with, but they are peer pressured into it by retarded new age manosphere shit.

Literally the last 6,000 years of documented human history it women's virginity was always valued and viewed as being important and men who slept around and were unfaithful were shunned and viewed as degenerates. Only in the last 50+ years has all this been forced to change. And all of the consequences of it have been disastrous for society as a whole. What a depressing timeline.

>> No.57104360


...a majority of the population has herpes simplex, the cold sore one.
Genital herpes is much lower, more like 20%

>> No.57104452

Jesus Christ OP why don't you just man the fuck up and go and try it yourself instead of asking for advice from tards on the interwebs. If you can't get the courage to go and fuck a whore in a business transaction (it's just like buying a fucking pizza) then god help you when it comes to real women.

Sometimes it's awkward, sometimes it isn't. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes it isn't (mostly isn't). Fucking someone who fucks for money feels stilted and forced on both sides no matter how horny you are. Just fucking live a little and try it. It's like having an expensive wank. Two pieces of advice: do your research and find a girl with good reviews (they will still be mediocre at best) and don't spend any more than 30 minutes (you won't need it).

Good luck.