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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57037209 No.57037209 [Reply] [Original]

Keep on Fantin'

>> No.57037755

/biz/is always late on everything, they will remember Fantom when it's $20 billion market cap

>> No.57037796
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>> No.57037799

Got my bag, lets go bros

>> No.57038389

I still don't trust Andre after that bipolar episode he had back in '22 and "left". Now he's "back" and coming up with "Sonic Fantom" or whatever the fuck. The guy is not mentally stable, cannot be trusted. Sorry.

>> No.57038516

>betrayed by chainlink
>betrayed by danielle
>betrayed by harry
>betrayed by bytemasons
>betrayed by fantom community
to a certain extent, it's hard to blame him desu

>> No.57038537

From the virgin who jerks off to pedo cartoon porn.

>> No.57038572


>> No.57038652


>> No.57038976
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Our time is coming fanties, i feel it in my anus (ftm type not homo type)

>> No.57039581

FTM is so undervalued. Soon all the weak ass multichain crybaby hands have been replaced and FTM can skyrocket to what the tech should be at.

>> No.57040942

that plus Harry rugging his shitcoins make fantom a no go

>> No.57041097

This thread is exactly how I remember FTM threads in august 2021 right before it shot up

>> No.57041122

Is it possible to have a bullrun without over half the FTM threads being FUD?

>> No.57041133

You do realise that all this FUD is fueling the pumps?

>> No.57041141

This thing will unironically go to new ATHs

>> No.57041313
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fantomsisters our time has come. once we break through the funny green line it's a straight shot to the funny dark blue line. then, who knows.

>> No.57041542

>Double doubles
I love FTM fuds. The most hated run is coming.

>> No.57042695

Fantom poopers treating me nice

>> No.57042719

Which coins are top shots on FTM? im inly aware of BRUSH and EQUAL

>> No.57042737

Boo will be resurrected by shit coin season. Maybe totally degen shit like fbomb, but I sold mine because I can't keep track of all of my wallets

>> No.57043542

sonic will be big but the real killer app is going to be fantom bank, if it ends up being a direct defi on-ramp it will be crazy

>> No.57043585

That's hard to believe but Andre did some stuff long time ago, how was it called? Xar? Or something

>> No.57043837

Unironically SOLID (Solidly). It will rise from the ashes. It was launched by Andre Cronje in 2022, quickly reached 2b TVL and then Andre sperged out it collapsed due to some bugs being detected.

Another team forked it, honored 1:1 the original terms and let everyone migrate for free, the team recently revealed that the Fantom Foundation migrated their veSOLID position as well from the original to the forked version.

They are apparently re-launching it on Fantom this week, see breadcrumbs here >>57040659

It's going to be the most hated pump in DeFi history, prepare accordingly.

You can currently buy it on Ethereum 0x777172D858dC1599914a1C4c6c9fC48c99a60990

>> No.57043960

Fuck off roosh you fucking bald manlet jew

>> No.57043991

see you when you chase my bags at $10

>> No.57044169
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>I make an FTM thread
>/biz/tards who sold bottom FUD
>FTM brutally and violently moons
Never change anons, never change :---)

>> No.57044458

People like you will be exactly the reason why it will pump so violently. The run will cause so much seething and I'll be there to watch it. Roosh will be 9 figures again in 2024

>> No.57044833

rare alpha for biz standards

>> No.57044872

more like Fanum Tax Money thats what the FTM stands for

>> No.57045032

>memes mooning on every chain
>no mention of FTM memes starting their moon mission
>biz misses again

>> No.57045157
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What's up with the farms on spooky? Should I switch to Spirit?

>> No.57045305
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When $10?

>> No.57045337

looks wildly over valued compared to TVL

>> No.57045451
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, 91a916bab7ad4da9a984d7f48d1afc8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a SOLID thread.
How high will it go once it's back on Fantom, can we reach the old ATH of $40?

>> No.57045808

They have no money.
Solid is a scam and fuck roosh and fuck scamdre. May they see the light this Christmas and return all of their ill-gotten funds

>> No.57045946

SOLID will go double digits, it's going to be the most incredible hatepump seen in Fantom history and the seehing will only accelerate it

>> No.57045993

indeed. grabbed a bag for exactly that reason kek

>> No.57046069

>It's going to be the most hated pump in DeFi history
nah that'll be AMPL

>> No.57046397

Solidly V3 isn't on Opera currently?

>> No.57046618

/biz/ was talking about it in 2018.

>> No.57046654

how many fanties to make it?

>> No.57046926

trying to buy SOLID on Solidly and keep getting this error, anyone else?

Error: Returned error: execution reverted: Multicall aggregate: call failed

>> No.57046980

rpc saving your ass

>> No.57047041
