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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57078927 No.57078927 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57079046

Wow are they really appealing to woman logic now?

>> No.57079061

/biz/ has been doing that for 2 years.
>All the data shows the economy is doing well, but I don't FEEL it's doing well, so it isn't!!!!!

>> No.57079073

>cope, the government
Its pathetic

>> No.57079136
File: 98 KB, 1200x1200, Smug-Apu-Apustaja-Christmas-Card-Rare-Pepe-the-frog-PepeTheFrog-knitted-deer-patterns-with-Santa-Claus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People with stocks and real estate are feeling fine because they already have assets which are appreciating in price.

People with no assets, who are living paycheck to paycheck are feeling much worse. The average raise most people get is usually 2% - 4% annually. The official inflation rate over the last 3 years has amounted to over 20%, which means the actual inflation rate was somewhere around 40%. Anybody that buys groceries, has private health/car/home insurance, or relies on Social Security to get by, already knows how bad it is. Your measly 9% raise over the last 3 years isn't keeping up with 40% real inflation.

All of these surveys are total nonsense. I've never once been asked how I feel about the economy, or how my family is doing. They find a small group of a few thousand pre-selected households to survey and then twist the numbers to fit their agenda. Don't fall for this bullshit.

40% of Americans don't even own any stocks and it's not like the 60% that do are loaded with cash. Of that 60% that own stocks, probably like 50% of them have less than $20k. I'm pretty sure the last stats I've seen, the average 401k only has $40k in it.

Most Americans don't even have enough cash in the bank to pay a $500 emergency medical bill in full. So, they put it on their credit cards.

>> No.57079211

ridiculous inflation, terminator market and usurious interest rates. few are better off and for what? did we really sacrifice 1/3 of our standard of living for what is going on in ukraine? it feels like something else is going on as well and things are going to get much worse, look at the gleeful attitude they just took to this, what's it gonna take for them to admit things are bad?

>> No.57079223

This rat shit along with banking elite are going to dismantle the system with a final QE heroin injection overdose and usher in the CBDC control system.

>> No.57079231


What the fuck does that even mean.

>> No.57079251
File: 110 KB, 894x988, 71IqprxVBJL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The MSM and the government will never admit to anything. They'll change definitions and do bullshit surveys instead. I don't know a single person that is better off today than they were in 2019, especially when you adjust for the cost of living.

I even see it already happening in my little rural Midwest town. The median individual income in my town is $34k, but the median home price is $300k. Everybody is starting to double-up. 4 people are living in 2-bedroom apartments now, kids and parents are moving back in with each other, every coworker is trying to work 60+ hours a week now so they can afford their mortgages, insurance and groceries, etc.

>> No.57079291

Any kind of good feeling you get from any source is a 'vibe'. English language going backwards to suit our retard society.

>> No.57079301

The data is still based on landline surveys.

>> No.57079322

They're trying to gaslight people by telling them the economy is doing great and any indication to the contrary is false and the result of nebulous "bad vibes" people are having about the economy. Any memory you may have of spending less than $30 for fast food is a Mandela Effect.

>> No.57079789

I don't speak ebonics.

>> No.57080270
File: 54 KB, 753x827, NovJobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but anyone looking for a job right now can tell you just how bad it is.
>only jobs hiring are healthcare, food service, and government (mostly teachers).

>> No.57080405

>implying you paid your own money for Ukraine

>> No.57080852
File: 569 KB, 1080x1401, Screenshot_20231219-152840_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are trying to cope with pic rel by the only means they know: gaslighting us with their propaganda outlets. Mainstreet normies determine if the economy is good or bad based on their day to day experiences. If they have lots of cash and prices are low then they the economy is doing great because they're doing great. When money is tight and prices for everything are sky high ans their wages haven't budged then they cut back on spending, go into survival mode and take on a negative view of the economy. What has happened is that in 3 years the cost of living has or has nearly doubled while wages have only moved 5% a year in thar time instead of the normal 2% of that. Americans are absolutely seething and the jews are in full damage control.

>> No.57080869

What is a vibecession supposed to be?

>> No.57080877

crash incoming right?

>> No.57080879


Behead all journalists.

>> No.57081071

Suck my vibe *unzips*

>> No.57081089

You make emotional decisions whether you want to admit it or not. It's whether or not you realize it is the difference between the successful and the failures.

This. Doomers deny reality because it feels right to them.

>> No.57081092

I read this shit. who the fuck are they even quoting? I swear they make shit up as they go

>> No.57081239

kek this
>you make
you're projecting brownskinned beta cuck