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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 1491x614, Screenshot 2023-12-25 151333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57086809 No.57086809 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, gentlemons. Today in this thread I will explain why ETH has startred its descent relative to BTC.

There are two main points. The first one being that the all time high gains percentage in the last two bull runs was more favorable for BTC than for ETH. The first picture I will be posting is the BTC all time high increase percentage. It is about 250%.

>> No.57086813
File: 27 KB, 1501x623, Screenshot 2023-12-25 151448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next, I am posting the ETH increase amount from last two all time highs. It is about 240%.

>> No.57086827

now, let us discuss the alternative: ChainLink

>> No.57086837
File: 35 KB, 1573x558, Screenshot 2023-12-25 152119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The above makes it clear that if you had entered the market at the worst possible time, you could end up in profit more with BTC than with ETH. Furthermore, it shows that BTC is holding its strength very well against its largest contendor, in matter of fact relative to increases in percentages BTC is overperforming over ETH.

Now we will move on to my next point which is increases on the yearly. As the yearly comes to an end, this information becomes pretty worthwhile.

Onto the next picture of point two showing the increase on the yearly of BTC being much higher than ETH. Furthermore the decrease %percentage amount over ATH is significantly less poor looking for BTC than for ETH.

ETH will have another bull run again, but it was already doomed years ago in terms of performance. The nail in its coffin in terms of potential performance was the true economic underlying basis of proof of work. However since the removal thereof, its chances of performing stronger than BTC have diminished to low probability zone. The era of longer term gains with shitcoins is over.

Bow to the king.

>> No.57086953

thanks for the buy signal

>> No.57087136

I bought you some lešniku

>> No.57087237
File: 14 KB, 474x441, th(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH isn't sustainable.
Hard truth.
There's an infinite tug of war with L2's.
No one wants to use them because... no one else does. It's a fun catch-22.
Organically, the community will eventually find itself in better places. I don't think SOL is a good place long-term. Long-term I'd more like INJ or ICP to become the main hubs of Defi. Speed and price are going to be top decision makers.
If Vitalik really wanted to save ETH, he'd roll up his sleeves, go talk to Arbitrum, Optimism or Avax devs and make one of the an officially supported L2.

But nah.

>> No.57087407

But eth isnt a direct contender to btc
It offers a whole new range of possibilities that btc cant do
Blame the core devs for not doing anything more than eth being a shitcoin

The biggest competitor to btc will be cbdcs and custodial (etfs) btc anyways
No not in tech but in value capture

>> No.57087449
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PULSE CHAIN sir Solves this lolz

>> No.57087562

>But eth isnt a direct contender to btc
Price action wise, in the eyes of many, it was. But it isn't anymore. Making people realize this is the point of these posts. Yes, ETH does other shit, and there is room for it, daresay even need, but price action wise, it's not as good an investment as big daddy.

>> No.57087593

>ETH has started its slow shitcoin death
couldnt happen to a more deserving community

>> No.57087751

I've a decently sized ETH bag and i agree with this, Worst community in crypto history, At least those who are public on socials.

>> No.57087769

lets say hypothetically I hold large bags of ETH (over 50 percent of my portfolio) and I'm starting to fall for the fud
when should I sell my ETH? I don't want to sell it now because it feels like it's due for a pump

>> No.57087774

You convert to BTC when the ETH to BTC ratio is favorable in your eyes. You don't have to do it right now but once the ratio is strong you should definitely consider it.

>> No.57087777

You can thank Ethereum foundation for eternally dumping on baggies

>> No.57087783

>It offers a whole new range of possibilities that btc cant do
BTC layer 2s fix this

>> No.57087802

>The above makes it clear that if you had entered the market at the worst possible time, you could end up in profit more with BTC than with ETH
All you are saying with this is that ETH has held its value better than BTC in the bear market which is, by definition, the opposite of "bad".

>> No.57087818

"entering at the worst possible time" means buying the top
has nothing to do with the bear market

>> No.57087821

Converting your ETH to BTC right now would, quite literally, be buying the top/selling the bottom. You’re supposed to do the opposite, but this is /biz/ after all.

>> No.57087835

Wait, No reason to sell now, I'm waiting for +50% in sats before i start unloading

>> No.57087846
File: 41 KB, 2144x612, Screenshot 2023-12-25 182816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly for you there is a difference between what I am saying and what you are hearing.

>> No.57087850
File: 36 KB, 573x548, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I know, and I absolutely don't want to sell my eth right now for that reason
that being said, selling at a loss isn't always a bad thing, if you think it will get worse before it gets better

>> No.57087853

If you enter at the worst possible time and it doesn't go down as much you did, by definition, did better than whatever went down further.

>> No.57087857
File: 494 KB, 1080x1675, 6549898732165498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not say right now, I said to consider so when the ratio is favorable for ETH bagholder.

>> No.57087871

you are, by definition, a midwit

>> No.57087891

Not an argument, sorry.
Concession accepted.

Very dishonest picture. ETH had a 160~ window of time where it was doing better than BTC.

>> No.57087946

And yet its ATH to ATH was lower. What does its temporary rally mean, in comparison to the end game? The end game for ETH was weak ATH to ATH, there is no disputing that. And it wasn't even proof of shit previous round. Next round is against proof of shit. It's like a rematch but the loser is now fat and out of shape.

>> No.57087971

>And yet its ATH to ATH was lower
That has nothing to do with what I'm arguing or with the picture you posted in the post I replied to.

>> No.57087997

vitalik is too autistic, he needs a natural born scammer persona as his right hand and face like the other chains. one that can make the security above all narrative palatable to normies

>> No.57088000
File: 2.25 MB, 968x720, Solana vs Ethereum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57088032


Checked and checked!

>> No.57088077

He is a scammer who successfully convinced you that he's not one. You probably have affinity bias for people who seem autistic.

>> No.57088082

>He is a scammer
evidence for your claims?

>> No.57088110

at least vitalik has big snek, can't deny it

>> No.57088155

all he wanted was drain life tho

should have said grand stage showman/salesman instead or something along those lines

>> No.57088161

I'm with you OP. ETH is dinosaur tech made entirely out of spaghetti code. It can't fucking scale

>> No.57088175
File: 88 KB, 1192x682, mETH confession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just his pretense that ethereum has some purpose other than hosting a nihilistic shitcoin scamsino is pretty disingenuous and disgusting. He wanted to print his own money at the end of the day, so he contrived his own narratives to achieve that end and got a marketing department to sell it. None of the narratives panned out.


^Bull shit hype and always was.

>> No.57088385
File: 116 KB, 1187x708, ethkiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57088493

Your meme being from 2017 or so is befitting.

>> No.57088528

it's gonna be an expensive lesson to everyone gambling on sol

>> No.57088675

>Converting your ETH to BTC right now would, quite literally, be buying the top/selling the bottom. You’re supposed to do the opposite, but this is /biz/ after all.
This is possible, but we can't be sure that ETHBTC 0.05 is going to hold.
It spent quite some time between 0.01 and 0.02 even after the 0.12 ATH.
At the end of the day, Ethereum's use case is shitcoin trading/staking/lending/farming/..., and there's no guarantee this use case will continue to grow and stay on Ethereum.

>> No.57088706

>yoinks $1k out of your account every year
>s-sorry, just gassy!
eth cucks will defend this

>> No.57088747

What exactly does Ethereum or any other L2 solve? Trade shitcoins? I'd rather just trade stocks at zero fees than get ass raped by MEV. These L2's provide nothing of value and if there's ever the need for a smart contract, it would make more sense to tie it to the only truly decentralized network, Bitcoin.

>> No.57088754
File: 62 KB, 1525x812, ETHBTC_2023-12-25_20-55-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a technical standpoint we're at crossroads so it's normal people being tensed.

This triangle is not mature which means there's still a move to make to complete it and then a real new trend might start. It should take time.

I'd say given the pessimism it's not bad to take a cautious long just because biz retards are at ATL confidence.

If it was previous biz I would have been even more cautious but now given the real IQ crash from posters, betting against biz might be a good bet

>> No.57089107

considering all the emotional sol spam trying to invoke fomo trading i think you will be very comfy on that long
biz mostly exists to gauge the shill sentiment and counter trade that, minus the occasional gem in the shit

>> No.57089552

Sol is just having its moment like every other shitcoin eth killer.
Once vc's are done bleeding retail dry capital will move to some other shitcoin or back to ether.
That's it, the end.

>> No.57089564
File: 217 KB, 640x800, 1702803953152567.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fyi, ether has never been more than .1 btc, ever.
This is always the convert point or anywhere near it.

>> No.57089576

Im not selling eth until 20k.
You are simply retarded if you dont understand the inevitably of it.

>> No.57089578

Cope thread. Watch as ETH destroys bitfuck in the next bullrun, again.

>> No.57089743

Checked, also based iron-fisted HODLer.

>> No.57089773

I made more money just buying SOL this week instead of reading this thread and gambling on whether your theory will actually work out

>> No.57090469

Next up after SOL is KIMBER, makes commodity trading more secure and fast by ditching settlement delays and red tape, going global with borderless blockchain transfers and staying private with secure peer-to-peer transactions

>> No.57090479

Damn you shill scams on Christmas too, are you in India?