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57032190 No.57032190 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else hold the 3 most fudded tokens that actually solve blockchain problems? I.e. link -> oracles, ICP -> front end and chain key tech, Rose -> Privacy.

Stop acting like crypto is a sport or a cult where one is "better" than the other you faggots.

>> No.57032246

http outcalls on the IC solves this

what? oasis nodes run on big tech cloud. i don't want to re-invent the wheel, this is pointless. there's no one building dapps on this.

>> No.57032276

you forgot Avalanche, its actually way more important than ICP or Rose.

>> No.57032290

AWS cloud solutions for scalable blockchain infrastructure

Avalanche uses AWS solutions such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) to deliver consistent millisecond performance in order to confirm transactions instantly and process thousands of transactions per second.

“It has been a huge, huge boon to all of our developers to be able to spin up nodes on the fly, spin up test networks on the fly, using AWS,” says Gün.

no thanks, please tell me why web3 is using web2 tech for the backend
LOL you have no argument against this. you're not on-chain, you're on-cloud.

>> No.57032306
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Do you know what hedge means?

http outcalls on the IC solves this

Thats the point. If both link and ic are the only protocols that do this because if that feature is needed either link and or ic will go up and you win. Thats why you hold both.

what does avax do thats so unique to the blockchain space? If you say lower gas, I'm going to call you a liar, please see pic rel

>> No.57032320
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you faggot avax shills tried to continously claim that avax was much cheaper in gas, and then when inscriptions hit or whatever was causing bloat Avax shat itself in gas fees. You avax fags need to just leave at this point.

Heres another pic rel

>> No.57032359

>Avalanche uses AWS solutions
you can run an Avalanche Validator on any Server or Cloud.
>what does avax do thats so unique to the blockchain space?
Blockchain as a Service
Inscriptions literally killed Arbitrum with a lot less Traffic.
overall the C-Chain is doing fine, also Inscriptions burn a fuckton of AVAX and force dapps to scale out into their own Subnet.
Also only the C-Chain Subnet has spiked fees, other Subnets are still cheap.

>> No.57032399

>you can run an Avalanche Validator on any Server or Cloud.
that's not what web3 is about lmao. idc if it's aws, azure, gcp, whatever. none of that shit means apps built on avax are on chain. there's 0 point in building on top of avax if that's what its relying on in the backend.

blockchain as a service? how many cryptographers does avax employ?

>> No.57032411
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>Blockchain as a service
kek pic rel is you.
And what does that mean in terms of solving a problem in the blockchain space cause that just sounds like a buzzword.

>Inscriptions literally killed Arbitrum with a lot less Traffic. overall the C-Chain is doing fine, also Inscriptions burn a fuckton of AVAX and force dapps to scale out into their own Subnet. Also only the C-Chain Subnet has spiked fees, other Subnets are still cheap.
Google what a strawman attack is. I never mentioned Arbitrum. You attacked Rose and ICP and now are using Arbitrum to compare that Avax. Compare it with ICP. Have fees on ICP been hit hard like that due to ordinals? I'm pretty sure Rose is a ghost chain at this moment but its fundamental feature is privacy. Solving scalability isn't the feature so theres no need to compare here.

>> No.57032460

>none of that shit means apps built on avax are on chain
yes thats what it means. its all on chain and that chain can be hosted on pretty much anything.
>if that's what its relying on in the backend.
just run the Validator on your own server then. nobody forces you to use a cloud.
>blockchain as a service?
yes everyone wants their own Blockchain. JPM, Citi, Fidelity etc. want it for Asset management, others want it for gaming or some other usecase.
They dont want to hire blockchain engineers and spend a couple million dollars on it.
Avalanche allows them to launch their own Chain without even having to know any code.

>And what does that mean in terms of solving a problem in the blockchain space cause that just sounds like a buzzword.
Basically the original idea was to put every Business logic in the world on a single chain, this doesnt work. so it shifted to Multichain. Forking some new chain is expensive and requires you to hire people.
With Subnets you dont have that problem anymore.
>You attacked Rose
Rose is just an EVM, can be easily forked as a Subnet, read the first page of the whitepaper.
>and ICP
has no users, no DeFi, zero TVL and token not needed.
>Have fees on ICP been hit hard like that due to ordinals?
has no users and nobody cares, ghostchains get no load.

>> No.57032678

>And what does that mean in terms of solving a problem in the blockchain space cause that just sounds like a buzzword.
Basically the original idea was to put every Business logic in the world on a single chain, this doesnt work. so it shifted to Multichain. Forking some new chain is expensive and requires you to hire people.
With Subnets you dont have that problem anymore.

So the fundamental problem AVAX solves is forking a chain kek. Lmfao, Avax definately belongs in the solving a fundamental blockchain problem. We need to fork more eth and create the next 1/10000 chains already available on coingecko.

>and ICP
has no users, no DeFi, zero TVL and token not needed.
>Have fees on ICP been hit hard like that due to ordinals?
has no users and nobody cares, ghostchains get no load.
You understand datawise IC most likely already has more usage then majority of chains right because actual image assets, video and non currency related formats are already being stored on chain? So you're wrong.

>> No.57032979

>So the fundamental problem AVAX solves is forking a chain kek.
Avalanche solved scaling.
>We need to fork more eth
Avalanche supports every virtual machine, not just the EVM.
you can have a WASM VM or a Move VM or a custom EVM++ or whatever. its fully customizable. whatever your usecase needs, you can make a custom Virtual Machine for it. thats what everyone wants.
has no users tho and zero attention from TradFi or anyone else that actually matters.

>> No.57033025

>It solved scaling
50 dollars for gas fees. Sure it did. Again, I just said you can't say scaling anymore because of the counterexample I gave with avax gas rise due to ordinals. So again, what fundamental problem does AVAX solve?

>alanche supports every virtual machine, not just the EVM. you can have a WASM VM or a Move VM or a custom EVM++ or whatever. its fully customizable. whatever your usecase needs, you can make a custom Virtual Machine for it.
And kek, okay avax solved the problem of forking another chain besides eth. Really fundamental lmao.

>> No.57033139
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, Ava Cloud is the future.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 dollars for gas fees
only on the C-Chain, other Subnets have their own Fee markets and are not affected by the inscription spam.
>I gave with avax gas rise due to ordinals
Subnets solve this as already explained.
>okay avax solved the problem of forking another chain besides eth.
hm what should I do as a Business? hire 50 blockchain engineers, cryptographers, learn to code and pay millions of dollars and wait 2 years? or do I click 5 buttons and deploy my own custom Blockchain in under a minute?
If you still cant figure this out, you are probably retarded or some shit.

>> No.57034320

Great, who has done that, show me the forked chain that took 5 button clicks that Citibank and the like are ‘all about!’ Let’s see it. Infact, why don’t you spin up a blockchain just to shove it in my face and really show me what’s what.

Also: are you currently running an AVAX node. When you finally admit you’re not, why not? And why don’t you know anyone who is?

>> No.57034456

>Great, who has done that
Most of them are still on testnet, but Tokenization of RWAs is the next big Thing and its only possible with Subnets.
Thats also why JPM and Citi and all the other TradFi institutions are interested in Avalanche.
>why don’t you spin up a blockchain
what for?
here you can see all the Subnets that are currently deployed and you can switch between Mainnet and Testnet.

>Also: are you currently running an AVAX node.
yes I run an Avalanche Validator for 3 years now since mainnet launch.
>And why don’t you know anyone who is?
actually I know several node operators.

>> No.57034524

it moves tokens from a to b
does nothing else
every game coming out is just nfts

>> No.57034557

yes exactly what everyone wants.
Tokenization which is moving tokens and using smart contracts.
here let me post the link again, you seem to have missed it.

>every game
Avalanche isnt only about games, it can serve any usecase.

>> No.57034603

>it can serve any usecase.
it literally can't, because all it does is move a token. that's the only use case it serves. it doesn't do games at all.

a to b. the end.

>> No.57034657

how will you move tokens without LPL?

pools closed.


>> No.57034681


>> No.57034771

it's entire involvement in the games is holding an nft token. not even the image of the assets on chain of course. it's .01% of the actual games
of course all the retards you're lying to don't know it yet but they'll find out

>> No.57034793
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>> No.57035208

>it moves tokens from a to b
>does nothing else
>every game coming out is just nfts
>yes exactly what everyone wants.
>Tokenization which is moving tokens and using smart contracts.

Thats not fundamentally unique faggot. every single chain can do that. ICP can fucking do that lmao and you hate ICP.

>50 dollars for gas fees
only on the C-Chain, other Subnets have their own Fee markets and are not affected by the inscription spam.

coping hard lmao. If all it took was moving off c-chain to another avax chain why don't they? Why would you willingly let your customers pay more gas if it was so easy to fork another chain and deploy the app on their. Sounds like shill copium

>> No.57035250

>what fundamental problem does AVAX solve
Snow family consensus protocols (which avalanche is based on) are the only protocols which decouple the number of nodes validating a blockchain from the throughput of said blockchain. Every other PoS chain using classical consensus mechanisms (which is literally every single one, including ICP), the throughput drops as a square or even a cube of the number of nodes. It also is really one of the only protocols that completes consensus in under a second without any optimistic confirmation BS and without any permissioning of nodes. This enables a novel network architecture that no other chain can copy. Every single validator on Avalanche maintains a registry of every single other node and their associated subnets at all times. This means that, without any sort of central coordinating entity, any subnet on avalanche can pass arbitrary messages to any other subnet in the span of a single tx without additional trust assumptions or intermediaries i.e. no bridging of assets to move them between blockchains. Again, no other chain is able to do this without central coordinating entities and/or permissioned nodes.
As mentioned by the other anon, a subnet can use any arbitrary VM. Which means that 'muh a to b', while true of X and C chains, is a laughable misunderstanding. Avalanche consensus can be applied to essentially any user inputs and execution tasks one could ask a distributed set of nodes with arbitrary hardware to process. The blockchain maybe is simply recording the user inputs to apply BFT properties to a program run on a subnet with high hardware reqs. Or the inventory management data base of a looter battle royale game. Player 1 kills player 2, takes a high value item which becomes his property in under 1s, then extracts a few seconds later and sells it on a marketplace chain also run on the same subnet by the same validators for USDC. He then seamlessly transfers it to coinbase via C-chain.

>> No.57035316

So you're saying its doing what every single L1 does but more decentralized, slightly faster, and supposedly less gas (even though that doesn't seem to be the case see >>57035208). Thats not fundamentally unique. Thats an optimization of a unique concept the L1.

This is what you avax fags can't seem to comprehend. There is still competition out there and unless I really understood the technical jargon, I could flip a coin and select any other L1 and be satisfied. LIterally use fantom, lukso, matic,,etc. and then avax. Tell me you see any difference from a user end. Because I literally can't.
Optimization vs fundamnetally novel. You avax faggots need to get that through your thick skulls and stop shitting up my threads.

Not a single other coin beside link and icp allows for off chain reporting. Not a single other coin besides ICP allows for front end hosting. Not a single other coin besides Rose allows for privacy in smart contracts.

Faster and more decentralized is nice but that wouldn't dictate a monopoly. It is still the L1/L2 Market.

>> No.57035363
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>> No.57035513

>So you're saying its doing what every single L1 does but more decentralized, slightly faster, and supposedly less gas
It does those things by more than a small amount, but no, you either did not what read what I wrote or are deliberately misstating it. Snow consensus removes consensus as a scaling bottleneck, every single other chain is either permissioning validators (ICP), have very limited validator counts (MATIC), using so much tricky dicky engineering that they break when stressed (SOL), or flat out won't scale (ETH). These coins are also using UI BS to make it seem like they are able to achieve what Avalanche is but under the hood that is not the case. The tech doesnt matter rn because there's like 5 people swapping $1000 of obamasonicinu. Major institutions and applications are choosing to use avalanche though because for large scale adoption use cases the actual performance matters. The flexibility, performance, and interoperability is peerless amongst L1s. You should really think of AVAX more as an L0 though.
>Tell me you see any difference from a user end. Because I literally can't
Consider yourself filtered then kek
>Optimization vs fundamnetally novel
Can't read confirmed.
>Not a single other coin beside link and icp allows for off chain reporting. Not a single other coin besides ICP allows for front end hosting
Link is great and is solving something an entirely separate issue from AVAX. ICP is fine if you want a permissioned, centralized, throughput and latency constrained front end that has BFT properties which AWS does not I guess. That's not really that impressive or important of a usecase though frankly. Rose is essentially a VM that can and should transition to an avalanche subnet.
It's funny that you stan 2/3 IC3 protocols but seem to not understand/shit on AVAX.

AVAX = Solves consensus and separation of concerns with interop
LINK = Solves oracle problems
ROSE = Solves most aspects of SC privacy
ICP = BFT webhosting