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File: 380 KB, 2560x1950, Spain-Flagmap.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57085126 No.57085126 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57085142

No Ireland is

>> No.57085148

new zeland
or thailand if you like ladyboys

>> No.57085158
File: 999 KB, 696x717, Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 10.10.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less germanics the better, the world is dead
the npc code has already infested the matrix

>> No.57085161

thailand it is

>> No.57085164

who the fuck cares about rome dude

>> No.57085170

After we finish with Israel the target will be Al-Andalus, all christians will be slaughtered or converted, after that we move on to the rest of europe inshallah

>> No.57085233


t. golem

>> No.57085235

Is there anyone from that race I might want to consider as an exception?

>> No.57085239

>perfect country
are you retarded

>> No.57085467

unironically no.
I live here as an immigrant. They WILL try to tax the fuck out of everything you do.

depends on where you go. I love the countryside. Dublin is an actual shit hole though. also you better be balling, because the real estate market will fuck you.

When I make it, I'm either going to Japan or Thailand.
lower cost of living and decent expat communities.

>> No.57085671


>> No.57085681

Japan and Thailand have the worst expats on the planet.

>> No.57085698

Greece is a good pick tbf,
where is a good place to live there if ur rich?

>> No.57085720

This ks some jewish subversion. Ancient greek were white, how else could they have pioneered modern civilization which is a white thing?

>> No.57085723

it's the perfect county if you consider the exact opposite of making it
>lax people that don't care about you or what you do
>tons of empty houses and squatting is basically accepted at this point
>lots of tourists to swindle and steal from
>nice climate that won't freeze you to death and allows for easy growing of veggies

>> No.57085731

>ridiculous taxes
>probably going to balkanize
>very high youth unemployment while importing niggers = crime go up

>> No.57085759

Spaniard here.

Not, taxation is high.
High crime rate in big cities.

Although compared to Comiefornia, realstate is cheaper (much more cheaper in small cities or rural)

Weather is very good and so is the food.

But taxation man, worse than USSR

>> No.57085766

Weather is shit.

But Ireland govmt is very friendly.

I miss Irish govmt friendliness.

Too bad sexwork is illegal lmao

>> No.57085835

Without the euro, Spain would be Argentina 2.0. Is a failing country, rapidly desintegrating, and the eurozone is going to the shitter in a few years. I am looking to get out, still dont know where.

>> No.57085838

anon you could easily live here while poor

>> No.57085887

lmao you tards are UNABLE to do ANYTHING. No skill, no mind, nothing. Best you can do is cook average meals. The West has kicked your ass repeatedly in the past 500 years and will continue to do so... almost effortlessly

>> No.57085941

those are Egyptian mummies. Greek / Roman Egyptian yes, but mixed.

>> No.57085951

sure only if you move to places like Basque Country, Asturias or Valencia avoid the big cities

>> No.57085957
File: 1.32 MB, 961x738, Screen Shot 2023-12-21 at 10.06.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whites were barbarians that were civilized by ethnics, civilization is their symbol, germanics just parasite off of it

the moors brought a renessaince to Europe and gave you the firearm, you're welcome

>> No.57085959

I'm Catalan and I can tell you with 100% confidence that it won't balkanize. Of course some intelligence agency could pour literal billions into it and maybe have a chance but I don't see it happening.

>> No.57085983
File: 340 KB, 931x474, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 8.33.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but but but Egyptians arent black
the excuse changes with the circumstance,
those are greeks living in Egypt under grecian dynasty, pic related illustrates such

secondly, the appearance between the two countries would be minimal since this is largely pre misgenation, any difference would be negligible

>> No.57085991

Post tits or GTFO

>> No.57086029

At the end of 2025 (or earlier if the Bullrun is left-translated) my plan is:

>Buy a Villa in Spain, probably somewhere on the North Coast like A Coruña or San Sebastián, for €500k.
>Get the permanent residency visa that comes with Spending half a mil on real estate
>Live a comfortable life including, but not limited to, long walks on the beach and eating pintxos.

(If the bullrun really exceeds my expectations, I’ll buy a second house in Argentina and split my time between the two so I can live the eternal summer and not have to pay tax in Spain (spend maximum 180 days in each))

t. 10.5btc

>> No.57086032

sure thing Jew

>> No.57086052

For me it’s South Island New Zealand
>not as many bugmen as Australia
>just a bunch of countryside Englishmen which are the only tolerable version of Anglos
>one of the darkest spots on earth for stargazing
>just a short flight to east coast Australia when you want to see and do cool shit that you don’t have to take home with you
I’m a 10x away from being able to move there comfortably and a 30x from arguably never working again in my life so I’m really hoping this bull run catapults sol link and icp up more than it already has

>> No.57086061

You will never be a Nafri

>> No.57086074

That's painting of imaginary characters and even then the black man is an eunuch slave, it was common practice to use black eunuchs to guard harems in MENA and the ottoman empire.

You will never be a Nafri

>> No.57086086
File: 63 KB, 557x551, u1ckauxzct691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cherrypicked the darker portraits to serve your narrative, and even those are still caucasoids, just with dark skins, as many egyptians are today.

You will never, ever, ever be a Nafri.

>> No.57086133

??? If you made it then Spain is uber cheap, you can live there like a lord, nice place
I wouldn't myself too hot, too arid and a city is just a bunch of Spanish people in commieblocks complaining they don't have boobjobs so if you like girls with fake tits I would go live in the hills of Spain like a monk while sitting on my stack unbeknownst to all

>> No.57086149
File: 516 KB, 476x591, Screen Shot 2023-12-22 at 11.31.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



moors were 100% black, they started the systematic slave trade and enslaved whites as well as blacks, the word slav itself is derived from slaves, a product of white slavery.'

the modern North African are mutts without a proper heritage, they arent a race but a vestige of a race, similar to Mexico

>> No.57086169
File: 462 KB, 1112x745, Screen Shot 2023-11-09 at 2.08.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


those are blacks and their mulattoes sired from barbarian women, jackass. Thats why you see Black men and no germanic men.
Humans are rather convergent in phenotype sans mortification, you're geographic distinctions are meangless, without accounting for the contemporary landscape of genetic contamination thorough exchange

>> No.57086205
File: 499 KB, 527x518, Screen Shot 2023-11-14 at 9.29.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Golems see a girl like poke mane and uses the mutt as countries representation, their manufactured identity is tied to the same foolishness creating cognitive dissonace. Many historical identities don't exist anymore, you're superimposing the face of a mutt where it doesn't belong.

>> No.57086218
File: 278 KB, 477x340, Screen Shot 2023-11-14 at 9.39.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even then, her natural nappy hair is a indication of her proper heritage kicking on the door, if it weren't mired in genetic sludge

>> No.57086258

Pokimane is a nigger?

>> No.57086276

Definitely not. Socialist shithole and some of the highest taxes in Europe. And they keep voting mega left too. Huge unemployment problem. Lazy people. Tax payers are forced to pay for them. Avoid.

>> No.57086299

What are Spain capital gains taxes on crypto?

How is Spain better than Portugal?

>> No.57086320

isn't it expensive as fuck to immigrate there?

>> No.57086339

The weather is good
The people are nice
The beaches down south are great
The cost of living is good
The food is OK
Avoid tourist hubs and big cities like Madrid and Barcelona

I lived 2 years in Spain and it was good, not sure if its the perfect country but it's definitely a good pick

>> No.57086356

That’s why I need a 30x

>> No.57086390

Fuck off we are full

>> No.57086392

>realstate is cheaper
real progressivism is about to kick in get ready

>> No.57086464

Spain is worse.

Regular capital gains, about 23%

>> No.57086485

>I would go live in the hills of Spain like a monk while sitting on my stack unbeknownst to all
That's what I do, I like 4 kilometers away from a small fishing village, mountains with views to the Med sea
Nice, quiet, peaceful, only white european neighborhoods (mostly retired people).

Its very rare to see a nigger

>> No.57086522
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just wait until I show up.

>> No.57086537

Tbh, I've seen like 2 and they seemed like the type of nigger you can actually get along with, so I didn't care
What I mean by nigger is that there is no gangs/loud hip hop/predators roaming the streets

>> No.57086558

oh yeah.
that's definitely not me. I might be half black, but I hate those motherfuckers too.