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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57072597 No.57072597 [Reply] [Original]

ETH sisters, how do we respond without sounding mad?

>> No.57072609

Whos this fat down syndrome chink and why should I care about his retarded “prediction”?

>> No.57072614

kek, I love this, every nigger is already balls deep in anal os :D
the jew will reap fat stacks again :D

>> No.57072637

because he is soothing the the mall masseuse

>> No.57072651

Ethcoin gongo up.

>> No.57072661

Just read this in his voice. "HODL AND DCA, GONGO UP"

>> No.57072672

ETH is sustainable, generating fees from usage and maintaining a deflationary supply.

SOL is unsustainable, subsidizing cheap txn fees from the Foundation and having a highly inflationary supply.

>> No.57072701

Missed last two years. Why is sol so popular now and even bypassing bnb in Mc?

>> No.57072739

there are a few theories, jewsa wanna kill nance and probably the good ole bankman cartel is pumping their on/off shitcoin for exit liquidity, I would say organic growth, but literally nobody is buying/using that shit for else than dogcoin pnd rugpulls.

>> No.57072768 [DELETED] 

Both will go higher from here but I wouldn't be surprised to see ETH having a strong run in the coming weeks. Flippening will never happen.

And people forget this most simple fact: nearly free txs means less demand for the gas token. It literally means that you don't need that coin.

>> No.57072817

op said respond without sounding mad.

>> No.57072840

>$100 waiting room

>> No.57072897

token not needed but 500eoy!

>> No.57072902

>Missed last two years. Why is sol so popular now and even bypassing bnb in Mc?
The eth ecosystem is old and busted.
Hate to be so blunt about it, but it's true.
The only real open source and trusted wallet for mobile is Metamask for Eth.
>but my proprietary wallet by "company" works just fine
and they cache your seed phrase in a private server you don't own, nice job.
Every Sol wallet dances on Metamask.

There's also another situation, the L2 stigma.
No L2 is doing good.
Arb is only above water because of GMX and GNS.
OP is only above water because of liquidity pools and farming
Matic is only above water because it hasn't completely collapsed yet
Base is only above water because of two memecoins and Coinbase
No one on Eth trusts L2's. In a perfect world, every shitcoin would be on Arbitrum or Base but mention L2 and suddenly you're "too poor" for crypto. What problem were we solving, again? Oh yeah, OTHER CHAINS MAKING ETH LOOK LIKE EXPENSIVE TRASH!

My only real issues with Solana are based on the future.
I've heard to become a validator, you need a lot of disk space, this makes homebrewing into the ecosystem a lot harder and it makes it so most of Solana is hosted on three or four rather centralized datacenters.
Solana is also buggy, and the dexes at play are also buggy. Every dex has to navigate back to Orca or Raydium and they're all waiting for a place in line and some don't make it. The chain needs to expand, cut the fat out and become more accessible for devs and users.

>> No.57072997

>The only real open source and trusted wallet for mobile is Metamask for Eth.
Trust Wallet.

>Arb is only above water because of GMX and GNS.
Oh it is only doing well because it is being used for legitimate things thus gaining users, got it.

>No one on Eth trusts L2's.
By definition everyone on L2s is "someone on ETH" since their transactions are batched and posted there. It's just different flavors of additional trust assumptions in exchange for convenience.

>> No.57073042

Then there's the whole matter of...
If Raydium is the only place with liquidity, and it's frozen because someone farted in the datacenter, happens every five minutes, you aren't selling your token.
Sorry, your price is up? You're in profit? Fuck you. You can't sell because the ONLY PLACE ON THE INTERNET YOU CAN SELL IT WON'T

>> No.57073324

sounds like a basedlana issue

>> No.57073722
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>> No.57073770

Solana fanboys don't know they are actually paying $100 mil in fees / month to use the network.

SOL runs on subsidies & inflation = price crashes = subsidies crash = validators leave = chain halts.

Now you know why SOL has INFINITE supply = death spiral to zero?

It costs $100 mil / month to keep fees cheap right now. YOU pay for that via SOL inflation - a hidden tax.

This is also how fiat money keeps you poor over time.

All good and sexy in a bull market. Prices go up, everyone is happy. But that won't last. Who's going to pay in a bear market?

Holders, of course, as their SOL bag devalues every day towards zero due to inflation.

That or SOL transaction fees go up and actually pay validators.

Which is it? There's no free lunch.

People tend to forget to analyze the core fundamentals of a coin when price action is impressive enough, and it has been i won't argue the point, but the fact is that in 2 years Solana has increased in supply from 272M tokens to a whooping near 500M, that's almost 90% inflation since july 2021.

>> No.57073931
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The ETH maxi cope is getting more and more desperate. Just stake your SOL if you don't want to worry about inflation dilution. Just like every other POS chain.

>> No.57074089

90% inflation in 3 years, but the staking apy is under 5%

>> No.57074090

bnb specifically is probably because of binance fud but idk why its so popular in general every eth killer has the same narrative sols in particular seems the most generic to me