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57039715 No.57039715 [Reply] [Original]

>30 YO
>first kid on the way in jan
>22k in crypto
>30k in student load dept
How do I cope with being a failure as a provider?

>> No.57039728

Stop being poor.

>> No.57039734

right right

>> No.57039736

Sucks 2 suck dude one thing I have mastered is the art of pulling out because I know just how fucking much of a burden a kid would have been

>> No.57039753

I want kids
I want many
But my clock is ticking and I want to watch them grow up and cant wait much longer

>> No.57039788

At least you get to have sex. I’d rather be poor and sexually active. I have a decent net worth, but I will never get to have sex.

>> No.57039793

at least my ID is green so I got that going for me

>> No.57039800

I'm 35 and never had a gf

>> No.57039810


Sex is whatever. Once you hit a certain age it becomes a bit of a burden.
Having it once in a while is fun but connection is what you are striving for

>> No.57039856

ur child probably isn’t even white who cares

>> No.57039861

I’m 30 and the same. It sucks. I was able to block it out for years but it’s just starting to bother me now that I’m 30. It keeps me up at night now.

>> No.57039920

>ur child probably isn’t even white
we are as white as it gets
Itll come anon, Put yourself out there and accept failures ( They arent forever)

>> No.57039921

Yeah truth. Sex doesn’t have that magical luster anymore but I still have sex with my wife several times a week because it feels good and keeps us connected physically, spiritually and hormonally.

>> No.57039931
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Thats tough, I thought it was only third world retardation that led people to reproduce while having nothing, seems that not the case lol. Still I dont want to shit on you too much, ask on beoble maybe, they probably have far better recs than ppl here

>> No.57039989

the fact you felt the need to reassure youre white rather than call him out on racism is so based and so pathetic at the same time lmao

>> No.57040007

Pretty much how we are, When we started dating 10 years ago it was 1-2x a day but life starts getting in the way and it gets though but you still need to do it for each others sakes.

Its not a smart financial decision but one day you might wake up in the mirror and realize your age( And I mean really notice) and decide that its better to struggle financially with a child who you love with every ounce of your being then constantly push the day off until one day its to late and you live the rest of your life with deep regret.

I have 5 couple friends and 4 of them keep saying they "need there free time" and " Oh I dont want to be tied down to a child" and I truly believ they will regret that if they never pull the trigger

>> No.57040011

dude will rather get shit on by a bunch of truecels here than going into whatever crypto chatroom you're shilling

>> No.57040080

Iv never heard of it nor do I want to connect my wallet to a chat room. Sounds like a weird thing to do.
Im not sure the relevance, I just thought that was something people do on here.
For all you both know I could be lying

>> No.57040091

>bringing kids into the world as a poorfag
get fucked.

>> No.57040104

go make more wagies for the grinder, make as much as you want, be like Africans, they don't give a shit.

>> No.57040253

>For all you both know I could be lying
but you're not, that's what's so pathetic.

>> No.57040312

Unironically rice, beans, and soups.

>> No.57040313


>> No.57040695

You are not a failure. All you need to do is make sure you can feed them well and spend time with them and when they get older let them choose a sport club to join.

>> No.57040755

My cousin is 29 (will turn 30 tomorrow btw) and birthed twin girls yesterday, has a bachelor degree and works for the state, owns her own property with her husbund at the border of a forest.
But I am a failure, 4 years younger, still no grad, sexless, full of hatred against the entire universe, but at least no debts.
I will die as a loser with no children.
So dOn't be sad anon. Not everybody can be like my cousin.

>> No.57040820

kys or blame your parents, but not both