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57086584 No.57086584 [Reply] [Original]

Is crypto really the only way for the average guy to make it?

Most aren't born gifted obviously or have some unique skill to attract a mass audience so is there really no other way than luck?

>> No.57086598

cryptos are identical to penny stocks except they're far shadier

>> No.57086605

No shit retard, anything else?

>> No.57086612

Go for penny stocks then nigger

>> No.57086617

Crypto isn’t luck at all. Everyone who is supposed to make it does if you stay here long enough

>> No.57086630


>> No.57086631

You think a normie gets into this shit after having lived a normie life?

No, everyone here has spent the last 20 years sat at a PC browsing the internet, ugly manlets, likely autistic, etc, who had no hope of ever living a normal life

This is not luck, this is just what happened to those with shit genetics that females dont want, you end up spending a ton of time on a computer online looking at shit and you stumble across crypto and get into it

Its not luck, its literally a life trajectory

>> No.57086637
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No just being smart and recognizing plays like this

>> No.57086638

how to trade shitcoins can you give me a tldr what broker/wallet to use?

>> No.57086647

Crypto was the millenial wagie cage escape play, I wonder what opportunity zoomers will get

>> No.57086688

Zoomers still have a chance it’s not as easy as millennials have it though

>> No.57086699

I'm a 22 year old zoomer realistically when should I strive to have 1 million dollars in NW

>> No.57086707

By 25. If you have 100,000 in crypto right now it should be doable

>> No.57086716

metamask for hot wallet (shitcoin amounts)
trezor for cold wallet (real amounts)

brokers would ideally be dexs (uniswap/jupiter), if u don't want to KYC but still uses cexs then mexc, otherwise coinbase->kraken->binance->bybit

>> No.57086723

It's over I'm only half way to six figures

>> No.57086764

I believe in you

>> No.57086788

can you elaborate a lil bit on each, im new, hot wallet = quick exchanges i guess
cold for long holding i guess?
what do you mean with otherwise? why would dexs uniswap be better than say binance?

>> No.57086825

It really depends. Cryptos with a project team that at least try to do something useful are basically equivalent to private equity. One massive benefit of crypto is that these project teams are essentially capped in how much they can dilute supply because supply on many tokens is set at a fixed allocation right from the start. Contrast that with public shares where there is no supply limit and they can dilute the share price into oblivion. Thus the incentives are actually better aligned.

>> No.57086831

30. Dont try to rush it. If it happens sooner good but don't count on it. 2 cycles.

>> No.57086840


>> No.57086855

There's literally so much to say I can't be assed to write it all out. Just remember it's all a scam and to cash out when you become euphoric.

>> No.57086877

yea okay i figured this, can you just tell me what broker/wallet to download so i can start?

>> No.57086894

Entirely depends on where you live. Outsider of the US I’d say Binance and MetaMask are baby’s first steps. Then you can start with Uniswap

>> No.57086917
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Sitting on the couch doing nothing for the rest of your life is "to make it" for you?

>> No.57086922

german, can you tldr about metamask? is binance not enough?

>> No.57086928

MetaMask is for self custody and for DEX trading. Your keys your coins.

>> No.57086995

wtf is dex trading nigger im new i dont know your buzzwords

>> No.57087011

Decentralized exchanges. Like uniswap and 1inch. They use liquidity pools. This is where most of the “memecoins” are

>> No.57087025

so i cant even just use binance to shitcoin buy and dump, why is it so complicated

>> No.57087034

Because midwit newfag redditors like you aren’t supposed to make it. Now denounce the Talmud and post nigger three times.

>> No.57087046

The idea is you buy your ETH or whatever from Binance then you send it to your MetaMask hot wallet and from there you use Dex’s (UNI) to shitcoin trade. I wouldn’t recommend this though you are too novice. Just keep browsing here and learn from information osmosis

>> No.57087054

i couldnt be further from a redittroll
lol stop acting like downloading bunch of wallets is high tier IQ or something, its literally shit thats the only reason it keeps normies away, it simply looks scammy asf

the only reason im considering is bc im very tired of being a poorfag, and ive seen shitcoins x7 now, i think its retarded but i feel the thread topic is on point ...

>> No.57087073

Fucking look it up yourself you dipshit turk. You are on the internet, use it

>> No.57087074

how am i supposed to learn if i dont just do it, im not novice in analysing this shit, the only confusing part to me is how to start and what broker or wallet to use

ive seen a safe x7 and i only didnt invest bc the investing process seemed jewed maxxed
i.e. buy eth from x website to transfer to x wallet to finnally buy shitcoin x and wait for profit, like nigga if that doesnt seem scammy to a normal functioning brain i dont what does, but since ive seen it work now im ready to try... im very fucking tired of being poorfag, nobdy deserves it more than me at this point, i want out

reading this board solves nothing i need to start buying low dumping high isnt difficult

>> No.57087082

nigger this shit is confusing when youve never done it, calm down and help or stfu all i ask is what shit to download so i can start, if iths is too hard to answer then you mightaswell ust say you know nothing

>> No.57087113

Look up what coin you want to buy on coingecko or coinmarketcap, look at the exchanges on said coin, then go there and buy it. With a dex you'll need a wallet like metamask and the layer 1 coin to trade for the coin and the gas fees associated with said chain. Your best bet it to use Binance or Kucoin or whatever Europeans have as your fiat on ramp, (getting your Euros into crypto). Look it up on jewtube you lazy krautnigger, merry christmas

>> No.57087149

Buying random shitcoins is literally gambling, you can save time by just playing roulette online. Think of the 0 as your broker fees.

>> No.57087161

yea ofc its gambling but dont act you dont do the same,

ive knew about p3p3coin and its x7 now, i couldve easily put 1 k into it. only didnt bc i had no wallet

ok so just download binance i guess...

>> No.57087179


>> No.57087178


also, the average guy wont throw any amount of money on shady internet thingy.
only social rejects with their back against the wall would

>> No.57087180

Buy toshi you little faggot

>> No.57087183

>dont act you dont do the same,
I don't kek. I used to think that with research you could pick good coins but it's just luck.
I'm just here because this is a good board to shitpost on.

>> No.57087187

? elaborate otherwise its just confusing

>> No.57087195

yea i agree but ive seen a sorta safe x7 now, and its likely the only way for me to get out of poorfag hell if i want out before im a grandpa that is
i dont like it either, i think shitcoins suck and a useless scam but what else can you do nowadays as a poorfag? its better than literally playing roulette, rich people apparently use this to gamble or even money launder, if you can find where they deposit their money you can cascade your way out of poordom

>> No.57087230

how do i buy it?

>> No.57087261

If society functioned normally, you would all have died years ago, but we live in a global socialist hellhole that props up autistic incels like you so you can be a drain on the rest of us for your entire natural lifespan, giving you ample time to get lucky with at least one of your barely-disguised pyramid schemes, breed, and pass on your retarded genes to a new unlucky dumbass.

>> No.57087288

Do you have a Coinbase account?

>> No.57087306

>Crypto isn’t luck at all.
yeah it is. I'd say it wasn't luck from 2009 - 2016 but afterwards is all luck. People actually had to believe in what they were investing in back then and that it had a future. But all of that is out of the window now, everyone knows it doesn't matter, it's truly nothing more than gambling, pick the right dog coin, useless shit coin etc.

>> No.57087321

get metamask
buy bitcoin just hodl for x years no matter price
buy eth
either trade shitcoins on eth which I do not recommend if youre poor or bridge to other networks where the gas fees are not 30 dollar and trade there
stay away from commercial brokers

>> No.57087327

Refer to this screen cap. It was clear where Kaspa was going when u read about it last year. Not luck at all

>> No.57087328

>buy bitcoin just hodl for x years no matter price
>just hodl for 30 years bro.

>> No.57087356

Yes I'm sure ....Kaspa is the new Bitcoin, and not just another pump and dump that will fade into obscurity, like all the other hundreds that have pumped massively and then faded into obscurity.

>> No.57087383

>ok so just download binance i guess...
That's not at all what my post said but sure

>> No.57087416

I already sold my Kaspa making 110,000 off 7,000 dollars it’s in BTC right now

>> No.57087423

that great I'm glad your gamble played out.

>> No.57087428

no right now i have nothing, but i can make one

>> No.57087430

Keep seething

>> No.57087436

It's either that or hold stocks for 60 years and still not make it, nigger. If you want extraordinary results you have to have unprecedented causality. Whether that's mortgaging your house, winning the lottery, or investing in crypto in 2010 it matters not.

Of course that requires you to be an uncommon strain of man, which you arent.

>> No.57087442

what coin is the next kaspa?

>> No.57087450

Personally I have about 20k in Everest ID. I see that doing very well this bullrun

>> No.57087463

how do i buy it

>> No.57087469
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seething about what?

this is almost 2024 and Bitcoin is $40,000+ you are not gonna "make it" buying Bitcoin at this point, it's too late, sorry to break it to you. Blackrock and Billionaires are literally shilling it, there's nobody left to buy your bags. You'll be lucky if Bitcoin ever passes ATH again before you still control your bowel movements.

>hold stocks for 60 years
at least you'll be holding something with a future and real value, I'd wait until it all crashes though.

>> No.57087475

Here’s a write up on it. Uniswap. You need ETH on your Metamask.

>> No.57087510

you know how to use google, right? Because you're going to need it a lot.

>> No.57087518

>what else can you do nowadays as a poorfag?
Well how much money do you need? I'd say if you're in a first world country to start a business or work on a decent career. It takes work, but it's pretty much guaranteed to get you all the money you actually want.
People on here like to imagine that they'll somehow 2000x their crypto bag (basically like winning the lottery) and then have a merger retirement where they'll just doom-browse online forums like they do now.
Realistically if you want to net $5-$10k/month depending on the CoL in your area you can get that without gambling. It's a better situation than having no skills and possibly losing the little money you have now on gambling.

>> No.57087519

not helpful


>> No.57087525
File: 826 KB, 873x880, gav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there are three or four ways:

1. Somehow getting through medical school. Maybe through the army program and selling like 20 years of your life. Still needs an IQ of over 120. The average person on here is 120-135 though. German average IQ is like 110-120 for example, draw your own conclusions.

2. Lucking into the right field like IT was for a couple of years there. Tbh I am not sure it can be timed.

3. Yea, crypto.

4. Degen business - make an AI visual novel or something and milk Patreon or draw furry porn, still needs talent.

I guess that's why they call it "making it" - most of us won't.

>> No.57087527

>why is it so complicated
Because crypto is definitely the future of finance and will see global adoption, don't you know complicated things that normal people don't use for anything are the future? Get with it.

>> No.57087547

>work on a decent career.
literal bullshit i have a stem degree already and waging sucks ass unluss you luck out with your job which is again a fucking gamble and knowing the right people and in actuality depends a lot on your family and where you come from and outer circumstances

>start a business
im in germany, all businesses are monopolized scams here already, you cant make it unless you are already rich, its all a scam, hence why i lost it and im going all in shitcoin gabling even though i actuallyl hate it and it sucks imo
but its all jewed from the start here if youre not born rich

like i know people who studied with me who failed math I and they got into VW with high paying jobs while i landed a shit roastie job with 47k might aswell. its literally undeserved bullshit luck , i gamble to be out of this wagescam shit

>> No.57087556

>like i know people who studied with me who failed math I and they got into VW with high paying jobs
It’s all who you know they probably greased the right wheels

>> No.57087565
File: 48 KB, 645x773, 1665939799382124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally about to buy a token some anon mentioned half-handedly because you are so fucking impatient and lazy that you refuse to use google to figure anything out on your own. Do you not see the problem here? You are performing the financial equivalent of bowing down and sucking his cock for him teaching you where his cock is. Whatever, more exit liquidity for us I guess (don't google it).

>> No.57087568

Yeah I told him to browse longer because he’s too novice. Good thing I shilled him a legit coin

>> No.57087583

>more exit liquidity for us I guess
at least you openly admit it's all a big scam.

>> No.57087598

yea ive been reading the 4chan biz board for some months, i can remember everest from my memory, and theres not much else to shitcoin gambling, i also can see the dude made money, and hence he wont invest 20k in a rugcoin

you gotta risk it and im willing to risk it

im only novice in investing, ive read this board for some weeks/months, analysing trends isnt hard for me, the actual start of investing is hardest
im high IQ

>> No.57087604

>luck out with your job which is again a fucking gamble
It's not a gamble because there's no downside. You can also make friends, learn to be sociable and get jobs. You can do freelance/contract work online if you git gud at anything valuable. It's usually a cringe thing to say but you have a limiting mindset. Demoralized from your time on 4chan.

>> No.57087613

nigga i just told you how retarded turks and roasties gotten VW jobs here when im easily 30IQ + above them and i didnt even get invited to interviews
fuck off

>> No.57087636

You admitted/claimed that you hold ~0.5% of the circulating supply. And the total supply is 8x higher. He would be the textbook definition of exit liquidity if he bought knowing that information. Not saying it can't pump, but holy shit does the supply side reek.
always has been, we're all buying and selling hopes and dreams here

>> No.57087645

i havnt checked it yet, but if i see its already pumped i wont buy, simple as
im not retarded

>> No.57087646

>always has been, we're all buying and selling hopes and dreams here
based and truthpilled

>> No.57087651

Look into what Everest is and the upcoming MICA regulations

>> No.57087665

I bought at 1 million market cap it pumped to 10 million off the Everest exchange news and is consolidating at around 4 million marketcap research it and make your own decision. FYI you won’t be able to use dexes in Europe anymore end of 2024 without KYC which Everest is ahead of

>> No.57087670

then i need to kyc if thats what it takes idc
its not the first time people force me to be a vaxxed npc drone

>> No.57087674

Lol fucking nerds

>> No.57087683

We’ll good luck anon I hope you make it out of Germany

>> No.57087695
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>i also can see the dude made money
Maybe he has. Seems nice enough. But maybe he's full of shit and you swallowed his load hook, line and sinker. No offense
>you gotta risk it and im willing to risk it
you've gotta riskit, for the biscuit
>im high IQ
then you are exploitable in ways you don't even think are possible because you are "too smart" for your own good

>> No.57087697

who says i want to leave?
i want to make it and stay here, fuck the niggerturks, leaving would mean they won

>> No.57087698

Lol beta male
Why dont you buy him a drink too, faggot?

>> No.57087709

i have lots of street smarts too, at the end of the day this is gambling so yea you gotta risk it

what are you personally investing?

im not vaxxed, tho i resisted till now. i took 2 quick corona tests tho bc otherwise they wouldnt let me into exams to finish my degree lol

>> No.57087849

>what are you personally investing?
I've entered my positions for risk-adjusted returns so they may not necessarily be worth replicating for someone entering their first cycle. I'm likely to miss the highest flyers and I'm okay with that. But as a top level overview: an eth L2 position, an AI token, le real yield token, and looking to scoop on some of the newer narratives. Won't drop tickers because it's irrelevant, everything will go up in time and I won't pretend that I know what the future holds as far as the "best" picks. For you? Probably best to look at fresh narratives and pick a scam with a fresh start and a slow burn. Like a classic VC dilution scam. The risk is fairly low up front (by crypto standards) if there's a vesting cliff preventing immediate dumpage, but rewards can be very high. You aren't likely to pull 1000x, but a much more likely 50-100x which you can compound into the next cycle is a more likely path to escaping the wagecage. I've said enough

>> No.57087866

Nobody said you had to work for a specific globohomo corp. You have a helpless mindset; there are endless options for you if you genuinely have high IQ and can take some initiative.

It sounds like you're going to have to learn the hard way.

>> No.57087882

Yes while normies were climbing the social ladder at the workplace, getting drunk at the bars. I spent countless hours studying the blade in Vidya and buying crypto with my low income.

>> No.57087886

Don't you think p2e is much better than this???

>> No.57087911

Pretty much unless you can become an engineer at a mag 7 tech company, work in private equity, become a highly-paid specialist doctor, work for a biglaw firm, or something like that. But those all require elite college pedigrees to even get a look at your resume, which realistically requires an elite high school pedigree and resume unless you're black, which requires wealthy parents, etc.

>> No.57087916 [DELETED] 

I think it's better the stay smart and exchange it for OGBX, the endorsements from Google, BNB Chain, and Mario Nawfal is a huge boost ahead of the bullrun.

>> No.57087929

and just as expected, RIGHT on schedule! the pajeet bots. Pack your bags boys, threads closed

>> No.57088049

It's all about getting bags heavy and definitely, Adlunam's super allocation strategy is classy, feels juicy to be richer in LUNAM as their unique EngageToEarn principle is second to none other

>> No.57088153

>there are endless options for you
like what? ive already spend lots of time and stress for some gay engineering degree, i dont want to learn to code anymore wtf man and some giga roastie earns 6 figures with her humanities degree by being a 'consultant'
ive already learned the hard way that everything is a scam here

doesn help i need a ticker

>> No.57088183

the ticker is meaningless if you don't have the thesis (when to cut and run, where to take profit), and I'm not here to shill my bags

>> No.57088189

greedy bastard

>> No.57088213

Basically, all of the economy, inflation, and jobs reports are faked. We've been in a recession the past 15 years. It's almost impossible to get a "good job" anymore you're parents are rich and/or you have connections. If you can't figure out how to make money on the internet as a side hustle to your main job these days, then you're basically fucked.

>> No.57088262

lol it ain't greed anon. LUNA is a prime example. If you got in early on that, and sold near the highs, you would have landed some of the largest gains available for last cycle. If you held on just a little bit more, it would be worthless. Someone who shilled that to you either made you a fuckton of money or broke you and the only difference would be how long you held. I could lay out my whole plan in fine detail - doesn't mean you'll follow it. And who knows maybe it goes wrong? For all you know I'm full of shit. Knowing when I'm wrong and when to get out is a moving target. I'll know when it happens but I won't be around to tell you the same. What works for one trader won't work for another.

>> No.57088298

ive already told you buying low selling high wont be my problem unless these shitty platforms only
allow to lagsell throwing your timing off

>> No.57089452

the average preson does not buy and hold btc since say 2013. That schoen meme guy show what the average person does.

>> No.57090368

Sounds like you're on the right track, building up bags with KIMBER, an ecosystem, backed by real diamonds, is making these luxurious gemstones accessible to everyone through exclusive TNFTs. This is my best bet rn.

>> No.57090730

>Is crypto really the only way for the average guy to make it?
>Most aren't born gifted obviously or have some unique skill to attract a mass audience so is there really no other way than luck?
I’ll let you in on a secret. Developers making these coins via solidity through temporary contracts and formal employment haven’t been paid

>> No.57092323

Incredibly based post

>> No.57092332

I 100% believe in the market and have 20k diversified but honestly think I could do so much better and make it sooner so I’m constantly scanning the market. What’s the make it move biz? Just need enough to quit my job or at least buy a work van and become self implored which is more likely and better than waging for idiots

>> No.57092385

Its not gambling. You develop a sixth sense for it. I caught kaspa and pepecp3coin early this cycle. Caught fantom last cycle. You just start to get an abstract feel for the market and what would pump. Right now I am betting on moshito eventually pump hard.

God 4chan spam filter is trash.

>> No.57092391

Half of the modern world is thanks to autists and their extreme singular interests.

>> No.57092410


90% of people get royally fucked by crypto

If anything it's harder than trading stocks that just go up forever with minimal pullbacks

>> No.57092458

This is a loadof bullshit. Crypto is easy if you folllow the halving. Yhe qhestion is whete are the best profits.

DESU I think all the alt pumps right now are are a distraction, mostly from btc but also ORDI.

Most of these people have never sold and the pile gets bigger, they don't want you to take away their game.

>> No.57093151

did you read their fundamentals and do DD or did you just see the name and go ah that'll pump?
I'm new, so I'm compiling a "what they do" Vs "how they go" list, but it's proving difficult to do retrospectively because of all the fudging of data. prospectively seems the only way but that will take a long time!

>> No.57093200 [DELETED] 

Surprisingly, the joy of exploring juicy Web3 casino with fair games offering interesting games like Money Mountain, Baccarat, Crash, etc. is the best bet. Getting your my bags filled is the game-changer.

>> No.57093232

this is 100% true. normies are simply the ones buying during the parabolic blow off tops.

>> No.57093258

Surprisingly, the joy of exploring Funarcade's juicy Web3 casino with fair games offering interesting games like Money Mountain, Baccarat, Crash, etc. is the best bet. Getting your my bags filled is the game-changer.

>> No.57093283

this was true for people who got into crypto in 2011. my mom got into and out of crypto 5 years ago dude, this is no longer esoteric incel knowledge lmao

>> No.57093376

>Yes while normies were climbing the social ladder at the workplace, getting drunk at the bars. I spent countless hours studying the blade in Vidya and buying crypto with my low income.
All normie metrics of success, be a professional scientist or sportsball or "start" a "business" are all within the debt scam weimardollars of USD. Normies are going to be punching air when crypto inverts the USA because it frees you from the banks who will just steal everything when they decide to fix the problems they created. Normies think the system is there and always will be there to help you because they were mindbroken by 20 years of school. There is no resource scarcity in USA. If we need copper we can assemble bagger 288s and strip the land whenever we feel like it. Russia and China can't do that because they can't travel to Germany and get the documents on the original like Americans could besides assembling things they are retarded.
Every successful person I have met in the USA except one great music teacher and some others are all frauds of ivory towers and debt rich family scams.
Crypto is the way to make it because it's literally more valuable and safer than owning USD since too many academics became conceited tranny fags and now they run the federal reserve. Lmao.
If we didn't let academics get away with soaking up money for brainwashing children and making up psychology and ruining generations of families with work mind viruses we wouldn't be here. Men would be working happily for their cheap home and family. The system is exactly like monopoly setup to reward agents of evil to gentrify while white heads of household go insane because they went to private school as a child and cannot comprehend the professional world is a big fat lie so a few 30 million buildings get moved around and someone becomes a bagholders of some steel sticks.

>> No.57093769

>my mom
Hey retard, her son is an esoteric incel.

>> No.57094116

TBOB has made it more easier to buy and gain during the pump and dump. Thanks to the BOBNET's system, packed with a mix of blockchain mempool tracking, winner algorithms, AI layers, and on-chain sniping features that provide accurate signals for winners

>> No.57094140

Crypto isn't luck when you buy the right crypto with potentials. I'm going all on RIPCHEEMS. The king of meme that's making the trend recently, green candles is imminent.

>> No.57094162

I stopped buying crypto when I lost it all while holding Luna in 2022. Now I'm bent in making it in life with Adlunam's utility it offers in the LaunchingPad platform. The allocation strategy levels the playing field against whales in my favour. Actually it's my top 1 rn.

>> No.57094166

>Most aren't born gifted obviously or have some unique skill
That describes 99% of the population

>> No.57094183

Fact, average guys go for OGBX to earn Potential staking rewards, be part of web3 and metaverse evolution and secure a position in the future of gaming

>> No.57094943

Well said, and that's why I'm only considering long term projects like PENDLE, LBR and, SPOOL instead of shitcoins where I can lose all

>> No.57095010

Ofcourse not. Every year crypto becomes less sweet anyways. You retards just like to pretend this garbage is all there is.

>> No.57095264

Those are some nice LSDFi tokens

>> No.57095353

Guess you've not been told how chuds have been exploring Funarcade platform, is a Web3 casino with probably fair games offering interesting games like Money Mountain, Baccarat, Crash, etc and getting bags filled.

>> No.57096477
File: 83 KB, 640x764, IMG_0662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course that requires you to be an uncommon strain of man, which you arent.

>> No.57096914

>8 years ago

>> No.57097614


>> No.57097710

If youre the average guy it's a good way to lose money.