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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57076309 No.57076309 [Reply] [Original]

This is how you completely destroy an economy. Eliminate every agency that helps regulate and grow the economy while also destroying any program to help the under privilaged which means they will have nothing to buy anything which will force business to close. Argentina is now in an economic collapse spiral and its happening faster than the experts expected.

>> No.57076320

post argentina short or gtfo. put your money where your mouth is

>> No.57076332

The people protesting are government bureaucrats who have been fired or are worried about being fired. They are not necessary for a healthy economy, they only detract from it.

Of course statist boot lickers will now pretend all economic issues are solely his fault despite him entering office only yesterday.

>> No.57076344

you can get a job loser

>> No.57076374

>People losing their jobs
not necessary for a healthy economy
You can't be this economically illiterate.

>> No.57076404

Only people with necessary jobs in Argentina are in the country growing food and meat.
Everything else is expendable.

>> No.57076414

destroying any program to help the under privilaged

I dont pay for other people to fuck and have children.

>> No.57076436

Argie here. You have to realize we are a very closed economy and the country was literally in ruins.
Also you shouldn't block streets, my right to transit has the same value as your right to protest. Gtfo, go to the protest walking on the sidewalk.

>> No.57076448

How is taking away welfare from useless faggots kill the economy

>> No.57076452

We need flags on /biz/ so many retarded Comments. I agree

>> No.57076488

I went down to Argentina to escape obese shrill burger women and fuck cheap hookers but accidentally got a gf and fell in love. What do I do bros?

>> No.57076499

>economy is in shambles
>better start messing with it further with protests
Give the guy a week to actually fuck things up before grabbing the pitchforks

>> No.57076502
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I cannot believe Javier is actually delivering. Socialists and union workers on suicide watch

>> No.57076507
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Just go with the vibe anon

>> No.57076513

this guys not going to live long if he keeps this shit up

>> No.57076521

Countries like mine you have to try fix in one swing. Time will tell but you are gonna see how it's gonna fall in place quickly.

>> No.57076526
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Why is that faggot in Latin America, you're the fuckig problem motehrfucvker

most current world problems are created by whites, then they complain when they are entirely affected by the results, effeminate behavior. Shit on the table then complain about the stink.
for me,the last golden age was when Moors had Europe as their rightful clay, the height of cultural expression and abundance was abound, free and sovereign society.

Germnaic want to control you like women and nag in your ears, and point fingers

>> No.57076533
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>bureaucrats impeding economy are necessary for economy
Statist swerve

>> No.57076548

Thanks anon, I have never had such a good relationship with a woman desu

>> No.57076555

Congrats. How did you meet if I may ask? Asking for a friend

>> No.57076568

Let me guess, you also believe Bukele is a dictator because he locked up all of MS-13 in El Salvador?

Anyways, go back

>> No.57076572

You actually fix the country by removing the ability for the unproductive to steal from the productive.

The productive will then have more resources to buy and employ people, and because they're productive, they will do it in a better way than a government agency that has every incentive to never do things efficiently or to improve things.

This in turn will encourage productive behavior and productive people. The useless will suffer, but most people are not useless, just lazy and given too many options to exist comfortably while continuing to be so. This is at the expense of the productive remember, so a successful society will not encourage this, and will only tolerate it sparingly and temporarily.

>> No.57076589

Jobs are jobs, and jobs help the economy. Government should be used to support people and the economy

>> No.57076597

>Jobs are jobs, and jobs help the economy.
Lol, lmao even. Argentina has been struggling for decades, and those government leaches are not "workers" who just have a "job".

>> No.57076607

Based Bilbo Baggins

>> No.57076619
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>jobs are jobs
lol no kys disgusting faggot

>> No.57076626
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or rome, or greece any period prior to germanic invasion, the dark age that followed and currently exeprincing.

white people are slaves, npcs used and discarded according to their parasitic masters imperialistic ambitions

these fuckers want to complain about the elites only when they start feeling the affects of their tyranny, the elites were their best friends before when a hearty suckle and gracious swallow was the reward

Fuck this shit, fuck America, fuck kali yuga, make ROME great again

>> No.57076669
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>> No.57076675

>regulate and grow

>> No.57076679


>> No.57076684

Isn’t the is true anywhere? Also trades people, manufacturing etc.

>> No.57076695

>Peronists bring in 'based working class family value' indios to defeat their political enemies
>proceed to do nothing but drive buses and suck up more welfare
>They cry when you take away the gibs you've been supplying
>"good lord, this must be terrible for the economy!"
The government has been causing 100% inflation every year for a decade and ensuring bus drivers were better paid than engineers so it was obviously failing that.

>> No.57076713

>blindly consuming journalism in current year

>> No.57076813

>removing the ability for the unproductive to steal from the productive
abolish landlords? based maoist

>> No.57076862

>not necessary for a healthy economy
too bad argentina doesn't have a healthy economy then with their 200% inflation over 2 years

>> No.57076888

And you destroying the very programs keeping things afloat and selling them all off to his corrupt crony friends is going to help instead of making everything worse. If you wanted fascism, this is how you get it.

>> No.57076925

>i should be housed for free wahhhh
God you people are fucking annoying

>> No.57076929

>If you wanted fascism, this is how you get it.
don't you know what Peronism is?
>And you destroying the very programs keeping things afloat
keep what afloat? the Argnetinian economy is a disaster in it's current state, a large chunk of the population haven't used the argentinan peso for half a decade at this point.

>> No.57076932

They should take away "private" welfare aka debt. No more mortages. No more credit cards. Auto loans. Student loans.

>> No.57076943

perhaps if investors weren't hoarding properties, the supply would increase and the prices would fall, making home ownership affordable for the common man

>> No.57076950

Maybe if we stopped importing 200,000 people per month the builders would actually be able to keep pace with housing needs.

>> No.57076952

Debt is the same as welfare. If you have a mortgage you're worse than someone on welfare. kys debtors

>> No.57076956

Kill yourself

>> No.57076958

perhaps if people quit taking mortgages prices would adjust and be more affordable

>> No.57076972

there are more empty houses in america than homeless people

>> No.57076974

You don't know what supply means

>> No.57076980

That fucker is from reddit. My 18 year old cat has more historical perspective (and is probably older).

>> No.57076983

>putting more units on the market doesn't increase supply

>> No.57076994

Why not just pay every one to do nothing? The economy would surely be booming then!

>> No.57077002

>most current world problems are created by whites
Are jews white?

>> No.57077026

This shock therapy is necessary in burgerstan to

All the governments of the world are burdened by people who consume a car, a house, a couple barrels of oil a year, 3 square meals a day, who produce absolutely nothing but the government orders must exist

Argentina is a particularly advanced case but honestly no nation speaking a European language is innocent of this.

>> No.57077064
File: 132 KB, 1728x888, The Day the Fiat Financial System Broke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economic situation doesnt really matter. Fiat money is broken and will continue to doom countries all over the world until a new form of money is adopted.

>> No.57077094

The number of houses is the same as in 1960. The demand increase isn't the problem. But there is a greedy leech class that has a vested interest in limiting supply.

>> No.57077117

conservatives are incapable of long-term planning, and will always sacrifice long-term stability for short-term gains.

>> No.57077171

Expanding --
The traditional formula for GDP just adds government spending directly to the figure
This is incorrect
A person who gets paid a salary but produces no real value to society is a straight tax on the commons, debasing the value of currency by competing for goods and services without contributing any themselves.
You have to go line by line and subjectively determine if a service salaried government workers provide is a real service
I am directly physically building roads -> Yes
I am directly involved in the design of roads -> Yes
I inspect local businesses for the proper installation of barcode scanners -> No
I am a gardener at a hospital in Greece in 2013. This particular hospital has no garden. -> No

What you have to understand is that the recorded GDP of many supposedly wealthy nations would collapse if we published these numbers. People would also know why the supply of consumers seems to so desperately outstrip the supply of houses, workers, fish, steak, etc and finally do something about it. Milei won because in Argentina it has become so stupidly obvious

>> No.57077349

fpbp. If OP won't post his argentina short then he's full of shit

>> No.57077458

This. If you're working for the state, you deserve to be in the street and your children starving. Fuck all these parasites.

>> No.57077496

shut up commie retard.

>> No.57077500

Without the government then you don't get roads or infrastructure. Enjoy all business failing because nobody can get to them anymore.

>> No.57077530

> muh roads
retard you're just a fucking middleman adding overhead to any economic activity and slowing down technological progress. You can shove your roads up your ass.

>> No.57077534

yeah take away loans and housing prices drop. every normie with a mortgage is as much at fault as investors buying up homes. if you use a credit card or have any type of loan, then you have no right to complain about the current economic status as you continually inflate the currency forcing prices to rise.

>> No.57077718


>> No.57077877

Ofc bureaucrats and most gov workers are fucking leeches, but you can't simply oust them and expect things to go smoothly.
The bare minimum would have been to have a reconversion plan for most of them. When big gov become too large, you need the help of big gov to dismantle big gov. You can't go full frontal against it, otherwise, as for any living organism, it will fight to survive/kill what's threatening it.

In truth one mandate is probably not enough to dismantle big gov in any country plagued by an overbloated government. I live in the country with the largest government worldwide per capita, it literally employ over a third of the working population, it slowly smothered freedoms and stifled any hope for innovation, creativity and economic/scientific advancement.

It reached a point where the government IS the nation. As a politician it's mandatory to critic the government to hope getting elected, but it's also a death sentence to truly take any action against it. They are stuck to posturing and nothing more.

Beyond the gubment leeches, the most important part is to destroy the countless layers of regulations, laws and reglementations invented by a system who created those to justify their own existence in the first place. Only once the regulations are gone you can expect economy to thrive, and slowly get rid of officials.. but it takes time.

>> No.57077884

I don't know about Argentina but in the US only a fraction of a penny out of every dollar goes to roads and bridges, so that argument is bullshit.

>> No.57077921

>program to help the under privilaged
death camps are free

>> No.57077952

False. Jobs that produce negative sum economic value improve the economy by being eliminated

>> No.57077957

Bureaucrats are not productive members of the economy, they are parasites. I'm not a big fan of his but this obliteration of the state managerial class and making bitcoin legal tender are extremely based. Shame about the jewish stuff...

>> No.57078029

All of the fat women who work for the government and lowlives in the western world are robbing you of your nation, your money, your birthright, and the stars.

>> No.57078089

Most roads in France are privately built and owned. I guarantee they are better and more affordable than state highways...

>> No.57078167

IMO, this isn't much of a problem. too many people are addicted to welfare. and as >>57076436 says, they could simply protest on the sidewalk. and I say that as a leftist.

but I think they are doing this because they are scared af of becoming the new De La Rua govt and having to escape in an helicopter due to protesters shitting on them.

I'm not argentine or expert economist, but my problem with the milei govt. is that the faggot promised argies a dollarization, under the argument that that would solve most economic problems. yet dollarization had already happened there (with the 1 peso = 1 dollar parity policy). you can guess how that ended...
but they ALSO devalued their currency and didn't let the dollar float! and the central bank is lowering the interests rates while the government is trying to burn pesos. like, wtf? everyone will become much poorer in the next months/years.

faggot also extended the work trial periods from 3 to 8 months and extended the maximum daily working hours to 12, in a country where a lot of people aren't even working "legally" (unregistered), which means they want to make life MUCH HARDER for the average worker. and employers can also fire unionized workers for participating in strikes. all of this is absolutely fucking crazy to me... it's like they want the average wagie to be a cheap slave. how did the average argentine voter even think all of this would be GOOD for the country?

the r/argentina subreddit is unironically lolbertarian and pro-milei

>> No.57078197

also, the social programs haven't been killed. in fact, he will double the welfare money poor people get. which makes me wonder: how do you promise to end the bad situation by making people work, while actually making workers lives much harder AND keeping the social programs afloat? lmao. the guy and his advisors are fucking retarded.

that's UBI...

>> No.57078218

This doesn't sound like Anarchist Capitalism

>> No.57078383

>too many people are addicted to welfare
too many people are addicted to credit

>> No.57078425

Yet we all pay for your greed when you decide to borrow money from the bank thus expanding the money supply and limiting the purchasing power of everyone.

The difference is people on welfare know they’re scum. Debtors who swipe their credit card for every purchase are pretentious greedy scum who like to think they’re different when in reality they aren’t. One goes to the government for handouts and one goes to the bank.

>> No.57078469

I thought Jews ran the world ever since the creation of the Federal Reserve?

>> No.57078499

>welfare helps grow the economy

>> No.57078500
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Didn't he literally say that he was going to burn it all down and rebuild on ashes? That it would rise and return like a glorious phoenix? Seems to me like its going to plan.

>> No.57078509
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>This is how you completely destroy an economy. Eliminate every agency that helps regulate and grow the economy while also destroying any program to help the under privilaged which means they will have nothing to buy anything which will force business to close. Argentina is now in an economic collapse spiral and its happening faster than the experts expected.

>> No.57078587

Yeah, well the reason /biz/ is so great is that it’s ironically one of the only unregulated places where you can criticise capitalism without being laughed out or banned completely like you would be on Reddit.

>> No.57078593

Enjoy work wagie! Make sure you work hard enough for your boss to buy himself another Lamborghini or Yacht if you work extra extra hard.

>> No.57078619

You’re a pathetic incel with nothing to show for your life if you think government workers are worse than any other wagie, at least the government worker works for you and not some “businessman” in a soulless job without purpose.

>> No.57078620
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It's simple.
With jews, you lose. They may be anarcho-capitalists, libertarian, centrists, social democrats, conservatives, communists, fascist, but you lose every time
Really, it's that simple

>> No.57078949
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>>>57076332 >>57076344 >>57076448 >>57076452 >>57076488 >>57076502 >>57076513 >>57076572 >>57076607 >>57076675 >>57076695 >>57076932 >>57077064 >>57077117 >>57077496 >>57077921 >>57078029 >>57078167 >>57078197 >>57078218 >>57078500 >>57078509 >>57078587
>This is how you completely destroy an economy. Eliminate every agency that helps regulate and grow the economy while also destroying any program to help the under privilaged which means they will have nothing to buy anything which will force business to close. Argentina is now in an economic collapse spiral and its happening faster than the experts expected.

Oh yeah, because the totalitarian socialist Peronists helped so many people robbing them via inflating the peso, once 1 peso = to US dollar, to 2000 per dollar via the bureaucracies.

So...Libertarian elected by 2/3rds (actual) or 56% (official, minus opposition vote steals) to do what they love best:

Crush far-left 9or far-right) zany bureaucracies that are basically organized crime and detax/deregulate so people can act.

What they're protesting is his 'radical' libertarian proposal to implement voluntary unemployment insurance/IRA's, as opposed to the severance pay current set up where the government run 'unions' grab your severance as a fee.

See Libertarian rules in picrel.

This could spread to other small nations if he avoids being assassinated. The far-left Establishment /their far-left media is throwing every trick they can at this guy (including many personal libertarian websites and blogs being suddenly shut down worldwide).

>> No.57078950

Total Bureaucracy Death

>> No.57079033

>Pay someone 200k a year to do literally nothing
>This fucking retard turns around and says that this person losing their job would be bad for the economy
Shoot yourself.

>> No.57079043

Anon, Milei is unironically fixing what was an actually broken country. That article was written by a journalist. You know, journalists? Those guys who spew bullshit constantly for agendas and engagement? I can guarantee you that the headline in the OP is a spin on the truth of the matter. Just look at the picture they chose, making him look like some angry retard.

You are what a shabbos goy actually looks like. Easily manipulated cattle.

>> No.57079062

>MRO optic
>key mod
>inforce light
>ETS Glock mags...
Wow absolute dog shit setup. I'd be embarrassed to own that.

>> No.57079069

Javier Milei converted to Jewism. What did you expect?

>> No.57079202



>> No.57079220

Nobody understands just how useless, parasitical, and in the way most state mega bureaucracies are. All of that money you threw at them did nothing but crash your economy and crater your standards over the past few decades.

>> No.57079232

>where you can criticise capitalism without being laughed out or banned completely like you would be on Reddit.
More like actually debate economics without some faggots interceding and screaming SUPPLY DEMAND and stop being an incel those are incel and Nazi opinions and they have a seizure that you are talking about money or liquidity. It's frightening you speak your mind according to free speech and people immediately recoil in front of you with a 1970s level argument backed up by the some handful of academic readings from college when you get old enough to realize all academics are schizo liars. All economists are hell bent on eliminating single white males because they potentially can start families and become communities opposed to the state.
Javier Milei, well one wonders if he's acting like a Jew as a joke while dismantling the bloatware which causes modern society to be a mad max hell scape. Or he's just making it worse, idk.

>> No.57079240

>Literally just protest on the sidewalk or anywhere where you don't block traffic and you'll be fine.
The reason they complain is because they are purposely trying to hurt the economy by blocking people from going to work or doing anything.

>> No.57079256

Once you understand, truly understand, that communists and socialists do not have your best interests at heart, that there is in fact a disturbingly large segment of society that do not care that it means everyone will be poorer, more servile, and that they are willing to lie to trick you into helping bringing about this dynamic, you start to realize that they are not to be reasoned with. We make the mistake of assuming that everyone in a political debate is being genuine and wants what's best for the country as a whole. They want to see better people brought down to their level. It is literally just envy. "Economic growth" sounds like a good phrase to you, to them they hear "other people are going to be getting richer than me."

>> No.57079304


>> No.57079545
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>people losing their jobs
Im sorry do what now? Are you actually trying to tell me that those middle-man parasites actually contributed anything to society? Thats hilarious. Almost as hilarious as you calling them "people".
I hate the antichrist.

>> No.57079586
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Classic case of the imperials vs. The stormcloaks
>the high elves (jews) want to force us nords (white people) to stop worshipping Talos (Jesus). The democrats (Imperials) struck a deal with the aldmeri dominion (world economic forum) which has caused the complete enslavement of skyrim (north america). The stormcloaks rightfully rebel against those kike apologists. Dumbass imperials be like: "yOuRe OnLY hELPinG tHE jEeEwwWwsss!! wE WeRe sUpPoSeD tO TeAm uP aGAinSt ThEeeeeMMMM!!!"
Nigger, you were never on our team. Stop pretending. The jig is up you fucking kikes

>> No.57079621

Improving the efficiency of the population by feeding, housing, and educating people isn’t retarded. Enjoy your social darwinism though! When yet another libertarian “”experiment”” fails try not to be too mad about the age of consent :)

>> No.57079627
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>by making eternal state dependents who rely on the state for food and housing while making private home ownership prohibitively expensive
>while indoctrinating people into voting against their own self interests and promoting the parasite class

you were saying

>> No.57079653

That’s capitalism retard

>> No.57079660


Nah, socialists are, by definition, the parasites. They don't create, they take, from the creators. Greatest lie you fags ever told. We're all employed by businesses, we are business. You are the parasitic public sector that takes as much as possible while not only doing a terrible job of administration, the opposite, cancerously ruining society.

>> No.57079668

Notice things changed in your graph in 1970
Give that a little bit more thought sweaty

>> No.57079677

shut up already, nigger slave

>> No.57079680

Bro thinks Reaganite policies are socialism xD

>> No.57079681

Let's get real here, the restrictions put on welfare make it basically useless. We need a generous UBI.

>> No.57079697


State revenues have ballooned everywhere. Standards have plummeted. They can't do the bare minimum in protecting borders, teaching kids, stoking the economy. So what's the fucking point you idiot? Literally slash everything and then reintroduce anything that was actually critical, which is going to be about 5% of the government.

>> No.57079708

UBI is the answer to all of our current society's problems.

Chuds get rekt

>> No.57079714


>total state dependence will solve our state dependency problems

kek, kys

>> No.57079722

Libertarian is a synonym for retard.

>> No.57079723

you sound like this liberal faggot I was stationed with briefly....so close to making the real redpill yet so far.

>> No.57079735


I'm not a libertarian. I want you socialist fags hung for your parasitism and treason.

>> No.57079743

Public spending = private profit (in America)
That’s why line goes up and nothing gets better and the gap keeps widening while your population falls further and further behind
Why do people who cry about socialism think America is an example of it in any way lmao

>> No.57079744

pure cope
retarded leftist, wasted digits

>> No.57079752

This is why the government wants people dependent on them

>> No.57079754

My life is like a video game!

>> No.57079755

factually incorrect, see prior post, actual retard OP
virtually all roads all over the world are built and maintained by private companies -- government is simply a holdco that bans the existence/operation of anyone else who would do the same, keeping the profit to themselves
>he actually believes there is no profit

>> No.57079761


Because we are taxed on effectively 40-60% of everything we ever make when taken in total, which is a fucking absurd amount. For nothing. Infrastructure sucks, there is no border control, there is no trade/economic protections, law enforcement is ridiculous. And yet 3 of America's 5 richest counties are clustered around Washington DC and they will never get a single budget cut. This is tyranny and parasitism.

>> No.57079771


Not to mention roads are like 0.01% of the budget. Almost all of it goes towards welfare queens, armed welfare queens, welfare queen administrators. It's a grift.

>> No.57079773

Ahhh, so you're a Nazi.

>> No.57079781

You see, the nice thing about Nazis is that they always lose. It's a fact of nature.

>> No.57079786


Call me whatever you want. I'm in favor of the first person to bust up the socialist mafia and return wealth and agency back to the working people. The level of grift is astounding, and at the same time we only move backwards in terms of standards. Worst of both worlds.

>> No.57079788

This guy is a jeet who spams /pol/ with all this random schizo shit. Kill yourself.

>> No.57079815

Look around you. Does this look like socialism to you? Hell, every supposed "welfare" program is so burdened with savings requirements, work requirements, and income limitations that it's pretty much useless.

This is at most a liberal society. There is no socialism here.

>> No.57079843


Yes, it absolutely does. 20% of America, and growing, is on some form of welfare/assistance. State revenues have never been higher. And yet educational scores plummet by year, and turn more and more into indoctrination chambers rather than meritocratic institutions of learning and achievement. Our borders are utterly unguarded. Our economy/trade are utterly unprotected. We are raped by taxes as well as inflation. DC gets richer annually. It's a grift, it's a scam, it needs to stop.

>> No.57079860

Border protection has nothing to do with socialism, and illegal immigrants don't get welfare. Welfare is so burdened by restrictions that it might as well not exist.

>> No.57079885
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>he doesnt know works of fiction are based on real life

>> No.57079886

>any program to help the under privilaged which means they will have nothing to buy anything
They can just get a job and they will if they have no choice to

>> No.57079896
File: 228 KB, 1788x921, Government Wealth Distribution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every year, more and more of your taxes goes toward wealth distribution.

>> No.57079902


Keep deflecting from reality, I'm sure that will assuage the growing anger and tension in society over what is obviously extremely unfair and parasitic

>> No.57079904

this is exactly how the miracle on the rhine was executed

>> No.57079918
File: 109 KB, 1003x837, budget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And yes, check out our budget:

>armed welfare
>bureaucratic welfare (they don't do anything in these various departments other than taking their cut for doing fuck all and hiring non meritous women and minorities to pose for pictures)

>> No.57079922


They get benefits in other ways.

>> No.57079931

"Moors" were north africans, not black.
Black people called "Moors" by ignorant anglo orientalists were black slaves owned by actual moorish (berber) people.

You will be very be a Nafri, cope and seethe.

>> No.57079952

We'll just keep winning, and you'll just keep losing. Biden 2024 FTW

>> No.57079976

>This is at most a liberal society. There is no socialism here.
redistribution of wealth is socialism
the state creating oligopolies through govt contracts is socialism
forcible tax on income and property, not transactions, is socialism
centralized banking and eminent domain are socialism

there is no capitalism here.

>> No.57079979


>> No.57079991
File: 104 KB, 814x673, 1692926438213500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every agency that helps regulate and grow the economy
>govt grows the economy
this is your brain on retarded keynesian theory


>> No.57079994

How offensive

>> No.57080009

Saying something is socialism doesn't actually make it socialism.

>> No.57080012


You will, until one day enough people are poor and angry and then you'll suddenly be a lamppost decoration overnight

>> No.57080025

or you just haven't read enough marx to actually know what socialism is

>> No.57080049

in fact, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that everything you *do* know about socialism comes from retards like hasan piker, who have the economic acumen of a 50 year old housewife.

>> No.57080513

>your welfare:

>> No.57080731
File: 160 KB, 1024x576, milei japan ambassador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150% inflation rate
>50% of the population works for the government
>largest outstanding debt to the IMF
>went from having the same GDP per capita as New Zealand to having the same GDP per capita as the Dominican Republic
>Zero capital reserves, all of their gold, bonds, and foreign currency sold off to fund welfare state
>bloated leftist constitution that guarantees welfare and government services as a human right
>economy modelled after the economic theories of Mussolini because Peron (and his ideological descendants) thought central planning and autarky make you richer (see: now having the same GDP per capita as the Dominican Republic)
>Airlines nationalized and turned into a public jobs program, resulting in $8 billion dollars in taxpayer debt because they're not allowed to do layoffs

Anyone who wouldn't
that maybe having a libertarian in charge could fix these problems is too dumb or dishonest to take seriously.

>> No.57080808

Homeless "people" don't deserve anything.

>> No.57080855

Whiter than the Irish

>> No.57081032

Yeah man, I like 56% of the Argentine voters, will believe anything some random politician promises, even though he still hasn't improved anything at all for the average argennian, and in fact made life worse just 2 days after taking office.

>> No.57081042

Calm down muhammad

>> No.57081077

Most retarded lib shit argument

>> No.57081266

Everything that’s happening in Argentina right now is based as fuck.
The US should ban any and all criminals from EVER receiving welfare until they hold a steady job for a minimum of 5-years.

>> No.57081334

I’m making 350k per year almost half of which is stolen by the government and I get 0 in return. Im paying 10k in fucking property taxes alone only to have drugged up hobos sleep on my doorstep and not being able to clean them out without going to prison. Fuck you and fuck all you worthless pieces of shit. I’d unironically take all you corrupt motherfuckers on a helicopter ride.

>> No.57081368

Yes I'm sure there are many abandoned buildings but that is not what we're talking about.
>The demand increase isn't the problem
>Only building 500k new units of housing when the population increases by 2 million every year is not a problem
Are you fucking stupid or something?

>> No.57081375

>Im paying 10k in fucking property taxes alone only to have drugged up hobos sleep on my doorstep and not being able to clean them out without going to prison

>> No.57081416

biggest welfare state in the world
confiscatory taxes
corporations essentially run by the government

>> No.57081460

>taking away Government power is fascism

obvious troll thread is obvious

>> No.57081488

America is socialistic for everyone except actually productive classes, aka middle class whites.
If you're black and get a C average in HS you can pretty much get a full ride in any state school with a cushy sinecure in a government DEI enforcement office waiting for you if you don't make the cut for the government mandated slots companies keep for you.

>> No.57081489
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North Africans are black, modern North Africans are mutts, a strain of genetic abomination that never existed in the old world, a relatively recent outcome of miscegenation similar to Mexico or South America, was never the standard of human expression

The old world was BLACK faggot, that why it was so based and magical, now npcs inherited the simulation to usher in the Kali Yuga

>> No.57081541


>> No.57081556
File: 98 KB, 960x960, lala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the germanic is an inherent slave, mentally and physically, a virus embued into the simulation without personal sovereignty or meaning; a matrix npc, meant to obfuscate the path to pleroma.

a worm in heat

>> No.57081730

Welcome to Europe. Atleast you guys get guns and your immigrants are catholics. We get nothing and our immigrants are jihadi that kill and rape. You guys have it much better.

>> No.57081806

You must first destroy so you can take over and rebuild in your own image. Libertarians and ancaps have always been a trojan horse for fascists.

>> No.57081817

Nazi "people" deserve nothing

>> No.57081823


>> No.57081837

>also destroying any program to help the under privilaged
fuck the underprivilaged, get a job you fucking loser or whatever but don't expect others to support you financially, I hate socialist so much it's unreal

>> No.57081844

I hate Nazis so much it's unreal

>> No.57081856

> If you wanted fascism, this is how you get it
more like destroying your own monetary system for decades is how you get fascism

>> No.57081867

get a job or die on the side of the road, everybody for themselves, only loser parasites are opposing this

>> No.57081881

>If you remove welfare parasites, you destroy your economy

>> No.57081884

Go jack off to the Turner Diaries, idiot.

>> No.57081887

>the r/argentina subreddit is unironically lolbertarian and pro-milei
think about just how bad the left had to fuck things up in that country for even redditors to be tired of their shit

>> No.57081942

loser parasite detected

>> No.57082643

>Argentina is NOW in an economic collapse spiral.
Yeah... Shut the fuck up.

>> No.57082692

you're a mentally deranged troon. Nazis haven't existed for decades and the Nazi boogeyman plaguing your life is a symptom of your schizophrenia

>strong government is literal fascism
>also making the government weaker is fascism because uhhh then they'll try to rebuild and make it strong again or something

you're fucking mentally deranged and have a room temperature IQ, do not reproduce

>> No.57082717

>Argentina is now in an economic collapse spiral and its happening faster than the experts expected.

Yes because of the people OP supports. Milei took office 2 weeks ago. What a disingenuous thread that confirms the untrustworthiness of the old swamp.

>> No.57082735

>underprivileged people are retarded leeches who fuck up the economy for normal people
>act shocked when there are consequences for their actions

>> No.57082747 [DELETED] 
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You seem extremely erm Abrahamic

>> No.57082760

>Yeah man, I like 56% of the Argentine voters, will believe anything some random politician promises, even though he still hasn't improved anything at all for the average argennian, and in fact made life worse just 2 days after taking office.
He's been in office for like 2 weeks numbnuts lmfao

>> No.57083439

He already devalued the argentinian peso by decree, retard. And it still keeps dumping kek

>> No.57083451

>regulate and grow
>and grow
Kike hands typed this . Typical Jewish chutzpah trying to suggest regulation somehow improves growth

>> No.57083471

fucking 4chan contrarians. Now you are all pro big government, what a bunch of disgusting retards

>> No.57083499

So? Every Argentinian takes their pesos and converts them to dollars the second they get them. They've done that for years. I don't believe you're actually Argentinian if you don't know that desu.

>> No.57083521

Milei knows what needs to be done.

You don't like it? Move, leave.

>> No.57083616

Cry more vatnick

>> No.57083960

Argentina has a really bad inflation problem, something like 100% annually. This inflation is caused by the government spending much more than it takes in in taxes, in order to fund assorted social welfare & education programs, along with supporting a bunch of state owned industries, and printing money to make up that GAP. Milei intends to curb this inflation by cutting back on those programs & privatising state owned industries, so that the Argentine gov does not need to have its money printer go brrr.

Now my question for those who oppose Milei - how would you fix the inflation problem Argentina has? What should be done to tame inflation, and how come the prior government didn't do it?

>> No.57083976

"Inflation" is caused by price gouging. Privatizing government ministries and programs can only lead to more price gouging.

>> No.57084024
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Ah, the greedflation theory. Its really strange how big companies are only super greedy and raise prices in countries that have expansionary monetary policies, but then those same companies are generous and don't raise prices when the monetary policy is not as expansionary.

Seriously though, lets pretend you are right, and not retarded, and that you need government regulation to keep companies from recklessly raising prices. Obviously then, the government bureaucrats Argentina previously had must have been really bad at their jobs then, and should be fired anyways. If Milei's plans don't work out you should thank him for firing the incompetent ones so that a future admin could hire better ones.

>> No.57084070

Imagine if n----es were smart
He has to deal with that crap and yeah you should buy certain arg stocks

>> No.57084091

they felt for the jew trap, this is not the first jew president

>> No.57084100

>yet dollarization had already happened there (with the 1 peso = 1 dollar parity policy). you can guess how that ended...
if a currency peg is dollarization then North Korea has dollarised

>> No.57084901

What's normal for you isn't normal at all. Devaluing your currency as a national sport and having multiple exchange rates for dollars (beyond bid and ask prices) isn't what normal countries do.

>> No.57084919

okay. how do I short Argentina.

>> No.57084923

Tell me: how is arbitrarily deciding that your currency equates 1 dollar is not dollarization?
Also, even if that was not, none of the countries that dollarized their economies have solved their previous issues regarding fiscal deficits. So it's a retarded idea anyway.

>> No.57084930

>Argentina is now in an economic collapse spiral
How is that any different from any other week in Argentina lmao

>> No.57085341

Die commie. Commies die. Death to commies.

>> No.57085440


>> No.57086357

>>People losing their jobs
>not necessary for a healthy economy
>You can't be this economically illiterate.
You fail to realize that most of these "workers" LITERALLY did nothing all day. They were parasites that will finally do something useful in their life. You now have more employees to hire and less state expenses towards NOTHING.

>> No.57086387

>yet dollarization had already happened there (with the 1 peso = 1 dollar parity policy). you can guess how that ended...
Misleading. What Milei planne was completely getting rid of their currency and getting rid of the central bank, then having the USD as legal tender. That would be an irreversible decision unlike some law.
The issue with Milei's plan is that it is not feasible at the moment because there is no way for them to get the supply of USD.
>extended the maximum daily working hours to 12, in a country where a lot of people aren't even working "legally" (unregistered), which means they want to make life MUCH HARDER for the average worker.
That means that those people that worked 12 hour shifts will finally not be criminals in the eye of the law.

I think unions should be completely abolished and the minimum wage as well.

>> No.57086446

Yeah exactly when WW2 Germany was being ravaged and sent into chaos by libertarians and ancaps that is also why they went with Hitler. It has nothing to do with communists or anything, not at all kek.

>> No.57086450

I meant Weimar republic, ignore the WW2 bit

>> No.57086673

both Marx and Rothbard are juices, just pick the right one

>> No.57087201
File: 242 KB, 602x386, Screenshot from 2023-12-25 16-44-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bankers are protesting against Milei
>literal banker office drons excel jokeys
This is unreal. The supposed Leftists there were facietously against bankers and the rich are now helping the protesting BANKERS. THEY ARE ON THE SAME SIDE


>> No.57087252

always have been, they just wear leftoid social causes as a skin suit to muddy the waters

>> No.57087781

not any bankers, they are from banco nacion, a estate owned bank full of leftoid retards that have been put there by the previous government

>> No.57087796

>beaner intellectuals
This is why all Latin American countries are shitholes

>> No.57087966

Since when does everyone in an economy have to be productive?

>> No.57088105

>typical leftist demanding aristocracy to exist

>> No.57088151

>suddenly now it isn't okay when it it isn't trucks protesting an oppressive vax mandate

>> No.57089807

You don't have to like it, but you need actual economic experts to make sure an economy functions properly. Thats why central banks are necessary for any civilized country.

>> No.57089888

>Jobs are jobs
Bet you also think, that everyone could buy a lambo if the state just doled out a million dollars to all citizens

>> No.57090102

I recognize you know. Please seek help friend.

>> No.57090320

American leftists will unironically be protesting about Gaza and then turn around and say, "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE BANKERS?" when it comes to Argentina.

Once you realize leftists don't actually have any grounded morals or values (in fact, it's required of Progressives to have constantly shifting positions or else they could not consistently be "Progressive") you begin to see what they really are. They will always try to tear everything down in the name of their demonic worldly god of "Progress." The sickening thing is that extremely powerful cabals of godless people get to control whatever Progressives worship.

>> No.57090506

There’s little point in trying to convince a statist. I don’t even know if they are capable of understanding.
Really all you’ll be doing is explaining to undecided anons how economic forces work.

>> No.57090519

This is futile for me to say but, if public spending becomes private profits, have you considered not doing public spending in the first place?
With the theft/taxes stolen from people, they can keep their money from becoming some corpo’s private profits.

I hope you’re just trolling. Either way it’s a shame.

>> No.57090524

I just added a x100 leverage call on Argentina

>> No.57090533

>taxed on effectively 40-60% of everything we ever make
Just replying to say that’s a nice fact to throw out there. The modern world is socialist, hence the ever mounting misery.

As a side note, my pet theory is that the rise of socialism/statism is a result of dysgenics. Watch a crazy guy called Edward Dutton if you feel like being terrified for the future of civilisation. QRD is: Intelligence and other traits are vital for civilisation; Intelligence and other traits are genetically influenced; Dumb people outbreeding smart people will make more dumb people; This will collapse civilisation.

>> No.57090543

>at most a liberal society
Yet you’re half enslaved by the state. Fuck off you statist retard. You’re policies that you suggest are the source of new problems that you will suggest more statist policies to solve, in turn making more problems.

Statism doesn’t work; We’ve tried it for thousands of years and it’s fucking awful.

>> No.57090546

And saying it’s not socialistic doesn’t disqualify it being socialistic.

>> No.57090554

get a job loser

>> No.57090568

>economic experts = centralized bank
What is this logic?

>> No.57090582
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>Welfare is so burdened by restrictions that it might as well not exist.
It should not exist at all statist scum.

It’s not charitable to fund stuff vis theft. If you think the poor need help via some mean, pay for it yourself. If people genuinely think they need money, they’ll donate with you.

>> No.57090594

Based. If you want to protest, take it right to the perpetrators. Don't block the roads and try to involve people who have nothing to do with it.

>> No.57090597
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They want to live in a civilized society instead of grugman caves. Fucking statists.

>> No.57090607

based. Worst part is we’re putting on debt for costs. Not even using debt as an investment, it’s just worthless.

It’s a shame so many perpetrators escape justice. The cunt ought to be tortured to death.

>> No.57090610

this guys pisses off bankers and commies alike, which means he's doing everything right.

>> No.57090616

Modern “capitalist” America. USAs been in steep decline since at least the 1860s. What a waste.

>> No.57090659

> Not even using debt as an investment, it’s just worthless.
This is pretty much true. Roughly 15% of taxes goes towards investment purposes.

>> No.57090902

>That means that those people that worked 12 hour shifts will finally not be criminals in the eye of the law.
nice job twisting the law and logic, you perverse fucker.
workers can work as many hours and as many jobs are they want to. the limits are imposed to that employers don't exploit them until their literal deaths.

>> No.57090916

Ok, again, and? This is what's been happening in Argentina for decades. Milei is just formalizing the devaluation of the currency instead of trying to pretend it's salvageable. Also, blaming him for what's happening is retarded considering he only took office 2-3 weeks ago.

>> No.57090943

kek the exact same thing happened to me. now i am just perma remote working down there. no regrets so far.

>> No.57091811

Imagine falling for literal fake news lmao
Those are workers of a state-owned bank called "Banco Nación" who get paid by the state.
You people are brainlets of the worst kind.

>> No.57091836
File: 271 KB, 386x408, 1701708089445607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Milei is based. Op is a faggot as usual.

>> No.57092210

>Those are workers of a state-owned bank
>state-owned bank
>who get paid by the state

just fuck off you fucking retard

>> No.57092277

>support entitled government parasites
>call others incels

>> No.57092579

> nobody is coming to save you
> save who needs to be saved

>> No.57092806

Yes yes, all those greedy people in charge of businesses unlike the kind and benevolent souls working for the state. And you are also one of these selfless angels, I presume?

>> No.57092818

Dysgenics, yeah sounds familiar. Nietzsche's "last man".

>> No.57092868


>> No.57092877

>Inflation" is caused by price gouging
Lies. Inflation is caused by the government printing money; money is an asset, like anything else it is effected by supply and demand. If the supply of money just jumped because the government’s printed loads of money, while the demand for it remains the same, the value of that money drops.

Where’s the value lost by each unit of money go? Into the value of the newly printed notes. Inflation is a tax on savings.

>> No.57092893

Further reading on that idea if you're interested, 'revolt against civilization: the menace of the underman' by Lothrop Stoddard.

>> No.57093181

>civilized society
>Fucking statists.
You vatnicks are hecking funny

>> No.57093437

why just from protesters who block the street though?
it's a good start but we can do more

>> No.57093464

>I will dissolve the government's power
>But I'll also threaten people objected to my goal,,, by the power of my own govt!
kek, how's your first taste of power, Milei? It's intoxicating isn't it

>> No.57093682

Well before that mate, They had Portugal, Spain, Holland, France, England asset stripped then multiculturalized before bankrupting America.Learned a lesson with America as well, make sure you pre-import the multiculturalism and give them a reason to bring the nation down when the time is right. Every European nation called what would happen with America in the event it succeeded a hundred years ago. China's the next vehicle.

>> No.57093718

You ever find it interesting that capitalist 'nations' had no problem with the occupation and enslavement of Russia and subsequent 2 decade long massacre, and instead allied with the communists against Nation-al Socialism?

>> No.57093735
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>> No.57093963

Your tears are delightful vatnick

>> No.57093973

> This is how you completely destroy an economy.
Ah yes the famously functional Argentian economy.

>> No.57094051

I like that Milei has tricked all these zoomertines that libertarianism is the savior and goes ahead and does nothing except typical US-influenced neocon actions like convert to judaism, focus on stupid culture war shit and then continues to devalue his own currency while backtracking on promises.
Libertarians love talking about liberty but are the the first to throw you in a black van and strip you of yours in an even more vague name. At least liberals will say its for the safety of the state. These were neocon/israel types claim vague morality when they don't really stand on a moral high ground.
At the very least Milei is funny like Trump kek. At least they won their World Cup which matters more anyways than economics

>> No.57094989

That just happened it's just like my marvel moives

>> No.57095031

>just like my marvel moives
NTA, but it's actual reality. go read history/economics books/articles/.. regarding the last ~40 years and you'll notice many patterns, even similar (or the same) surnames. you'll also notice that many politicians have promised change (more or less radical) and only managed to sink whole countries in slavery and dependence even MORE than before
but I guess you CAN enjoy self-imposed poverty and be happy, and even congratulate yourself for that in this clownworld

>> No.57095216

>>I will dissolve the government's power
>>But I'll also threaten people objected to my goal,,, by the power of my own govt!
There is nothing wrong with this and I hope he succeeds

>> No.57095230

Then why do we always beat you authoritarian basement dwelling incels in debates?

>> No.57095245

>focus on stupid culture war shit and then continues to devalue his own currency while backtracking on promises.
Thanks for admitting you have idea who Milei is and what he accomplished so far.

>> No.57095246
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>> No.57095254

>actually coping about losing debates

>> No.57095270
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>muh e-celeb debates where one side gets banned on every platform for making basic points

>> No.57095283

Cry about it

>> No.57095294
File: 17 KB, 220x330, Statue_de_Juba_II_-_Maison_dite_du_Roi_Maure_-_Vollubilis_(Maroc)_-_Statue_de_Juba_II_-_Cherchel_(Algérie)_-_25-23_avant_JC_-_Bronze_-_Exposition_Splendeurs_de_Vollubilis_-_MuCEM_-_Marseille_-_2014-08-21-_P1910498 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debunked by genetics and archeology. None of moorish, numidian or carthaginians coins and statues from antiquity show people with subsaharan traits, all caucasoids.

You will never be a Nafri.

>> No.57095308

if anyone though trying to salvage Argentina was going to be a smooth ride, their brain is smooth too.

>> No.57095311
File: 108 KB, 400x381, give me a break.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There can be no economy without law and order.

>> No.57095313
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You will never be a Nafri

>> No.57095320
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>> No.57095364

>hoarding properties,
But they aren't.
They invest in new housing construction

>> No.57095382

>When yet another libertarian “”experiment”” fails
Every single one was a massive success though.

>> No.57095413

All you have to do is look at the forex market and argentina bond moves to know the world is liking what they see from this guy

>> No.57095514

So the runaway inflation and wealth destruction of the communists is preferable to you?

>> No.57095524

give some examples

elaborate and post data

>> No.57095571

Its a fucking start, you imbecile. A man with cancer need to take chemotherapy. The chem destroys both the cancer and the body, but shit its a necessary evil

Use your fucking brain. If the leeches is still inside, the vote to erase all the useless regulations will not pass

>> No.57095586

Behind all the larping it's just another guy from a broke country who's selling his country to foreign empire because that's the last and only option left. They've got nothing left to lose so they'll lose their independence, all while saying it's being done FOR independence of course. It is a government policy after all, you have to call it the exact opposite of what it is, I think that's the law

>> No.57095612

The system isn't being dismantled for efficiency, it's dismantled for a hostile takeover by foreign "investors". Of course letting foreign "investors" take over your country is very based as we all know

>> No.57095616

>accidentally got a gf and fell in love. What do I do bros?
Make babies so the economy can grow.

>> No.57095655
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its a known fact that fraternal organizations control the public relationship with archaeology and uses methods such as forgeries, destruction and cooption to paint a particular narrative, as with every avenue of academia, Hollywood being a extension, which is why I have to spoon-fed you th obvious

The truth is whites were irrelevant to old wold history, they were barbaric and identityless, similar to an animal. Through mimicking and appropriation were they able to fasten themselves an image, and retroactively give themselves a facelift though deceptive academia and media

You are likely apart of their illitimatae lineage with he natural disposition to place yourself in narratives you don't belong, your not a a native, you're an impotent npc trampling on its former glory

>> No.57095700
File: 464 KB, 898x1056, Screen Shot 2023-12-15 at 2.48.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern north Africans are dick riding imposters , seizing an identity, history, culture and afro asiatic language and writing system.

You don't represent a nations glory, but an image of its decline, neither capable of old world glory since your genetics are mired in sludge

>> No.57095954

Countries which liberalized their markets(not fully, but partially) and ended up with massive success:
New Zealand
South Korea

>> No.57096069

90% of posters are from tel Aviv or Langley Virginia

>> No.57096087

I live in one of those (NZ) and the liberalization of the 90s was a complete disaster.

This country has been pillaged and becomes more like a turd world country every day.

>> No.57096240

>complete disaster.
It saved your country from bankruptcy you absolute moron
You would have been like Argentina today

>> No.57096363

short YPF

>> No.57096771

>gets rid of gibs
>population mad that they now have to go to work?
tell me, just about how many of these protesters are actually part of the working class instead of leeching off the government?

>> No.57096814

They were selling out to China before, but I guess that's fine if you believe in the BRICs fairytale

>> No.57097005

>Welfare is so burdened by restrictions that it might as well not exist.
The only restriction on welfare is that white people cannot collect because they will be murdered by everyone in the low income housing project

>> No.57097019

Argentinians were already selling all of their real estate and natural resources to sex tourists and Jews respectively. Leftists love to criticize the other side for the things they’re already doing

>> No.57097951
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People in this thread have a hard time grasping this.

>> No.57098282
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>> No.57098324

kill yourself, I seriously mean this with all my heart you fucking imbecile.

>> No.57098336
File: 237 KB, 861x1024, yourbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, You are saying that, socialism is anti socialism?

>> No.57099155

Based Milei