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57088149 No.57088149 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto “influencer” just posted his gf. KEK. Hope you’re all planning to move to Thailand and get a goblin wife when you ‘make it’.

>> No.57088157

ugly wife happy life

>> No.57088442

im going to find a ugly wife with a dick haha
im going to go like mbappe and just fuck em
maybe take them to dinner and have some degeneracy on the tables nothing more

>> No.57088485

>got money, got fit, got tattoos to “look cool”
Still a beta bitch
If it’s who you are, it’s who you are
Bezos is the peak example

>> No.57088488

Based and checked

>> No.57088541

Absolutely true. My sea gf swallows my loads with a smile every time

>> No.57088550
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Many such cases

>> No.57088552

Being with someone that ugly would unironically make me want to kill myself.

>> No.57088557

i'm sure they can communicate with eachother well

>> No.57088559

I don't find jungle Asian women very attractive in general but she looks like the brown version of a woman that would work at Walmart for 10 years into her 30s and age like milk. Not great

>> No.57088615

One of my goals in life is reproducing with a beautiful woman.
No point making kids if they're ugly.

>> No.57088656

Yes and it's based. White women have less value because they show their hand early and never stop being total pains in the ass with no faithfulness. Yellows only start bitching after marriage and only until you breed a baby into them, which makes them haply for a few years. If you want big happy family you go gook.
If you don't want a family then just get a dog. 300% loyalty, guaranteed happiness, and cookie feels better too.

>> No.57088658

Once i "make it" indeed , i'm flying to Thailsnd but to fuck raw as many pretty whores as i can. I'm not gonna settle with no woman..in fact having money is the gold pass to enjoy my freedom being single

>> No.57088686
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>and cookie feels better too.

>> No.57088698

No, i plan to wife up my current gf or find a new one thats even younger than her (22yo).
She must be white, and SPEAKS the same native language i do. Preferably virgin

>> No.57088724
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>Jeff Bezos is a beta bitch
Fucking hell, what does that make you? Are you even represented in the Greek alphabet?

>> No.57088783
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Actually more like pic. Lots of rules in society are designed to keep the average person in a stress loop for 80 years. Knowing which ones you can break is critical to actually being happy. Don't go around hurting others and you'll always have a clean conscious. That's the only unbreakable rule unless you're a sociopath.

>> No.57088788

I’m more of a man than Bezos will ever be

>> No.57088803
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white people secretly hate themselves, their masquerading is similar to a womens where they are trying to convince themselves not you, usually ending in a complex.

their elite identity is a pantomime

>> No.57088827

Brown cope

>> No.57088846
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>Knowing which ones you can break is critical to actually being happy. Don't go around hurting others and you'll always have a clean conscious. That's the only unbreakable rule unless you're a sociopath.
>fucks dogs

>> No.57088847

Kind of. Imagine winning the ultimate phenotype, making the best countries, the coolest toys. But still bound to the course of nature and time on this shit earth to be absorbed by the genetic lessers. Empire after empire, until former lands become uninhabitable shitholes full of sin. We all understand the loss of paradise, hence why so many are into Abrahamic religions.

>> No.57088850


t. golem

>> No.57088877
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civilization has peaked, germanics are the face of the dark age, then and current, youre simply the custodians parasitizing off of the remains.
Kali Yuga, the age when npc code infects the simulation and surpasses mans true potential

>> No.57088878

>Yellows only start bitching after marriage
Delusional retard.

>> No.57088900

Nah. German and European rule brought peak aesthetics and culture to the world. We civilized many. Then semites took over and now the genetic lessers are rampaging.

Look at the so called "cultutal values" darkskins brought us.
1. No plan beyond reproducing as fast as possible.
2. Twerking and depravity.
3. Fatherless lineages born out of sin.

>> No.57088906
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that matrix movie is an allegory of this, where th protagonist are ethnic and the villains are germnaics, meant on sustaining the false reality prison, a program more so than a person. Gemrnaics are npcs

>> No.57088909

You’re talking to a brownoid coping with the fact that he isn’t White

>> No.57088945

Literally none of the surviving works look like this, browncel.

>> No.57088957
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germanics have no culture, everything was coopted from the humans that preceded you.

Western civilization is a ethnic affair, the current incarnation is a bastardization of germanic appropriation

the moors. were the liaison between the old world knowledge bestowed upon the germanic barbarians, that had zero conception of reality or culture, allowing them to transcend beyond the mundane, everything about you is a phantom image of other men

>> No.57088958
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>going to SEA for a wife
>while being brown yourself
yikes, he did it wrong

>> No.57088975


t. golem

>> No.57089002
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*entire identity

the masquerades they pull are a reflection of their chaacter, pure theatre to obfuscate the hostile reality that their a festering monkey, meant to enslave your mind to a matrix of deception

>> No.57089020
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The German royal families haven't ruled Europe nor the world since most of them got purged during the Jewish funded wars starting with Napoleon all the way until the creation of the Federal Reserve + spread of Capitalism/Communism.

Modern day culture has ZERO European roots, and is almost entirely Judaic + African (two br*wnoid lineages, which you LOOOOOVE sooooooo muuuuch).

Notice the level of purity, cleanliness, perfection? When everyone knows their dad? Now compare it to modern day with Shaniqua shaking her fat ass on MTV/TikTok, and tell us more.

>> No.57089088
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Thats an image of skinwalkers buddy

any germanic royal lineage is postering through usurpation, an illegitimate continuation to the proper royal bloodline, a multigenerational larp.
They know this as well, yet the charade continues. Trying to proclaim yourself when the feigned image of civility was taught to you, considering your pathetic origins

clown world is germanic world, everything else is a fragile byproduct of your infestation in every sector of society, using your influence to bastardize humanity

>> No.57089103
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>cookie feels better too.

>> No.57089114

They are matched though.
Look at the dudes wide face, same phenotype.

>> No.57089207

Yup. It's a good rule to break. Zero downsides actually. You'd think there would be with how demonized it is, but I think that's from aliasing dogs with children. They're not your kids, they're adult animals. They love sex. Fucking a bitch in heat isn't going to traumatize them. If that was the case, the dog breeding industry, where we jerk off dogs and shove syringes up their pussy (then rub their clit so they get off, which makes semen uptake more reliable no I'm not joking this is normal in the industry), would be broken dog generators, but former breeding dogs are fine. The rule against bestiality only has consequences because we prescribe them, and they're freely broken for "normal" things like breeding without a second thought. Why so strict, then not? There are many, many rules like this which exist strictly to control the masses.

The way you're reacting tells me you won't be able to get it though. It's alright, most people can't see the yolk around their neck, and many who see it will never take it off.

>> No.57089293

Yes yes anon. Blacks were the kings of Central Europe and the UK. We all usurped them and stole their lands and lineages! Obviously dark features evolve in cold climates!

>> No.57089331

Same bro. I’ve been single for a while and I’d rather be sexless and single then wake up next to a woman I find unattractive on a regular basis. Sex isn’t everything and I find that I make more money the less a woman is in my life anyway.