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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57030324 No.57030324 [Reply] [Original]

postponed to early next year. What does that mean in chainlink time frens?

>> No.57030353


>> No.57030362


>> No.57030363

It means no updates until late December of 2024, at which point a statement will come out that they are just about to finalize it and working hard to be able to release a closed v0.1 alpha version early 2025, subject to final testing.

>> No.57030372

If you don't know the source you need to lurk moar

>> No.57030399

Why would a dev work hard at chainlink when there's no consequences to never delivering? Kek just wank 7 hours of your work day remote at Phuket, log in and listen 15 minutes to the stand-up and debug for 45 min and call it a day for a sweet $200k package funded by LINK bagholders

>> No.57030411

It means NEETs like us get fucked over, again. This moron assumes we’re all wageslaves or something.

>> No.57030413

Here you go everyone:

>> No.57030464

where's the actual update? I'm beginning to think there isn't an actual product

>> No.57030465

Newsflash Sergey, NEETs like us don’t need millions, 400k is enough to set me up for the rest of my life so I don’t know what the fuck you are doing by letting all the wageslaves accumulate for 6 years, you think us NEETs have more than like 1000-2000 worth of chainlink we can buy total? Fuck you.

>> No.57030619
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>> No.57030639

It means no MGA before 2024-12-31 23:59:59.

>> No.57030692
File: 152 KB, 1103x1113, 1693542405168353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEETs like us don’t need millions
I need millions

>> No.57030715

Shouldn’t have fudded people out of ETH then, I got fudded out of that shit at $10 by people on here telling me I needed a secure brand new computer to store it on.

>> No.57030729

Good thing I have dozens of make it stacks (100 link)

>> No.57030740


>> No.57030821

I have a sui stack left cause this fat fuck wants me to invest 150k to make 300k at most and wait 6 years when all other coins have been a better value and time proposition than that.

>> No.57030853

And the only reason I didn’t slurp at $5 is because I have no income Sergey you dumbass I already put everything into your coin already

>> No.57030911

Look, the despair phase is over. 2022-2023 were bad but things are looking good these days, especially with ccip general coming out. If you're that worried about it you should be diversifying into those other coins with better value and time proposition and then flipping the profits into link. That's what I did. I bought a little more link during the bear market, but put like $1k each into about 20 other cryptos. If one of them goes nuke-yooler and lets me top up my link bags that will just be icing on the cake.

>> No.57030923

>I have no income
Yeah that's where you're really fucking up. You should have been working overtime the last 2 years. Bear market is the time to work your ass off. Bull market will be time to rest.

>> No.57030924

Chainlink is like when im taking a shit, drop a perfect first strike but feel like more is coming. Push to get the extra satisfaction, but the shit only comes like halfway out and needs to be cut in half by my assgrip. Then I feel the leftover bit getting sucked into my depths and it feels uncomfortable.

>> No.57030926

I DESERVE millions after all the mental anguish I suffered from the dumps

>> No.57030941

That's the spirit

>> No.57030970

They’re good but now I have to deal with not being a NEET node if I want to cash out at all because this scam POS coinbase listed solana scam coins that I lost all my free capital on after buying them after they already scammed me out of around $30-50k before on that scam chain. So I have to unstake from the early access pool and abandon NEET node status cause this fat asshole made us wait 6 years for this shit.

>> No.57031019

Or you could just get a job. It'll be good for you. You can leave the house. Interact socially. Get a little exercise. Make some bucks. Buy some more shitcoins. You know, not be a pussy.

>> No.57031022

I refuse to wageslave. No idea what Sergey’s plan is but if he wants to raise the poor out of poverty then he is failing completely, everyone is expecting ETH and BTC levels of return and he wants to give everyone a 2x after 3 years or more.

>> No.57031027

>We started the year by stating our three priorities:
>1. Launching CCIP
>2. Launching Data Streams
>3. Launching Functions
>Thanks to our incredible partners, our vibrant community, and our hard-working teams, we were able to reach these three ambitious goals.

Wait... CCIP launched? Was I asleep?

>> No.57031032

I’d have to go back to college for 4 years to get a job. By then the train will have already left the tracks.

>> No.57031069

>I refuse to wageslave.
That's so fucking retarded. Just do it for a little while. I'd rather wageslave than lose my stack(s). And no you don't have to go to college. I work at a job right now that pays like $30/hr and I can work like 50 hours a week if I want. That's like $5k a month after taxes. Granted I work really early in the morning, like 4am, and the work kind of sucks. But it's absolutely worth it to do during the bear market to stack a whole bunch. When shit goes off I'll be in the millions in no time. Plus it's good for me. I get up really early and exercise all day. My rest will be that much more deserved than if I'd just sat around waiting for link.

>> No.57031110

My resume is 12 years of NEETdom of playing video games and reading manga after high school. If you can find anywhere that would hire me then be my guest. I worked community service for that faggot Tenboro on e-h for like 4 years though and that faggot doesn’t even appreciate my work.

>> No.57031175
File: 102 KB, 1254x654, The Testooor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testsisters, I'm gonna test!!!

>> No.57031207

Dude there's tons of places that will hire you without even looking at a resume, or even an application for that matter. If anyone asks just say you were working on studies or travelling abroad. You can even say you were going to school, they're not gonna check. You can make like $18/hr at a place like walmart which will hire you on the spot, or go do some more manly shit like construction laborer. Literally go stock shelves at a grocery store and get a discount on your groceries if you have to, anything to not sell your stack just to live off of. For a few months at the beginning of 2022 I worked in the meat department of my local grocery store learning to do butcher stuff, and also sniping all the good cuts for myself to buy with my store discount. Didn't pay much but it was better than nothing. Then when you have some income rolling in, you can just leisurely look for something that pays more.

>> No.57031273

I feel for you, in a similar situation. but instead of 12 years of NEETdom, it's 10 years of school towards being a pharmafag. also been unemployed the last 2 years.
comfort all depends on how big your stack is. and if you're seething like this it's because your suicide stack isn't enough.
can't be too greedy when literally sitting at home being a NEET.

>> No.57031480

Stop trying to help him, he’s a weak defeatist.

>> No.57031510
File: 23 KB, 322x364, 1696568938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point

>> No.57031524

It means we'll be talking about how it'll get released at smartcon in december 2024 and then it'll come out soring 2025

>> No.57031533

I had no idea minimum wage was $15.50 an hour now, I thought it was still $8 an hour. I would have been stacking chainlink these past 3 years if I knew that. Thanks.

>> No.57031696

Also, kill yourself Tenboro. I did grueling 16 hour a day manual labor for you for 4 years working myself almost to death because anime and manga helped me so much and I get my awards taken away and you sending me out to take a rape and lolicon test in my home country. I genuinely hope your entire family dies.

>> No.57031729

Hey stop browsing /biz/ and go look for a job. I get to be here because I already worked an 8 hour day today and it's only 1pm.

>> No.57031903

Dude also stole my 5-6th grade art idea and made an entire business off of it. Nothing but thieves and crooks in this world.

>> No.57031918

It's ok, it was worthless anyway. Now go the fuck outside.

>> No.57031972

So worthless that there are over a million art galleries on his site based off of it, right. Your crypto is never getting unbanned lmao. I’ll make sure anyone holding it in my home country gets the death penalty.

>> No.57032131

I've been talking to a chatbot...

>> No.57032142

At least you've moved on and you're not bitter about it anymore. Can you imagine carrying around that anger forever?

>> No.57032176

I didn’t feel a thing until they made me feel billions in opportunity cost for not buying btc at 3c when the only reason I didn’t buy it is because a group of people came into my house and stole all of my paper money and valuables.

>> No.57032255

And I’m like 95% over that too so it’s kind of ok.

>> No.57032294

The main problem to begin with is this perfect girl I met when I was young NTRed me to begin with, that impacted me way harder than all this crypto stuff. And I’m like 98% over that too.

>> No.57032365

Reading through that blog post and Chainlink is just talking openly about onboarding capital markets.
Why is Chainlink not the #1 talked about project in light of this?
Is it literally just a case of “VCs hate it so they don’t deploy their shill squads so retail doesn’t care”?
Is it “lots of grifter projects make noise about institutional adoption, so Chainlink’s actual institutional adoption gets lost in the noise”?
Is it “retail literally only pays attention to line go up and fundamentals don’t mean anything”?
Is it all three?

>> No.57032367

>subject to
>final testing

>> No.57032432
File: 42 KB, 595x175, insider here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The insider was right again!

>> No.57032438

not even caroline would manage to come up with so many weasel words

>> No.57032471 [DELETED] 

You think it’s worthless because he’s hiding all the good galleries behind a secret club.

>> No.57032483

I’m done. Selling LINK I’ve held since 2018 and moving on. I hope Sergey ends up in prison.

>> No.57032718

>Wait... CCIP launched? Was I asleep?

Yes. On mainnet.


however it's limited in that you need to apply to receive access to mainnet (i.e. your dapp needs to be worth a damn to deploy on there). It's free for all on testnet which is the main deal since you need to a place to build your xdapp first.

>> No.57032817

>Why is Chainlink not the #1 talked about project in light of this?
Where should these discussions happen? The largest crypto board called reddit? People have been gaslighting people about link for 6 years now and now for some reason its not popular.

Maybe if link actually had a good community, people would discuss it more. Its a shame what link holders did.

>> No.57032870

yes, anon, the industry really is that petty.

>> No.57033275

is there a dune chart thing where we can visualize usage on the mainnet only?

>> No.57033303

The team merely needs to make the price go up for people to talk about it. It’s that simple, and they refuse to do it.