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57051089 No.57051089 [Reply] [Original]

Why are millenials and zoomers refusing to be fiscally responsible adults? The money is out there. Jobs are plentiful. Society's education level has never been higher. Baby boomers are being forced to pick up the tab of their children though. Wtf?
>Nearly half of young adults in the US live at home, and millions more are receiving help with rent, bills and everyday costs.
>For parents, it's a major expense, sometimes requiring greater debt loads, depleted savings and delayed retirement plans.
>US parents spend about $500 billion every year on their 18- to 34-year-old children, which is double what they put towards retirement.
https://archive is/XDZh6

>> No.57051103

My GF gets a check from her parents for 10,000 a month. Some parents do not want to leave it to chance in this hellish world. They want to make sure that the kid is set with no worries.

>> No.57051131

>My GF gets a check from her parents for 10,000 a month.
Holy fucking shit. How much of that check does she spend on you?

>> No.57051136

>bring children into this hellish existence
>wtf, I gotta take care of them now??

Ladies and gentlemen, boomers.

>> No.57051156

Its not our fault we're being replaced by people who will live 20 to 1 house.

>> No.57051159

Children are a meme. S&P500 will get you better returns than even an ivy league graduate when you account for all the compound interest you could get if you put all your money into it instead of into feeding and educating a child.

>> No.57051164

none of it but I'm playing the long game. I work in dunkin donuts lol

>> No.57051184

Well free doughnuts are a good perk in life. At least you have that going for you.
What does she spend the money on? Does she save any of it?

>> No.57051219

impregnate her. I don't think you dunkin donut ass can get any better.
Some of the 10k spent on your child will be investment that w/e the fuck you tards are doing right now.

>> No.57051235

In the 90's there was six of us renting a small four bedroom house as roommates. It was tight but we could afford it just fine on low wages.
Now I read about zoomers bitching they and crying because they can't afford to buy a $500,000 house to live in solo while working a low wage job. While 20 in 1 house is excessive maybe zoomers should lower their young adult standards. A 20 year doesn't need a new 4 bedroom 2500 sq/ft house ffs.

>> No.57051247
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Total boomer death!

>> No.57051251

How long do you think S&P500 will keep rising if there is no next generation to work in the companies?

>> No.57051266

it will rise as long as government keeps taking on debt

so forever

>> No.57051285

My kids can live at home forever if they want. Free food, water, and shelter. I will make tease them if they don't have jobs though.

>> No.57051287

Imagine even thinking about writing an article like that. I will support my children unitl I die.

>> No.57051304

The rent for that "small" four bedroom house? 300 per person :) Currently? Probably around 900 per person :) Good shit Gen X faggot!

>> No.57051383

LOOL 6 people to 4 bedrooms? "Tight?" Fucking yuppie gen x'ers larping as poor people.

>> No.57051395


If you don't get her pregnant literally in this instance you are a retard. This is your last and only chance in your life.

>> No.57051410


yeah a 2500 house can house up to 2-3 children(3 bedrooms, excluding the master bedroom).

I also don't get the
You know you can change your room with less than $500.

Living with your parents don't have to suck, but whitoids are autistic when it comes to dealing with family. Getting into fights for the dumbest reasons, ie. POLitics, drugs, whores or even worse "MUH DAD IS RACIST" k3k.

if you want to escape middle class, (you want to do this, middle class is poverty level past 2019),

>> corpo job, with benefits and health insurance, also equities
>> side hustle
>> low spending
>>living in low rent/sharing/with family
>>financially minded partner (VERY IMPORTANT, she can be literal uggo with a god tier BUTT, but never a dumb bitch)
>> crapto exposure

>> No.57051419

Lol who tf made this sober shit up
You either live or die

>> No.57051445

Lmao. There are 8 billion people on Earth. Plenty of them sre willing to be wagies in rich countries so just import them when necessary.

>> No.57051462

Threads like this make me realize (apart from actually doing STEM work) why Indians Americans earn so much more money than Whites and are better on every socioeconomic metric conceivable. You do not know how to fucking raise a family. This is why you dipshits turn to fentanyl.

Investing in your own child is one of your main purposes in life as a human.

>> No.57051471

How the fuck is this even possible? The boomers are already paying the mortgage/tax, they’re buying enough food for three or four mouths and throwing away leftovers, so why would it cost extra? If they’re buying their children clothing and paying their car insurance then that’s on them. Since the food and roof are already being paid for, why can’t the kid get even a part time job to pay for their own shit?

>> No.57051478


Bunk beds and sharing a room build character imo. 2 to a room isn't bad. I think my little brother and I are closer for it.

>> No.57051480

>young adults
Millennials are not "young adults" they're in their 30s and 40s

>> No.57051489

You guys are way too optimistic. You'll be kicking them out. No way you will come home from work to jobless 20 year old children playing vidya and posting to social networks on your dime.

>> No.57051499

Not sure how pampering a whore is doing you any favor, they simply dont learn to work for the money

Dont get me wrong support is good, paying for everything is just stupid

>> No.57051506


In fairness you didn't get a whole youth of getting hammered with propaganda about how "the world is overcrowded and you need to not have kids" and "hate your own race and people". The end product is "maybe I shouldn't reproduce", coupled with yes being spoiled and materialistic and happy to do so.

>> No.57051522

In the 90s low wage jobs were around $4 an hour in my area. Today low wage jobs are $15-20 in the same area. Rent has risen equivalently. This renders your point worthless. Mine stands. If youth today want lower living costs they can share housing with roomates ffs.

>> No.57051531

Why do you hate your children? Why even have kids if you have this attitude? Support your kids, no matter what, period. That's what you sign up for if you have a child. If you're literally *planning* to abandon them no matter what type of life they have by the time they're 20, don't fucking have kids.

>> No.57051539

The article covers adults into their 30s so it does include the younger millenials.

>> No.57051545

Why support a failure? Just have more kids so one of them might not be a failure.

>> No.57051552


Why not a middle ground... if my kids want to live at home after age 18 they have to help with utilities/home payments. Shouldn't be much at all but still enough to encourage them to have some kind of work.

At any rate if you kid has no ambitions whatsoever at that age you probably fucked up earlier as a parent. You're supposed to motivate and challenge them early on and teach them to desire higher things.

>> No.57051560

>wahhhh it's muh anti whiteness that caused this
This is just a generic cope by whites on 4chan who obviously are not going to admit that White american culture is AWFUL when it comes to facilitating a nuclear family. This includes things like valuing a STEM education, and being on top of finances.
Your families are fucking dysfunctional because your families are full of white boomers who do not love their children, similar to negro parents.

This is why White American credit scores <<<< Indian/Asian American credit scores.

>> No.57051570

18 is the cut off to be considered a child/kid. After that they are adults capable of making their own way in life. Anyone whose parents still wipe their ass after graduating from high school should be ashamed for failing in life.

>> No.57051576

Me bunga make up numbers. Me bunga ignore all financial statistics for last 30 years. This means me bunga smart, you bunga dumb. Cost of living? What that? Inflation what happen to crugtar's foot after get bit by sabertooth.

>> No.57051589

In uni were 5 to a house 5 bedroom paid 435 each CAD to rent. Was really fun.

>> No.57051590


No it isn't. You think I'm not contemptuous towards modern white culture? What I just said happened. It did. Nationally, and aggressively, these are the products of it. Demoralized, self hating people that don't even see their own children as a blessing. That's just the way it culturally is.

Whites aren't monolithic btw. I live in a working class white part of Ohio and everyone here is about family, staying productive, being friendly with each other. YMMV

>> No.57051591
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I only have one surviving parent, and he earns way less money than me.

>> No.57051601

What happens when you turn 18? What about turning 18 turns a failed childhood into a successful adulthood? I can't believe people still fall for this shotty boomer fairytale.

>> No.57051623

I live in a working class white town in Ohio and we are being flooded with shitskins who are driving up the prices of everything like they are everywhere else in this faggot jewish shithole

>> No.57051638

The vast majority of white Americans who are proud of being white (which you say is the root cause of this socioeconomic disparity) are literally retards from states like Idaho, etc. where the average high schooler can't read a clock. I have experience with these proud whites.

It's just so aggressively retarded (i know, im talking to some white autist on 4chan, so this is expected) to blame the fact that white people have lower credit scores, worse education levels, worse paying jobs, horrible divorce rates / child abuse rates, etc. compared to asian or indian americans on......White people not being proud of their skin color!

That's fucking retarded. That is not why you perform worse on every socioeconomic metric than people like me. White Americans are worse on every socioeconomic metric for reasons that have to do with laziness and responsibility.

White pride won't solve jack shit. Working harder towards being smarter is what will.

>> No.57051654


See that isn't helping either. All of the odds are stacked against white America right now, this isn't an organically white created culture it's been imposed.


Bullshit. Those are just the most outspoken. An intelligent white knows they have to keep their mouth shut or else the system will de-person them. Trump still wins the majority of high earning/intelligent whites even if they aren't the ones going to his rallies.

>> No.57051661

>it's the parents fault
Sure. Or maybe the child fucked up. Maybe both fucked up. Either way there is nothing wrong with tough love in the situation. A swift kick in the ass on the way out the door is good motivator for losers that refuse to grow up.

>> No.57051666
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Also bear in mind you got to leave your mass of brown retarded brothers and countrymen behind and got hand picked for being competent. Do you know what a confounding bias is, smarty? You might want to self smart yourself on that one.

>> No.57051679


>> No.57051719

>comparing whites in their homeland to immigrants selected for high value skills and having enough money to actually move
bad bait

>> No.57051721
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My grandparents did a foolish thing, after my dad went out and got married, they did everything they could to keep my uncle close. They bought him cars and discouraged him from developing a career. They hoped he would take care of them after they retired. Well in the end he was incapable of taking care of anything, including my grandparents, my uncle had no children of his own. My uncle is now a blind agoraphobe and lives in an unfinished house.

>> No.57051732


"Intelligent whites" actually invest in their children's education and encourage them to get into higher education.

Does that sound like white liberals who don't give a fuck about being white or "proud whites" who storm the Capitol, shoot up schools, and obsess about trannies?

Here is something that is observably a root cause of white americans being worse at every socioeconomic metric than asian americans: you are too lazy to SIT DOWN with you children and actually teach them about math, logic, etc. The average white american father will never teach their son or daughter calculus or linear algebra in high school.

But that is standard for Indian or Asian families. If you want to close the socieconomic gap, stop blaming it on a lack of white pride, stop obsessing over trannies, and start teaching your kids math and physics and chem and other hard sciences . Teach them how to apply these things to projects.

Sit down with them. Invest time and money into these things.

>> No.57051735


Yeah I'm willing to guess that if we formed a super-state composed entirely of the top 5% of handpicked whites it would absolutely rock any competitors of any other race

>> No.57051760

In the parent's defense, the world was still pretty great in the late 80's/early 90's. Almost nobody except the schizos could've predicted the hell we live in now.

>> No.57051763
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Stop right there. Shitlibs literally believe math should be removed from schools because it's racist to teach kids 2+2=4.

>> No.57051766


Real life isn't a 4chan meme. Nobody does all of these weird things you're saying. People do in fact need support, strength, love for themselves and their own in order to form strong communities and get engaged. People need the motivation to want to invest time and money into things like a family. Give it time, your people too shall suffer the consequences of American commercial nihilism, you're still fresh off the boat. Notice fertility rates fall off a cliff for 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants in the US?

>> No.57051769

She’s going to break up with you eventually, sorry anon

>> No.57051815

You changed the subject and are rambling about unrelated horseshit. Bottom line is that a salient difference between Indian/Asian American families and White American families is that there is a cultural emphasis on taking the time and money to invest into your kids' fundamental education, actually physically sitting down with them and working on fun applied projects, etc. to prepare them for the job market and entrepreneurial ventures.

This isn't Europe. We're in America. Capitalism rules here. You need to prepare your kids for the various job markets and capital markets. You need to teach them to navigate through this world. Take the time to give them the skills.

So they don't end up. Like. You know. Black people.

>> No.57051846

Yes, minimum wage was ~$4.00 in the 90s. That's the only actual fact that factors into your deranged worldview that makes you the underdog growing up in easiest economy in the last 60 years. You're completely ignoring the massive increases in cost of living, the dystopian housing market, two recessions, exponential increase in rental costs, lack of real (financial term, look it up) wage growth for over a decade, etc. You got lucky, get over it and stop making fun of children for entertainment.
You're completely delusional, and don't want to face the present because you're too afraid that you'll have to admit that kids actually have it harder now than when you got to be a young adult in the fantasy amusement park world of the 90s.
That is, if you actually did have to pay your own living expenses in the 90s and aren't just larping due to autism.

>> No.57051886

She has to pay taxes on that

>> No.57051887
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>The money is out there. Jobs are plentiful. Society's education level has never been higher.

>> No.57051894

Good fuck boomers. NEETs stay comfy and winning

>> No.57052010

Working for money is what poor peasants do

>> No.57052028

It's because of the radiation from the cell phones, wifi, bluetooth etc. Each generation is made weaker than the one before so they can be handled more easily. And give birth to less children. Control, alt, delete.

>> No.57052036

my parents put up with me doing exactly that but don't get me wrong they made life very very difficult and uncomfortable and would give me dirty looks and pester me basically ruining my neetdom.

Now I'm a ragey wagey, my soul died long ago. I just work, talk to npcs. Don't do anything fun. No drugs. No Vidya. No fun. Get a blowjob once in a while. Grim existence

If my kids want to neet and clearly have mental issues like I have, then I'll just leave them be.

>> No.57052074


>You changed the subject and are rambling about unrelated horseshit. Bottom line is that a salient difference between Indian/Asian American families and White American families is that there is a cultural emphasis on taking the time and money to invest into your kids' fundamental education, actually physically sitting down with them and working on fun applied projects, etc. to prepare them for the job market and entrepreneurial ventures.

No I didn't. And European immigrants were like this, generations ago. You simply refuse to listen to me when I say that the current predicament is the result of generations of indoctrination aggressively working against this paradigm and mindset.

White ambition is shamed. White people are guilted for existing. They are taught the world is overcrowded and that their families are a burden. That happens institutionally, everywhere. Many of us resist it and still do our thing, others capitulate.

Me personally? I am proud to be white, I am growing a family, I make a ton of money and am constantly investing in ventures, I will teach them to do the same. I'm still capable of objective observation. The way my white friends speak about things is with an air of guilt, shame, demoralization. Your people haven't been hammered with that for generations yet. Give it time. And remember, again, that you left the dumbest members of your race behind in your home country, I was not afforded the same luxury. If I could institute a good eugenics program here in the US I would.

>> No.57052092

Dumb fuck if you want your kid to be a dumb incel pencil neck supreme gentleman yeah make sure they study calculus and algebra lmfao

What all parents should do is encourage athletics and health for max youthmaxxing, then easy jobs like security or coding. Or government job doing some easy shit.

>> No.57052097


And remember to please not get cocky when you basically got to take a shortcut to an economy built by white economic excellence rather than starting from the ground up back in India or wherever. The current generation is culturally demoralized and weak but they still have the genetic aptitude to wake up and do their thing again should they remember who they are.

>> No.57052112

My wife and I are 30 years old and combined we make around 200k. I plan on letting my kids hang around the house for as long as they want. I'll even build them an ADU so they can have their own space and kitchen and so on.

>> No.57052365

i mean there was a lot of warning from the libertarians the entire time, but yes, we killed ourselves pretty much by accident.

>> No.57053539

>What about turning 18 turns a failed childhood into a successful adulthood?
The legal right to make your own decisions and and be self sufficient.
Why do you think society should allow you to be a perpetual child supported by others?

>> No.57053640

You are so clueless its unreal. Christ your generation is a failure. You don't know anything about the past. The 90s sucked you fucking tard. Only millenials in grade school during the 90s think it was great because they were children who had no responsibilities.

>> No.57053675


>warnings from libertarians

Top kek, no way. They're the peak of the complacency, grilling boomer pyramid. In order to beat degeneracy you have to take active measures, not the high road.

>> No.57054533

Retards like you forget that there are quite literally over a billion "people" on Earth who are completely incapable of living peacefully in and maintaining an industrialized modern state. Genuinely dumbfounded at just how fucking stupid you can possibly be.

>> No.57054577

>if we formed...
It already existed, before the modern influx of entitled ethno-nepotist subhumans. And when the parasites are done destroying the US, will they look inwards and reflect? No, they'll just look onwards to find their next host.

>> No.57054624

No people in the history of humanity has been subject to the level of propaganda psyop that white people have been.

>> No.57054684

No she doesnt if its a gift. The parents were already taxed

>> No.57054787

>>12 pbtid
>none of the worth reading
SAD here's some red pills
1945 - 1965 ; Boomers are born

1972 ; Nixon ends the Bretton Woods agreement and currency is disconnected from value allowing it to be printed to infinity debasing it on the way. Boomers are the first generation to get this freely printed debt currency (see The Cantillon Effect) .Boomers are 7 - 27 years old.

70s - 80s ; Boomers go to college/university and get grants to go, ie. they get PAID to go. Or they enter full time employment with a school diploma and a firm handshake where they are guaranteed work for life, health insurance, company car etc. etc. with training and support. Get 10-15% on their current accounts just for keeping currency at the bank. Merger laws were relaxed which ended free and fair capitalism. No such thing as credit scores. Divorce epidemic ends nuclear families.

1972 - 2001 ; Boomers ride the biggest most consistent rise in debt that has ever happened ever watching the national debt clock rise and knowing full well you cant just print money. They just get jobs with a firm handshake and credit the same way because credit scores didn't exist until 1989. Boomers were between 27 at the youngest and 56 years at the oldest.

2001 ; economy shits the bed and has never really recovered. Corporate bailouts become a thing. Boomers bail out their own corporations. Boomers are now 36 - 56 years old. Established. Home owners. Children. Families.

2008 - The debt binge has banks bankrupt and need constant bailouts to stay afloat starting with $700Bn. Boomers bailout their current accounts and pensions. Boomers are 43 - 63 years old.

2019 - Boomers have orchestrated this regime of constant bailouts to keep their pensions funded. Boomers retire en masse. Constant bailouts are needed to keep the economy afloat. Boomers are 54 - 74 years old

2020 - Fake Boomer media fuelled pandemic to "justify" more stimulus spending

2021 - Boomers require economic reset agenda

>> No.57055210

Because young people piss all their money away and cant be arsed to pay bills and work even though it's the easiest shit to do.
>Some one posts the pepe wojack meme where the loser eats pizza with his fat fuck family like it's a diss and not a self burn.

>> No.57055220

Anyone who knows anything about Fiat has predicted it multiple times in multiple generations.

>> No.57055370

Unironically one of the few intelligent posts I've seen on /biz/ in years.
You can tell the quality just from how badly the midwits are seething at reality.
Good job anon.

>> No.57055474

this post is great, the rest of your posts can go to hell. I've never looked at it that way, it makes alot of sense seeing as a lot of whites in north america came here from europe during or after ww2. But they're not to blame, i don't think they were educated on finance and how to make it in this system intentionally to keep them as slaves.

>> No.57055848

based post, iirc dot-com companies didn't receive a profit until the 2010s.

>> No.57055926

Not contributing to "society" until the government gets on the right track.

>> No.57055938

they'll print more money :)

>> No.57055987

You’re retarded
Though it’s more likely that the parents are paying the gift tax on her behalf
Literally google it you nigger

>> No.57056003

If they live at home, how is it a major expense? $50 more on the utility bills? Do they mean an adult with a full time job who contributes rent, labor, groceries, etc? Or are they trying to falsely equivocate "live at home" with NEET?

>> No.57056354


>> No.57056371


>> No.57056412

>I make 30k a year

>> No.57056504

The economy is a big ponzi scheme. All the land has already been bought. Exponentially growing population fighting for smaller and smaller scraps put up for sale.
Millennials don't all see the full truth, but they're generally self aware enough to know that the game is rigged against them. The best option is not to play.

>> No.57056538

>attn: boomer goyim!
>you have done well as our most selfish, programmable, and soulless generation ever
>before you cattle expire, be sure to drain your accounts on vacations, new condos, whatever you like, boats, rvs
>and remember, your children are your sworn enemy. vile shlomo can save you from these lazy kids, but only if you move into his new condominiums. only 2100 in hoa fees a month, what a deal!
there, don't read the article

>> No.57056575

I found a cozy wfh job that pays enough to feed me and keep me living comfortably in my bedroom upstairs. It's the best effort/income ratio, bumping my paygrade up another 30% for 10x the stress isn't viable when that 30% doesn't contribute to letting me move out on my own, so I just vegetate in my room. I think the article is overexaggerating, most ~30yo's are probably in this boat. We're not suffering, but we're slowly stagnating and dying out.

>> No.57056683

Ngmi desu. Perhaps peasant whites don't understand, but aristocratic whites know the value of education. Not only should whites be more encouraged to excel in STEM (because quite frankly brownoids are not thay smart and there is easy money to be made), we should also bring back classical education a la Latin, Greek and rhetoric. I do agree though with the youthmaxxing/chadmaxxing part though.

>> No.57056740

This anon just invented Africa lmao

>> No.57056795

I have a better question- why did my mom tell me to apply to work at her company but disavow knowing her instead of just helping me get a fucking career.
>never help your kids when they're young and it matters
>wonder why they didn't just magically become rich
I hope every last boomer is bankrupted and seething that they ever had kids, the dumb pieces of shit. Also
>which is about double
I have received nothing, ever. Funny innit?

>> No.57056819

I know this is bait but why do gen xers so often unironically think they had it hard? I've seen Xers claim they had it 'hard' working 8 hours of overtime, but they were receiving 30 dollars an hour in 1990 (which is 70 dollars now adjusted for inflation). Boomers are evil cunts but gen x is the closest to being 'crybullies' whining they only made out with 200k a year because boomers were taking 300k a year at the same business. Just the most annoying cunts alive.

>> No.57056844

>white people


>> No.57056846

There is no gift tax

>> No.57056865

Posts like this are stupid because when I was in college and wanted to work on a leave of absence to buy a car and get money to move out after college my mom lost her shit. I was already on a 3 semester leave of absence for work but the bitch forbade it, pretended like she was concerned for my safety working in the city. Promised to help me out. Instead got a car from grandpa, gave it to my brother instead. The 12,000 dollars she said she'd give me to move out just disappeared- she claimed it was spent on college. Later I found out it was because she'd have lost a small tax credit or some shit. Years of my life lost 'extra' in college, finished up in my mid-20s. No help. But she called me a parasite anyway for being unable to move out- a problem she caused. What do people like you even want? How do I print money out of my asshole? I never wanted any of that shit, I just had my life ruined by my family that milked me for tax credits and then called me a parasite when I was 26 and they didn't get tax credits for adult dependents anymore. Fuck you.

>> No.57057025
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How predictable your kind are

>> No.57057184

>Let me tell you hows life was before I was born.
>All of Gen X made 30 dollars an hour in 1990
Bullshit. The majority were lucky to see $15 an hour at skilled jobs you disillusion retard. Life was not great for the bulk of the generation.
>My life sucked because I let my mother screw me over.
Not my problem. Not anyone's problem but yours.
>Anon thinks Gen X was treated any better than millenials or gen z.
Nope. Keep coping, seething and memeing about it faggot. Surely it will lead to success in life.

>> No.57057213


>> No.57057260

>he didnt try hard in school
>he doesnt have a good job

time to look in the mirror i guess

>> No.57057348

My dad would have thrown me out if I tried to just stay home and leech off the family after graduating high school. He laid down the law that I either go to uni and get a practical degree like engineering, accounting etc or join the military. I only now realize what a wise man my dad truly was. The earlier you are out on your own the easier it is in the long run.

>> No.57057437

Well, perhaps the "muh retirement at age 59" and the cost of living (most especially housing) systems are the heart of the issue? If we didn't have such a supply crunch in housing (thanks a lot greedy fuck boomers), then we wouldn't be having this issue nor even remotely talking about it.

>> No.57057479

They'll import 2nd world scabs and automate the rest. You aren't nearly as important as you think

>> No.57057553

If you're asking this question and you don't own any crypto, then you're a fucking retard.

>> No.57057569
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government pensions should never have existed and the extended family should never have been lost.

>> No.57057840

>quite literally an ESL who can't even speak english larping as an american 50yo who can't do math
15/hr in 1990 would be 35/hr now, tranny pajeet.

>> No.57058414

>Society's education level has never been higher.
This is actually the problem
The loss of manufacturing has forced people to skill into higher skill jobs, creating a surplus of high-skill workers who decrease wages for formerly high-wage jobs. This doesn't mean that there's suddenly more higher-skill jobs above those that are being created; even lawyers eat shit now unless they go to a T10 and get into one of the soul-sucking firms.

TLDR Higher education levels are bad for above-average individuals. We're getting the socialist equality meme RIGHT NOW and the answer is, and has always been, equality toward a lower standard of living.

>> No.57059848

My grandfather sold some undeveloped land for £100k in 1985, and bought a house with the cash for 28k. That house is now worth £500k.
House prices back then were 3-5x average annual salary. Now they are 11-14x.

Basically most people cant make it anymore. Not in terms of society typical standards of living. It is not possible like it used to be for most. This is likely why people are relying on parents and grandparents more.

>> No.57059899

I have friends that recieve upwards software $10K a year from their parents too.

Crap, I mean I have friend sthat gfs who just do a little work like 32 hours a week minimum and have them (friends) pay rent and shit just to put all their money into their mutual funds or some shit while still getting money from their parents on top of that.

Man is being a woman just easy mode right now?

>> No.57060017
File: 1.27 MB, 2372x1538, 1691517441347189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do your (((kind))) repeat lies so readily?
All fields

>> No.57060187

Australia is a 3rd world continent, nobody cares what jungle apes do.

>> No.57060715

The only way to make your children safe in this world is to love them unconditionally. With Gods help they will be safe in this world never mind the financial stuff before that.
And after that it's secondary if they're forced to work for slave money or they got their ass covered with gifts.
The best gift of course being talented by Gods grace and well equipped with tools and access to information they will make themselves materially secure as a side effect of doing a trade. The trade which power relies on you supplying in forced acceptance of blood money, some people are chasing instead of freedom. As long your children know it's not their money ot begin with, but they're forced to accept it, they will understand why things are as they are and will be able to use money wisely.
I wouldn't mind my children to not be forced to do slave labour at all. Being financially, socially and emotionally safe and purposefully engaged with their community all rely on their own actions either way.
Which is something brings joy to observe and inspire them to do.

>> No.57060733

Preppers are mostly libertarian types dipshit. People who "trust the government and democracy" like boomer republicans are the problem.

>> No.57061794

>The average white american father will never teach their son or daughter calculus or linear algebra in high school
>But that is standard for Indian or Asian families.
They don't teach them something that will never be used in the real world..? Chinks and poos have never invented anything, they're basically groomed by their parents to be six figure slaves. Why don't they use their high IQ, tight-knit families, and work ethic to give their people plumbing or something?

>> No.57061819

I'm not contributing to this system. I aim only to live to watch it implode on itself, and to watch all the hard working saps who make up the middle class see their cars and houses go up in flames. Then I can die happy.

>> No.57061844


Nah, that's a myth. Preppers are basically militantly right wing, super paranoid people. Libertarians are cowardly faggots who don't want to admit they're conservative and look bad in front of their leftist friends so they pull an "all sides same" "I just wanna grill and smoke weed" schtick.

>> No.57061948

Chinks never invented anything... except papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing (both woodblock and movable type); just to name a few things, lol.

>> No.57062103

>Jobs are plentiful.
Good ones are handed out to niggers, kikes, and faggots.

>> No.57062112

> desperate to get his boi on child support

>> No.57062179

I'm thinking of moving back in with my mom. She has no money anyways and severe mental issues and I'm gonna have to support her for a while I think. But the area sucks. I'd probably be able to pocket an extra 800/mo though if I kept up with this gay ass remote job I wanna die at. What do?

>> No.57062285

>take in only the top 0.1% of people from a country filled with people that literally don’t understand why streets shouldn’t be filled with raw sewage
>wow they do amazing compared to the midwits of a first world country. It must because of the culture of that first world country
Yeah that must be it. Lmao

>> No.57062384

>This is why White American credit scores <<<< Indian/Asian American credit scores.

To be fair, you're comparing "native" Americans versus immigrants. Immigrants tend to be a cut above the rest because they have the motivation and courage to take risks.

Of course, I'll a make a distinction between this and the current immigrants being gifted the opportunity to walk through the borders.

>> No.57062556

Lol you fucking wrecked him.

>> No.57062747

>The average white american father
Isn't allowed to stay around for long. There has been an ongoing indoctrination campaign that is now self-sustaining. Somehow, it starts with her friends saying she deserves better.

AFAIK Asian men have retained their traditional dominance in the household. Chinese men, I have seen, are not servants to their wives. Unless they are, in which case they may endure much bitterness and many cold nights locked outside. In any case, it's no wonder that the continuation of some traditional values has made for robust citizens, and is reflected in China's strength.

A counterexample is Japan. This might be why their population is collapsing, and their men are tending towards abandoning the notion of finding a good woman.

>> No.57062793

Build back better is working!

>> No.57062951

You are the problem.

>> No.57062966

>18 is the cut off to be considered a child/kid. After that they are adults capable of making their own way in life
at 17 years and 364 days they're still a child YOU SICK FUCK

>> No.57063067

My point exactly you tard. It wasn't enough to have some wonderful easy life. It wasn't enough for buying a house, having a family, paying bills and saving for retirement. The numbers you throw don't mean shit on average now or then.

>> No.57063095

>gets called out on their lies
>lies more and gaslights in response

>> No.57063111

>anon not reading a wall of text creating and revising history is the problem

>> No.57063138

Don't yell at me. I didn't create the system. It's an arbitrary right of passage I'll agree. Doesn't change yhe fact that society accepts and considers it the transition point to adulthood.

>> No.57063373

I simply that trust the jews have the money under control

>> No.57064059

>print more money
>import more invaders, I mean immigrants
>lie about job growth
>false flag for more wars

Liberalism is cancer