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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57044390 No.57044390 [Reply] [Original]

will i ever make it? i work very hard but i often feel like it's all over for me bcs of all these shit coin losses. a decent house costs over a million euros,hyperinflation

>> No.57044420

Poor guy.I hope you will make it.Wish you luck.

>> No.57044444

thanks anon, hanging in there and slaving away every day, i've been working as a contractor self employed to make as money as possible, it is very hard and the tax man audited me to cash rape me even more, i am also afraid i will get audited again (i feel it somehow in my toes)

please numba go up

>> No.57044463

Where the fuck did you find those coins? Why are you investing in those tokens?

>> No.57044466


>> No.57044488

stupidity, i have not even shown you the worse losses, the screen was too small to show it all and i only showed the ones that might still have any hope left

>> No.57044504
File: 118 KB, 2394x927, rough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see all time losses, it's bad

>> No.57044560

i also have 2 kg of gold just in case the gold bugs are right and gold suddenly goes hyperbolic (it wont). tough racket, i hope i will catch a break at one point

>> No.57044641

Can't you write off the losses? Might be a good idea to just do that and start fresh with a less shitty portfolio.

>> No.57044699

i'm just going to hodl and pray for a miracle

>> No.57044842
File: 77 KB, 245x283, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every successful trader has gut punch losses. you have to learn from your mistakes.

youre making easy lessons into very expensive lessons and youre straight up failing at emotions (not exiting your positions at an acceptable level).

My advice is to trade much much small amounts. amounts so small you dont care if you lose it. you should be like an emotionless sociopath zombie executing trades. once you are consistently successful start raising the amounts. do this and you will also make it. youre welcome

>> No.57045132

why didn't you listen to us and buy chainlink?

>> No.57046119

Would you be happy with a 10-20x because that’s honestly all I see your portfolio going

>> No.57046144
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Dont lose hope. I ate the copytrading pill thinking dexscreener was mas savior and almost lost 2k the first week, now im finally 3k up my initial investment. Even if you think it's all over now, DO NOT GIVE UP. Loses are best case, a pump waiting to happen, and at worst, a big learning experience. You're not actually losing. You WILL make it.
And you will be happy

>> No.57047328

Thanks for giving me hope, anon. We all need it. May fortune favor us. Big hug. (No homo)

>> No.57047354

Thanks bro. Praying for a miracle. Hodling all these shitcoins and my gold for better or for worse and continuing to slave away as a contractor/self employed while fighting off the tax man. I hope there is a God that will pitty me and give me a break.

Good luck bro

>> No.57047365

Found this board only after my fortfolio burned to the ground

>> No.57047537
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If I made it with some shit like MAGA $TRUMP in a week (8x), you can go even farther than me
Never give up, invest carefully and always have faith
Bless you man