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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5703359 No.5703359 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw spending new year in /biz/

>> No.5703388

happy new year anon, i had to stay in another city and spending the ny alone

>> No.5703428
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>tfw trying to pretend i don't want to kill myself in front of my parents

>> No.5703429

Happy new year all. Tried to take off my eyes off crypto but couldn’t. Made good gains and hope you all get good gainz in the new year.

>> No.5703435

>tfw im with family and im browsing biz and checking blockfolio every 5 mins

>> No.5703455

Whenever im in public i just stare into rhe void and avoid eye contact. It hurts to put on a mask lacking emotion.

>> No.5703462

happy new year anon. your gains will far make up for this
i'll be in the bars with my phone out checking for sure

>> No.5703492
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>> No.5703497

Same but theyre all rewatching Fringe for like the 5th time since it came out so whatever. I doubled my xlm stack on mobile while theyre eating tendies.

>> No.5703517

Same boat I'm at some lame ass nye party. Fuck that gimme gains

>> No.5703518

Happy new year anon.. next year will be better, I promise.

>> No.5703526
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Spent all day cashing out and calculating taxes. Set aside what I owe, took a little profit and will be buying back in drunk at the the bar at 12:01. Happy New Years

>> No.5703557

My 2017
>depression comes back
>social anxiety occurs
>from 1000$ dollars invested i have 100$ even tho everything went up by 100000%
>still want to kill myself
>mother want me to move out of her house in a year
Seams like good year is coming

At least i learned something about crypto market

>> No.5703562
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>> No.5703580

You're not missing anything. NYE is for plebs and wagecucks and normies who don't know how to have a good time on a random night. It's way overpriced and everyone is so desperate to have a ""THE BEST TIME EVER!"" that they don't even end up having that much fun. Also why would I want to start the new year hungover? If you want to make changes getting drunk af is not going to help you meet your goals.

>lol my legacy captcha is literally: main drinks

>> No.5703586

Wouldn't have it any other way , love you faggots. Shill me more this year.

>> No.5703596

I just want to make my gains and be financially comfortable. Even with a 100k it would be a big head start.

>> No.5703636

Here's to a better year anon, it'll get better eventually.

>> No.5703655
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>can be very social and outgoing
>choose not to be as i get older
>the world is seemingly getting dumber

Toking and checking in. Happy New Year assholes, cya somewhere in Lambo land

>> No.5703670

Thx, but i don't think so.
I need to get a job and i'm even scared of going to the fucking shop

>> No.5703738
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>> No.5703774
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chin up have you heard of bazinga it will binance tomorrow

also go all in on 4chan coin it's looking to go to $5 after the ball drops tonight

bitcoin will die

bcash ripple bazinga 4chancoin only coins left 2018

>> No.5704103

pretty clean Chevy for such a dirty street

>> No.5704167

Thats why im here too brother. Put 50% in wallet cause this shit is definitely the future. Other 50% is all trading for moons missions. Ill pay off student loans and buy my wife a house one of these days. Well make it together.

>> No.5704323

>>from 1000$ dollars invested i have 100$ even tho everything went up by 100000%
Holy fucking shit lol I felt bad about like 4k to 11k over the last two months but posts like yours make me feel better.

I wouldn't want to spend my evening anywhere else.

>> No.5704345 [DELETED] 


>> No.5704366

we can celebrate when we all have lambos until then we working nigga

>> No.5704392

why does everyone here have depression and anxiety? get some fucking original personalities for fucks sake people

>> No.5704631

you and me both pal, cheers to another year of gains & pains

>> No.5704632

this f.a.m

>> No.5704680

We're living in the least original time ever anon. Nobody thinks for themselves

>> No.5704715
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Same but I’m more than happy staying in tonight. I had a pretty decent year and look forward to things getting even better. I’ll celebrate the New Year woth new gains and I hope you all do the same.

>> No.5704743

>Tfw Same even tho it accomplishes absolutely nothing since all my coins are hold for min 2 weeks anyways

>> No.5704760

belive me if i could chose i would chose someting better

>> No.5704813

To each his own but I decided a long time ago that if I don't have to wake up tomorrow, I will not spend that time at home. Try it, it will change your life.

>> No.5704862

way to cold for that

>> No.5704916

I get it man. Depression is pretty shitty. It's just that it's so damn common on here.

Hope you're able to get over it. Best of luck to you.

>> No.5704979

50/50 req and xlm here, this has been an unbelievably good day. being around other humans would have ruined it

>> No.5705060

You're too cold or the weather is? Either way man the fuck up.

>> No.5705148

I used to kind of act like that. But when you're fucking broke being out just kind of sucks. Now I'm a recluse and will emerge when I have money.

>> No.5705156

I've tried this but I end up doing something even more sad and autistic, like walking around a park or sitting in a store, or driving around aimlessly. Feels like wasted time.

>> No.5705208
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Fug, I dont know if I should go out. I used to go out on new years as its a small town and I know people from when I used to go out a lot. I didnt go out last year as I was dead broke, this year Im more comfortable and just here working. Thinking of going out for a couple drinks after midnight then coming back to relax.

>> No.5705283
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Happy New Year /biz/, spending it researching on how to get the UBTC airdrop from holding 100 Qtum while at the same time doing gesture drawings.

We're all going to make it bros.

>> No.5705311

Key is to get out of your comfort zone. I considered myself fearless, but that wasn't true. I treated that as a challenge. It makes no sense to get out if you are still alone. Trust me, you get good at it, like you 'get gud' at anything.

>> No.5705352

>tfw hiding in my closet so my normie family thinks i'm out with friends or something
>probably have to stand here for another 5 hours
>too scared to even fart or type on my phone too quickly with people constantly coming in and out of my room
>down to $2400 from my original $3000 investment back in october
good start to the year

>> No.5705386

>people constantly coming in and out of my room
why, are they fucking with you on purpose?

>> No.5705391

Not him, but I'm in Alaska dude. It is too cold to go out and celebrate the new year.

>> No.5705405

Don't mind me, just sitting here with my partially torn tendon in my arm.

Still contemplating if I should get it fixed or not, been around 5 years since the injury, 2-3 since I realized.


>> No.5705481

i'm insecure enough to think that's always a possibility but from what i can faintly hear it's more likely relatives seeing what they can steal while i'm gone since i hear drawers opening and people coming in to just talk or fart in private. i might actually kill myself if anyone opens the closet and finds me in here

>> No.5705571

>spent another night staring at charts trying to design a trading system to take me out of wagecuckery

so close, yet so far

>> No.5705610
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>> No.5705653


>> No.5705727

I'm fucking laughing.

>> No.5705789
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please be real

>> No.5705836

this is good or bad depending on if you own XLM or not

>> No.5705857

>How /biz/ spends the new year

Someone please screencap

>> No.5705875 [DELETED] 


>> No.5706016

Could you imagine opening the closet to this anon?

>> No.5706046

I'm at a party and I'm still on /biz/.

>> No.5706074

>spending New Years trying to program this idea I have
>it only requires flask, css and html
>programming retard so it will take me a month probably
>pretty sure it will make me some solid money once it's done

Happy New Year, /biz/

>> No.5706089
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get in on the next big blockchain game while you still can: https://www.subprimecrypto.com

>> No.5706111
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I'm at my parebt house an i om biz

>> No.5706122

Shit site, not even indexed

>> No.5706159

>tfw i started doing this last year and have since done it for my birthday, valentines, halloween, and christmas
>will probably continue doing this as long as i live here
considering renovating the inside and adding a chair, soundproof padding, and a lock from the inside since i'll definitely be spending at least another 12 similar occasions in here probably

>> No.5706193

Is your family really that bad? Describe them

>> No.5706199

Does nobody notice the fact that you don't walk out the door when you allegedly go out?

>> No.5706215
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Why don't you just add a lock and soundproof padding to your regular door? You could buy them with your crypto gains.

>> No.5706229

Jesus dude get some friends, or at least hang out with your family

>> No.5706258

God if this is true this makes me sad.

Anon work on yourself, start going to the gym, hanging with family/friends more, see a shrink if you need one. 2018 can be much better than decking out your cupboard.

>> No.5706286
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Frank is that you? We've been looking for you all night

>> No.5706288

you dug yourself in a hole anon, gotta be careful with stuff like that. i used to do it for my part time job until my dad found me. i would work from 6pm-11pm so they would be asleep by the time i 'got home'.

i spent the time in my closet reading VNs on my laptop. good times

>> No.5706326

Shit like this is why I come to 4chan.stay classy boys

>> No.5706394

Same. Roommates are still with family, and I don't have any other friends really.

>> No.5706533

im just an awkward faggot who cant into smalltalk, says inappropriate things, and wants to only discuss crypto and watch my portfolio at this point. they're your typical upper middle class family and friends that only talk about their kids' achievements, trips they've been on, trips they plan on taking, sports, celebrities, trump, cars, etc. about 30 of them here tonight including the kids. they rightfully assume i'm always sarcastic and cynical and, as such, preemptively initiate discussions that way with me as well which makes any conversation pretty pointless and hollow

i always "leave" during preparations and come in through the back stairs, taking my shoes with me into the closet too. i've been caught a few times and i just say i forgot something but then just come in here anyway and assume that they assume i've left later on without them noticing. i cover it by texting someone saying something like "i forgot to check if my computer was off before leaving, can you look for me" to reinforce it

the idea is that they think i'm not here and actually out with "friends"

you're the only one in the entire world who understands me. how did your dad react?

>> No.5706587

>the idea is that they think i'm not here and actually out with "friends"

Right, but in the future, when you're "out" you can lock your door and keep doing shit in your room without risking them finding out.

>> No.5706628

This sounds very much what my gf tells me. She always tells me she is thankful about having me because I am someone she can be her honest self around someone for once. You should seek therapy, if you can, my friend.

>> No.5706633
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My favorite thing to do. So who's killing themselves if they fail to make gains in crypto?

>> No.5706686

Words of wisdom.

Happy new year /biz/bros. 2018 is the year where we all gonna make it.

>> No.5706691

>spent another night online looking at apartments i want to buy if my portfolio ever takes off

>> No.5706942

I'm thinking about this every so often as well. But if you get the money money why not buy a house instead? More private space without the dregs of society in the same building.

>> No.5707024
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Who would do otherwise? What, are you a normie?

Got something for you.

>> No.5707037

Wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.5707060
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>cashing out and calculating taxes
Goddamn me. You should do what I do and visualize all the cash dissipating when it goes in ,never to return again until you can buy what you want with it in that format.

Fuck taxes and fuck the current economic system to hell. Taxes is like welfare for the government, we have to pay to keep their busted old ass alive because they dont know how to run a profitable business. Yet they whine when WE are on welfare. Fucking hypocrites the lot of them. It's straight up theft.

I was thinking, do you think buterin pays taxes?

>> No.5707090

>I was thinking, do you think buterin pays taxes?

No. Even the almighty IRS can't touch the skeleton realm.

>> No.5707105
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>how did your dad react?

He was pissed, more that I was missing work than simply hiding in the closet. I really had to shit and he heard me walking from the bathroom back to the closet. He came in the room and said "You better not be fucking in here" and I just revealed myself with shame. Luckily he didn't see that I was trying to court an anime gf.

>> No.5707163


>> No.5707642

Sometimes I wish I had kids just so I could raise them to be gigantic faggots just like you guys. All the free greentexts and molesting that would occur.

>> No.5707665


Here's hoping for big gains 2018.

>> No.5708374

>caught my dad masturbating to my hentai
Happy new year...

>> No.5708661

Why don't you go out for a night stroll

>> No.5708687

Typical biz.

>> No.5708767

This tbqh desu

>> No.5708980

Seriously? Ah hahaha

>> No.5709478

So what, this shit is more fun anywas. Happy New Year anon, gonna be a good one.

>> No.5709511

I spent Christmas, Birthday, New Year etc. on /biz/ or 4Chan, I'm not even mad.