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57027202 No.57027202 [Reply] [Original]

Recession avoided, inflation down as economy defies dark expectations to be among the best ever. We are in the golden age for the US economy

>> No.57027217

It's about to crash and burn, isn't it

>> No.57027228

Number of times they have promised a soft landing: more than once
Number of times they have achieved a soft landing: zero
Number of recessions they have delivered instead: all of them
>Source: Allah

>> No.57027261

Main street is in a massive recession. Wall street is not. Finally we have an economy that works for everyone and not just corporations and billionaires.

>> No.57027270

>found a way out
By redefining a recession lol

>> No.57027276

Tick Tock Drumpfies

>> No.57027278

>Increasing your GDP by sabotaging europe
fuck you

>> No.57027293

We didn't get a recession but we got crazy inflation instead.

>> No.57027338

I keked a small!

>> No.57027369

yep, always do the opposite of what /biz/ and the fed says

>> No.57027385

Corporate hasbara.

>> No.57027409

oh sweaty, they think it's gonna land softly, anyone buying after blackrock and all the top jews say "it's safe to invest again!" is peak exit liquidity and deserve to lose their money

>> No.57027552

From that headline, yeah, it looks like sometime must be very wrong and they will blame it on something other than the FED.

>> No.57027562

>by sabotaging europe
by europe sabotaging itself*


>> No.57027674

That's it! I'm selling everything and buying ADA!

>> No.57027736
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>by europe sabotaging itself*

>> No.57027763

Go outside. We are in a recession already.

>> No.57027773
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The Biden Administration literally changed the definition of "a Recession"

They also changed the metrics behind how CPI is calculated "reducing" inflation by simply "ignoring " half of it

United States of Long Florida and Turbohio


>> No.57027817
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4.9% GDP growth. We did it

>> No.57028135

Take that Chuddies. Janny Pow and Janny Yellen got this figured out. West has risen. Billions must prosper.

>> No.57028400

Why did they depict Trump as being shorter than Biden? Trump is 6 feet 3 inches, Biden is only 6 feet.

>> No.57028406

The yield curve is still inverted

>> No.57028413

Mcmansions must be sold. It will perpetuate for as long as it wants.
It's coming down surely but before then there could be two bull runs to make it extra spectacular

>> No.57028436

Thank you based Biden! He has earned our vote now.

>> No.57028440

This and yes

>> No.57031086
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I'm going to do the opposite of everything and keep filling my XOR bag, if resection isn't going to happen now I better move before I get fucked

>> No.57031330

Reminder that the same Polish government shills from /k/, AKA the glownigger board, are also shilling on /biz/ because they need to sell the idea that Biden didn't totally destroy the US economy so he can get reelected and keep sending Poland, eastern Europe, and Ukraine hundreds of billions of dollars in aid. The Polish government is currently engaging in foreign election interference against the United States and needs to be sanctioned by the next administration for being the direct threat to US democracy that it is. Call your congressman and tell them to investigate foreign election interference on behalf of Biden.

>> No.57031711

Feels good having the adults back in charge ngl.

>> No.57031734

Literally this. They changed the definition of recession, vaccine, and inflation to push their narrative. And no one cares.

>> No.57031745
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I support total vaxxie enslavement

>> No.57032063

Do people actually believe this? even the most braindead niggerlover lefty knows things are getting worse

>> No.57032092

Europe deserves it.

>> No.57032241

the magic of 5% deficits
biden is a true visionary
and if trump wins, he's going to copy the same trick, just as he did with obama !

>> No.57032297
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Trust. The. Experts.

>> No.57032349

The govt. has been changing definitions and how they calculate inflation, unemployment, gdp, all sorts of bullshit for longer than the last century,
Govt spending counts for GDP when it's all a drain, stolen taxpayers' money (and that doesn't cover it either). People disappear from unemployment statistics when they haven't gotten a new job after a short time (and all the parasites who never got a job, just gibs, are hidden away too from those statistics). Inflation stats keep chopping away at everything a normal person spends on like fucking food and housing yet a tv gets slightly cheaper (or vehicles get extremely expensive but they fuck the numbers somehow that that's not as bad either). \

Every fucking day of my life the govt and its tentacles, education, endless departments, have lied to me.

>> No.57032687

Bobo on suicide watch

>> No.57032721

>Sabotage Europe
Europe sabotaged themselves by shutting down nuclear, buying Russian gas, and refusing to fund their military. You cunts got what you asked for.

>> No.57032726


>> No.57032734

On what basis would things crash?

>> No.57032753

May I see what they did? You know, the way out?

>> No.57032754

Everyone sucks off China and that's literally what drives their GDP growth. Aren't they based?

>> No.57034243


>> No.57034317

Reading this stuff is unreal, but at the same time it's not surprising. What really IS surprising is how docile, complacent and pathetic Americans have become. We just bend over and take it like a good little bitch. Nobody has any real, sane, achievable plan of fighting back. We don't really even know who we'd be fighting against. We've been completely subdued

that's pretty surprising considering our history

>> No.57034318

>shared reality
Stopped reading right there. Gaslighting phrase

>> No.57034956

>Dude the price of bread went up a dollar.

>> No.57034979

eat a bullet, troon

>> No.57034990

ze ess und pee fiehundered vil reach und neuw ull time high

>> No.57034996

>Repeat after me
Thank you daddy Powell

>> No.57035003

Nah, remember that meme card with some farmer's predictions on the distant future? We're headed for a much better bullrun than last. We're going to make it fren

>> No.57035005

Then do something about it

>Pro tip
You won't do shit

>> No.57035011


>> No.57035012

>there is no mass immigration
>there will be no lockdowns
>there will be no mandatory vaccine
>there is no inflation
>there is no recession

>> No.57035140

you fucking stupid retard, of course I won't. That's the point of my post you fucking subhuman nigger. Kill yourself.

>> No.57035169

>it's for your own good

>> No.57035220

So government is literally gaslighting its populations that everything is okay meanwhile the opposite is true and things hav E never been worse?

>> No.57035230

There's no need for a recession, since everyone is getting laid off anyway.

>> No.57035310
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>> No.57035330

That never happened

>> No.57035333

Phew, that was close! We gentiles sure are lucky to have so many smart Jews looking out for us!

>> No.57035351

401ks keep buying this thing on autopilot

>> No.57035355


Yes, by borrowing an additional 2 trillion dollars, half of it given to boomers as interest on bonds, the other half given to niggers as government spending. Gdp up 5% qll thanks to additional federal spending.

>> No.57035366

no no they would *never* lie to you
oh no a wild cyberattack occurred oh no we were doing so well too darn

>> No.57035370 [DELETED] 

Trump is actually about 6'1" and Biden is actually about 5'11"

>> No.57035425
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Actually, some of us are doing something. Buy Bitcoin and participate in revolution against the Jewish central banking cartel

>> No.57035845

they did on 08 too

>> No.57035859
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We're entering the orange (BTC) age of the US economy

>> No.57036004
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That's why we have to go back to Trump, I know everyone will go straight ape to me for saying this but man we were better back then, also don't care about politics, I care about my maga TRUMP bags because if Trump wins, this coin will go to $100

>> No.57036046

Then why bother posting about your cowardice? Everyone knows it, you did have to confirm it

>> No.57036130

Q1 2024
GDP worship does nothing and now neolibs and their zionist caretakers can't pretend anymore. fuck 'em

>> No.57036514

>>there is no mass immigration
>>there will be no lockdowns
Was never mandatory
>>there will be no mandatory vaccine
Was never mandatory unless you were a government cuck or a nurse
>>there is no inflation
As if America is the only country in earth. Other countries had worse inflation
>>there is no recession
Works on my machine

>> No.57036524

>Muh 2008
Why do zoomies think everything is 2008?

>> No.57036536

He's banned on the ballot in Colorado primaries. More states to follow. Basically lost already.

>> No.57036616

the fed signalling 3 rate cuts, and now actually 6, is a terrible sign. they would have no incentive to do this if things were going as well as people are pretending. they know something we dont. you dont cut rates that much if everything is going well during the current level of rates. its a very bad sign that no one seems to be picking up on even though its very obvious

>> No.57036641

they've been very deliberate with their messaging and haven't been this explicit with their long term plans. you could argue we knew they were going to raise rates each time they didn't otherwise say they would keep the same or lower. they want the markers to stay optimistic. they're trying to perform the "software landing" and are basically giving the markets a long runway with the messaging.
I don't think it's anything special. they have good news for the markets and the markets like it.
guess we'll see if the plane crashes instead. imo they could have played coy a little longer and not said so much, really makes ya think why now.

>> No.57036695

that makes zero sense
what i said is true.

>> No.57036788

Does it appear to you that they stand straight?

>> No.57036817

Because the election is next year and it helps Brandon but also because inflation slowed.

>> No.57036848
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the gaslighting with the economy is insane as well. i don't think i've seen the msm become this blatant with dismissing objective reality in favor of cherrypicked statistics and GDP numbers.
>inb4 a news article says that not liking the economy is "rooted in antisemitism"

>> No.57038550

I just had an interesting conversation with my commercial roofing supplier. Basically prices for materials are expected to drop significantly, but not because of inflation or supply chains finally stabilizing. It's because no one has any money or can get the necessary loans for projects. Spec bid warehouses are being put on hold because already completed builds are still sitting empty. Even spec bids for replacement on older buildings are being canceled or re-spec'd for retrofits because half the price. Stock levels of supplies at Beacon and SRS are retardedly low, even for the winter, because they simply aren't selling shit because the demand has evaporated. And this is with the State and City of Indianapolis pouring money held by the Capitol Improvement Board into redevelopment of shitty post-industrial areas all over the city. I also primarily do insurance claim work, and prying money from these faggots for legitimate claims has become EXPONENTIALLY more difficult. It's always been cyclical to an extent (good carrier pays bunch of claims, becomes cocksuckers in that area for a year or two, back to paying claims once reserves and reinsurance established), but never to this extent in the 15 years I have been doing this work.

>> No.57038675

Now that's some serious gaslighting, but what else do you expect from WaPo.

>> No.57038716

Thank you Joe Biden. It's nice to have someone reasonable and responsible in the White House.

>> No.57038919
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oh sweet babby

>> No.57038974

>Drawing downward arrows
>Ignore the huge as fuck upward trend right after
>Not downward arrows for the COVID crash
Guess what anon. That was the crash. You missed it. Tough shit. See you in 8 years.

>> No.57039015

Is this how you cope?

>> No.57039048

the yield curve hasn't even un-inverted yet either. we have plenty of time for a recession to materialize. once unemployment continues ticking up the next couple months people are going to start panicking.

>> No.57039057

No. I cope with a mortgage that's cheaper than local renters and an income that's in the top 1%. Good luck trying to catch that falling knife. Two more weeks.

>> No.57039247

>Gas still well above Trump-era 2 bucks a gallon
>Groceries 20-100% more expensive
>Credit card debt at ATH
>Used cars going for almost the same price as new cars
>Residential real estate prices are ATH
>Commerical real estate prices falling
>Borrowing literally 3x more expensive than it was in 2018
>Everything is great!
GTFO. IDGAF what you retards say, the stock market is not the real economy.
>Everything is fine

>> No.57039417
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>> No.57039425

if inflation slowed they wouldnt be cutting rates so aggressively. they would be coasting where they are because everything is working.

also inflation has never ever reared its ugly head in one burst and gone away. it always comes back harder without exception. if you think this time will be different, yngmi

>> No.57039492
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>> No.57040225

These. We already entered a recession early this year. Maybe when they throw biden under the bus they'll blame his administration for "hiding" metrics or something.
>People disappear from unemployment statistics when they haven't gotten a new job after a short time
This one is insane to me. I learned this one studying macro and realize the "obama recovery" was a complete fucking lie. Trump continued it as well with the "record breaking bull run." They're all crooks just changing numbers and politics for their own campaigns. It's insane.

>> No.57040230

The recession didn't happen because tons of people decided to wipe their savings and take on credit card debt to continue their spending sprees. Eventually all of that will hit a wall and then you'll have your recession.

>> No.57041983

>Trump continued it as well with the "record breaking bull run." They're all crooks just changing numbers and politics for their own campaigns. It's insane.
I don't think you get how inwardly positive Trump's domestic policies were for American production and manufacturing. Trump cost the anti-American status quo government 'stakeholders' trillions just by being in office getting in the way of the plans they had all worked out for Hillary Clinton to carry out without any opposition.

as for Obama, it's really all to do with the Federal Reserve starting their hyperinflation plan called Quantitative Easing, which was started to prop up Obama and devalue the fed note.

>> No.57042639

ESL retard doesn't know how to combine words. Wagecuck was fine as is. Maybe learn to speak English and then you can own a home too.

>> No.57042651

Ever consider that they need to make sure there's not deflation which is far worse than inflation?

>> No.57042672

>Written by Jews

>> No.57042692

>wypepol dindu nuffin


>> No.57042704

Just say you’re poor, came from a single mom, and love being j6’d again

>> No.57042751

It's crazy how indices need to hit certain levels before anything happens. Like how the S&P needed to make that ridiculous double top 8 years later before crashing

>> No.57042771

Not my fault you're probably done faggot kiwi and got jailed for going outside. It was always allowed in America. Even in the most cucked of states.

>> No.57042819

holy based
i live when The Adults are in charge

>> No.57043818

I don't think you get how red candidate and blue candidate take checks from the same people. Tell me again how much trump fought aipac?

>> No.57045026

I'm sure you can explain exactly why deflation is just so damn bad.

>> No.57045149

>no, you're wrong.
>you can totally afford to buy a new car and eat out more.
>what the fuck is wrong with you?
And journalists won't even dare to suggest the government statistics are not exactly objective or accurate.

>> No.57045227
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I was about to collapse and cry because i thought we were going to crash and burn, turns out locking out my bags on stake link and viralx pools was the right choice. Thanks FED

>> No.57046497

election year with dems in office
crash impossible

>> No.57046501

Because it would require a pay cut or everyone is getting fired as companies scramble to lower prices until only companies like Amazon can afford to exist at those margins. So like now but way way worse.

>> No.57046908
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>> No.57046946
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>I can't afford to buy a house
>I have to buy cheaper and less food
>I can't spend as much on leisure activities
>I can't buy as many consumer goods
>I can't find a good paying job
>Nobody wants to give full-time permanent positions anymore
>I have to surf above a wave of brown applicants just to get my foot in the door
>When I had to buy a car last year it was actually a better deal to buy a brand new one than used because the car market is so fucked up. It was 5 year old car with reasonable mileage and condition for 20k vs brand new for 25k.
No no no the economy is good the numbers are good why do you think the economy is bad though?

>> No.57046968

zoom out