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57096336 No.57096336 [Reply] [Original]

My country is approving UBI (universal basic income). How do I profit off this stupidity

>> No.57096370

get ubi start business become gazillionaire

>> No.57096373

Use said UBI to DCA into your choice coin.

>> No.57096376

Move because your country is going to fucking collapse

>> No.57096393

I wish my country would do this, I would stop working immediately.

>> No.57096405

Robots work better than us. UBI is the only meaningful way to sustain capitalism.

On the other side, we could go REAL big data, use it to manage the economy with IA in the blockchain (to ensure at least some data authenticity), and get rid of money mostly.

>> No.57096427

by sitting on your ass

>> No.57096438

Buy bitcoin, your country's fiat currency will be printed into nothing.

>> No.57096454

stock markets on betting for which regional gang will be the most profitable drug pushers when cops go corrupt by accepting bribes to counter their depreciating wages

>> No.57096465

If your country has a sovereign currency then move into other currencies or currency-neutral assets.
If it doesn't have a sovereign currency then the country will probably have a debt crisis down the line, in which case you'll want to move money into a foreign bank account for when they confiscate citizen money to pay off debt.

>> No.57096504

convert all UBI payments instantly into Bitcoin.

>> No.57097153
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Grab all the ubi and welfare and whatever wage you have (if any) and slave away at daytrading before total societal collapse. Learn from pros at Beoble and Tradingview for this. Once your /small fortune of a million dollars/ has ben amassed, GTFO to Venezuela or some other shit hole with cheap properties and cheap whores and lifestyle. Retire like a #boss somewhere rural that isn't a complete shit hole.

>> No.57097174

get a job, hope that helps

>> No.57097183

become a crypto millionaire and start a business where you dont have to pay your workers more than the legally required, cant complain, youre welcome

>> No.57097218

>tfw been trading for over 3 years
>still no small loan of a million dollars for me

>> No.57097223

>karl laughing in the bg

>> No.57097227

Buy rental properties. Every unit's rent will suddenly increase to absorb the new available cashflow from UBI.

>> No.57097228

Ubi is such a retarded idea.
>Hurrr most of it will flow into the economy
>Implying people who work already won't save all of that free money for retirement etc

>> No.57097264


>> No.57097327
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is the third world meme an actual thing i wanna move to idk one of the better euro countries i dont wanna live in some banana republic to save on taxes

>> No.57097349

move out.

>> No.57097354

im glad we all kind of agree on how his coin will collapse and die and he should make it while he can

>> No.57097360

normies are consumerists. they get 3k for free every month, they'll spend it all in 2 days or less

>> No.57097364

running away from there and moving to norway

>> No.57097365

i'd waste it all in videogames and weed/shrooms

>> No.57097371

start by taking singing lessons so that you can properly beg on the streets.

>> No.57097372
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Your country is going down OP, sooner or later, probably sooner rather than later. So you should really either move out right fucking now or amass wealth very quickly.

>> No.57097376

anon you are not fooling us, we know you are a poor unemployed man living with his parents.

>> No.57097377


Killing off all poor people *is* the solution to sustainable capitalism.

>> No.57097380

this will happen to everyone, even to countries that use the dollar.

>> No.57097383

>muh muh make it with crypto
>t. niggers that have been shitposting daily here since 2017 and still don't break 6fig hell

>> No.57097384

only sensible reply itt

>> No.57097387
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How could I not have thought of it before?

>> No.57097392
File: 264 KB, 1597x1666, Communism, Freemasonry, Judaism, and Social Democracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I profit off this stupidity

Prepare your exit. Now.

>> No.57097497

This here; I live next to a community that decided about 15 years ago to use its collectively owned business assets to fund a basic income for all their members , and pretty much all of them blow their money right away. The smarter ones at least blow their money on big ass pickup trucks with fancy rims, while the dumber ones drink and/or smoke the money away. Also, during this time period while theft has gone down a bit around that community, other crimes like vandalism, domestic violence, drunk driving, etc have all gotten worse.

>> No.57097511

Forgot to add - given my experience OP, start investing in liquor stores and whatever sort of recreational drugs are legal in your country. Stupid fashion items that are popular in your location (like those fancy rims for cars near mine) would also be a good business to get into.

>> No.57097558

Invest in dollar store stocks like “Dollartree” or “Dollarama”. The dregs of society that will be on UBI will be using their UBI to buy cheap shit from these stores

>> No.57097606

Create a bunch paper people to receive money?

>> No.57097643

We've basically seen what UBI has done in the west with covidbux and other welfare.
huge bull runs followed by inflation. Buy some standard index funds and bitcoin, once the index funds stop performing, sell for bitcoin.
inflation WILL destroy your economy