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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 361 KB, 839x768, 1597804909485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57033705 No.57033705 [Reply] [Original]

I just landed the big job.

>> No.57033724
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congrats anon, i hope ur mom is proud

>> No.57033725

Pack of niggers tonight eh?
Hope you getting that throat ready

>> No.57033774

I just landed my cock in your your mom

>> No.57033783


Congratulations anon :)

>> No.57033810

> wake up every weekday at 6am and work 7am - 5pm
> 1hr lunch break if you’re lucky
> wait all week for the weekend
> weekend comes and you’re too exhausted to do anything fun
.> taxes drain your pay check
> buy a house
> mortgage drains your paycheck
> home repair drains your paycheck
> start dating
> women drain your paycheck
> fall in love, get married
> wife drains your paycheck
> have kids
> kids drain your paycheck
> need a minivan
> auto loan drains your paycheck
> need a bigger house
> mortgage drains your paycheck x2
> Kids go to college
> college drains your paycheck
> wife gets bored because all you do is work and sleep
> divorce drains your paycheck
> child support drains your paycheck
> kids hate and resent you
> now you’re old and lonely
> retire
> medical drains your retirement
> get sent to old folks home
> some Nigerian nurse abuses you and steals what little you have left
> you die alone broke and empty
Congrats anon, welcome to the club.

>> No.57033821


congrats man!

>> No.57033956
File: 15 KB, 678x585, 1628951540520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers man, im still recovering from losing mine, im following what some anons here told me about copytrading using dexscreener, still resisting from going full bankrupcy. But really fucking good for you, i hope it makes you happy

>> No.57035699

20224 still working