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57025759 No.57025759 [Reply] [Original]


At $1000 per LINK stake.link would be rank #4 for TVL in liquid staking. That's ignoring any increase to the pool size and SDLs price.

Obviously as link staking grows with network demand stake.link will also grow and with it the SDL token and it's revenue.

If that whale who dumped over a million sdl a few months ago wants to start dumping again I would much appreciate it. I need more time to accumulate.

What's your stack size goals sdl bros? Personally I want another 5K minimum.

>> No.57025853

What could possibly go wrong with that much risk?

>> No.57025858

I'm just gonna stack more LINK instead

>> No.57025886

Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice.. well u can’t fool me again!

>> No.57025905

Sdl apy is currently 6% and you get stLINK, redeemable for LINK 1:1.

>> No.57025910

>What's your stack size goals sdl bros? Personally I want another 5K minimum.
Forgot to mention. I want 30k sdl. 5k staked 0 yr lock up, 25k (1 OG LP amount) locked 4 yrs.

>> No.57025994

Fuck off johnny horse. You astroturf this place everyone knows.

>> No.57026014
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If you are unaware: Mr Huxtable is a british man who has been spamming biz since 2018 with his small time project.
As a brit myself, i can tell you if someone makes about £1,000,000 the are pretty much set for life here. they can just buy 2-3 houses and rent them out for a very comfy life.

This is the goal of Jonathan's small scam. people were warning from the start that it made little sense to buy. however, Mr Huxtable has been spamming biz non stop for years, along with his team trying to give a false impression of how many people were buying his incredibly low volume, centrally controlled exchange token.

They did not need a big payday, as i described about. targeting biz, with even a small number of retards was enough.
Now you may understand the absolute ANGER over dexes listing their token, making it harder for them to control it a couple years ago.
Not only this, but when their entire project/scam/payday became irrelevant with staking, they went quiet. they are now trying to squeeze out anything they can from a few idiots.

Keep in mind, in all this time they have FAILED TO NOTIFY HMRC about their assets, token and any such related events to the token swap.

>> No.57026041
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you can see his entire history of tax filings here:

many anons have already reported him to HMRC and i encourage more to do so. He continues to post his project to biz like this thread to try make it seem like more people are involved and buying it than really are. he doesnt want much, jst a few hundred thousand is enough for this tax-fraud committing fat shit, and it is why he is targeting only biz.

He doesn't really want to attract too much attention to it and get caught for tax fraud, hence him localising it to biz

>> No.57026063

additionally, you'll find absolutely on reference as to who "We" are in the terms and conditions on stake.link, absolutely no reference to his POOLS CLOSED shell company, no references as to any business entity within the terms and conditions at all. This is all very intentional, and his attempt to do tax fraud.

>> No.57026330

You cant stake even if you had a million sdl. The pools closed

>> No.57026345






>> No.57026429

Yes you can and you'll be one of the first in line when the pool opens. Alot of anons have initiated the withdrawal in the community pool already

>> No.57026430

They said similar shit when promoting Linkpool. Don't fall for it anons, if you missed out on Early access staking, just stack more LINK or keep it in cold storage.

>> No.57026505

Jonny is liquid sharting in the pool again

>> No.57026590

You can still earn 6% apy of link tokens with SDL staking. And that will only increase as the protocol grows. There is a max suppy of 100m sdl

>> No.57026698

what about LPL?

>> No.57026729

Deprecated. If you have it you must migrate it

>> No.57026843

this is a bullshit copy pasta

this is a load of garbage also

meds now

youre 8 years old

yeah you wouldnt want to fall for LINK in 2017 at ico prices

LPL was revenue share, the new platform is SDL - stake.link liquid staking, Im earning way more than what i ever did with LPL now with SDL and when every one else starts to realise theyll jump ship, seethe faggots

>> No.57026881



>> No.57026890


>> No.57026902

So who pays you to care about my financial well-being anon?

>> No.57026941

I reported him.

Johnny you scamming horse rimming ass is going to prison :)

>> No.57026964

you type in capitals, your coping with life

i dont care, please dont buy SDL and if you have any sell it

reported what, your classmate to the headmaster?

>> No.57026987

who fucking cares what you earn in apy you stupid faggot. johnny and eric robbed money from users, and two sergey himself has said that chainlink is a long way off from any real progress being made. you’re a fucking retard for locking any money up with sdl(johnny the thief)

>> No.57027009
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>> No.57027031

Jonny and Eric didnt rob shit from anyone you shit talking faggot, Sergey also owns 7.7% of the SDL token supply and has given access to his staking contracts from v0.2 app to Jonny(stake.link) ....seethe fuck wit

>> No.57027078

So you want your money to be wasted?

>> No.57027084

First it was LP
Then it was LPL, lpoLINK (redeemable 1:1 for LINK) and LPLA.
Then it was SDL and stLINK (redeemable 1:1 for LINK).

Fool me once...

>> No.57027085

What's the MC anf volume of lido dao :)

>> No.57027087

SDL is a failed shitcoin you absolute retard. they closed the DAO months ago

>> No.57027089

Keep up anon, this is crypto, a project that doesn't adapt to changing Market conditions will die

>> No.57027110

-BTC was a financial revolution
-Okay now its digital gold
-Okay now its a NWO coin as etf's are being submitted by existing financial institutions

>> No.57027123

what has it failed? im making so much from the apy, way more than what i was with LPL...

>> No.57027211

fucking hell you absolute losers make yourselves so obvious. Jonny and other people involved are writing these posts. Sergey has that amount of SDL because you FUCKING GAVE IT TO HIM.

Its no different than when every scam gave vitalik a large amount of the supply to try seem legit.
Linkpool/SDL is such a small little scam, and Jonny and Co want such a small little paout(about 1 million each would be their goal) that they can still do this only targeting biz. its also why they shill themselves, wont even pay fiver jeets.

>> No.57027213

>please dont talk about LPL
>I care about your financial well-being related to a known scam like SDL
never selling my LPL sorry if this upsets you
sounds like you missed out on LPL and are coping anon?

hows your sex life?

>> No.57027214

Scammy northern hands typed this post

>> No.57027235
File: 577 KB, 900x636, jonnymandias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> bullshit copy pasta
It's literally your company filings at Companies House Jonny you scammer. HMRC are already looking into it, so expect a letter soon. In the meantime, keep reporting him anons, doing Kek's work

>> No.57027327

The funny thing is even if they did nothing wrong the way Britain works is he will be fucked up for being a regular geeza trying to make it in a caste based society

>> No.57027357

way to not adress my points about link not coming to market with any products for at least two more years. You locked up for four years to get 6% apy. you literally locked up your liquidity with a thief

>> No.57027441
File: 51 KB, 544x680, signal-2023-11-30-21-33-36-633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fornication is a grave sin anon. Repent. Make straight the way of the Lord!

>> No.57027449
File: 472 KB, 1352x1800, F9TkVJvb0AEg0sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link not coming to market with any products for at least two more years.
Why do you lie like this? Lying is a sin, are this rate your own mouth will condemn you. Repent.

>> No.57027620

>The release of Chainlink Staking v1.0 marks a significant step forward for the decentralization of the Chainlink network.
>During the early migration phase, historical stakers of v0.1, v0.2, v0.3, v0.4, v0.5, v0.6, v0.7, v0.8, and v0.9 staking will have the opportunity to migrate from the community staking pool to one of several node-operated staking pools, as the network transitions to a distributed staking model

>> No.57027755

Do linkpool faggots know they fuck with linkies who used to pool money together in ICO that they can pool money together to find you scammer johnny rims horse? That day will come

>> No.57027931

its not a lie when sergey himself said 2025 is when they might have a product. thats after the bull run, you are being strung along again

>> No.57027947

>buy *after* the pump
oh biz

>> No.57028070

Chainlink data streams is a product that got launched this year. Repent.

>> No.57028312

this does nothing for the token price. you do want the token to go up in value past btc cycles right anon?

>> No.57028331

How do you see these actions on etherscan?

>> No.57028367

>redeemable for LINK 1:1
until your liquidity gets rugged a la Bancor

>> No.57028415

>Buy SUPRA instead. Rather than waiting for LINK to 2x, you can wait for 200x on SUPRA

>> No.57028593

LP -> LPL -> SDL is the result of a private company raising capital, realizing they can't deliver what they promised their investors, and deciding the best way forward is to just dilute the shit out of them.

That's not adapting to changing market conditions.
That's having a shitty business model, not owning up to their mistakes in planning/operating said business, and diluting old investors in order to reboot with a new business model (Trust me, this time it REALLY is a sustainable business model. Not like before, when they said it was a sustainable business model and it turns out it wasn't. lmao)

>> No.57028644

not possible sweetums

>> No.57028810

>until Jonny decides to dilute investors (in good faith) again

>> No.57030382




>> No.57030935





>> No.57032002

You aren't going to post any proof that Sergey owns that, are you?

>> No.57032042

I have some sdl, or resdl or whatever the fuck it is now, and I really have no desire to even stake it let alone stake my link through them. I'm just holding it to dump if the price ever goes up again. Should've dumped at $.70 recently.

>> No.57032088

lmaoooooo nobody has withdrawn shit

>> No.57032205

But why would he lie...????

>> No.57032914

Masturbation is a grave sin.

>> No.57032931

The link in the staking pool doesn't leave. If you withdraw you get link from the priority pool while the owners of those links get stLINK. This way link is staked with an uptime of 100% to maximise rewards.

>> No.57032971

No. You would see transactions on etherscan.

>> No.57033007

Maybe you are looking at the wrong address? When you get in from the priority pool you claimable stLINK, it doesn't go straight to your wallet. Rebase tokens also don't usually have transactions, so it probably won't appear until the person claims their stLINK. Though I would expect see to a movement of link from the priority pool.

>> No.57033114

Why doesn't one of us who is handy with these matters report them/him to HMRC? That would be rather useful. A well-worded letter outlining the SDL situation would go a long way, and we each report them by copying the letter. I'd do it but i'm not familiar enough with the whole thing other than they fucked everyone over with LPL.
Is anyone able to do this? I'd absolutely like to see them go down, and would do my bit in reporting them.

>> No.57033137

>how do you do, fellow chainlink marines

>> No.57033143

The Wenlock Road address changed last month to 101 New Cavendish St

>> No.57033184

You have to wait for your LINK before you can actually withdraw it...

>> No.57033332

ok now explain Chainlink staking contracts that stake.link have access to.. you moron

>> No.57033343

lol, youre a funny guy