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File: 796 KB, 2000x1333, islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57036263 No.57036263 [Reply] [Original]

Afghan virgins are $2000 each, $1000 for a divorcee.

>Why not convert to Islam?
>Why not move to Afghanistan and learn the local language?
>Buy multiple wives legally(this helps desperate families at the same time)
>Be just like the Prophet Mohamed(PBUH), a great man.

Am I really the baddie for wanting to be happy?

>> No.57036267


will age like fucking milk

>Why not convert to Islam?
is this a serious question? retard

>> No.57036279

>will age like fucking milk
literally $3000 every 2/3 years will give you eternal teen bride, nigger

>> No.57036292

>>Why not convert to Islam?
>>Why not move to Afghanistan and learn the local language?
if someone was willing and able to put this much effort into something, they would probably have had sex already and not need to buy a wife

>> No.57036295

I'm sure the people will appreciate and welcome you into their way of life without any racism or judgement based on your background and/or skin color. they truly are the most welcoming and open people.

>> No.57036309

The real issue is very few people count their blessings. If you'd save a woman and her family there's a 99% chance it will end with a dagger in your back. There are nice muslims, but people who beg have no problem stealing and taking. A man who sells his daughter has no loyalty to anyone but his money.

>> No.57036317



>> No.57036351

I almost forgot, Afghanistan is the country with the pedophile warlords. Any money sent there is money sent to the devil.

>> No.57036380

they do subscriptions already?

>> No.57036508

This thread washed over me like a calmness.
For a moment I imagined what life would be like if having a qt virgin loyal obedient wife was just an afterthought. Like buying a car.
You go to a few families till you find a cute young virgin, talk to her father about it and boom. Sold.

U take her home have a wedding, tell her to was the dishes, make food, if she doesnt know how to do it tell her to learn.

Never once even considers cheating, is happy to just be in my moderately affluent 100k income home.

Now that would be nice. AND i could get multiple, to have multiple sons, like maids.


>> No.57036621


>> No.57036655

lol straight out of The Time Machine...

>> No.57036682

or you could train them to be assassins terminating in a suicide mission against those who sold them. each one would be all...
>Fatima Harper, Tech 49
>where they have failed, you WILL succeed Fatima Harper, Tech 50

>> No.57036708

>will age like fucking milk
not if you feed them a great diet consisting of milk,eggs and meat.
theyre literally caucasian. take them back to your country see who fucking notices

>> No.57036712

just get a long beard bro.
the locals won't give a shit if you're white

>> No.57036753

Will her family kill me if I make her convert to Catholicism?

>> No.57036761

>Why not move to Afghanistan and learn the local language
you're kidding right?

>> No.57037417

Fuck you pedophiles

>> No.57037535

But I only like girls who are over 18 years old

>> No.57037564

t. jew

>> No.57037585

I would definitely purchase a few them but raise them as in my own country as adopted daughters.

>> No.57037783


>> No.57038030

I bet you could sell those on to westerners for $50k a pop. Why have I been buying crypto when I could have been buying little girls?

>> No.57038190

Women should be property in all countries tbfh

>> No.57038211

Why would I spend money for a woman that I don't find attractive in the least?

>> No.57038287

It'd be tough unless you raised her complete isolation.

>Adopt 13 year old girl, already sus
>Have to explain family, friends, and employer that you, a single man, adopted a 13 year old girl
>then have to explain in 5 years why you are marrying this girl you adopted

>> No.57038310

Hep B is endemic, she'll probably have parasites, and you can't communicate with her unless you learn Pashto. Apart from that, great plan

>> No.57038421

>>Adopt 13 year old girl, already sus
*9 year old girl
>>Have to explain family, friends, and employer that you, a single man, adopted a 13 year old girl
Just don't speak to your family, don't have friends, and quit your job
*9 year old girl
>>then have to explain in 5 years why you are marrying this girl you adopted
Just don't marry her.

Explaining why she's pregnant at 13 will be the hard part

>> No.57038472

>explaining what you do with your property

>> No.57038528


Literally a choice. The difference between them and decent people is you wouldn't sell your own children to survive.

>> No.57038574

They'll take you for a local. Afghans are their own race, not jeet like pakistanis/indians, not sand niggers like the arabs. Nor turk/kazakh. They're completely their own thing because everyone around them is too scared to mix with them

>> No.57038588

>Explaining why she's pregnant at 13 will be the hard part
She literally doesn't leave the basement. Use her PTSD from the Afghan war to create a narrative of a raging world war outside. Tell her you're keeping her alive at great personal expense. Manipulate worldview to create a grateful and fully obedient slave

>> No.57038595

Why are their neighbors scared to mix with them?

>> No.57038623

Only if ur a loli

>> No.57038626


>> No.57038649

If only you knew how good life could be
I will just not fight for this system
males who fight for this system act against their own interest

>> No.57038650

Because they have beaten the shit out of everyone that tried to conquer them for millenia.

>> No.57038695

>Just don't speak to your family, don't have friends, and quit your job

Pussy isn't worth all that lol. Especially not underage pussy that you'll have to teach everything from scratch.

>> No.57038755

>he doesn't realize he haa to live in a tribal society where the tiniest dispute can result in you getting fucked over by someone with stronger tribal/familial connections, and where wealth alone means absolutely nothing without those connections

>> No.57038820

Cunny is

>> No.57038892

I assume you are a firstie pussy
pro tip: USD buys everything in third world cunts. Family, connections and a personal army.
If you have 100k you can rule and afghan village for decades with everyone worshipping you. If someone doesn't like you their cousins will beat the mf up for you in exchange for a $50 smartphone
>noooo they don't any usd the multipolar world orderino!!!!
stfu boomer

>> No.57039098


>> No.57039145
File: 6 KB, 183x250, 1656154072424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

135 LINK for a virgin trad wife who will never leave..