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57061205 No.57061205 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57061210

i'm 28 years old and i never even kissed a girl

>> No.57061212

Like ?

>> No.57061216

its never too late to have a hamburger

>> No.57061217

you're not missing much, same with blowjobs.

>> No.57061225

I'm currently unemployed, I don't have a family, no kids, I'm poor

>> No.57061227

It's not too late to stop being a pussy and start living a fulfilling life

>> No.57061230

i am 26 i have no aspirations anymore, except fermenting alcohol in my basement.

>> No.57061231

Did you spend a lot of your younger days on here and playing vidya ?
Advise the youth what NOT to do, sir

>> No.57061249

what did you actually do then? did you even work towards them

>> No.57061257

Fuck it only way now is up kek or sideways at bottom floor

>> No.57061264

how? why? any reasons? not judging just curious. Your life experience could save millions of zoomers

>> No.57061267

Im 29 woman and its seems i will never get childrens :( no man want to make me childs :( also single for this reason :( even if i have perfect body, much smarter than the average, kind and caring, it seems no man wants now to make a family :(

>> No.57061268

did you ever get a fortnite victory royale though?

>> No.57061276

now this is the real question

>> No.57061277

be honest,are you overweight ? post a picture of your body.

>> No.57061282
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>> No.57061288

tits or gtfo

>> No.57061307

I had a business.
My business lasted for years then it stopped working, the reason? Idk, more competition or some other shit.
My business gave me a small roi compared to expenses, now it's over and I'm poor.
That's it

>> No.57061313

what country?

>> No.57061325


>> No.57061332
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no, i really mean my body looks perfect, i dont want to change anything on it

in fact, theoretically my weight is too low, because I am also very tall for my light weight

>> No.57061337

I am so sorry you had bad blowjobs.
One of the best orgasms I had was during head.

>> No.57061356

You will never be a woman

>> No.57061374


>> No.57061381

understandable..there's no shame in being a cashier or smthing similar for a while. not sure what to say.Wait for shitcoins to pullback and go all in.

>> No.57061382
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i am 27 living with my mom, neet, trying to get a 10x with shitcoins from the money i saved when i had job. I kissed some girls and i had a gf for a year. But now i am balding, started masturbating to trannies and gaining a lot of weight, its over

>> No.57061386

Problem is that even being a cashier is hard here, lmao

>> No.57061396

I can only dream of being like this chad when I'm 61. But I won't because I'm fucking poor

>> No.57061401
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>> No.57061406

Im sure that so many people feel the same.
I am about 10 years behind my plans. maybe it was a bad idea to know exactly what i want in certain ages

>> No.57061410


>> No.57061414
File: 676 KB, 624x2672, Life Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to post this classic again

>> No.57061426

Yea, sorry if I don't know any FED like jimmy whales

>> No.57061432

I guess the message here is never stop trying, which is the truth whatever you end up doing, but most people will never make it big and will have to settle for something mediocre. it's just the way it is.

>> No.57061439

I actually stopped trying.
Everything looks the same shitty scam over and over.
Considering killing a major politician before suicide, just for fun.

>> No.57061452

When I was 18 i had lots of sex (with 18yr olds and younger)

Now im in my 30s and I still have lots of sex (with 18yr olds and older)

The funny thing is, I havent even made any money with crypto. Been in this shit since 2021 and i'm still at break even.

>> No.57061465

sounds like you're depressed. I would just say try to find a job, keep contact with your friends and enjoy any hobbies you might have. Things can get better.

>> No.57061470

Please kill Macron
>t frenchoid

>> No.57061482
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Congrats anon. All blowjobs I ever had were "meh", but then again I'm circumcised so maybe that's the reason

>> No.57061490

these chicks especially the one on the right is a literal 5/10

>> No.57061491

Don't be a bitch, what goals are you talking about?
If you have some money take a flight to india and buy a cheap Royal Enfield and take a year off to explore it. Talk to the rich and to the poor, smoke some changa, sleep in some random farmers house, spend a month with the nomad gypsys, grab a cobra, ride an elephant, ride camels in the Rajastan desert, fuck some girls and get back on the road.
Have fun while you can because soon you will just be an old fool fucking prostitutes in Thailand or getting scammed by Brazilians

>> No.57061493

try to enjoy the little things and keep in mind,nobody is actually rich we're just borrowing the money until we die. 99.9% of people are actually useless and have boring jobs that keeps them alive enough

>> No.57061599

If you look good but cant find a man to ejaculate in your pussy, then there is some other horrific problem with you that you aren't willing to acknowledge

>> No.57061624

>Try to find a job
That's a job you know, and it's utterly demoralizing, sent 50 (((cvs)))) and didn't get any reply, it seems like a fucking tinder, lmao.
Nay, not worth my life for a faggot like that

>> No.57061669
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you should totally hook up with OP, his wizard seed will surely impregnate you

>> No.57061681

>i will never get childrens
have you tried not being a man?

>> No.57061698

Never mentioned my sex life which is basically ok, yes I had sex, I kissed many women, I had many girlfriends.
Sad that you're projecting, cringe faggot.

>> No.57061702

try to find a job you enjoy.

>> No.57061705

This is the thing that gives it away more than any other. Ywnbaw

>> No.57061713

>Been in this shit since 2021 and i'm still at break even

let me guess, leverage? it's literally impossible to not be up atleast 2x.

>> No.57061730

Find a woman to give you good head. It will change your life.

>> No.57061764

If that was true, it would imply the following:
>you're not deformed, probably even decent looking
>you don't have a severe personality disorder
>you're not completely socially retarded
So even if you were poor and a fuckup in general, you were able to attain the goal that even well paid engineers and programmers who spend all their free time gym-maxxing cannot attain. Having a girlfriend isn't everything, but when its the one thing you're missing it can sure seem that way.
Of course, all this is coming from a 36 year old who also had some pussy in his life, and who is also a complete loser by every other metric, so I relate. It is what is brother, a combination of shitty luck and shitty choices.

>> No.57061805

I’m 30 and the same. It will never happen at this point. I wish that I could experience it just once.

>> No.57061831

im27 and this is unironically true for me. i gave up years ago. im too austici

>> No.57061840

I currently have a gf, do you want to know what worries me? The fact that I'm not able to have a family because I'm a total poorfag

>> No.57061906

I'm 25 and my life is torture. I'm always horny and fall in love all the time, yet I'm a kissless virgin. The closer thing to love I feel is cooming, and I don't even like porn for the most part and I sometimes have to force myself to see it so I can coom. I watch lots of porn yet I don't have a porn addiction, my problem is being sad and alone.
Much of the reason for this is my health, both physical and mental. I have lots of medical conditions and much chronic pain. I try to escape from real life by playing videogames, which again is not easy because I can always see all the flaws in them and it makes the experience painful, and I always end up mad when I lose. I also try to lucid dream so that I can get what life is refusing me. I've come here in the hope of making lots of money which I could use in some way to make my suffering stop. Suicide would be a good way to end it but I cannot bring myself to actually do it and not because I don't want to (at the moment I don't want because of hopes, that may end up false) but because of feeling of guilt and a sense of responsibility. I want to die but even death doesn't want me. For this I stopped believing in free will. I can't even cut myself more than I already did because I don't want to attract attention.
So yeah, my life is torture. But I have to admit that I'm seeing lots of improvements in recent times. This year I finally got a job, so for now I'm employed. I started Uni which even if I cannot attend something good might come out of it. I work out better, and I also understand better my conditions and feel less pain. In spite of this I need much more to find justice for what was taken away from me. The people I've known had basically everything-- friends, girlfriends, good health, sex...
I may get these things later on, and I may be happy, but it will never be right because I deserve much more.

>> No.57061942

I deserve to marry a beautiful virgin princess (or maybe a harem of beautiful non necessarily virgin princesses or other girls that are in some way special) and become a powerful political figure that will bring mankind in a new golden age. There must be no middle ground, though. Either save the world or destroy it. If I don't find this kind of justice, it means that the universe is an evil place that must be destroyed. And I won't do it only for me. I know there are people and animals that have got it as bad and even worse than me so I would do it for them too.

>> No.57061987

At least you're here, which means you have at least some slim chance of making it if we get another money printing bull run.

>> No.57062007

Also I tried alcohol, weed and cigarettes and they made me feel ill. My friends do lots of drugs, or at least alcohol, and they're infinitely happier than me. Dying fi overdose is much better than life.
I live in a country where there was lots of restrictions against the unvaxxed yet fate had me not take it. With my health and some luck the vaxx would have killed me. I wish ww3 started and came where I live.

>> No.57062025

life is meaningless. man will go extinct eventually. this is 100% cretin.

>> No.57062124

Set your own goals and be happy about them.

>> No.57062187

I'm 37 and a "failed to launch" I think is the modern term for it.

I sit on the same bed in the same bedroom I was in when I was in school while my peers have their own homes, families, and life. I have no friends, never had a gf, and 5 figure net worth.

>> No.57062335

Cope: the infographic

>> No.57062393

You will never be a worlder.

>> No.57062431
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>tfw you know whoever made this is your own age and much like yourself sees no logical conclusion to his current life trajectory other than suicide

>> No.57062433

Ok keep me posted.

>> No.57062540

Simmer down bro. We've all been there. Win today. That's all you have to do. What small thing can you do today that will get you 0.1% improved

>> No.57062650

That's not enough. The universe must die if I don't become one of the greatest in history like napoleon and Hitler

>> No.57062679

Are you a fag? I would do the most horrendous shit to their throats and pussies.
You're weak.

>> No.57062710
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All of your problems are from you childhood. If you read pic related and work through it you can get better.

>> No.57062765

Don't have time, I have too many other books to read. But feel free to tldr it for me.
But I think I found out from another book what my problem may be. Because of my familiar problems I've always been depressed and stressed, this has released harmful chemicals in the body which changed the biology for the worse, this is why I've always been ill. Also it had kept my body in survive mode which prevents healing. But like I said things look like they're getting better. I'm trying to fix my mind with mindfulness, and the body should follow.

>> No.57062795


>> No.57062879

>Don't have time, I have too many other books to read.
If you aren't even willing to prioritize your own well-being I'm not spoonfeeding you.

>> No.57062947

>Considering killing a major politician before suicide
Never understood why fags kill themselves in such pathetic ways.
Dude, you actually want to die, just go shoot up a synagog while cosplaying hitler, suicide-bomb a mosque for maximum irony, hijack a plane and crash on a japanese neighborhood, have some fun on your way out.
Or at the very least, max out a hundred credit cards and go do some degenerate shit like going to handholding hotels in tokyo.

>> No.57063040

i turn 40 in 6 months and am the same, not good

>> No.57063091

>t. cutcel

>> No.57063098
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>but then again I'm circumcised
at least you admit it

>> No.57063101

>I'm currently unemployed, I don't have a family, no kids, I'm poor
better than unemployed and have a family

>> No.57063107



>> No.57063703
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You’ll die nameless with that kind of delusion. You’ll never be happy unless you can find joy in the simple things.

>> No.57063715

50 here.
stay strong

>> No.57063726


>> No.57063757

damn. me at 32. attempting my 3rd launch next year.

>> No.57064357

>You’ll never be happy unless you can find joy in the simple things.
I do find joy in those but it wouldn't be fair to get only those. I also don't believe in free will so what I will become doesn't really depend on me, it depends on outside forced and inner processes that are also outside of my control like emotions, needs, desires, pains.

>> No.57064381

These are the people discuss business and finance with

>> No.57064751

Haha and Im 26yo with a son a house and a woman

>> No.57064895

Same age, same experience. Probably over for us anon.

>> No.57064929
File: 4 KB, 312x162, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think we want to make it so bad, faggot, we have nothing else ok. unironically you may get some good advice since the will to make it is all we have.

>> No.57064957

It's not about ejaculating, it's about finding a man who wants to start a family instead of spending all his time in front of screens. Those truly don't exist anymore. t. a man

>> No.57064958

Larp or you're genuinely insane.

>> No.57064961

sounds like fable

>> No.57065039
File: 21 KB, 259x384, 1703273479954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I'm almost 42 and I became a multimillionaire in 2013. All winning does is 1) causes more problems and 2) makes you even more cynical (I was always an edgelord). Life is a scam, everything is fake and gay, good job kneecapping this illusion by failing at everything completely. Now take your game up a level and start a low-effort fight club to sap some energy back from this parasitic system.

>> No.57065041

I'm 32 and despite doing what I was supposed to life is still fucking me in the ass. Hoping this next bullrun is enough to help lift me up even a bit.

>> No.57065045

I'm 22. How do I not end up like you losers?

>> No.57065055

Low value genes speaking

Kimmy Granger is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. Would have vigorous rough sex with and slap around.

>> No.57065090

Get a good job in an in-demand field. Thats what I did but I'm white so its constantly an uphill battle trying to hide my race.

I thought being a somewhat high achieving multidisciplined hardworking guy was enough, but you honestly need to be a perfect student and get like 3 internships in college and network like you were born to if you actually want success in the west.

>> No.57065108

Aggressively pursue what you want in life, tread on other people to get there.
Don't concern yourself with other peoples opinions and thoughts on you or what you are doing.
Arseholes always win in the end.

>> No.57065211

But did they fuck prime teen pussy? No.

>> No.57065243

How do people network? I got 1 year left of university so I need to make it count

>> No.57065278

Get internships, go to career events. Be social and charismatic and make friends in your classes. Your classmates will mostly suck, but some will navigate the professional world successfully and you'll never know which will help you get a foot in the door at your dream job. My college and classmates sucked, you need to fully embrace the dystopian modern cultural landscape which means dealing with and embracing the ideologues, but unfortunately playing their game is the way up right now. I did not do this and told them to fuck off, and now life is hard.