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57079434 No.57079434 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking dogshit, I won't make it.
I finally reached 150k in crypto but I have only made GOD AWFUL picks.

I believed the narrative of this run would be about Defi 2.0 and ethereum killers would be made irrelevant by big L2s. So I bought LINK (for CCIP), ETH (because all L2s use it as gas), GMX/VELO/SNX because they are the biggest L2 dapps and I even bought some more defi shit there not worth mentioning, even some memecoins.

Instead THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE HAPPENED, Solana is stronger than ever, people have doubled down on the memecoin retardation and chase rugs one after another, everyone talk shit about Ethereum and Arbitrum/OP/Base aren't even mentioned. I won't mention LINK because the meltdown has been documented well enough already.

I targeted the 3 millions but the dread is slowly setting in that I would be lucky to make it out with 500k.
I am MORE demoralized than when ETH was under 1000 and BTC under 17k.
Thanks for reading my blogpost.

>> No.57079449

>this run
is still over a year away

>> No.57079478

Every single run has become progressively more retarded as time went on. In 2020 we started with defi summer then in 2021 we had monkey pictures, dogcoins and dentacoin.
This time we straight up went to DogWifHat and SharkWithTits. Dare to tell me I have no reason to be panicked. Some nigger and milady pfp are dunking on eth fags 24/7 on twitter while making x10.

>> No.57079558

That would be an enormous achievement for me. While that's not being rich by any measure, where I live it's more than 10 years of waging.

>> No.57079575

you absolute buffoon, the run hasnt started yet
halfing cycle didn't even happen

>> No.57079577

>he invested in fundamentals

>> No.57079594

good morning sers

>> No.57079618

How to make it in crypto 2021+ edition : be a retard and gamble on shitcoins

That s all there is. Yea you cN play it safe and make it in 5 years as well

>> No.57079712

Same feeling. I bought LTC, QNT, a small position on ADA about 6k usd. I currently have 166k usd. My estimate for my end of run is 400k usd. That's even before taxes. So it'll get cut down to 310-340k give or take on fed and state taxes. Have 4k usd left as dry powder will look into GMX/SNX or any coin that hasn't pumped yet. I'm betting on at least a x2 or x3 for unzipped coins eventually

>> No.57079798

You retards did miss that the run is the frontrunning as the cycle was known now to most
A bit like me

>> No.57079808

Qnt is a normies scam aswell

>> No.57079960

first off you need to realize link is a ponzi. it has some strong narratives(ccip), but at the end of the day it has functionally 0 revenue and 99% of the mcap is simply speculation. it will eventually pump off narrative but dear god do not end up holding through another 90% drawdown when people are screaming all the various narratives at the top and not 1 single person will mention revenue

this is in strong contrast to real coins like gmx and snx who actually have logical mcaps for their revenue numbers. even those can become overvalued and the apr is then just a trap since its not worth even a 50% drawdown risk

but yea overall people wants ponzis and narrative coins(ai, gaming) in bullruns not revenue. if you're buying a rev coin you're playing the 5 year game, if you're buying a memecoin obviously you're playing for a much shorter timeframe.

im with you though, im actually all in on the worst performing coin in the top 200 because i fell for the revenue trap and i believed 2024-2025 could be a huge bear market. less upside but also less downside for rev coins

>> No.57080065

your first mistake is thinking there's such a thing as fundamentals outside of bitcoin.every alt exists as either a gambling token or a place to trade gambling tokens.

>> No.57080072

If you think this is a bullrun you are a newfag, jeet, or both.

>> No.57080080
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Nothing else.
Crypto is a scam. Treat it like one and you'll never go down. I don't trust BTC to dump to $20k, much less any other token.
Pump, dump, fuck off.

>> No.57080122

Technically LINK generates far more revenue than say, Ethereum for example. They actually have mechanisms in place which pay the company and offset costs. ETH is 100% dependent on donations, which are people who are heavily invested in ETH and therefore need it to survive. If at some point investment takes a turn, ETH can’t self sustain.

>> No.57080127

This is the unfortunate truth

>> No.57080153


>> No.57080195

>crypto being up 10x or even 20x means run hasnt started

>> No.57080225

I pumped and dumped so much on virtual online website/mmo games that I can’t perform in real life anymore. I played the market perfectly there and I feel like I should already be a billionaire because I was in every game I played.

>> No.57080341
File: 71 KB, 1858x434, c9603bd94e06a22c9ee083437198687b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LINK generates far more revenue than say, Ethereum for example

source? i dont see a cumulative crosschain stat, but eyeballing it looks like link made about 25mil in the previous year


and thats while adding 10% of the supply to circ while eth is net deflationary

also how much of that 25m of revenue do link token exposures actually have exposure to? its possible that is 100% subsidized tokens and link token holders actually have 0 exposure

>> No.57080358

**link token HOLDERS, not exposures***

>> No.57080388

i fully expect you to ghost me and not respond. ive never seen a single person mention link revenue, and to suggest they make more than eth is such an insanely huge statement i would really love to hear where this idea is coming from

>> No.57080465

kek, in similar situation

Ghostchains like SOL and DOT are pumping. It's probably best to sit on our hands and wait until things rotate in the future.
I'm not gonna chase these pumps and the market will probably turn in a month and underperform until post-halving.

>> No.57080509
File: 335 KB, 459x700, 1626231521712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been telling you for weeks the 2024 narrative will be marketing and SOL and lo and behold, viralx is destroying the competition and SOL just pumped 20% today. You should pay more attention to the investor feel check

>> No.57081950

Idk, I'm settings on fat stock of l2 bags and op is performing neck to neck with sol and NO ONE talking about it still, sol/op shill ratio is 99:1...

Also you do realise not everything pumps togeather some of your bags can outperform sol 5x mid/late 2024?

>> No.57081968
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I mean....

>> No.57081989

don't mention link, your thread will become a link thread and all the retards will shit up the place.

>> No.57082788

Who was this slut again? Had a GDP episode right?

>> No.57082848

lmao, I had 20k dollars 2 months ago when eth and link were at the same price they are now and I've caught up to you. Feels good shitting all over mETHheads and link trannies.

>> No.57083007

I hope defi makes a come back later in the bullrun
So many are still 90% down from their all-time highs

>> No.57083043

LINK actually has terrible revenues. Despite what bagholders on here say, LINK has poor fundamentals. Crypto is about gambling not real-world use-cases. SOL, AVAX and even ETH facilitate this, LINK doesn't. Utility tokens only get one market cycle before they go back to irrelevancy.

>> No.57083053

i think its the one chick that was in a high positive in chainlink and had done a pr0n shoot with some guy

>> No.57083111

Im annoyed with my picks aswell

Whats doing good in the future
Layer 1's
Game stuff?

Im thinking of spreading money over all of them
but in previous bullruns a lot of coins that are top now end up being forgotten by the top of the bullrun

>> No.57083160

Just sell everything and buy doge, it's a guaranteed 10x at least.

>> No.57083199

I'm thinking this
But i was hoping to make money elsewhere first, so i could have a bigger 10x in doge

>> No.57083515
File: 551 KB, 1646x1679, 1598260359259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone balls deep in GMX, I know the feel. BUT, I am not demoralized. If you are, then this is a good opportunity for you to review your whole thesis and either strengthen it or jump ship.

Personally I think your thesis is a pretty good one, but it's a slow burn. Part of my thesis with GMX has always been that it is a slow roller, not to expect quick gains. That's because the kind of money that generates demand for "real yield", as of yet, has not entered the market. That's some real finance geek type shit, institutional LARP tier - that's who will buy that shit. They haven't shown up to the party because it hasn't even started. it's just the same money that's always been here sloshing around. Thus the degenerate speculation which, if you haven't noticed, always occurs on every single general rally we've had since 2020.

Why the fuck would we be repeating the same shit that happened in 2021 if it weren't a bunch of crypto natives trying to catch some of that money sloshing around using such lazy copies of last cycle's narrative? You can't possibly be seething at this stuff, it's ridiculous. Look at how little liquidity these "projects" start with, that should tell you everything. I don't give a shit what the story is, look at the liquidity. It's trash. Thus most of these so called "gains" are nonexistent anyway because they literally cannot be cashed out without crashing the price and losing them. But the shills on CT will never mention that, because that very same low liquidity will make your $1k buy cause the price to double, pouring fuel on the fire. Look, it's all a scam, but these are just little dinky scams, pathetic. You can't expect to escape six figure hell with these things unless you truly want to embody the degenerate gambler spirit and get a lucky hit on a slow rug. Which is often the very first one that is used as a poster child for all the subsequent scams the very same faggots roll out to clean every last penny they can.

>> No.57083558

Mora and Neon are the play bro

>> No.57083566

With all that said, don't go all in on a single narrative. AI should do well, memes obviously, and prob L1/L2s again. Maybe BTC mining stocks. I've heard BTC has a L2 now but haven't really looked into it. Think there's probably something there between that and ordinals.

>> No.57084296

>follow the hype

>> No.57085102

I'd pay her for sex cause I made lots of money picking good coons

>> No.57085640

someone already beat you to it

>> No.57085675

>no one posted the link
biz is dead.

>> No.57086083

What hype does solana have? It's a fucking ghostchain pumped by vc niggers

>> No.57086123

>Solana is stronger than ever, people have doubled down on the memecoin retardation and chase rugs one after another,
It's too early. Solana is being front run before it kills itself inevitably being tainted with the weasal chasers. The memecoin rugs can be correlated to /biz/ traffic so it's just some coordinated shilling, you notice they weave their posts and act like they are an in group of /biz/tards but never identify themselves..
I wouldn't buy anything you see here lately until traffic increases
We're very early, just pick positions and hold

>> No.57086775

Yngmi if the narrative isn't gaming and p2e.

>> No.57086782

But I've just had

>> No.57086784

Sol has been hyped heavily since September and look what happened

>> No.57086844

What coins did you pick?

>> No.57087405

Many coins are hyped on here. At the same time you have just as many people saying the hype for any particular coin is bullshit. So it all just ends up being static noise and a gamble. Still not sure how to follow the hype. Is there a more quantitive approach or something?

>> No.57088147

got some bad news for you buddy. you may not actually be able to withdraw that money at all going forwards if it's not traceable to an actual id.

don't believe me? fine. find out.

>> No.57088285

Damn this post is still online. Merry christmas frens.

>> No.57088337

theres still time anon. the real bull hasnt even started. the halvening is still a few months out, and the supply shock wont set in until 4-6 months later. but definitely dump the L2 narrative - theyre a niche usecase now with PoS. this run will be all about AI

>> No.57089543

youre not alone fren me too (so far)wgmi

>> No.57089557

it's a frontrunning bullrun with diminishing returns where everything is priced in

>> No.57089568

Did she successfully have that removed everywhere? I can't find it.

>> No.57089569

Celsius slut

>> No.57089591

girls do porn 349 jessica khater

>Did she successfully have that removed everywhere? I can't find it.



Always use yandex, not the jewish censorship tool google.

>> No.57089596


based xd

>> No.57089632

Has the bull began?

>> No.57089663

How do you not remember this? She was in gdp, during the intro they asked her what she was studying in college. She says
>um....business or something, I really don't remember.
Then a few years later, she's managing billions at Celsius.

>> No.57089685


>> No.57089690

Maybe something different and more passive. Adlunam's Engage-To-Earn is still the best smartest passive income anon, being able to own and trade digital assets in a truly decentralized and secure way.

>> No.57089721

Maybe or Maybe not, but smartfags are gonna get their bags filled before the bull starts. Imagine, BOBNET Bot called MERLIN and it did 300% within 3hrs and still pumping

>> No.57089735

>Technically LINK generates far more revenue than say, Ethereum for example
The chainlink network isn’t even live yet, the team is still subsidizing the (centralized) node operators with link dumps.

>ETH is 100% dependent on donations, which are people who are heavily invested in ETH and therefore need it to survive
95% of the chainlink team’s treasury’s money came from dumping link.

Who are you trying to fool my man?

>> No.57089782

I'm still holding the same sad bags from last time.
You guys ruined it and had to cancel culture her. Now I can't even look at her instagram and you can only find the video on sketchy porn sites that ad bomb you with malware.

>> No.57089842

>I'm still holding the same sad bags
Fuck sad bags anon
You're settling for less and yngmi. The implementation of esFAT allows early supporters to start earning rewards from the platform. What's more, esFAT may be converted to FAT for play on Funarcade!

>> No.57089898

Actually the year will soon come to an end. But one on a progressive movement is KIMBER. An ecosystem, backed by real Diamonds, which is making these luxurious gemstones accessible to everyone through exclusive TNFTs.

>> No.57090095

kek look at the responses this one generated. pools closed trannies!