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5709055 No.5709055 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way we can use cryptos to fight against socialism and communism?

>> No.5709385

it's just internet meme money anon. (((they))) control it anyway.

>> No.5709821

But you can use it for real things.

I think the right wing is going to become super powerful financially thanks to cryptos and commies will get btfo

>> No.5709949
File: 470 KB, 1900x2048, 1496615805028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed! Praise KEK brother!

>> No.5710229

Both this image and you posting it is embarrassing.

What do you have against fighting commies?

>> No.5710267

Very simple. Make gains, and enjoy them. The success of an unregulated free market (crypto) completely refutes the core ideology of communism.

>> No.5710298

There was a thread earlier about this and there was like 2-3 commies who said they use crypto.

Are they bourgeois hypocrites?

>> No.5710372

You can't once you start getting taxed for every trade you make.

(((They))) ruin every fucking thing we have to get ahead

>> No.5710404

Yes they are, this phenomenon is not new however. All the college students from ivy league schools defending communism are not poor working class proletariat folk. The professors excusing it and the journalists that low key endorse it are also not working class proletariat folk.

They are a proselytizing class of hypocrite narcissists arrogant enough to pretend to stand for communism, while de facto living as successful capitalists.

>> No.5710441

Hell, they even trash capitalism at MIT these days. It's nothing but hypocrisy in higher education.

>> No.5710456

nah it's the larpers in this thread that are embarrassing. keep buying meme money to fight the commies though.

>> No.5710459

Higher education is a joke because the government props it up.

Abolish government student loans and grants to universities

>> No.5710469

praise kek trump is justice commies bad my handicapped grandpa told me

>> No.5710473

But we're mocking the larpers

>> No.5710482

are you implying commies are good?

>> No.5710529

>What's the best way we can use cryptos to fight against socialism and communism?

By using them

>> No.5710531

But then Jamal can't get a free /biz/ness degree.

>> No.5710548

no ofc not my niBBa you feel me gucci gang? my lean cost more than your keks yo

>> No.5710554

The cryptobubble is pretty much 100% reliant on autismbux to keep itself funded. Don't bite the hand that feeds.

>> No.5710560

>wants to fight communism in the current year using his secret meme money
>thinks he's not larping

>> No.5710569

>getting taxed for every trade you make
>(((They))) ruin every fucking thing we have to get ahead
Wait a minute, guys who trade stocks should get taxed but you shouldn't?
Get the fuck out of here, you whiner.

>> No.5710578

god I hate twitter

>> No.5710593

Get More of /ourguys/ rich and even financially independent. When we are financially well off the threat of having our lives destroyed for our political beliefs becomes nonexistent and we can rise from the shadows.

>> No.5710601

But we already are fighting communism.

The net worth of commies is constantly shrinking while right wingers and libertarians is constantly growing.

>> No.5710604

When did I say that guys should be taxed for trading stocks?

And how can you even begin to compare crypto to stocks given the volatility of crypto and the fact that it could easily collapse at any minute?

Or are you just a jealous faggot who missed to boat and you want to to weasel your way into our gains?

KYS you fucking niggerjew freeloader

>> No.5710690

>But we already are fighting communism.
cold war's over stop larping faggot.

>The net worth of commies is constantly shrinking while right wingers and libertarians is constantly growing.
lmao source?

>one of the most severe cases of larping i've seen

>> No.5710722

>When did I say that guys should be taxed for trading stocks?
Either you think both should be taxed, in which case you've got no call to be bitching about "them" "ruining it" for you, or you think neither should, in which case you're just a fucking freeloader.
Go fuck yourself.