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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57034177 No.57034177 [Reply] [Original]

My friends are chilling, doing crypto airdrops with no jobs, and here I am, grinding 8 hours a day, making minimum wage, but still no savings. Meanwhile, my unemployed pals are out there traveling—life's a trip, huh???

>> No.57034264

you are too dumb to escape the system and be a cryptochad so you will forever be working for the system

not everyone can make it. if everyone could the system would collapse, who would work?

sorry buddy

>> No.57034275

No airdrops

>> No.57034303
File: 360 KB, 750x500, 1612750280512857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good airdrops are never released to the public, asking for them is a waste of time. In addition to that in /biz/ everyone is retarded, they will probably come out with an airdrop of something similar to link lmao. You may have better luck on beoble but I honestly doubt anyone will share that information with you.

>> No.57034308

airdrops are not harmed by the number of people who register, in fact, the more people that enter the easier it is for you to earn something in the future.

>> No.57034312

if I had any I wouldn't tell you shitt faggot kek

>> No.57034554

Airdrop is scam

>> No.57034586

The tranny jannies don't want /biz/ to get rich. I made 3k from some shit called Godzilla Inu that was airdropped on /biz/. The mithril airdrop was worth 40k at the peak

>> No.57034666

Oh my, airdrop again

>> No.57034815

What's the next big airdrop?

>> No.57034846

One just flew over my house

>> No.57034862

I jus Miles Deustcher'd £3,000 from a £1 airdrop actually

>> No.57034889

Big airdrops coming from the INJ ecosystem, you can turn £100 into £50,000 if you hit that subscribe button and slam the notification bell

>> No.57034941

Airdrop's not worth it. Your friends must've gotten their money somewhere else

>> No.57035019

You are not giving me good vibes

>> No.57035060

Airdrops are based. Last bull I got an airdrop for something just because I used the eth -> avax bridge. Sold the tokens I got for $2000

>> No.57035095

Have sex with your friends for money. Problem solved.

>> No.57035399

>airdrop is life

>> No.57035446

I have a good experience with this. It's freedom

>> No.57035496

It's just another hype

>> No.57035577

It's just another hype

>> No.57035624

It is not his responsibility to give you good vibes you fucking energy faggot

>> No.57035648

Waiting for layerzero

>> No.57035694

Man.. wish I could go back to the xrpl airdrop days...

There was a time where I got 10,000$+ for free, could have been 200k+ had I held some of it, all because I made tons of wallets and just farmed them like crazy.

Ended up losing all of it in leverage trades like a fucking retard and now realize I may never make such easy money again

>> No.57035707

What is the next airdrop?

>> No.57035716

grass.io lets you use your unused bandwidth to earn points and then airdrop in future. also parcel on solana which lets you speculate on real estate markets. just throw like $500 in

>> No.57035731


>> No.57035739
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your friends are doing the right thing maggot
i participated on Trump's NFT airdrop, got one, bought some maga TRUMP last week and now I have a fucking 3x
And yeah, still grinding 8 hours a day in front of a computer programming a fucking game for Gameloft (yeah they're still doing games)

>> No.57035749 [DELETED] 

Take profits when you can then sell everything when the hype goes down.

>> No.57035777

Take profits when you can then sell everything when the hype goes down.

>> No.57035807

What to do?

>> No.57035819

Continue in your shit job and become a slave

>> No.57035887

Airdrop? What is that?

>> No.57035939


>> No.57036134


>> No.57036283

Many projects are doing airdrops, but pick the one you believe is legit to save your time.

>> No.57036370

Is this your real advice?

>> No.57036400

Many projects might offer airdrops, but it's essential to focus on those that ensure zero risk of centralized exchange failure. These projects prioritize the security and protection of your assets within the network.

>> No.57036444
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Nobody is here to educate you anon, but listen airdrop provide long-term incentive for early recipients who stick around with the project. I'm in for Linea, STRK, and DUA airdrop.

>> No.57036454

Many don't really give a fuck about the tech anymore. What we care about is the bag. There is nothing less to this.

>> No.57036468

neither do you with your wihining, you know exactly what your friends are doing so why are you lazy?
layerzero, starknet, zksync, base, scroll, linea, eigenlayer, wormhole

>> No.57036478

>Many projects are doing airdrops

But only a few are worth the time. I wasted my time testing sei following sui airdrop my friends got, and it eventually turned out to be worthless.

>> No.57036489

You have 0 idea how airdrops work, you won't get 100k on some niche project. The one's everyone knows about and are valued at billions like TIA, ARB or JUP are always the most profitable (multiple 4 figures minimum). People who know do at least 10 wallets to hedge for the dilution. You just have an NPC self-gatekeeping mentality and you need to make an excuse why not to participate like 'le good airdrops only going to insiders'

>> No.57036517

You can literally do it now, I have 80 wallets farming various airdrops

>> No.57036547

This is just from my own experience, so I'm sharing what I've learned. Let's be responsible and avoid making reckless decisions anon.

>> No.57036548

>layerzero, starknet, zksync, base, scroll, linea, eigenlayer, wormhole

Leave the Jabroni to wonder in complete ignorance. We know what is involved, but the population in this will make it worth nothing.

>> No.57036560

The good ones are difficult to spot, and the public is not made aware of the entire procedure to be eligible or the amount allocated for that purpose. Airdrop is just an avenue to get traction and VC. I hate giving my time to some that are not worth it.

>> No.57036562

This reminds me of Lady of Crypto's X thread about airdrop farming. She's naile dit well. Will be exploring the Linear and Base networks for potential airdrops and I'm looking up to my DUA airdrop as well.

>> No.57036571

I don't have money to airdrop

>> No.57036577

Some airdrops are worth spending time on. Look at TIA recently. M

>> No.57036590

$50 is enough for you to go on airdrop farming. Just do some network transactions, pay for gas, participate in liquidity. Just burn some gas like traveling from point A to point B. I also get airdrop by participating in community engagement such as the current one I'm in for Brillion community.

>> No.57036607

you are fucking retarded if you following this whore, kek

>> No.57036609

Seriously, faggot?

>> No.57036610
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I remember when One of my guys shilled me Blocklords with all those free hero drops, made it quite easy to start farming, and preparations for their IDO quite some interesting money in there

>> No.57036622

Who would that anon follow, you dickhead? She is far better than you that hides under their computer screen to talk trash. At least she's known.

>> No.57036637

Brillion doesn't require money to get started. Your efforts are enough to earn Dua. Also, not all projects running airdrops need initial funds.

>> No.57036638

That's why they end up facing losses. I have high hopes for user-centric smart wallet solutions. I'm quite curious to see how they'll shape up, especially with a strong emphasis on top-notch security.

>> No.57036646

They better up their games, not all airdrop projects sustain without some form of initial funds to support their operations and rewards.

>> No.57036648

I didn't believe in it at first because of those bots hard-shilling the shite out of it. It actually beat my expectations, but that of JTO and Arkham covered.

>> No.57036661

yeah. Have you looked at the number of folks currently into some of this? It's like half the population of folks involved in Web 3.

>> No.57036683

you are faggot and kike, amazing

you not gonna make it obv

>> No.57036746

I'm sure they've planned everything before taking action on this. It will also boost awareness regarding the project, so let's see how it goes.

>> No.57036757

I'm curious because that's my next destination. I'm aiming for a decentralized and user-centric SSI wallet.

>> No.57036781

How do

>> No.57036838

Well, there are many decentralized wallets, but it's cool to have complete control over our digital assets and information for peace of mind anon.

>> No.57036856

It's funny cause I spent exactly 0 time farming TIA. I was just randomly eligible because of L2 activity. It's a shame the snapshot was before I started mass farming airdrops. I got $1k worth of TIA and I instantly jeeted it. Weeks later it would be worth >$5k. L taken and lesson learned.

>> No.57036863

all about how much risk you're willing to take, each of those wallets had at least $100-$300 funding depending on which airdrops I'm farming. The bar is pretty low but not low enough for jeets, you need to be serious about this if you want to make serious money. Especially if you want to sybil you need decent capital, research, opsec etc.

>> No.57036880

So it's scam?

>> No.57036904
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Just caught wind of BrillonFi airdrops. These look hella legit, gonna dive in. Thanks for the heads up, Anon

>> No.57036907
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You think STRK is going to be good anon?

>> No.57036918

I'm in for any narrative that's gonna bring in those sick gains, like Account Abstraction, RWA, GameFi, and DePIN.

>> No.57036930

kek, only following airdrops I think I can snag. Currently in on the Alliance Block official smart wallet Zealy campaign, expecting sweet airdrops at the finish line.

>> No.57036943
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I heard they're trying to fix some hardcore crypto shit of asset management and wallet security, Fag.

>> No.57036950

Using NexeraID protocol and ZKPs makes this shit stand out, Pajeet. Currently diving deep into its features in the ongoing Open Beta.

>> No.57037008

Why would I share a scam project? Plus, I wouldn't bother telling you about it if it had no potential. Lately, I've got my eye on account abstraction. That's the clue anon.

>> No.57037084

Memes can do x1000 and these will just x5 haha shit

>> No.57037121

Get over it.
>t. autistic loser

>> No.57037153

Made some fucking gains with PEPE, cashed out, and threw it all back into the utility token used for cross border payments, gas fees, and cash back within the NexeraID supported smart wallet.

>> No.57037154
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Found this on X, would probably farm something else. I didn't farm it because it's non EVM, I prefer farming ethereum airdrops because their lucrative and I can farm them on a the same walllets

>> No.57037171

Good pick, oldfag. AA is poised to reshape Web3 adoption by enhancing user friendliness, security, and flexibility

>> No.57037180
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I'm just waiting for ZKSync and MetaMask airdrop. Not sure if there are any other good ones coming desu.

>> No.57037186

It could also make you poor in a few secs. I'd rather go for utility tokens, especially the ones that offer a range of utilities and give cash back for sending money abroad.

>> No.57037194
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Maybe if jammies didn't delete every good opportunity that's posted.

>> No.57037210

DEX Airdrops? Cool story, Ranjeet, but I'm passing. Got my eyes locked on the Airdrop from the AA wallet that just hooked up with itsFLUUS to bring RWAs to the hood.

>> No.57037224

Jannies being bros, they want Anons to snag some sweet airdrop opportunities.

>> No.57037327

You're not off the mark there. While some folks invest in memecoins chasing over x1000 returns, you know it's riskier compared to investing in solid projects with strong fundamentals—a product you can use for the long term.

>> No.57037430

But memes are just pump and dump schemes, Jeet. I'm all about that long-term grind with utility tokens. Better to take calculated risks

>> No.57037448

Those with SSI, Selfcustody, and privacy features are my top picks. Not all the decentralized wallets are worth jack, Noob.

>> No.57037456

Account abstraction throws an alternative at the current user account crap. Why not give that sh*t a whirl, Anon?

>> No.57037467

That badass lets Anons freeze compromised accounts and slap 2FA on any transactions over $50

>> No.57037480

Heard their solution lets Ranjeets manage, transact, and integrate their digital assets like a fucking boss with global banking.

>> No.57037489
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I don't give a damn about the tech either. Gains are the goal. Don't piss on me, retarded fag.

>> No.57037584

exactly. Isn't that the whole point of why we are in Web3 in the first place?

>> No.57037602

>Account abstraction

One of the best I've come across in this category is Argent. Is there another innovative one aside from this?

>> No.57037630

Let's not count the chickens before they hatch to avoid disappointment. If all features take off, everything will fall into place.

>> No.57037669

I think the guy is actually doing incredible work with his experience. His idea will add color to the proposed features. solid move by the team way back.

>> No.57037701
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if you want "good vibes" listen to the beach boys

>> No.57037710

>MetaMask airdrop

This is never going to come. Just relax and free your mind from expecting this.

>> No.57037763
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The best vibe to listen to, plus a little green in PF, would make it a fantastic moment ever. In all, get money.

>> No.57037833

Past experiences contribute significantly to a project's success. I think we shouldn't underestimate them and should give it a shot.

>> No.57037848
File: 6 KB, 288x175, sdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't underestimate the future possibility of his impact; perhaps it's obvious that his contributions have yielded results since he joined and will continue. Stop sounding like a bot, Jabroni.

>> No.57037852

sick bitch

>> No.57038174

Bot? Wtf, I'm just clarifying things here, and I think you already understood my point. The market and the community will be the deciding factors in the end anon.

>> No.57038427

I don't seem to get what you were saying at some point. Never mind, Jeet.

>> No.57038506

Don't even understand anything

>> No.57038618


>> No.57038707

Do you like being spoon-fed? Account Abstraction is a hot topic across all social media, and here you are acting like a newbie? Screw you, get a laptop and DYOR.

>> No.57038741

We are discussing the AA wallet type. I think this is changing the paradigm of the existing conventional wallet.

>> No.57038754

the jeet is as confuse af. he shouldn't be here in the first place.

>> No.57038949

I bought two of trumps new NFT’s where the hell do I go to view them?

>> No.57039090

The advantages are hard to ignore, so it's no wonder why people are looking into it. There are still drawbacks, such as wallet compatibility, but it should be okay as they progress.

>> No.57039108

These are bot posts btw

>> No.57039146

I heard about metamask

>> No.57039258

I've been doing airdrops since arbitrum came out (I was 2 weeks late from the snapshot date with my wallet activity and missed it), so it's like a year almost. So far the only one I got was $1.5k on Arkham from like 5 ref accounts. Most of the projects did absolutely nothing, some still haven't even released a token yet. I have about $70 now left, after blowing the rest on bridges, gas, NFT claim and so on. It's kind of a gamble really, you might as well just buy random memecoins and hope they moon, at least you don't have to put any time and effort into that.

>> No.57039281

I solved the captcha fog. Why are you so serious in life? It's just a pure discussion.

>> No.57039690

Watch out, that's Heisenberg You're talking to.

>> No.57039742

are you like giving up?

>> No.57039976

That was bull run season and the board was flooded with so much drops/shilling janitors had very little room to work with, don't blame them.

>> No.57039988

For me it was 2020&2021.

>> No.57040047

People seem to focus more on the airdrop and forget about the project itself. What a shame. They should changer their mindset and look for the products.

>> No.57040289

Move forward

>> No.57040502

If folks know about these two things, it can really help them decide on privacy stuff etc.

>> No.57040683

That $50 is a waste of time

>> No.57041035

Don't underestimate your $50 start, be it for an airdrop or crypto investment. It could lead to x10 gains or more if the tokens you support take off. Investing in low-cap coins can pay off.

>> No.57041417

It's hard man. I was fucking loaded, I was winning, everything thing seemed like it was only moving upward.

>> No.57041577


Do you think they will have an airdrop? I don't think they will.

>> No.57041804

I don't even know about crypto airdrops that's why I'm here

>> No.57042536

Actually, there has been a rumor about it for two years. When I have time, I farm them on Zealy. I got some from SUI, ANTC, KREST... I am waiting for a few more, such as QANX, ROOT and AUT.
However, with airdrops, you need to be extra careful and use only burner wallets. Some dude lost like 100 ETH last night trying to get a few bucks from airdrop.

>> No.57043600

no, I have a decent zksync wallet in top 400k wallets by activity. Few orbiter wallets with points and nfts and 5 linea accounts with both testnet and mainnet voyage complete in 1-2% (20-30k wallets) top wallet by activity on the network. Linea campaign was the most expensive one, burned like $600+ gas in total for 5 wallets. Don't have more funds to operate right now, all I can do is wait until any of these do anything or try incentivized testnet projects, but these ones rarely airdrop anything because they're usually botted to hell. Also, I now think it's better to choose lesser known gems to farm with little following, instead of hyped networks like linea/zksync/base and whatever where reward is usually very diluted. Recent solana drops like JTO and other shit proved that.

>> No.57044752

That's not good

>> No.57045524

Imagine being too stupid to realize that your petulant edge posting is itself a for of energy transfer/vampirism

Do u fags seriously think anyone takes seriously the opinion of a bitching nigger on 4chan pretending to be rich, other than children?

>> No.57045552
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Same here, doing marketing work for viralx while i put the gains i generate into their lockup pool. It's a constant and infinite bicycle of gains. You fell for the shitcoin meme bastard

>> No.57046606
