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57087749 No.57087749 [Reply] [Original]

It's insane how much your life improves when you get money. I'm not even talking about being rich. I made some big salary jumps over the last 2 years and was able to pay off some debt, up my investments, and still have enough left over for quality of life things
>Buying better quality food
>Indulging in stupid stuff like more frequent, good haircuts,
>Going on vacations
>Getting my kids some extra coaching or tutoring to help them get ahead
>skin care routine
>Go to yoga a few times a month
I can't even imagine the quality of life improvements from people with 7 figure net worths. I know I should probably focus more on getting my house paid off, but fuck it, I also sacrificed a lot to get to where I am and want to enjoy it.
What are the stupid indulges you guys partake in to help with existential dread, but you were only able to do with more money?

>> No.57087784

marginal utility.

>What are the stupid indulges you guys partake in to help with existential dread, but you were only able to do with more money?
none, i ascended

>> No.57087807

Yes, I know it's not necessary. It's definitely an indulgence. But in my defense, I don't splurge on things that do not have added benefits. I still drive my shit box Honda. My wife drives a Subaru. I value experienced over things.

>> No.57087822
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I live on 36k a year while grossing about 210k.

I still buy the same things I did when making 50k (it's just that those things used to cost less). But point being, my lifestyle didn't change; my peace of mind changed because I know I'll be able to buy my own business in a few years. I have to emphasize I never sacrificed things like good quality groceries, skincare -- even my haircuts are $200.00 or something like that.

>> No.57087833

I eat more meat and i buy new clothes more often.

>> No.57087836

>even my haircuts are $200.00
nigger what

what is your diet

>> No.57087868

Ever gotten a really good haircut? I've had women literally do a double take after a haircut and say I look more attractive. A really good hair cut can easily add 2 points to any person, but it's not cheap. I spend about $100 for 2 hair cuts a month, not including tip.

>> No.57087889

I still try to cut down on shit. Even more so now that I can see the actual benefits of having more money. I remember making $15/hr and I'd literally not care I blew my paycheck in a weekend. I wasn't going to get ahead with $15/hr unless I slept in my car, wore the same outfit everyday, and ate one can of beans a day.
But now that I can actually do something with my money, I'm very selecti e in how it's used. I am that dad that shits off lights, tells my kids to wear sweaters, and I'll now eat the rice and beans since my money can actually be out to good use.

>> No.57087895
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Scratch that - my haircuts are $250.00.
>what is your diet
I'll just tell you the guideline I give my fiancee:

Base is either soup, falafel, rice, noodles, lentils or pita wraps. Inside has to be 6-8 different veggies. The rest is just lighter stuff like granola, and in between the best supplements in Canada (I use AOR). Desserts on Saturdays. Plant based diet to sum it up.

>> No.57087914

Most men are buzz-cut losers though - they wouldn't understand (not implying this is OP). I have beautiful hair and it will be taken care of -- I pay a lot not necessarily for the cut itself, but to ensure it's spent on a place that won't fuck it up.

>> No.57087931

All that money and still eat like a slave. Why?

>> No.57087933

I honestly think there is a huge gap between making 200k and income to get you another quality of life improvement. It's probably at least double.

I feel the opposite to you OP. There is not much money can buy you at 400k that it can't at 200k. A nice sports car basically, and people do mire hard. As people posting here, we forget how "basic" a lot of people are. Blow by them in a Supra / Corvette / 4c and girls smile and wave (if you are under 30).

You can already do everything like get lasik, invisialign, etc at 200k and it's all questionable because there is some risk. You can also go to world-class coaches and the restriction is more time than money because the assumption is you fly out to them, rather than vice-versa.

In short, I disagree with your thesis that money gets you something magical.

>> No.57087944

>i ascended...to the point where i spend 18 hours a day poooosting alone on this childrens cartoon forum about how ascended i am

>> No.57087950

I wouldn't necessarily say magical, just some things that make life "nicer" or "easier". I'm at about $200k and life definitely isn't magical. I don't think I'd get there unless I have 8 figure net worth and was pulling in close to $500k income a year. Then you can really do awesome things, like travel the world whenever you want, buy the nicest cars, pay your way into places that open up your network. But still, $200k has changed my life because the things I do are still basic, but they're a little extra.

>> No.57087951

ohhhhhh all your faggotry makes perfect sense now. carry on

>> No.57087983

200k or 200k leafbucks? There is a huge difference. Basically, ~200k is the new upper middle class if you are from that type of family already. Otherwise it's just playing catch up. By "upper middle class", I mean the lifestyle - newish suburban house, good school, newish basic-bitch cars, etc. Iz ruff out dere.

BUT if you are under 30, then you can really enjoy life for a bit.

See: >>57080901

>> No.57087990

not this faggot poster again

>> No.57087992

USD. Wife makes $50k (teacher? So we aren't doing too bad, and id prefer not to push her into a new career.

>> No.57087996

What makes you upset? You want to talk through it? What do you disagree with?

>> No.57088003

Awesome. The fact that she works makes her able to relate to you. That's key.

>> No.57088006

Makes no difference if I love my food and it's healthy.

>> No.57088073

you first world niggers earn so much money and are still poor. it's pretty sad kek

>> No.57088075

>What do you disagree with?
A spring to have a son that crashes porsches like a nigger

>> No.57088111

I never said that's a good thing. If you want, write your own about a commune innawoods. Just make a realistic conclusion where an M1A2 sep v4 shows up to cover the M202 teams.

>> No.57088120

All those things apart from vacations can be achieved without loads of money just common sense.

>> No.57088133

>Plant based diet
What greed does to a mf, eat like a fucking person not a rabbit

>> No.57088154

he's a pajeet

>> No.57088170

I love my food. I don't feel deprived of anything.

What greed?

>> No.57088254

Thats what im planning to do thanks for the information

>> No.57088258

>What are the stupid indulges you guys partake in

>> No.57088275

how tf do you make 400k let alone 200

>> No.57088280

lol stop larping, caring about lights and being on rice and beans diet is loser/mentally ill behavior,

Yeah of course don't throw money away but focusing on things that literally don't matter or add up to 1% of your income a year at most is retarded.

>> No.57088283

I eat at this absolutely amazing place every time I'm at the office.
It's a buffet so it can sustain me the entire afternoon plus evenings workout.
Every time I leave I'm thankful for having the privilege to eat such good food and having my belly full with such delicious and healthy food.

>> No.57088290

what is it?

>> No.57088299

Executive, surgeon, or FAGMAN in the US. Or business, or whatever shitcoin did a 1000x last cycle.

For 200k - minor director at a minor company. Really good consultant architect in a flyover.

Also, you are supposed to flip it: "How do you make 200k, let alone 400k"

If your question is "How do you realistically, without being given a lot of advantages at birth"...well, that's a whole different question.

>> No.57088304

1% adds up when there's dozens of things you can control and shave off 1%>

>> No.57088318

Do you realize how much we get fucking taxed? How much health insurance costs, before you even have to need it? America is expensive as fuck.

>> No.57088351
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a variety of meats, potatoes and salads
all home cooked every day

>> No.57088360

This but unironically

>> No.57088369

they dont need to cook salad, mate, its the cheapest shit thats why they offer it, literally leafs

>> No.57088374

It's not worth it. What you frugal faggots forget is that there are other, non-quantifiable factors which come into equation, for example shielding your kids from your autism.

But we both know this advice is useless to you cause work and frugality are 95+% of your personality.

>> No.57088380

yeah I understand, plus rent and other costs are absurd. where I live you can live extremely comfortably just with 2K USD per month. I own houses, land, cars, and earn way less than you

>> No.57088391

>For 200k - minor director at a minor company

I doubt it. I was just looking at opening for a VP role at a national trust company with $50B under management. 6+ years experience CFA preferred etc. the salary range was $140k - $200k. This was in Los Angeles.

I genuinely don’t know if anons are memeing or delusional. Probably both.

>> No.57088393
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imagine the retardation of earning 200k+ posting about eating beans and rice and being afriaght of heating the house and lightening inside his own thread about being able to afford a better life

literal schizo with cognitive dissonance

>> No.57088396

Dude, you're getting weirdly aggressive on a Japanese basket weaving IRC channel, on Christmas. I think you need to consider who is autistic here.

>> No.57088406

You can't even break $200k, it's literally so unfathomable to you that you have to ask strangers what jobs even pay that much. You're not only stupid, but you're likely only 12. This is why your post and opinions mean nothing to me.

>> No.57088418

And yes, I will cut down on heat and electricity so I have more money to invest, get better hair it's, and indulge myself :). But yeah, have fun working at KFC, I'm sure the post holidays traffic will be slow.

>> No.57088421

look at you with your big ego feeling hurt about my comment, this says it all, we all know literal retards are in posiitions like yours, you are a good example faggot

>> No.57088422

Directors at $2 billion / year revenue (not profit) make $300,000+. These are usually 30 year olds from good NYC families that don't have any particular skills. They also take 6 months of paternity leave after 6 months with the company and have very little skill.

> VP role
Higher than director, thus higher pay.

> 6+ years experience CFA preferred etc. the salary range was $140k - $200k.
Finance is dead. I was working as a drywall installer after my CFA. Seriously, finance was an 80s, maybe late 90s game. Now it's just a bunch of baggies competing for jobs they still think exist.

>> No.57088424


>> No.57088429

>i vill save moneys on heating my house and elictricity even when my kids are freezing to get a better haircut
>200k fagman redditor who jeet codes 1 hour a day

>> No.57088432


>> No.57088439

>nou bc too retarded to engage in logic
>this shit tier level tard maanged to get a 200k job
its all a scam

>> No.57088448


>> No.57088452


>> No.57088459


>> No.57088463

>gotta tell my wifey i got him this time

>> No.57088470


>> No.57088476
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this is le 200k intelligence sirs
imagine this nigger at an interview and this is the nigger they hire
on christmas day whilst he has a family of his own he sits there nou on biz


>> No.57088624


>> No.57088661

>Directors at $2 billion / year revenue (not profit) make $300,000+.


Here’s the job posting I was talking about: https://recruiting2.ultipro.com/WHI1008WHTR/JobBoard/d093c596-db1a-456d-8d2f-86ca20735c6a/OpportunityDetail?opportunityId=a19a340a-0ecd-43db-88bb-99b2759350ec

Even in a HCOL area, a $200k salary is a lot (if we’re not memeing).

>> No.57088668

Imo, you need to be rich to be able to properly enjoy life.

>> No.57088671

I don't have specific job postings because they generally don't list salary for those positions. You can try:


>> No.57088697

Here is a standard boring Fortune 500 company: https://www.levels.fyi/companies/kroger/salaries

I think, I am too lazy to actually check if they are on the list, but I assume they are. Their revenue is over 100 bil though - I know I said 2 bil before. You can take my word for "it's the same" if you want.

What I linked will be dev and lowest level management salaries. You can extrapolate director from there though. Kroger is NOT a "glamorous" or high-paying company.

>> No.57088770

Thanks for the links. I think we might be talking past each other. The salaries on that link top out just below $200k which is what I’m saying; $200k is a lot. The idea that trust fund babies are causally earning $300k seems like a meme to me. That’s not to say they aren’t living in luxury, it’s that the trust fund and not their wages is what supports that lifestyle.

>> No.57088857

I don't think we are necessarily talking past each other - I didn't provide any definitive proof for what I am saying. My point is that if a senior engineer is making 170k, you can gather that the director managing multiple teams with senior devs is making over 200k. I know tell you from experience that it's in the 250-350k range, but I can't prove it to you since salaries don't get advertised at that level.

>The idea that trust fund babies are causally earning $300k seems like a meme to me.

Again, anecdotal:
> go to the spaniard in NYC
> talk to random girl
> think she is airheaded bimbo at a bar, because hot at a bar
> turns out she is a financial analyst
> for a defense startup accelerator
> she is 21

Where do you think she will be when she is 30? Fuck, now I am depressed. Excuse me while I go cry in a corner.

> Julia
> ;_;

>> No.57088875

lol subhuman

>> No.57089023

I guess it goes back to the original point about “making $200k as a minor director at a minor company.” I don’t think Kroger is a minor company even if it isn’t glamorous. But to your larger point, yeah there’s a lot of injustice in this world. It’s also Christmas so be of good cheer; it’s just paper.

>> No.57089095

You're unironically arguing with a demoralizer. $200k/yr is an incredibly elite salary and everyone with 2 braincells to rub together understands this. OP's posts have it all - claiming to live moderately, claiming to still need to make sacrifices, giving the notion he's hardly above the poverty line, brushing the salary aside like everyone should make that much, all while praising the dopamine hits of consumerism.

OP, idk what your intentions are, but you're truly one vile scumbag for doing this on Christmas.

>> No.57089118

Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud anon. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

>> No.57089186

I have been thinking a lot lately this is unbelievable but true

>> No.57089203

Fellow West End expensive haircut enjoyer checking in

>> No.57089219

I work at the bank and found your account using the transaction amounts and dates. You spend too much money on doordash, dude.

>> No.57089244

"How do you realistically, without being given a lot of advantages at birth"...well, that's a whole different question

Build on this

>> No.57089269

I just wanted to engage in conversation with like minded people.

>> No.57089283

That salon is amazing.
I've never used DoorDash - I just use UberEats. Also, fuck TD for freezing my account when I donated to truckers.

>> No.57089295

even if I had a million dollars I would still eat rice and beans and pirate all my entertainment. I certainly wouldn't spend a dime on women.

>> No.57089311

People don't understand opportunity cost. Every dollar you spend is a dollar that can no longer work for you. Obviously you have to make a judgement , but for me, eating oatmeal and rice beans and wearing wool socks is worth it so I can put more money into my kids 529, buy more crypto, and max my 401k effortlessly every year.
Your money either works for you, or it works for someone else. Never forget this.

>> No.57089341

What are good jobs currently? And for this fucked future?

I’m tired of my all female admin team, useless director that just makes us watch “inspirational” YouTube clips to motivate us, and psycho toxic team mates.

>> No.57089385
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>Base is either soup, falafel, rice, noodles, lentils or pita wraps. Inside has to be 6-8 different veggies. The rest is just lighter stuff like granola, and in between the best supplements in Canada (I use AOR). Desserts on Saturdays. Plant based diet to sum it up.

>> No.57089492


>What are good jobs currently?
IT, nursing. Before people rage at me - yes, I know master mechanics who make ~150k but that's a road that's way longer than either of the "professional" fields.

> And for this fucked future?
I think robotics. Being able to integrate mechanical/electrical engineering with programming, a high level understanding of basic robotics components (servos, sensors, cameras, etc), and how it can integrate with basic bitch AI like motion detection.

>> No.57089553

Any tips to break into IT field?

>> No.57089580

Learn JavaScript / HTML / React or maybe even go to a bootcamp. "Front end" is easier to get into and then you can learn as you get experience.

The easiest way to go now, by far, is the business analyst in tech company route. Learn SQL, maybe get a Google cert if there is one, especially if your education is already in something business related, this is doable. From there you will probably go the "product owner" route and then "real career".

A guaranteed way to go is manual QA -> SDET/automation -> software dev, but it starts out pretty shitty at like 35-40k, which as you can tell is half of junior engineers, but it's basically a guaranteed in.

Can answer more if you are interested in something specific. I will honestly tell you "I don't know" if I don't.

>> No.57089696

Expensive haircut and plant based diet

LMAO I would tear you limb from limb and fuck your wife as you bleed out

>> No.57090735

good for your kids
but things life food, housing and stuff are not the biggest things imo

what I like is power and helping people

>> No.57091901

Lifestyle creep, be careful Anon