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57091097 No.57091097 [Reply] [Original]

What are the socioeconomic implications of this?

The older I get, the less of a shit I give what other people think.

>> No.57091107

how fat and ugly are you

>> No.57091108


. . .

>> No.57091158

redpill me on this

>> No.57091161

not fat on the skinner side
>how ugly
>Captcha: M0RSAG

>> No.57091183


>> No.57091201
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ma dottore, sono Pagliacci!

>> No.57091429

I was of the same opinion until senior year high school when some whore showed me a morsel of attention. What ensued afterwards was an extremely cringe relationship in which I was blinded by pussy. After we broke up I have had segs with many women though.
But now it has been 6months since segs and 5 years since I had a real gf

>> No.57091443

My girlfriend is pretty cool

>> No.57091631

I'm more of a Chemicals Between Us kind of guy

>> No.57091643

6 months? It's been 4 years for me. After getting ghosted or friendzoned about 10 times I gave up.

>> No.57091661

4 years? It's been nearly 10 for me. After being socially assassinated, I dated a few cam girls who were weird enough to keep me out for yeah nearly a decade now
Unprofitable, unproductive..I already do drugs why do I need bitches

>> No.57092104

do you use apps?

>> No.57092117

The text is in Latin : (panel on the left) ‘Democritus Abderites deridebat, Heraclites Ephesius deflebat, Epichthonnis Cosmopolites deformabat’ / ‘Democritus of Abdera laughed at it’ [the world], ‘Heraclitus of Ephesus wept over it’, ‘Epichtonius Cosmopolites portrayed it’; (above the cap) ‘Nosce te ipsum’ / ‘Know thyself’ (from the Greek dictum ‘gnothi seauton’ reputedly inscribed on the temple of Apollo at Delphi); (across the cap’s brow) ‘O caput ellebore dignum’ / ‘O head, worthy of a dose of hellebore’ (a poisonous plant). On the cap’s ears: ‘Auriculas asini quis non habet’ / ‘Who does not have donkey’s ears?’, a phrase ascribed to Lucius Annaeus Cornutus, a Roman stoic philosopher from the 1st century AD. The Latin quote immediately above the map is from Pliny the Elder’s ‘Natural History’ (bk. 2 ch. 72) ‘Hic est mundi punctus et materia gloriae nostrae, hic sedes, hic honores gerimus, hic exercemus imperia, hic opes cupimus, hic tumultuatur humanum genus, hic instauramus bella, etiam civica.’ / ‘This is world, and this is the substance of our glory, this is its seat, here it is that we fill positions of power and covet wealth, and throw mankind into an uproar, and launch wars, even civil ones.’

>> No.57092119

Below the map is the reason for this, taken from Ecclesiastes, 1.15: Stultorum infinitus est et numerus’ / ‘The number of fools is infinite’ (7). Another quote from Ecclesiastes (1.2) is shown as engraved in the cup at the top of the jester’s staff on the right: ‘Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas’ / ‘Vanity of vanities, all is vanity’. The badges on the decorative belt crossing the figure’s shoulder on the left read: ‘O curas hominum, O quantum est in rebus inane’ / ‘Oh, the worries of the world; oh, how much triviality is there in the world’, which is the opening of the ‘Satires’ of Aulus Persius Flaccus’ Satires; ‘Stultus factus est omnis homo’ / ‘All men are without sense’ (Jer. 10.14) and ‘Universa vanitas omnis homo’ / ‘All things are vanity, by every man living’ (Psalm 39.6).

>> No.57092238

find a submissive breed able wife. then there's really no downfall to it. I mean make enough ofc you're on biz you're going to be rich right?

>> No.57092269
File: 137 KB, 1756x1350, 1668904851114605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no car
>no gf
>no drug habit
>remote work
literally a cheat code for building wealth, now watch me blow this shit on meme stocks that will go to zero

>> No.57092486

>there’s no downside to it
Have you met literally any women?
There are tons of downsides to it. There are also a few upsides that almost negate everything else that is wrong with most women.
I don’t know if it’s the environment they grow up in or if it is just ingrained in the female psyche. But the reality is that most women are simply too immature and childish to be a partner. They have Disney like expectations out of life, their partner and what he can actually provide. Their financial expectations have been set to 11 after social media. Every interaction you have is like being the bad guy explaining why we can’t do X or Y that costs a gazillion dollars accumulated but so and so does it everyday why can’t we? The love and affection negate all the cons, until it’s no longer your turn.

>> No.57093740

This, I love my current gf but she is just too childish to see myself getting married to her, I don’t intend to break up but her Disney like expectations of a marriage and happy ever after make me believe it will come crashing down at the end. Why can’t women just be chill with having a life parter without papers and children?

>> No.57093774

I turned 30 and started getting really worried about never having a family, and since my brother was also an autistic faggot, and my parents deserved grandchildren, I felt like the onus was on me to do it. So I married some cunt I met online and despite the numerous warning signs that she was not right for me, we proceeded to have three children. Love my kids more than life, but I hate this bitch with all my heart.

When I look back at my “lonely” single life, I was so fucking happy. Still, I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything. It’s a weird ass feeling.

>> No.57093775


>> No.57093830
File: 3.12 MB, 5355x3570, photo-1552508744-1696d4464960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35, was in a 15 year relationship, now I'm black-pilled into believing marital relationships are mostly toxic, more bound by what happens if you're not together than by the love that should be enough. Money, things, circumstance, friends and family drama...
>you'll meet the right girl
I'm a mechanic in a warehouse. The only women I see on any usual basis are related to me.
>go to a bar
For one-night-stand chicks? Cool if I was 21. That's a waste of time to me now.
>use an app
Apps are greedy and I've been catfished by enough fake Ai girls. The attention is nice but the people are fickle and dismissive. You think you had a good chat with someone and suddenly you're second guessing if every reply wasn't canned.

Money doesn't require all of that horseshit. Money assures a future. Money secures your life. Money moves you forward.
so, whatever, women.
Get money. Live your life. If the right one comes around, sure, but don't bet anything on it. Live for yourself, your mom, dad, family, whoever is left. Fuck everyone else.

>> No.57094011

>economic implications of this
you'll be able to save a lot more money than if you had a gf

>socio... implications of this
you'll also save a lot of time by skipping stupid meetings

you might feel a bit sad or anxious from time to time but if you are able to manage that you'll be fine

>> No.57094085

Women are parasites. Of course men are better off single. They’re just too scared to try or they’re too scared to be different than their fathers.

>wall of text bloggers
If you can’t explain yourself concisely then just don’t.

>> No.57094104

My brother decided to have kids in 2020 because he was "lonely and desperate" during covid. His wife is a vegan psychopath that made me stay the.fuck away from women. Although I love my nephew with all my heart.

>> No.57094111

You're pretty cool, bro.

>> No.57094138

I'm 33 and never had a gf.
I have conceded that I will never have one.
The implication is I can live quite well on an average wage and I care more about interests, making things, learning, etc, now I am in my 30's than buying new cars or shoes that cost 3 figures.

I've not seen a relationship that didn't turn to shit, no matter how well suited they seem for each other.
Be it 2 week, 2 years, or 20 years they all seem become a living nightmare.
If "better" men than me cannot hold it together and keep a woman in check, it is pointless me even attempting it.

>> No.57094237

It can work if you're either of these things:
>High IQ
>Creative Genius
>Very Rich
>Have close family to keep contract with
>Have retarded fetishes/faggot

If you don't have at least 2 of these things the loneliness will eat you alive.

>> No.57094254

>Ideologically driven

>> No.57094749

>If you can-
Eat shit.

>> No.57094878

Yes. I decided at the age of 26. Life is so much less complicated without women and I wasted no less than $90K dating between the age of 16 and 26. I am now 38. I do occasionally pine for some of the women I've met but that usually goes away once I get to know them. Women are chaotic and disturb your happiness, goals, etc.

>> No.57094885

How much is your NW since you decided

>> No.57094896

my girlfriend has a good job in the trades, she also has her own entrepreneurial ambitious, its awesome to have a cool woman to talk about interesting things and be intimate. I'm in my early 30s and shes in her late 20s. if you find a good one, hold on to her, anons.

>> No.57094901

Als9, remember half this site is demoralization and distraction bots designed to wear you down and warp your worldview into something purely negative and self-defeating, don't fall for it and you'll make it.