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57054637 No.57054637 [Reply] [Original]

ETH is unironically dead. Why would I pay $20 gas for a transaction when I can pay $0.10 on other chains. ETH fags simply cannot answer this question and this is why ETH will stay at $2200 while SOL , AVAX and INJ rip 10x in 2024.

>> No.57054671

Oh look another sol/avax > eth thread.

>> No.57054681

Because none of these other chains have reliable stable coins or a massive marketcap to purchase your shitcoins or the adoption of eth

>> No.57054688

Avax has more expensive transactions than eth, with none of the ecosystem and its full of bagholders.

Sol has zero ecosystem, crashes whenever, and is also full of bagholders, mainly Bankman and his $3.5b bag.

Eth + inj is the best play imo. Eth will pump bc it’s all normies know and inj will pump bc it’s 100m tokens and has burnt millions of tokens already.

>> No.57054705

For shitcoins yes, but for serious projects ETH is king

>> No.57054711


>> No.57054729

>Why would I pay $20 gas for a transaction when I can pay $0.10 on other chains.
Because ETH and its L2's has all the shitcoins, all the DeFI (that actually sees usage) and everything else that people care about. Its the first mover, and won't be superseded by any other L1 ever for that fact alone.
Also learn to use L2's to transact faggot.

>> No.57054735

no thank you.
into the bio-hazard waste receptacle it goes

>> No.57054745

I want a woman like this to be the mother of my 3-5 children, don't care if I get divorced 10-15 years down the line as long as I breed her and have beautiful and smart children.

>> No.57054747

ok, use another chain then bye

>> No.57054756

L2s are trash and everyone knows it.

>> No.57054761

"high fees = de facto liveness failure" - Soitalick Butterin 2018

>> No.57054772

>I don't know how to perform simple steps to avoid 99% of gas prices associated with ETH

>> No.57054800

Kys. L2’s are all trash

>> No.57054887

keeps the poorfags out

just look at bsc

>> No.57055544
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>Avax has more expensive transactions than eth
No it doesnt you stupid nigger.
>$2.40 for a swap
>$26.40 for a swap on Ethereum.

What kinda nigger Math are you doing where 2.40 is higher than 26.40?
care to explain yourself?

>Also learn to use L2's
Arbitroon couldnt even handle 5 million Transactions per day, it will never see Adoption.

>> No.57055573
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>> No.57055584

Thats not from today you stupid fucking nigger.
here I even posted the link for you.
Fees are low again. cope and seethe some more please.

>> No.57055608

How to make money fuck prostitute?

>> No.57055728

eth baggie here
what's a good entry point for inj?
i don't want to buy right after a massive poomp

>> No.57055860

She would never look your way faggot

>> No.57055869

$0.10 is still way too much to be paying to move digital tokens.

>> No.57055895

>just don't use the blockchain

The Future of Finance

>> No.57055896

>$20 gas
More like $200-$300+ gas, I appreciate Eth coming in early to create the smart contract landscape but it is completely fucking useless now.
People shit on BTC as being a dinosaur coin but the "store of value" meme is fine and even if it is slow as hell it won't charge you hundreds for your transaction EVER.

>> No.57055911
File: 163 KB, 3374x652, mempool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like that matters. The fact your shitty chain does that at all is reason enough. Again paying more than a penny to move around a token is absolutely unacceptable.

BTC is only going to get worse.

>> No.57055951

>Like that matters.
yes it does, only Avalanche managed to handle the inscription spam.
also you seem like a brainlet nigger who thinks fees should be fixed and not dynamic.

>> No.57055969

ZkSync Era works much better than Solana or Avax. If you are not using it don't cry when you miss out on the biggest airdrop of next year.

>> No.57056002

Using a blockchain isn't spam, you mongoloid.

>you seem like a brainlet nigger who thinks fees should be fixed and not dynamic
Fees aren't fixed just because the blockchain scales. Holy shit kys.

>> No.57056119

>Using a blockchain isn't spam
inscriptions are spam you mongoloid.

>> No.57056173

>serious projects
>in crypto
LMAO. lol even

>> No.57056218

Absolute state of newfags.

>> No.57056226

Dont care pools still closed

>> No.57056234

Arb is going to lead the next bullrun. It’s as fast and cheap as BSC but way better

>> No.57056240

heh, right.

>> No.57056690

Pill me on INJ anon. Where can I find tokenomics info? In a nutshell what its not so inflationary, supply limited, high burn rate and token needed? Better tokenomics than eth?

>> No.57056698
File: 882 KB, 2391x3188, 1703205003491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because ETH is built decentralized from the ground up. Fees will be fixed soon enough and then it will be as cheap or even cheaper than the L2s. 100% uptime guaranteed. Can you say the same about Solana? No? I thought so.

>> No.57056856

Avalanche C-Chain (EVM subnet with 1700 validators and sub 1s finality) did today x8 more transactions than Ethereum with average swap 1/15 that of Ethereum running on 2010 tier neet gamer hardware (relative to other L1s who require indian farm in order to validate in their network)

It's the most capable chain under exact conditions, That's inherent to snowman++ superiority. Now add to that a new database (scaling the EVM by x10-100), thousands of subnets interacting with each other seamlessly, HyperSDK/VM.. When all of these things come together in 2024 it'll cause an existential crisis among many L1s (Avalanche is L0) that didn't differentiate themselves enough into certain niches.

If you look closely you can tell Avalanche is playing exactly how winners do, Institutions are onboard but quietly, Gaming is moving one by one, Price action is taking off without much of retail hype and those who do pay attention to it tend to either misunderstand or underestimated it.. Idk, I'm trying to be as chain agnostic as i can be, I've bags in basically almost every major, But since 2021 when i thought about the big picture there was only 1 winner in mind, And in the last couple of months i got the required confirmation that big money, The one crypto need to really take the step toward, is aware of that too.

>> No.57057001

Hathor will replace it. Nanocontracts are pumping hathor on coinmetro. At this point there is nothing ethereum can beat HTR in task wise.

>> No.57057235

nope, l1 fees are never being reduced. you're referring to the surge which is only about reducing fees on L2 or rollups or something

l1 is completely doomed, sol is going to take over without a doubt.

>> No.57057423

>why would I pay larger fees when I can switch coins and pay a smaller fee?

It's just 2017 all over again but with eth instead of btc. Why would I use bitcoin when I can just use bitcoin gold, bitcoin cash, bitcoinX, or bitcoin satoshi's vision?

I won't spoil how it ends but you might want to check the charts of the btc alts I listed

>> No.57057472

>ETH is unironically dead. Why would I pay $20 gas
if gas is that 20... that means.... the chain isn't dead


>> No.57057686
File: 3 KB, 186x92, Screenshot from 2023-12-21 23-14-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibarium is now 0.000015 usd per tx with 5sec block time.

Solana costs 0.00025

>> No.57057804

BTC is and always will be king. Buy it and just sit tight.

>> No.57057856

Decentralization isn't important.

>> No.57058975

>if I say nigger they'll think I'm one of them

>> No.57059048

The L2s are just some centralized spreadsheets. They want to keep shitting on ETH so it could drop and they can buy lower; saw it from far away. Just keep accumulating because D-day is on its way. I've staked mine so that I don't even have to think about selling.

>> No.57059313

Only a noob would think twice about this. It's not even up for debate

>> No.57059665

That's the main value prop of crypto. If its not important, then crytpo is pointless and just a far shittier version of web2 hosted on central AWS servers.

>> No.57059849

Staking on RocketPool or Lido? Which is even better

>> No.57060011


>> No.57060037

The dumbest fucking money is flowing into the market thats why

>> No.57060057

Hello sers, please buy Solana, village need money

>> No.57060270


>> No.57060406

Lido is too centralized. RocketPool is a better option. I'm leveraging on rETH but via SpoolFi's platform because it also gives me opportunity to leverage on other LSTs like srETH. Risk diversification Is key in the current Defi world of today.

>> No.57060633


>> No.57060676

when CCIP is live and thriving LINK will be the gas settlement layer for a lot of blockchains, especially ETH.

>> No.57060785

Who still holds ETH when there are other cryptos to gain from. Watch out for AI and metaverse

>> No.57060803

I'm glad other cryptos are coming up, soon ETH will be edged out making way for new ways of gaining from crypto.

>> No.57060809

hello old friend