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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57080540 No.57080540 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any hope for him to get his finances in order or will he die in poverty like pic related suggests?

>> No.57080547
File: 1.16 MB, 2048x1283, NothingBurger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an extremely valid path back to success, he just won't do it.
Get on Twitch.
Play games.
Shoot the shit.
Be fucking Boogie and quit being a depressing shit.
He'd get followers again, if only for the act of doing it, but... NOPE!
*throws arms in the air*
It's like so fucking obvious but here we are anyway.

>> No.57080548

These two faggot were fudding my crypto bags in that video. That finance dude is a pussy because muhhhh volatility.

>> No.57080553

god I hope so

>> No.57080685

Unironically majority of normals cannot handle the swing of their crypto portfolios. To them a 20k swing to the upside is a new car!!! To us its only an inch closer to freedom and that pittance literally means nothing.

>> No.57080893

Boogie needs to vlog a redemption arc fitness journey. Two birds with one stone.

>> No.57081008

Tru m8. So true.

>> No.57081023

He could, but he clearly doesn't want to. I think the antidepressants and antianxieties fried his brain.

>> No.57081033

boogie is not a normie

>> No.57081106

Normies are hyper emotional with their money. Even a couple hundred bucks in the red will have them panic selling

>> No.57081132

Digits and boogie doesn’t live to see 2024.

>> No.57081166

>fatso are so unealthy XD
>nikocado still alive
>boogie still alive
>gymrats dropping like flies


>> No.57081180

Boogie's entire life is basically just him intentionally ruining his own life and then farming pity about it

>> No.57081195

To a normie, dollars represent something you actually have to work for. When they're hundreds of dollars in the red, all they can think is "it's going to take me 20 hours to earn all of this money back!"

>> No.57081201

He JUST got banned from twitch for showing his dick on stream. This guy is a lost cause. His life is just constant self destruction.

>> No.57081263

Given that i have never once watched this dude but i know that he gained popularity at the best possible time when you literally had to scream infront of a camera and post it on youtube to be picked up by the media and various other sources to make bank, he was pretty much gifted a succesfull fruitful career with little to no effort by virtue of being at the right place at the right time.
Given all of this, i don't know how this fat loser's financial stability is even in question, he has been a youtuber for far too long to have made bad enough decisions to have no more money left, and if he does, fuck him for wasting it all away zero compassion from me.

>> No.57081271

>To them a 20k swing to the upside is a new car!!! To us its only an inch closer to freedom and that pittance literally means nothing.

>> No.57081470

This episode was Kino.
One of my favorite crossovers since the nostalgia critic VS angry video game nerd. I really hope they get DSP on this show at some point.

>> No.57082559

this dudes going through what i went through these past few years financially. i pulled through, getting back on my feet and i'm in my early thirties. makes me feel hopeful because i'm not 50 like him. thank fuck i'm getting it out of the way now and not later.

>> No.57082569

wait wtf? kek.

>> No.57082587

People who abuse steroids die young. People who walk around a little bit and maintain a healthy weight without abusing drugs live longer than fatasses. These aren't difficult concepts to understand.

>> No.57082829 [DELETED] 

This guy was an ETH maxi and he was not selling his ETH.

His stack was 400k last cycle, he didn't sell but is staking it so he is not poor at all. He just plays into that for money.

>> No.57083006

Why are zoomers so obsessed with eniggers

>> No.57083061

i hate this zoomer faggot so much

>> No.57083167

He needs to star in a reality show called "Feast or Famine?" with Eugenia Cooney. Each day, they have to do a competitive task and the winner decides whether the house gets 2 cans of Coke Zero - or a 15" deep pan pizza.

>> No.57083292

did he actually show it or did his fat cover it and twitch banned him because he wasn't a hot chick?

>> No.57083324

I remember when I first got into crypto at 19 I was very emotional on 100 dollar swings that I checked my folio every minute. I sorta miss that feeling bros. I knew I found something I enjoyed and the novelty and diving into such a risky territory with my money was just something different. Anyone else felt the same way when you first started?

>> No.57083337

What's the point of his existence other than that gif where he's playing PC vidya then turns around to look at you all of a sudden?

>> No.57083351

Their quality of life is awful and you're doing the equivalent of me listing a bunch of still living bodybuilders and saying
>These guys are roiding and alive so it's safe... but did you see how many fatties have heart attacks per year? LOL!

>> No.57083481
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I still can get that feel on occasion during a hot coin I bought but for the most ive friend my get excited part of my brain from the up's and downs of my wallet the last 3yrs. made it in 2021 but since I wasnt at my pc I didnt get to cash out when the market dumped over the course of a week and by the time I was able to get back to my pc my wallet had dumped about 97% (mostly shitcoins but some solid investments). and over time iver sold and tried to do better but ended up gambling it all away.

>> No.57083511

All of you retards who follow this fat piece of shit and are responsible for all these glowing youtube "celebrity" cock suckers gaining wealth and fame, KILL YOURSELVES.

>> No.57085355

he's a turbonormie

>> No.57085361

dude at least they have a quality of life
bodybuilder have a quality of death haha
you cant get lower than that, at least fatsos have a posibility of turn around

>> No.57085808

Why does anyone here know anything about this creature? Are you all fucking retarded? I'm done with this fucking site. Please, kill yourselves.

>> No.57085965

No he doesn't. Retards have been trying to vicariously live through this fat faggot for almost 20 years now. They need to give it a rest and improve their own lives.

>> No.57086493

the true limit to normies making it is that indeed they will cash out at every 2x to buy shiny crap
incidentally this is also the reason for a certain people's financial dominance

>> No.57086549

How much did you lose

>> No.57086633

This is a fucking video to some fat fuck on YouTube, named Boogie2988. Now, I'm tired of this fat fuck popping up on all my fucking search engines when I'm looking for a fucking workout video. I don't give a fuck about the aftermath from any of you Boogie fans that feel sorry for this greasy fuck. You fat fucking disgusting ass smelling. Blob. Cheese drinking. Crisco bathing. Lard gargling. Calorie thieving. 'Cabbage-Patch' face having. Dr.Robotnik looking. WingStop eating. McDonalds gorging. T-Rex arm having. Non-vegetable eating. Cook on a George Foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray. Wide Load. Hungry Hungry Hippo. Planet. Pretending to have a fucking thyroid problem. Whale/ Free Willy. Part Bus. Yokozuna. Flubber. Kirby. Salad Dodger. Chair Crusher. Butterball. Go to Subway but put everything on it. Michelin Man. Happy because Hostess is back in business motherfucker. I know there is gonna be alot of people out there calling me a bully. Well guess what, I'm not. I just don't feel sorry for fat fucking people especially fat fucks who sit there all day, gorge and eat, and make money for doing absolutely nothing, while a bunch of sorry fucks like yourself play into it. If you don't like what the fuck I'm saying, then fuck you!

>> No.57086658

Cool AI generated post

>> No.57087673

>boogie hate bandwagon

if there was ever an opportunity for these people to self-reflect, it was boogie. all the
>so wholesome
fags that adored him, they should have looked at themselves and think
>how could i be this wrong? what did he do to trick me. how should i correct my behavior?
but no. they be fooled by the next boogie tomorrow, and nothing will be able to convince them not to praise a self-pitying fatso that literally does nothing his entire life

>> No.57087718


>> No.57087764
File: 1.77 MB, 1146x1046, 605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did his fat cover it
it did, but they still decided to ban him to make a point i guess

>> No.57087811

Digits and boogie dies alone on Christmas Day.

>> No.57087865

A prostitute had to fuck that.. no wonder she quit her job

>> No.57087932

I think his balls are showing

>> No.57088330
File: 95 KB, 523x698, dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.57088366

Last time I saw a video of this guy he was still living in a nice house, with a nice yard, with tons or worthless consumer plastic crap in the background. Looks like he's doing pretty okay to me. Many people have it way worse.

>> No.57088371

Oh yeah and he's still as fat as ever so it doesn't seem he's missing any meals either.

>> No.57088382

Thats a billion dollar idea.

>> No.57088502

nice confirmation bias, fatso
anything to keep you from getting healthy, right?

>> No.57088984
File: 396 KB, 800x800, IMG_0097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want Jim to outlive him. Just the thought of Uncle Jimbo, riddled with cancer, hooked up to tubes, with a lit camel in one hand and a cheap bottle of karkov surrounded by weebshit commenting on the world imploding around us is peak comfy to me.

>> No.57088993

Stop spending money and go make people pay for his signature at cons

>> No.57089008


>> No.57089148

She didn’t have to, she chose to for $5k