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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 426 KB, 750x421, optimism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57075972 No.57075972 [Reply] [Original]

I'm up 6x on Solana but the fudding on /biz/ is giving me an itchy trigger finger. Is Optimism a solid, worthwhile investment to transfer my Sol profits? With CB's Base using OP Stack, does that mean Optimism is likely to take off in the next bullrun, or is it going to be mainly unaffected?

>> No.57076013
File: 83 KB, 180x178, IMG_1130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this coin

>> No.57076081

you're retarded, sol will still 4x from here in 6-9 months

>> No.57076098

OP Is unironically the best governance token you can possibly buy.

>> No.57076123

can you explain why you think this?
I think it will too, but to be safe I'd like to take out my initial investment and park it somewhere safe and stable with solid chances of rising in the future.

>> No.57076139

SOL has a ridiculous amount of rich jew money backing it so I dont buy that its any less safe than OP.
Realistically I think as long as you're not buying a coin with a dog on it you will probably do well regardless, good luck

>> No.57076195

op has pumped a lot too. broke ath

i think its better to look at OP ecosystem coins, but i am at a loss here. except for maybe world coin

>> No.57076196

Well, there's also some info on the Solana fudd threads that the coin is masking the price of transactions by just printing more of itself to pay validators. Idk when that inflation will start causing problems.
That combined with the fact that SBF has his grimy goblin mitts all over the coin is unsettling me. I don't want to be one of those posters on /biz/ saying how they made hundreds of thousands with a smart investment only to lose it because they refused to sell, you know

>> No.57076260

Bumping so more people can give their thoughts.

>> No.57076649

Come on /biz/, nothing?

>> No.57076692

i bought velodrome

>> No.57076719

I honestly don't know what this is and I've never heard of it. Another L2?

>> No.57076732

velodrome is the main dex on optimism. and velo is the coin

>> No.57076737

Oh, nice. How has it treated you?

>> No.57076751

i bought the top during the bear market but i sold for a slight loss a long time ago.
I figured OP is hot so its coins should be too.

>> No.57076760

and TA wise it doesnt look bad

>> No.57076791

i was gonna buy this but i got aerodrome instead because i figured it would get listed on coinbase eventually

>> No.57076802

whats aerodome i havent heard that one

>> No.57077351

its velodrome but on base, same team as velo i believe

>> No.57077478

Wrong red coin..

>> No.57077483


>> No.57077549

i feel omega cucked holding arbitrum

>> No.57077589

it has the widest community building on it
Coinbase has a direct interest in everything Optimism
the project legitimately wants the community to control the chain.

>> No.57077600
File: 53 KB, 605x605, 1701135109625728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check OP, Arb, Base and Sol on dexscreener.
Look at what's available.
Is there even any contest? Most of the shit on OP hasn't even moved a cent in the last hour.
Go where the money is.

>> No.57077618

I don't have OP but I have a shit ton of Sonne. What am I in for???

>> No.57077623

>check coinbase
welp. There goes that.

>> No.57077634
File: 8 KB, 201x270, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom out

>> No.57077652

What? It's almost at its ATH again. I lost my chance to buy cheap.

>> No.57077854

oops responded to myself
see here >>57077589

>> No.57077865
File: 45 KB, 504x502, 1703346300512642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Optimism. We're on Solana shitcoin casino hours rn.

>> No.57077874

Well I just put the remaining $400 of the $4k I put into failed shitcoins this past summer into Optimism and I took out my initial sol investment into USDT and am seriously considering also putting that into the OP pot. Choices, choices.

>> No.57077882

OP has better coins

>> No.57077887

>OP has better coins
OP has like no coins

>> No.57077904

sir you are buying ath

>> No.57077907

I know, it sucks but that $400 was legit just languishing in some trash coins that have no future. Optimism seems promising, at the very least.

>> No.57077916

And I'm holding off on putting my tether into it until there's a correction, thank you for advising caution.

>> No.57078121

OP is okay but you can get more x’s on Velo & Sonne which are on the OP chain itself

>> No.57078348


>> No.57079025

Check out lyra finance

>> No.57079071

>OP has like no coins
That's why I'm not buying into it. What's the long-term, here? Crash next week because there's no meat on the bone?

>> No.57079210

True, after falling 50% in the next few weeks.

>> No.57079297

you should be unsettled by that, i'm the one raising concern about sol's inflation and token distribution being mainly held by vc's, i'm not shorting, i don't have any reason to raise fud, i just hate those slimy fucks and i don't want them to dump on retail again.

I sincerely hope you at least take the principal amount you first invested out of it, be safe...you can let the rest ride if you believe it will keep pumping for a while.

>> No.57079340

this thing is an obvious rug pull... check the vesting schedule ffs

>> No.57079355

any op shitcoins

>> No.57079829
File: 2.25 MB, 968x720, Solana vs Ethereum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57080018


>giving away ~$2M in OP grant money over 6 months to anyone who lends or borrows on their pools
>still a microcap

You'd have to be a gigatard to ignore this.

>> No.57080036

actually good alfafa, thanks anon
personally i'm not touching the token, but lending apr should be nice

>> No.57080199

I think SOL is a piece of shit but the market still doesn’t care about fundamentals so if I were you I’d set a stop loss area (maybe 5x? Still a nice return and gives you plenty of breathing room) and keep riding it. The wave may continue well into 2024.

>> No.57080218

OP is ok but the fees are way to high for widespread adoption. mETHeads shill OP because they are use to paying Etherium gas. They think $0.30 is cheap. DePIN is the play this cycle. That leaves you with Polygon and Solana.

>> No.57080657

what does this mean for the coin?