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File: 935 KB, 1024x1024, themindofzane_a_shadowy_non-descript_figure_a332bdc5-72b1-4f3b-9173-9e2636b9a887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57083433 No.57083433 [Reply] [Original]

You sold at least 75% of your bags at this euphoric local top right? Right!?

>> No.57083453

I shorted one of these bounces with 50x leverage. It will probably pump to new ATH by the end of the night haha.

>> No.57083467

Into a literal stable. One that used to be for horses when I'm not sleeping under a bridge. Pump and dump shitcoins have that effect.

>> No.57084808

Yes anon this is the local top, right before Blackrock's Bitcoin spot ETF is approved, surely that wouldn't pump us into the stratosphere, no this is the top...

>> No.57084817

No more like 25 or 30% and I'm pretty stressed out about it

>> No.57084836


>> No.57084839

I just made like 14k in SOL but am afraid to sell, don't know what to swap for. Seems everything has pumped

>> No.57084848

Swap for usdt genius

>> No.57084855

I hold ICP. No tether needed.

>> No.57084860


>> No.57084874

It wont dump

>> No.57084906

This is a shill post for qubic, I can see the logo in your pic

>> No.57084925

Do you think everything is set to dump or just SOL?

>> No.57084939

My guess is everything. But alts always get hit harder
You're new to crypto yeah?

>> No.57084951

Yeah 2017. I made 400k off chain link but bought a house and have had a portfolio around 30-60k since

>> No.57084989

Congrats. I think you got this figured out

>> No.57085022

Nah I still have no plays beside buying when the market is down as a whole

>> No.57085131

I mean you actually sold your link and bought something you can use with it. You've just outdone 90% of biz

>> No.57085135

The CME futures ETF listing marked the top of the '17 run retard

>> No.57085141

hello newfag

>> No.57085154
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1A286B40-8E5C-48AA-820F-1D79301D78D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da etf

>> No.57085374

Everything below old ATH is sideways

>> No.57085379

kek retard

>> No.57085639

No, I moved into mangers.

>> No.57086168

Nigga you do that and x8 your money in three years is the boss play.

>> No.57086182

im new - so is this time right now marks the top ?
i should sell right now? can i leave it a few days?
my alts are down & hoping they will go back up after xmas day

>> No.57086225

I can afford to roundtrip. Cucking into stables right now just creates a tax event you retards.

>> No.57086285

The dates that matters is January 8th, the day of the ETF announcement.

There might be another pump up to $45k or $48k before then (there also might not be) but there will be a sell off after the announcement (buy the rumour, sell the news) that will probably send the price back down to $35k-$36k.

Most likely it will crab around this level ($42k-$44k) for the next two weeks before a 20% pullback.

It will then range trade between $38k and $42k for a while until a few months after the halving. Then the bull market will restart in earnest before we reach a new ATH this time next year.

>> No.57086506

Thanks so much for the detailed answer to my question I really appreciate it. I will definitely be following this going forward.
Merry Xmas and Best Wishes to you!

>> No.57087208

Shhh...we are supposed to let them create taxable events and get in over their heads...then we don't even send them notices for 3-4 years and they think they've gotten away with not paying...then we hit them with the notice, fees, and interest and bankrupt them.

>> No.57087222

Then you will realise he pulled all that out his ass and nothing plays out like he predicted in his tea leaf readings.