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57019690 No.57019690 [Reply] [Original]

How's the job search going /biz/?

>> No.57019703

Failed software sales fag now seeking an apprenticeship as an electrician

>> No.57019747

trends picking up march 2024 will be good.

Start doing l33tc0de for 6 figure software j0b0.
This is especially true if you have any experience before. no comment on newgrads.
Imagine having a cumfy code job and your shitcoins mooning at the same time.

Doomers are like fucking b0b0s, the retard mumu makes it life eventually.

>> No.57020024

poorly desu

got laid off with slightly over 1 year experience.
its not great but i have a masters from top 3 school
am building a cool project.
should probably get back to that and off 4chan...

>> No.57020167

I finished my master degree and have 5 yoe. I have a DOGSHIT salary for my qualifications. 63k a year in IT. I want a new position to get out of this FAGGOT fucking job.
I wanna stab somebody, i hate that im still poor. On the brightside, after months of searching, i have final round of interview for a 240k total compensation position on Friday. Fingers crossed.

>> No.57020178


Kek why do I feel like the tech sales/recruitment to trades pipeline is in full swing right now

>> No.57020195

because it is and thats a good thing. we had enough of you keyboard clacking dweebs sitting around in an adult daycare.

>> No.57020364
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I'm in tech. This is by far the worst job market I have ever seen. Its a good thing. Epidemic of retards in this industry and they needed to be culled. That said, things are going to get a lot worse.

From my experience, autistic white males still produce at about a rate about 1000x over the 'learn to code' and diversity hire crowd. I am not exaggerating. Startups understand this.

After autists build out the technical side of a startup, things go well and the founders exit. The autists who do all the work get pushed out for being "assholes" because their new bosses are retards who ask them to do retarded things. These companies turn into noncompetitive zombie companies.

The job market sucks right now because the covid boom produced too many of these zombie companies and they are not able to grow revenue. They are full of retards and make bad decisions. As a result, VCs do not have the liquidity to fund new startups because they have too many zombie companies in their portfolios that can only pump from a combination of hype and central banking induced bull markets.

Without VCs funding founders/startups, autistic white males can not lay the groundwork for new zombie companies. Founders need VCs because they can not do the tech work themselves and autists are expensive. Autists need founders because they don't like or want to interface with the business/operations side of the company.

There is no saving these zombie companies. They way over hired retards. A lot of these companies with say 1000 employees only need about 50, however, there isn't 50 competent employees of the 1000 currently employed.

The tech job market will remain bad until either VC funding kicks back up or the 'learn to code' and diversity hire crowd capitulates and moves on. I believe it will be the latter.

>> No.57020386


The backlash against DEI is only just getting started. I don't think Indians/Asians have much patience for it either. Elon and Twitter felt like the opening salvo of the counter-movement in tech.

>> No.57020456

My main fear is companies will turn to AI in an attempt to boost their diversity hires. It will fail, but that will lengthen the amount of time a full recovery takes. All the while the work all the competant devs did will be trampled.

>> No.57020500

I always kek when I someone with this flair on unironically. Imagine being that cucked.
Good synopsis.

>> No.57020528

I was looking for work since March but then got a surprise promotion. I don't think the company I work at is going to be around in another 2 years but I will happily sink with my giant sack of cash.

>> No.57020560

not laid off yet, so far 2 years with no raise. the company did multiple layoffs already and not hiring anyone, plus some non-laid off people are leaving. doesn't make sense to quit though as it pays above market average anyway. I would get less pay with probably shittier team/work.

>> No.57020575

Whenever I'm done with my current job I am retired. Still waging because it's convenient remote work, high end health insurance is nice for the kiddos, and I may as well not have to actually take money out of investments, but I don't really need to anymore.

>> No.57020612


Don't quit, just ride it out. It's better to get laid off and get the severance + unemployment assistance from government.

>> No.57020715

What town is the best for call centers who will hire a warm body? Used up all the ones where I live.

>> No.57020731

Is the AI thing a legit concern for job security or is that a meme?

>> No.57020766
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I'm neeting for life and spending my welfare check on crypto. No one can stop me

>> No.57020818

Not really a concern for job security but it does contribute to weakening the job market further because its a tool that speeds up development in certain ways. Means companies are more likely to put more work on employees rather than hire more or backfill.

>> No.57020843

You won't get it. You reek of poverty and the interviewer will pick up on that instantly.

>> No.57021334

We have 1 minimum wage, entry level position open up at my company in Canada, the very first day 300+ applications from Masters and PhDs, all from Brampton. All these applications were forwarded by HR after their reviews....

>> No.57021415

90%+ from pajeets with fake credentials.

>> No.57021451

Upwork took 10% again. My money!! ;_;

>> No.57021540

Worst part is they end up getting hired because diversity and they literally don't know anything, they don't speak or write in proper English. Most get fired within 3 months but get replaced with the same ones. Also hygiene is very poor and we get corporate e-mail warnings about excessive body odor.

>> No.57022153

I already have a job where I have to show up twice a week. It is a 1.5-2 hour commute by car, and hour more by bus. I am looking for a remote job, or at least a workplace that is close to a train station.

>> No.57022270


I trust social security, 1000€ month + phone and bills. Peace

Job market is not for me I hate people

>> No.57023435

getting paid 4k usd a month (i live in a shithole so for me it's royalty tier) to basically just sit around
you know the meme where people say they put in 2 hours of work coding and do nothing the rest of the day?
I haven't even touched my editor in weeks, some days I don't even get out of bed
it's "comfy" in the most literal sense but it actually rounds around into being completely uncomfy because I'm just basically at constant fear of getting fired, I have no idea why they still keep me around

>> No.57023478
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Stuck in a govt "technical" job out of college which is basically glorified PM work. I don't even do much PM'ing at all...I want to leave and do something more technical but I haven't coded seriously in like 3 years. Planning on going hard studying again after I finish my masters. No point moving now since the IT market is so shit.

110k salary, HCOL
0 yoe (3 yoe non technical)

>> No.57023479

Nice rundown.
Here in australia, the learn to code meme is still going strong here within educational institutions. I was once asked by someone studying IT, how to clear up space on their HD.