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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57085979 No.57085979 [Reply] [Original]

You can feel it when you are out in public, no one gives a fuck about anything anymore. Even NPCs are blackpilled husks now.
I go to work and basically just do nothing. I don't give a shit if they fire me, it literally doesn't matter at this point. I'm poor if I'm NEETing and poor if I work full time. This society is pointless.
No community, no property, no families, no future. Where the fuck do we even go from here?

>> No.57086005
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>> No.57086020
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We will either be cyborg neuro-slaves or everything will fall apart and we'll be back to sensibly poking each other with sharp sticks. The future is bright. Lambright.

>> No.57086023

Have you considered finding Christ and living for the glory of Heaven? No? Then of course your life feels empty. Everyone's depressed because we live in a time where every worldly pleasure is easily accessible - which has done nothing for us except highlight how little joy those fleeting pleasures bring. Accept the Holy Sprit into your life and you'll find meaning.

>> No.57086079

Who cares. Enjoy Christmas

>> No.57086089

>what do you mean, you feel empty without a homogeneous society where you culturally belong, with a loving wife and kids, home ownership, and hope for the future instead of bug eating technocratic nuclear warfare?
>just find Christ instead, lolololol
Ah, truly the best gentiles.

>> No.57086113

Cheer up kiddo, it’s Christmas.

>> No.57086143
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you should comfort max during the collapse

>> No.57086183

Bang 19 year olds

>> No.57086217

i just quit my job
living from gibs
masturbation 24/7
nothing better to do
i see no future

even if i get a multi million dollars i wont change my lifestyle, why?

>> No.57086235

this but drop it 4 years for extra kick

>> No.57086244

We have witnessed the most profound advancements in technology in the history of the human race. The result is massive societal depression and malaise. The only remedy will likely be a violent, blood drenched revolution against the technocracy seeking to control and destroy us. And /biz/ is too busy chasing premined dog coin pumps on centralized dex's.

>> No.57086263

>No community, no property, no families, no future. Where the fuck do we even go from here?
Just like after any destruction of society, we rebuild. The community, the family (aka your future). First we kick hard on the muslimo-satanist alliance, gain back what is ultimately ours, then down the road we probably retake Constantinople.

>> No.57086289

Mother of all basedness. It truly is Christmas. God bless

>> No.57086308

This is life pro-Covid
People get shot in Tiktok 'pranks'
Violent robbers attack with zero consequences
Nurses twerk around you as you draw your last breath
Try to make it so you can escape the hordes and get private healthcare, and even then you'll never be as free and happy as you could have been before 2020.

>> No.57086311

Start eating right so your fucking brain works better. All this shit is just your brain bogging down because bad fuel.

>> No.57086314


>> No.57087049

>this society is pointless.
Look at you, posting on a computer using electricity, wearing warm clothes, having eaten, drank and showered, probably went to sleep in a comfy bed afterwards.

Society is doing everything it should for you, you ding dong. It doesn't need to bring "meaning" into your life man, you lazy fuck, get some friends and throw a frisbee with them if you want some more meaning. Society be like covering all your basic needs and you're not even happy????? wtf man, go to Africa and walk for hours for water and then tell them "you lack meaning because muh water comes out of crane" ffs man

>> No.57087057


>> No.57087071

>Where the fuck do we even go from here?
You look inside of yourself

>> No.57087087

can't believe this post doesn't have more replies. where tf is biz gone

>> No.57087105

life isn't a Disney movie faggot

>> No.57087143


>> No.57087153
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Are you actually retarded.
Our brains ARE inside of us so technically he's correct. Just meditate and ask yourself what it is you want.

>> No.57087162
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>> No.57087200

Matthew 19:23-26
Lets go eat the rich

>> No.57087372

The frequencies from cell phones and wireless tech is destroying us. Laugh, it will be more public in the future.

>> No.57087396

Pls tell how

>> No.57087406

> muslimo-satanist
Literally what the fuck are you taking about. Are you unable or unwilling to say “jew”?

>> No.57087408

we await the AI, either it will save us or destroy us. Anyone is fine with me.

>> No.57087421

What you don’t understand is that those Africans are literally happier than you because their life more closely conforms to natural human environments, i.e. they are adapted to their environment, we are not.

>> No.57087427

>keywords: black, wojak, image, grey, sadjak, doom, black, blackpill, npc
demoralization thread on christmas day. This is a bot used to identify jew threads.

>> No.57087432

energy, frequency, vibration
the source of all religions stem from these three things

tesla was right and this knowledge has been hidden from everyone, doomermoding is an energy/frequency/vibration state and you attract what you emit

seek god/faith, there's a reason religion used to exist (still does, but not as it was originally) do what you will with this information

>> No.57087439

Yep you’re right OP. Anyone telling you otherwise is deluded. There is a reason everyone is depressed now

>> No.57087448

I argue that jew doesn't depict the reality of it, compared to this other term

>> No.57087451

AI is not what you think it will be, try and learn how it actually runs and you will figure out it's not that world changing, the general populace has just been dumbed down that much

>> No.57087467

Sure anon, the retarded towel heads living in shit in the desert are way more of an enemy than the subversive race that infiltrates all of our institutions and uses them only for their racial interests.

Got it.

>> No.57087497

I'm not talking about ChatGPT, I'm talking about AI, AGI to be exact.

>> No.57087544

replicating the essence of human intelligence requires a 'soul'

you will understand this eventually

>> No.57087559

Does it really? I doubt it. What even is a soul? Can you define it?

>> No.57087573

everything that exists in front of you is a physical manifestation a human 'soul' has created

>> No.57087578

The faggot behind Worldcoin did not create AGI. The idea that this Jew could do that is ridiculous.

Just like Boston Dynamics creating those hype video as their product (the real robots don’t work it’s just a video), OpenAIs product is all of these news stories claiming that OMG AGI IS HERE!!

>> No.57087605

we'll see I guess.

>> No.57087615

Humans don't really create anything, everything used to "create" already exists (created by something else) and are just reformed by human intelligence.

>> No.57087621

Right wing, left wing, commie, national socialist, demonrat or cuckservative. They don’t apply to the issues of today. A new ideology is needed. One that focuses on European unity against genocide and enslavement.

Why does everyone on this site keep forgetting that we are in the process of a replacement genocide and that we are under an occupation government?
Fuck all the slide threads and bullshit topics that go nowhere. I don’t give a fuck about anything else.

Russia and China are part of the ZOG. (((They))) will wage war between their puppet states if the need arises.
Next stage will be war between ZOG East and ZOG west. They want to reduce the numbers of fighting age European men by throwing them into the meat grinder.
You will be shamed by roasties and your family everyday. Propaganda will be consistent and broad. It will be acceptable for you to get dragged off the street. If they could do it to Ukraine they can do it in the west. (((More immigrants will be desperately needed to keep industry running))) while European men are fighting and dying.

Democracy is an illusion. Politics is theatre. Fiat is enslavement and diversity is the genocide of the European people.

The replacement genocide and fiat enslavement of the European people continues.
(((They))) control every European founded nation on the planet. They have the fiat system at their disposal and own every company on the stock market. They have full control of the media, banking and government. The problem is that there are too many blue pilled faggots on this planet.

>> No.57087643

shut the fuck up retard

humans are the greatest beings in this reality and you're giving away your power to AI, a dumbed down version of a human


>> No.57087659

I believe AI will surpass all human intelligence, I really do. "Humans" in their present form have no future.

>> No.57087678

the general population sure, they are dumb enough as it is

there is no limit to what humans can create in the future, AI will just make mundane tasks simpler

>> No.57087691

to an AGI the difference between a dumb human and the smartest human will be like... 0.

>> No.57087717


>> No.57087730

I get it, you don't think AGI will ever exist, I do. We can agree to disagree.

>> No.57087766

It is palpable how the world has changed since 2019.
>COVID and lockdowns were a scam.People have lost all trust in the govt.
>St. Floyd and the 2020 Summer of Love destroyed race relations in the country and ushered in an era of DEI that sidelined and demoralized productive white men.
>Add 10 trillion I’d debt in 4 years.
>Already wealthy small business owners received hundreds of thousands of dollars of free PPP grants and Employee Retention Credits.
>The wealthy boomer small business owners then weaponize the free PPP and ERC money to buy up all the starter homes to rent back to the wagie class for PITI + tip.
>Zoomers and younger millennials now permanently priced out of the American dream. Starter homes double/triple in value in 3 years.
>People realize the entire economy and future has been strip mined by boomers to pad boomer retirements.
>Now there is a young, majority non-white youth that are neo-marxists that want to put whites in reeducation camps.
>Major cities are far-left, Mad Max hellscapes where you will get carjacked or mugged.
>Everything is fucked with no chance of getting better. The America we grew up and we were promised is long gone.
>We are very clearly in a Fourth Turning and there is major social/economic/structural strife to come.

>> No.57087793

2019 wasn’t perfect but it was inconceivably better than the hellscape that 2020 ushered in.

>> No.57087805

Checked. Isn't it wonderful? If you make it to the other side you will be privy to the greatest flourishing society you will know in your lifetime. You just have to make it through the shitmire of the coming global reset. Let's fucking go.

>> No.57087842

>No community, no property, no families, no future
Speak for yourself faggot :3

>> No.57087851

Are you Jewish?

>> No.57087884

Yup. Not all of us will make it to the other side, but for those of us that do it should be great.

The fact that we are headed for a Trump (deranged) Biden (dementia patient geriatric) rematch is proof that we are in a Fourth Turning that will likely end around 2028 or so. Those two are the last vestiges, the last gasps of the failing socioeconomic system that has been in place since 1945 that is about to collapse and be replaced with whatever comes out on the other side.

>> No.57087907

what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.57087925

Ah so you are. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.57087928

>we are in a Fourth Turning that will likely end around 2028 or so
I haven't read Howe's latest book, but I've had a theory for a while that the powers have tried to create a false Fourth Turning that directed the trajectory of society where they want. Similar to how the end of WW1 signaled a short lul in peace, while the real problems simmered and grew underneath. They have tried to create fake outlets of revolution and change, but the real problems remain. 2028 may bear an end to their gayops, and the real struggle can start. As long as the old guard remains in control and earnestly unchallenged, we can't re-enter a First Turning. That's not to say they can't come out of the conflict winners, but they must be earnestly challenged-not gayops Summer of Love faggotry.

>> No.57087934

meds, take em

>> No.57087942

"Take your meds" is extremely obvious JIDF playbook. You fags need a new protocol. Please tell your handler I reccomend tonguing my anus.

>> No.57087952
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I live in Nebraska and nothing changed aside from my house getting and groceries getting 40% more expensive. Covid wasn't even a thing here.

>> No.57087965

I see you've been told to take your meds a lot of time before this, maybe you should listen.

>> No.57087974
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>> No.57087980

This. Alot of young guys will be in or around their prime after the dust settles. All you have to do is not get filtered.

>> No.57087998

My household income is 400k or so, we both have half the year off and try to take our kids traveling as much as we can but its a struggle to save for retirement.

I do hope AI comes about to keep the poor people in line as I noticed they are getting pretty uppity and lazy lately.

Even if everything is pointless you should still be working on improving yourself and your life daily. Its not a meme and rich/smart/successful/lucky people do it. Even if you just improve your health or improve your income a tiny bit it can make your life at least a bit easier.

>> No.57088026
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>. First we kick hard on the muslimo-satanist alliance

You mean "KIKES", right (((anon)))?

>> No.57088036

>soon I came to hate them

>> No.57088097

I’m reading it now. Haven’t finished it yet. He paints a very lucid picture of what’s right now in the world and society. Worth a read.

They can try to do a false Fourth Turning, but it will fail as the demographics are against them and Father Time is undefeated. The Greatest Gen is gone. Boomers (the last gen fully invested in the last system) are really starting to get older now and move on. Gen X are and have always been nihilists. They will go with the flow. Millennials and Gen Z are extremely disenchanted with the state of things overall. Even those older millennials that have made it acknowledge that things are fucked.

The inevitable passage of time, and therefore generations, will usher in the conclusion of the Fourth Turning whether the powers-that-be want it or not.

Might be sooner or later than 2028. Not even Howe has an exact estimate. But it seems almost certain that it will happen within the next 10 years.

>> No.57088103

That me be true. In smaller areas you have been insulated from it, like most boomers have been. But a majority of the country lives in or around major metro areas, where society is beginning to noticeably unravel.

>> No.57088440

More than anything Coronahoax exposed the goyim on levels never before thought possible. We already had a decent idea of who the jews, elites, corporations, governments and the occultists really were and while there have been a lot of new revelations regarding their plans nothing pales in comparison to how much the goyim have been unmasked.

The fuckers who pushed it were geniuses and deserve our gratitude for exposing how foolish and willing to betray us most people really were. The real criminals are the morally sanctimonious narcissists who put their faith in governments and pharmaceutical mega corporations. Every day average "law abiding citizens" are the reason the world we live in is in such turmoil and full of suffering.

>> No.57088715

>the powers have tried to create a false Fourth Turning that directed the trajectory of society where they want. Similar to how the end of WW1 signaled a short lul in peace, while the real problems simmered and grew underneath.
The Great War haven't brought peace, because the status quo remained the same. The elites didn't budge so most of the societal, civic, financial, cultural, political, geopolitical upheavals that lead to WW1 simply weren't rectified, because it would've hurt the power and wealth of the ruling class.
Because of the inertia embedded in society WW1 was inevitable, but WW2 wasn't given how big of an exogenous shock WW1 turned out to be, those in charge who were able to affect change simply chose not to.
They didn't create a psy-op, same as the rulers today choosing their own wealth and power over forgoing a fraction of it to rectify extreme strife within society aren't doing a psy-op or fake out, they really are that unwilling to give an inch.
It's not going to make sense if you think about wealth and power in absolute (or nominal) terms, but it makes sense if you see it for how it really is perceived: in relation to other's.

>> No.57088804

Deus vult etc.

>> No.57088990

Only worthwhile post on this entire board

>> No.57089156

Checking these digits of truth

>> No.57089785

Let me guess, you live in the city

>> No.57090396
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>> No.57090683

Judeo-satanic is much more accurate.

>> No.57090708

its the same on every self help board

>> No.57090965


>> No.57090987

This. The Muslims worship the moon. Jews Saturn. Christians the sun. This is why the sabbath is Moonday, Saturnday, and Sunday respectively. Plebtards don't even understand basic shit.

>> No.57090999

I'm unironically starting to believe this. This has to be hell.

>> No.57092589

>every worldly pleasure is easily accessible
Not really. No woman, no sex, no drugs, no alcohol, no experiences, nothing really.
Life would be unironically better if I had access to all those pleasures but I don't. Few people actually have nowadays.

body can't take it anymore
body can't take it anymore, also expensive
no woman
>cool experiences
no money

>> No.57092796
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>> No.57092799
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FreedomCoin, coins at home frens.

>> No.57092805
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Stop and think for a moment. Who or what would make such an effort to spam this depressing and baseless nonsense on every board on 4chan over xmas? Someone who wants you to be demoralised. So dont be, fuck them! :^)

>> No.57093256

>everything I don't like is demoralization
its all so tiresome