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57093114 No.57093114 [Reply] [Original]

They don't make it by turning $1000 into $1,000,000

They make it buy turning $1,000 into $10,000 (micro cap)

Then turning $10,000 into $30,000 (small-medium cap)

Then turning $30,000 into $100,000 (small-medium cap)

Then turning $100,000 into $300,000 (big cap)

Then turning $300,000 into $500,000 (large cap)

Then turning $500,000 into $700,000 (large cap)

Then turning $700,000 into $1,000,000 (large cap)

With each successive trade, you move up on the ranking of what cryptocurrency you buy, the more you gain, the bigger cap you move the profits into, due to requiring more and more liquidity the higher your $ value gets.

The hardest part is probably getting that first 10X on a microcap

>> No.57093122

I would also include the "risk" you take actually decreases the higher you move up, because you require safer and safer big caps that have the liquidity you require....

So it actually gets easier and less risky the higher up you get.

>> No.57093123


>when nigger-IQ people try to decipher the market

>> No.57093138

>when Jewish IQ replies try to shut it down when they've been discovered

>> No.57093150

>Just wait 8 market cycles bro

>> No.57093158

No, this can all be done in 1 cycle, and it can be done once the bottom of a bear market is in, and its been done already this year in 2023 starting from January

>> No.57093227

definitely possible, vast majority who make it are some variation on this theme. But to perform so many swings successfully requires precise timing which is difficult when, between the volatile ups and downs, there are large overarching trends. Easier to just ride the trends and zoom out.

>> No.57093244

anon you just described why 6 fig hell is such a weird place

>> No.57093306

no, you cannot do this in 1 cycle. Not a fucking chance in hell kek, unless you somehow play every move perfectly and get very lucky with your coin picks which just doesn't happen ever.

>> No.57093392

You def can, the idea that all crypto moves up together at the same % is wrong

Just look at SOL and ETH this year

pretty much

you could end up fucking up with big cap you move into several times where you just barely move anywhere and keep missing the big cap that actually moves up 20-30%

>> No.57093417

im at step 2, what small-medium cap should i put my 10k

>> No.57093434

I never said that, and everyone who has been around for a while knows crypto doesn't move together. The point is that in practice this strategy would require you to predict what's going to pump and exit perfectly each time to make it work in a cycle. This doesn't happen, and I seriously doubt its how people make it in crypto in general.

>> No.57093446

Yeah, and it makes me laugh when I see poorfolios under 10k holding btc and eth.

>> No.57093508
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This is pretty much the truth for me. I accumulated random shitcoins like ARK and NEO in early to make my first $10k. Those along with ADA got me to $100k by the end of 2017. I sold, paid off my debts, and started buying BTC/ETH every single week from mid 2018 onwards and that made me a millionaire since early 2021. I'm continuing to DCA and coast until I reach my make it number of $4 million hopefully by the end of 2025.

>> No.57093516

>They make it buy turning $1,000 into $10,000 (micro cap)
Let me tell you how this goes

They put $1000 into microcap, it rugs and they have $0

>> No.57093517

Kek isn’t that the same as turning 1k into 1m by flipping from coin to coin?

>> No.57093521


kek, sure

Let us know when you've finally hit 10k ok? lmao

>> No.57093527

the chances of you finding that 10x microcap are lower than 5% . Your plan will fail from the beginning. But please try it a couple times to experience the emotions

>> No.57093535

Or leverage
Or with the help of airdrops

>> No.57093551

OP didnt say it is a plan.
Most people fail this in the first step. Those few who dont, take on the next steps. Very few come out as millionaires

>> No.57093575
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>OP describes the car seats,wheel,pedals,windshield etc
>I say it's a shitty car
>You: Well OP didn't say it was a car

nigga what?

>> No.57094861

>You def can,

>> No.57094917

Realistically, I actually made the most in crypto from simply keeping it simple and just buying as much BTC as I possibly can in the bear market. Buy strong clear winning alts in the bullrun. And make sure to fuckin take profits along the way in bull markets. That's it.

Trying to time the top, you loose.
Trying to pick the bottom on a random alt coin very low chance to success.
Trying to find a hidden gem alt, almost impossible.

And yeah you can't be a faggot bitch spending 3 or 4 figures. At least 10k to start seeing some results that matter, Better with at least 40k

>> No.57094931

Why not just do step 1, 11 times?

>> No.57094938

This is the only way that has a winning track record

>> No.57094946

what advice do you have for someone who was in the game in 2017, stopped paying attention after I sold my crypto but is just now starting again?

>> No.57094953

Anons, you're replying to a 3rd world streetshitting poojeet shilling micro caps sars.

>> No.57094956

>dude just get a 10x right off the bat
>dude just keep swapping between coins with perfect timing
>dude just don't take any profits
>dude just guess correctly 10 times in a row without any misses
yep, its as shrimple as that

>> No.57094963

Because I said step 1 is the hardest part, it gets easier the higher you move up in market caps, but the less the gains are

>> No.57094969
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Yes, but as you rank up, you should still be dipping your testes into microcaps. Since you should have a better understanding of the market as you age, your ability to analyze decent projects and opportunities as a trader will improve as well.

>> No.57095030

They can also just invest in microcaps like RIO, SPOOL and some others that can easily do 100x and above instead of settling for 10x

>> No.57095071

90% of the replys are broke fags

>> No.57095099

Thank god i'm a thirdie, i'll buy the country when i get my hands on 100.000

>> No.57095138

Any alts you do own though? And why

>> No.57095223


There you go.

>> No.57095289

I'm also holding those two because of their great fundamentals

>> No.57095326


the BTC/ETH was the real high IQ move. If my mom was to get into bitcoin she could make tons of money if she just followed what I told her to do, I don't have the capital... YET

>> No.57095338
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I'm currently on my run from 0.004 btc to 1 btc. At 0.03 RN. Wish me luck

>> No.57095342

I'm like 93 % btc. The rest eth. I just sold my sol and rndr two days ago. I'll probably buy into a few in the new year

>> No.57095359


For those of you that are struggling with the first $1,000 into $10,000, find lower cap altcoins that have survived multiple bull markets. Typically ones that have gone through the 2017 bullrun and 2021 bullrun making new highs each time are statistically going to make a new high in 2025. ADA is the first one that comes to mind, but the market cap is a little high. Litecoin is another. Dogecoin is another (Unironically). Loopring is another. There are plenty out there that have already seen 2 market cycles.

>> No.57095367


GL Anon.

>> No.57095377

and what if the lower cap alts you pick don't pump? what do you do then faggot?