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57029990 No.57029990 [Reply] [Original]

Im curious about what average bizreader thinks about this.
Will Web3 gaming be a narrative again?
I dont really know many of the names inside it, but Squarenix and BreederDao are both big names.
I feel its the same when ubisoft wanted to get into it too.

>> No.57030136

big companies getting into blockchain tech was a huge fucking mistake and not a good thing at all. gave us an even worse look than most normies already had on cryptoshit.

>> No.57030148

>bunch of literal who's and square enix
lmao yeah buddy 100% bullish on this. totally.

>> No.57030158
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 1601234950123990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFT's and blockchain vidya were never a "narrative", but a complementary addition to a portfolio. You don't go all in on that shit ever but APE was ok back then and AXS was pretty great no matter the folio.

>> No.57030164

only interested in projects that bring the tech and in that pic i only see iq protocol and layerzero. lz is not even dedicated to nfts to begin with but whatever.

>> No.57030173
File: 62 KB, 431x512, 1671205812306812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch me nigger

>> No.57030185

But if you think of it as part of a metaverse, That was the actual narrative.

>> No.57030189

Oh no normies that were never interested in the first place hate crypto even more now. Oh noo the tragedy. Retard logic, symbiosis is most likely going to tank really hard (in no small part due to its massive delays) but it was a good catalyst for other companies to have interest in the tech. it was the best word of mouth marketing for nfts as a whole basically.

>> No.57030194
File: 42 KB, 414x479, 1601239501239501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is square still making their gay ai generated blockchain souless trash game? holy. i thought the 2 views it got on youtube and all the negative sneedback would be enough to get it canned.

>> No.57030199

Oasis as well.
You get it.

>> No.57030200

Fucking kek you shitskin, none of those are actually GMI KEK

>> No.57030212
File: 57 KB, 1060x351, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are so, so back.

>> No.57030213

That's all they're doing lately, trash and soulless games.

>> No.57030266

Normies coming over thru squarenix window? guess thats more money to leech from newcomers lmao.

>> No.57030293

We're always back, it's called the cockroach effect.
Actually there's a lot of economist trying to study and understand this new kind of resistance.

>> No.57030336

it's really not a mystery, it's rational to chase incentives.
yes it will be narrative
no the games won't be fun or decentralized
time for more CINO innovation (tm)

>> No.57030391

>it's really not a mystery, it's rational to chase incentives.
yeah tell that to last year bear market

>> No.57030423

it's also rational for the price of bitcoin to implode when miners are forced en masse into bankruptcy

>> No.57030439
File: 215 KB, 960x1078, 1484596578469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let that idea cook for a sec on his rotten mind lmao

>> No.57030458

Niggers are not letting it sink that the words NFT, Blockchain and Game can't go along

>> No.57030473

web3 is a constant narrative as people realize that their data is quite public and companies profit from it.

>> No.57030495

that's a good point, it's useless to support projects that don't have something behind them, an objective to accomplish. there are many that were only created to steal money from the newfags.

>> No.57030523

cryptocurrencies and their projects have narratives, it is impossible to run a company without a clear objective and message.
Exactly, years ago all or most of them were aligned to consolidate a metaverse.

>> No.57030540

ugh they look so cool, if i was 15 i would be foaming on the mouth if it was anything but nft shit projects

>> No.57030546

It doesn't matter if they are big names, that's precisely why I don't trust them. For Square Enix their NFT game is just a small part of their company and if it goes wrong, they are not going to go bankrupt.

>> No.57030548

Well, I made a shit-ton of money quick enough on Axie even had a some 3dworlders farming me teams, but who knows it works for some and for other it doesnt.

>> No.57030559

>I feel its the same when ubisoft wanted to get into it too.
Ubisoft and Electronic Arts will go to anything that can make them money, I'm surprised they don't have a division that assembles ammunition.

>> No.57030561

if ubisoft finally gets into nft web3 gaming shit im gonna die laughing, but die ultimately

>> No.57030564

You imagine square enix going bankrupt?
A fucking dream lmao. Fucking Tetsuya nomura motherfucker

>> No.57030570

What happened to Facebook/Meta and his metaverse?

>> No.57030572

anything that can bump or dump, invest in or rug, is a narrative, theres a narrative around the concept, if you want to look smart learn how to explain yourself first

>> No.57030575

>Normies coming over thru squarenix window? guess thats more money to leech from newcomers lmao.

>> No.57030580

>Kingdom hearts NFTs
Any meme involving nostalgia for 90s kids that zoomers don't remember but for some weird simulation reason latch onto really hard.