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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57052516 No.57052516 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit. Didn’t think the madman Milei would deliver, yet here we are. Crypto is officially legal tender in Argentina.

>> No.57052531

how do i invest in argentina?

>> No.57052540

puts on argentina right fucking now

>> No.57052558
File: 3.79 MB, 320x568, milei the bitcoin emperor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the next orangecoinpill country will be?

>> No.57052601
File: 112 KB, 720x708, bitcoin emperor milei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tweet says bitcoin specifically...
>OP translates that to "all of crypto".

>> No.57052621
File: 177 KB, 1216x922, Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 18.45.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the follow-up tweet, basically removes the state from the legal tender issue entirely and allows a free competition of currencies whether thats crypto, USD, or gold

hayek's dream is coming alive, and from the most unexpected of places

>> No.57052636

Oh no IMF bros, our USD bag was supposed to be pumped. Looks like Argentina needs to be liberated

>> No.57052708


>> No.57052725

argentinians sure do look like monkeys

>> No.57052730

can I pay with rugged shitcoins I still have on my wallet?

>> No.57052752

can't wait to buy a villa in buenos aires for a few doges

>> No.57052778

>Holy shit.
Indeed, but not for the reasons you might think.
This is backdoor totalitarian control leading the way to CBDCs everywhere.

>> No.57052799

i'm waiting it out for a few years then moving to argentina.

>> No.57052826

Does this mean my $Milei bag will now moon?

Up 36% from the lows today...

>> No.57052841

very very based. i could consider moving there in 10 years

>> No.57052873

go back

>> No.57052881

They have the prettiest women on the planet

>> No.57052934

He is saying "afuera!" Which means "Out", not "bullshit"

>> No.57052946
File: 271 KB, 1152x2048, 20231119_115745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more

>> No.57053014

oh okay thanks for clarifying

same, at least if my country seems like it will go full dystopia

>> No.57053024

That only works if people buy into the system. The easy solution is just hold other crypto you nerd.
>Oh no the govt minted worthless USD coin. Too bad I already spent it all on XMR instead.>>57052799

>> No.57053121

I fucking love this guy just because he makes /pol/ absolutely seethe

>> No.57053161

he's a kikesucker

>> No.57053193

All of the other presidential candidates were kikes, kikesses, or prokike puppets, so that in particular doesn't make much of a difference

>> No.57053214

I like his hair. He's got hair like me. Let it rock out, brother

>> No.57053220

if this doesnt say that crypto is the future then i dont know what would. argentinas president is a literal kike

>> No.57053299

Bitcoin, not crypto

>> No.57053430
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>> No.57053472

back to plebbit

>> No.57053525

i wonder what will taxes collected in
i would chose a stable currency

>> No.57053542
File: 98 KB, 622x800, legal-tender-abolition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y también cualquier otra cripto
And also any other crypto

>> No.57053776
File: 132 KB, 801x1020, 1000006881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ticker is MILEI, come join us fellas

>> No.57053790

Buy MILEI token on eth, great little libertarian community on telegram, comfy as hell

>> No.57053800


This is my one hangup. He seems to love Jews even more than Trump or Biden. I just feel like this is a trick being played before another Bolshevik revolution.

>> No.57053861

I have unironic hope for Argiebros, if he can push through massive spending cuts AND establish a currency board(I doubt full Dollarisation, it's likely not on the table anytime soon) then Argentina might be able to become a developed economy, problem is that he's pleged himself to doing things via their congress/senate/etc and not executive orders.
The tiktok got that one wrong, the clip with audio says
>Ministry of Culture
>Ministry of Sports
>Ministry of Women
E-El P-Presidente sama, I kneel

>> No.57053938
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holy shit, if you don't become a millionaire from these new argentinian reforms you are TRULY ngmi

>> No.57054279

I just hope his reforms incentivise argies to dig up all that delicious lithium and copper they have. They're sitting on an untapped goldmine

>> No.57054406

how would this practically work?
>get paid in crypto / pay in crypto
>coin value gets shitted up
>suddenly can't afford anything

>> No.57054436

how retarded are you

>> No.57054943
File: 62 KB, 900x600, BF5XFS6A25FVFF6MXKVCVY7VFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also decided to extend working trial periods from 3 months to 8, to remove subsidies from public transport, to sell all public companies and a bunch of other shit to fuck over the argentinian people
this guy won't last more than 6 months in power

>> No.57054975


>> No.57054994
File: 60 KB, 853x951, GB5lVyOX0AAiHgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong chopper

>Over 55% popular vote (record highest in recent history)
>Over 60% approval of the anti-picket protest protocol
>Over 70% approval of the decree
Keep seething (((b*lshevik)))

>> No.57055074

btw, he didn't make it "legal tender". the DNU allows people to pay in any (foreign, digital) currency. there are very important difference.

imagine being so brainwashed and retarded that you call other people jewish yet you idolize a jew lover

imagine actually believing polls

>> No.57055206

...was it previously illegal? Does this actually change anything?

>> No.57055267


>> No.57055327

>the radical libertarians own a whole country now

>> No.57055334

oh so it's actually just a barter economy lmao cool

>> No.57055347

>to fuck over the argentinian people
why are you even here? like what are you doing on biz?

>> No.57055475

what are YOU doing here? are you trying to become rich by scamming other people or something, you fucking pajeet-tier zoomer retard?
imagine thinking removing fuel and transport subsidies and extending work trial periods will somehow improve the live of the average argentinian. meanwhile, rich argentinians faggots are fucking happy they will extract even more money from the average worker.
let me know when 1 peso becomes 1 dollar like your beloved jewish leader promised lmao and if you still believe that that would change anything, grab a history book and take a look at the menem presidency period, particularly the part after he left... the period leading to 2001.

>> No.57055566

Right because things are going so well with the transport subsidies.
Imagine moving around for free but you can't afford to buy anything, great plan bro I just live of taking tours around the city for .0002 cents.

>> No.57055775

>zomg all CRYPTO!!!

>> No.57056781

Thanks captain obvious. Nothing prevented bitcoin from use in contracts before.

>> No.57056840

maybe you think that because

> da jooz

>> No.57056855

I'm 110% sure the economics professor knows more about economics than your naive statist ass. you sound like a government bureaucrat pissing and shitting yourself over cuts. can't have ideas spread which put your own parasitic livelihood at risk

>> No.57056869

Argentinians came from boats across the ocean, it's the Brazilians that came from the jungle

>> No.57056897
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>> No.57056953

>economics professor
the guy that plagiarized multiple books? have YOU tried understanding the measures he's taking? the guy thinks destroying pesos while the central bank lowers interest rates will somehow improve the economy. this is absolutely retarded, and anyone who has any sense of how shit works knows this will lead to a worsening crisis for everyone but the rich.

>your naive statist ass
what do you think economists do you fucking tard? they think of ways for the state to help the poorest people, to benefit the richest ones and fuck everyone else in the ass or to maintain some sort of equilibrium in this pyramid scheme called "capitalism". they are ALL statists in one way or another. lolbertarian bullshit is just that.

good thing I live in another country and, unlike you retards, I won't have to eat bugs, rats and my pets for years or maybe decades after all of this shit get passed by congress lol

>> No.57056984


>> No.57057046

he isn't on the same power level as jews.
just wait until he has some strong foothold. he'll analrape kikes to death.

>> No.57057050

Wow, he really is going to be Trump 2.0. You faggots never learn.

>> No.57057072

trump never got a strong foothold so we'll never know.
Kanye was doing the same until he pulled out the /pol/ charts and turned blacks against jews

>> No.57057076

Holy shit /pol/chud in absolute meltdown mode. Bullish for argentina

>> No.57057094

Max keiser for pope